Calla by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 0311- by day and night promptly at tended to. JOï¬N R. CAMPBELL, DR. WM. ROGERS. Dentist, Room 12, 124 Victoria. St. Torc Boat ï¬tting teeth, also replatir lowest; prices. Good work. Ofllce hours: Tuesdays 1â€"3 p. m. AT THE UBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RIOHMONDHILL,ONT. VOLXXVIU. Cor. Carlton and Ynnge Sts., Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on \V nesday nf each Week. Omce, next door north of Stand and Bank. DH. HI IS PUBLISHEDEVEB Y THURSDAY MORNING VETERINARY SURGE N RICHMOND HILL . H. SANDERSON, Francis Block, THO} omce Hoursâ€"8.30 T011111 LO omce Safe Proï¬table THE ONTARIO BAN K .‘. F. McMAHON, 51 per ann ‘6 Richnlond [*Iill VETERINARY SURGEON 'I‘hornhill. DR. W. E. DEAN Onvenicnt BUSINESS CARDS. (Successor to Dr. Lawrason) INCORPORATED 1857. Ofï¬ce open “'ednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. . A. HADCaIFF 13’ v '- Ki H} CITY§ We game; Enxron a Pnormmon L W. ANDERSON, Dentist, DENTIST é‘ï¬mcrimzw “gt! ‘ï¬icat. e, 450 CHURCH ST. fleutal. a. m. to 5p.m TINHILL, Ont. B--inu ennyenieut in advance.] 931' Ill“ 1, 8â€"12 a. m replating, at (1 Work. y. Toronto. 00d :3 This Bank’s large zesourcez‘ ensure safety For um Phigkmt and mount») BUCKIKGHAM‘R man 1: MW): or I soft Muck. R. P. “ALLA m 0n ‘Ved \‘il hd Licene e Auctioneer for the County of Yer". re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales “traded on the shortest notice and at reasonaberatds. P.0.o.darau King J T Saigeon, Maple V_-- vuAvu'lllv G B Goulamg, Newton Brook above Licensed auctioneers for the County of York Sines wmndedtn on shortestnotiocwd I. no.- onublerates Patronagesolioitod Licenseu Auctioneer for the Goods sold on consignment stoc etc promptly intends. races Residence Uniouville an†. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK u‘dAMBERS, S. \V. Corner King & Yunge Streets, TORONTO, Private and Trust, Funds to loan at lowest current, rates. .. vol! .nuuu Auroraofliceâ€"Regox'ed to tho old post otï¬oa one door west. of the oncrnuce to the Ozlbunu Bnuk Newmarkec ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors louth of the p mt ofï¬ce 1‘ HEBRERTLENxox. u Brv Hanan: ElgiGIN MILLS LESIth & MGRGAN’. â€"’ ! Barristers and Solicitors. Monev to loan on land andcban el mortgages“ lowest races A...__-_ ‘1: » Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mond St. VVestJVesley Buildings, (Methodist Bhok Room,) To- I‘Imto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. JAS. NEWTON Mulock, Lee, Milliken Clark And doing nothmg to keep it? Most women line this}; heavy hair; long, luxuriant hair. on’t you? Then use Kai‘s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Eenewer. You nave what hair you have gnd get. more at the exams time. For the; Hxiakou and moustacho we mak- BUCKINGIIAFf‘H DYE. I: co‘orl 3 rich bmwn 2515!!!! lib-79k; B HALL 8700; Nashua. N. H. A G S Lindsey.K O G G F Lawrence W Ridout. Wadswth Barrister:,301icitors. Notaries. kc. Home Life Building (formerly Free bold Loan Bldg.). 00:. Adelaide & Victoria 815., Toronto. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES [Indorlakers d: Embalmors arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept M: both places. LIBERAL Ofl‘ice, Ric RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 1903 MONEY T0 LOAN Lindsey. Lawrence. w adsworth, COOK & JOHNSTON IN THE 136011. J K McEwon Maple Wanton Saigeon & McEwen. WRIGHT BROS, n. G. BLOUGH, . ll. PI entice. than! fl‘ice, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Aurora %mnl. ('Ouault “In Essentials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentiais, Liberty,- in all things, Charity nmeut Genera“ {aloe :tegdod to M I’OIBODIDII m: chepeunty of York ice makes it STV Honour aid twice a. Phone Main 2984 .ngent {or the AT bx. Nowmarket We recommend this crimson flood, It’s absolutely free-â€" No dupe nr gold cure, but the Blood The Bluod atones for me. 0, magnify the Lord with us, IA'L us His name exalt. \Ve sought, Him. He delivered us From every secret fault. 