("hnrob n! Brigham-Sonic†atap. m. 15:, ï¬nd and 41h Sunday. Third auuuuy m. 11 a m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. 111., nn 7 . m. Sunday School “$.30. Prayer meeting odnesrluy eveuiml- Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services an alter. I600 Sundays at!) a..u:.and 10.30 a. In. Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m.. and 1 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- (hv un or hefnre full moon Court. Richmond, A 0 ? â€"Meotfl second And ourch Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Meats third Wednesday 0! ouch 130nm" n u urn..- -nnï¬ï¬‚t‘ and fnvnH-I .K METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNING .. EVENING .. N. ‘B.â€"Regiatered letters must: be u least Fifteen \Iinutaa earlier than mentionen hours for closing. 'VCVamp Elam. Wednesjaj Between Toronto and Newmnrkot. GOING NORTH Leave C P R Crossing M 6. 7.20.140. 11.80 1.30. 2.40. 3.45. 5 40. 8400 p. In. ï¬ve Richmond Hill 8.10, 10.30, a. 111.; 19. 3.30, 4.35, 6.30, 8.50 D. m. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post. Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" MORNING .. 800 EVmNING, .....6.15 Leave Newmarkat at 7.30, 9.15. 11.15 a. 4.115.615.1310 p.m. Leave Richmond Hill. 7. 8.10, 9.55, 1 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6.55. 3.101). m is now complete comprising Black and Blue \Voxsted Twins. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best; quality. Low prices I am prepared to do listing and chopping every day. All inds of mill feed and c‘hop on hand. Anyone sending a sketch and deacri tion may quickly ascertain our opinion tree w ether an invention is probably pawnubie. Communim- tions strict-1y confldentiaL Handbook on Patent: gent. free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken throu h Munn Jr. Co. receive Opacmi notice, without 0 arge in the A _ JA- ".1 ,_. -..2-A‘A Manitoba. Patent and Pastry Flour POST OFFICE NOTICE A handsomely illustmmd weekly cuiation of any sciemxflc journal ms, 61. Sold by a} Gladstone Flour One of the best flours for homeâ€"made bread and general family use. Try it. and he mnviuced. year: tour mODLua, G]. cum u, u... . ‘ MUNN & N'ew‘Ygrk Branch ofï¬ce. 625 F St... Washlnzzon. D. “nu -- V_VV, A158 ‘W-lileut Géms. a. choice Break- fast Food. FALL AND WINTER My Stock of VVoolens for géféé‘ééiï¬Ã© "Maggy: Virih'ci) ()ï¬iée Mum, of Tnm peranceâ€"Meeta OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Village Directory. EMPERE Mi Tailor, Richmond Hill . J. HUME, I also keep the celebrated yA 0 U Wâ€"-Meats third Wednesday 11 n S 0 8 ~Meets second and fourth n nuanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday 3ng‘and-~Servic(a at 3p. :11. 1st, Jnday. Third bunxluy M11 3 m. n Church~ï¬ervicea at 11 a. m., an Av School at, 3.30. Prayer meeting MONEY ORDERS H. B. SUHMIDT. Proprietor, Newton BrOOK- GOING SOUTH ;d ;veekly Lament clr- Lc journal. Terms. $3 a Sold by flILpewsd-EIBIGI‘E. must: be handed in ‘lier than the above L 18 .5 S. 30 '; 13.20 2.20. m.; 2.3.15 Heaters, and ranges of all kinds,. sizes and prices. New and secondi hand. k FHWW+++$++M+++++ +++++++H+++++++++++W_ ++++++++++++++++++++++++4-4-+++++++++++++H++é~+++++++~§ METROPOLITAN GROCERY, IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. ivery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. Best Brands of Canned Goods Company York Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Confederation Life Association Mercantile Fire Insurance 00. Western Fire Insurance Co. Norwich'Union Fire Insurance London Guarantee 86 Accident P. G. SAVAGE Geo. McDonald. Richmond Hill -TO-DATE GBOCEEIES All business will have my prompt attention. Next Door North 01 W'aiting Room. . LU I) F() E? D . Proprietor Agent for the following companies: & Son. CANDLES Choice variety of resh and Clean. of BLANKETS, ROBES, COATS and M ITTS, and in fact; everything in the line of harness and all articles neces- sary fur your harness mom. Our friends have come- tn expect the best from us. “’8 sell the host, ab reasonable prices, and {or balance of the year will allow the following dis- counts for cash sales or cutleryâ€"Har- ness. 5%; all other goods, 107,. Buy now. \Ve have solid comfort in ï¬ber way Fm Man or Beast VII. ( MK 1 The Next Sitting of Division Coul‘t'tox N0. 3, Country 0f York, Will be held the in the Court Room. 00:- The Liberal and; Week} Globe The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire (Balance of year .‘I‘CC to new when The Liberal Sun The Liberal and Daily Globe (York County) The Liberal and Daily Mail 3 and Empire (York 00.) ‘ The Lilzeqml and. Daily 3 25 The Liberal and Baa Star "3 3. 37 The Liberal and Daily News The Liberai and The Farm- 991'" ing Word 630 The Liberal and Family Herald and Weekly Star with premium pic- ture,and Farmer’s Man-E ual andVeserinery Guide - The Liberal and Farmer’s Ad‘g'oeeï¬e vaind Home Magazine (New subscriptions, $2.25) The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder ()1 Improved Chester White Hugs. Lot 29. lst Cum, Vaughan (Thurnhill) has for sale some good young stuck. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept fur service on the promisvs. D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor. PLEASANT VIEW FARM MRICHMOND BILL BNESIGN - WM SATURDAY, JAN. 20, 1906 Instruction in th_e Art of Piano Play- mg. Classes in Rudiments, Harmony, Hustory, etc. Galvanized Hog Troughs Ripans Tabules cure blliousness. Ripans Tabules: at dmgglsts. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist 400. per Foot. RICHMOND HILL (Balance of the year free Grain chnpped at all times. World ommencinz at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Proprietor (Balance of year (Balance of year free to Made to order at (Outside villages (Outside villages and towns View free to new subsribers) Weekly to new subscriber Received in Savings’ Bank Depzu' mont and interest allowed at HEGHEST GURHENT BATES. Money Loancfl on Farmers‘ Sale. Rates. Blank Rene Fermi; §llpiPHCd E-‘rc c. {imam}. Banking Business Tranaaeï¬eé. and towns to jAMES NE\V1‘ON, Elgin Milli 1‘1. ’I‘EEF‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC, ooxxxsslouznm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Residence immediately south of the High School. For infm‘unfligly apply Tor other particulars call at the Bank adeuedï¬nduewly furnished throughout one otthe mos onvenien: and comfortable Eamon Yonge Street Every modern con- ience Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anidealsmppingplace for riding «driving parties,bicyclists. or farmers going morreflurning from market. Electric can pass the-loo: Livery in connection PALMER HOUSE RICHMON D IEIILLI Capital Rest; Notic sax- TERMS $1.0 PER DA: \V. C. SAVAGE - new subscribers.) ()1 Canada RICHMOND HILL H. H. LOOSEMQRE subscrlbers FOR SALE of withdrawal All deposits on demand DEPOS $1,000.000 $1,000 000 b-éITS 2&9 2% not neces- payable AG ENT. Prop