7 We’re in this ï¬ght, and mean to stay Till evm-y bar is closed. \Vr’re glad to vote just, as weén‘ay; To the bar-room we’re oppose . We have found a cure we recommend The Blood of God‘s uwn Snn; It. cleanses whiter than the snow, It has cleansed us every one. “We’ve thrown away the bottle, And taken up the Bible; We’ve thrown away the bottle, And will never dl'lllk again. We lowA [q Lei! Godfs power 159 save Pqpi- sinners fium hell’s hi‘ink, For he say-ed us from a. drunkard a grave. And all desire for drink. lnw, But We are saved by grace. Shad curse of drink has been our foe. nr ruin and disgrace. It wrecked our lives and brought us do P- ' Help me sin nu mme. Th9 Breastplate ï¬ts over my heart; “'hich Wards ntf m-ery ï¬ery dart. Oh Lord, Thy hlvswd strength impart. Help me sin nu murP. Thou hast, equipped nw fur the ï¬ght. And made my hmny burdens light; I’ll praise Thee, Luz-d, hath day'and night. Help me Sm no rum-P. My God. I want that men may see The blesseduess of serving Thee; To know that thuu cun’st St't them fl'l‘f‘. And help them sin no more. Lnrd, help me live. Sn close- tn Thee That all my ft-llnw men may see That. Js-sus Christ hath made me freeâ€" Help me sin In: more. Lord, snm-tify me by Thy grace: I‘ll trust Thee when I cnnnut truce, And snan I’ll see. Thw- face to face. Then I’ll sin no more. WE’VE THROWN AWAY THE BOTTLE CHORUS Help me sin m) umpe‘ BleSSPd Lard, Help me sin no more; Thuu art my Rock. in Thee I trusf, Help me sinflpn nun-e. Lmd. bless the Saved Drunkards‘ Baud. Help us loyal and true for Christ to stand ; Lead us all the way by thy mighty I deem it sum-Pd, that hlest day “'hvn Jesus washed my sins away, And untn this sad wrer did say: G0 and sin no mure. 0, how I thank Thee. prm-mus Lard. That I am arun-m-vd with the Swmd Of Truth. which is Thy Blessed Wordâ€" Help me sin Im mun-e. The HPh'xwt hf Snlvntinn [on Is ï¬tted on my head by you. Dear {,nyd, what- wilï¬ Thnu have me I-vmains WPH- léken to Humbervale Cemmpry. The following are amongst the many in his book of pm-ms :â€" A large number of his friends gathered at thv Chapel of Bates & D )dds un Saturday after-noon. Rev. Pasbul- Salmon of Bethany Chapel con- dur-tud the serviw-s. nssisted by Rev. G. T. Cnlwell. Chaplain of the “7951: End Goxpvl Temperance Society. His "My days and years are ended, And I have gone tn see Jesus in an His glory For all eternity.†The above lines were fnund in F. J. Ford‘s Bible aft/Pr his death in Grace Hospital on_ the 11th of the month. Mr. Ford was a member of the Saved Drunkards’ Band. and upwards of qu years agu while- a trump he hp- cumv converted at Niagara. Falls. He name to annnto and wan to NW “Rinkng Men's Home. and up to the time of his death remained aSSHCiated with it. He Was \my gifted in speech, and also as a compnsw nf hymns. and his mmvincing testimony has been the mvnns of saving hundreds. He has had a wonderful l?fe. After his mmrersion he took an :Iv-tive part in thv tempm-ance work in connection with the above Band, and has spoken in IH‘Hl'ly all [he churches in Toronto, giving his wonderful u-sLimony from u drunknrd and a trump to, a saved Soldier of the MustPl'. handâ€"â€" Help us drink no more. “60, AND SIN NO MORE" SAVED BY GRACE Glory to His name, etc (1110mm --F. J. Form Mr. 'amd Mrs. W. Armuur of Fort “’illnnn were visiting last; week at. Mr. A. Cameron's. The following were eluted oflicers of Maplv Public Library Tuesday 0V9"- ing :â€"President, J. B. McLean; Sen-1h tarvr’l‘reasurer. R. S. Thomson: Li- brarian. J. G. McDonald; Cnmmittee, Revs. Buck and \«Vilson, L. Richardsnn. Dl‘. Dunn. T. Mt'Cnr-nmr-lz Riv-u 1 U Kirhnyr's. TIH' Morrisml, Rumble; Rev. Mr. sunny’ékc‘hlï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©i pulpits with Rev. Mr. Love-ring of Multan on Sugdny. The Bank Social givpn by the “’0- pien's Auxiliary last Friday evening was well Rheude and a pleasant time spent. A shan programme was given by local talent, aided by Miss Benn-ire Smith of Kleinhui-g, who gave a couple of solos. A short address on “ \Vork" was given by Mr. J. G. McDonald. At the close refrvshmonrs were served by the ladies. An interesting feature was each of the Indies telling in rhyme how she had earned a dollar for missions. The proceeds amounted to about $22. Rev. Jus. E. Wilson was ('Hllk‘d away on Saturday to attend the funH-ztl of his hrother-inlaw at Victoria Road. His work was taken on Sunday by Mr. Pethick of Richmond Hill. Mrs. Bunti a few days with lt'lntï¬â€˜vvg. T‘rustevs of the church will hnlda. met-Ling in the school mum on Wednes: day :Iftw'mmn. Miss Margaret Henl-icks. Tul'ontn. spent hm- hnlidays with hwy friend. Miss Luqm Omnisky, "Mandi->1 Far-in." it Was thunght that the skating on the pond was uvw' for this year on ac- cnunt of tlw ice being so rough. but now if Jack Frost. makes a call it, will be good again, much to the delight of all thv skate-rs around Headfvrd. At the suhuul lxiilgtfr-mé‘imaujun. 12 in the aphnnl house Mr. Charles Clark was elected trustee. Farm.‘ Mr. Ferguson was an his way tu Kingstnu Unneusity where he in- tends finishing hh mlucatiun. We aw pleased to notice that Miss Com Brodie has recovered from her sew-re injury. Misws "Ulfke and Troy of Etolï¬coke. also Mr. Frank Duke of Thm-nhury. spent, in onnple- uf Weeks at the homeuf My: Jas. Barker. Miss Maud Hvlmkav spent'frum Fri- day unlil Monday with her friend. Miss Flurence Jame-x. “Maple Grove Farm.†Newtun Brunk. Mrs. Bund is spPuding a few days “u'tl. . ..I..4:.. Mr. Charles Cumisky Al'ï¬ï¬‚étlltllg, and Mr. I. taught the puhlic svhr some time- agn. all nf spent frmu Saturday 11 th hnme Hf Ml. Jus.( pie-$91132. S! “Hill Uunvvnlirm Jun. 18th and 19th which Was hvld at. Unimn'ille. Choir practice was held at the home of Mr. Charles Clark an Friday PVPn- ing. whr-n Mrs. Clark ugrvenhly sur- prised Llw choir by ghing them an oyster supper. The tnhlv was neatly arranged. and every amender did his and hur host; at, clvaning the oyster dish. A must (lolighu'ul evening was spfnt, by all pl’PSPllt. thei Mrs. Maggie Argu? uf Humiltnn, annm. with lwr two children. is spending part of the winter at tho par- ental hunw and visiting l-wr many friends here. Sunday by M;;{(it\é;(li;élcilulll- bong. Supra] of the Sunday Suhnol tpach‘ ers algdflpupilsrattumlml the» Sundm Mrs. Isaiah Best of the city of To- ronto has been calling on fricuds around the hum? of herchildhoud. and no duubt the grand nld son with its rich melody, the "Old unse at Home," was ringing thrnugh her ears. \Ve misv her very much in (119 church and state here. It svems the cities claim the host of our citizvns and re- quire outside. help, like “.lmmh.†to evangelize the city. Why untspenk tn thnsv in the cities. towns and vil~ lam-'5 as “M0993†spake: "And now, “ ISI'HPl. What dlvth the Lord Lhy God “ requirv (If the!- hut tn fwu' the Lnrd “thv GM], to walk in all His ways. “and to lnve Him. and to serve the " Lm'd thy God with all thy- heart and " with all thv- SuuLf’ The staff of mighty. eloquent prearhers in the city of 'l‘mlwmj‘u.shnultl lwsuflir'ientto (wan, gt-‘size. bhi‘ city without the hvlp of any outsiders. We- hin that Turemta will not nrcd annther Jun-ah to go thruugh it. Services were cnnducted here on . . -. .7 r lgun, Mount Pleasant; Saturday until Monday Qx't'. rf MI. .lus. Unmisky. Mndv Ffrgusult was 9;] hi§ w_ny Headford Maple [(-Cnrumck. er‘. J. H. Keys. and Miis s 19 and Jackson. Ynmisky. his friend, Mr. 1 Mr. J. Fergusnn. \vhn )lic SL'hOUl at Hendfnrd >. all of 'l‘emisknming. spJnL by n“ El. ‘Vinger & Son CARRVILLE, ONT. The-59 blocks can be used wiLh Pqunl success and beauty in any place either for houses or barns, veranduh pillar». chimneys, etc. For further lnfulluhâ€" tion inquire or write L0 â€" Ft)IIrf.hâ€"'I'h;y%a;ï¬hi:>' .fur about, 0n_eVLhi1-d IPSS than solid brick. Thu building uiuLei-inl “ hich is cum- ing into fmnr is (-uncrete made in un- itnlzinu uf rul: stunt, which will be fuund murh superior to any other nin- Lei in] lnr building pun-puse-s lur Elm follmviug i-easnus;â€"â€" Firstâ€"Cement blocks are made of thP most durable mun-rial. Secondâ€"The blucks lwiug nmdu hulâ€" lnw. “UIIM‘S un- nur dump like [lime CUHSLI‘IICH‘Ll «if snlid t:l1li('lelt. us the billion/s iu the hlncks murlnp. lhu- making a dead air space all ul'nund. nf srwernl iucPs. dwpvnding nu the thickâ€" ness nf wall which can beâ€" made riL‘uui- 8, 9. 10 m- 12 inches in thicklwas. Tbiul~The face being nine in exam imitaLiun of cut, stone. Lliuy luukc Llu: {ugliest building iumginnble. Hi Dr. Pieréé‘vsï¬Ã©aic-EI Kav-iéer is sent free on receipt of stamps to pav expense of customs and mailing only. Send 31 oneâ€" cent stamps for aper-covercd, or 50 stamps for cloth- und copy. Sick people, especially those suffer-1n from diseases 6% long standing. are invitr to consult Dr. Pierce by letter. rec. All correspondence is held as strict v privata and sacrodly conï¬dential. Adflress Dr. R._V.»Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. In all cases where there is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetitc, ulth weak stomach, as in the early stages of consumption, there can be no doubt that glycerine acts as a valuable nutritive and aids the Golden Seal root. Stone root, Queen’s root and Black Cberrybark in gromoting digestion and building up the esh and strength, controlling the cough and bringing about a healthy condition of the whole system. 01 course. it must not be expected to work miracles. It will not cure consumption except in its earlier; stages. It will cure very severe, obstin- ate. chronic coughs, bronchial and laryn- geal troubles, and chronic sore throat with lioarsenoss. In acute coughs it is not so effective. It is in the lingering coughs, or those 0! long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it has performed its most marvelous cures. Send for and read the little book of extiacts, treating of the roperties and uses of the several med- cinal roots that enter into Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and learn why this medicine has such a wide range of application in the cure of dis It is sent {roe Address Dr. R. V. ierce. Buffa o, N. Y. The "Discovery" con» tains no alcohol or harmful. habit-formâ€" ing drug. Ingredients all rinted on each bottle wrap er in plain inglish. Sink manna nennninllv fl‘non an'flnr{nn hPl' cousin. Miss Ethel Nixon. wlib was drvswd in a palr- hllu- m-gumiin «wm- white‘ and CHE-vied 3. hmlqlwt 0f pink r-nnmt'mns. Mr. J‘uhn Mnlluy nf King Creek. snppm-tvd the grnmu., Aftm' lhv c-vauny a nuqu-r uf g}!!th EHI‘X'FGXLK oï¬m Wedgiing dinnt-r,‘ aft-9w whh-h a twist: was ghvn. The bride wow :1. [inn-Hing ~1in nf light grew". The young m-nplw In-ft, on (he raveniug Main fur Tul-nntu and utvhm- (minis. The: presents were» custly and 'IHHI"""|‘“. The home of Mr. and Mrs JPrry Pin-my, Tnstrm. Ont., was thn scene ofa. very happy went on the after- nonn of January 17, when their only daughter, Mm-Lha Sophia, “as uniiel in marriage tn Mr. Malcolm A. Hu-t nf Ym-ktmn. N. \V. T. Rev. Newton Hill ofï¬viuted. 'lhe bride entered the parlor leaning rm her father's ill-m. as Miss Gertrude Tracey nf Schulnhvrg, played the wedding march. The bride was attired in a white silk, trimmed With gurnitnre of pmn‘is. and wore a. bridal \eil. and carried H hnuqm-t of white (vn'nut‘inns, and Wm assisted by The glycerine emplo ed in Dr. Pierce’s medicines greatly en ances the medl- cinal properties which it extracts and holds in solution much better than alco- hol would. It also possesses medicinal groperties of its own, being a valuable emulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and antlz ferment. It adds greatly to the eflicac of the Black Cherrybark, Golden Sea root, Stone root and Queen's root, com tained in "Golden Medical Discovery" In subdulng chronic, or lingering coughs. bronchial. throat and lung afl'ectlons, for all of which these (agents are recom~ mended by standard In ical authorities. A Valuable Agent. Subscribe tor Cement Stone [Single copies, 3 cts. M ATRI M ONIAL. LE FERAL