As the writer‘s name is not given "we are obliged 'to withhold certain anonymous correspondence relative to the Oarrvi’lie gravel .pit, as inseam 10 thron «amen: “om '1'Fh'e Va'ug‘h'a‘n Townshi‘ap ‘C‘C‘unci'nors. The griev. anoe -co'm‘qila3umi& *of may be well founded. 'b'u't me ohm-40f this paper 1is ‘ndt :prepami Kb vouch for the tel-um ‘0??ch c‘lmgé. A goodly num- ‘Jr'o‘i' ï¬â€˜Ã©Wspa‘pe‘r 'COrrespondents pm ~ Eiflg 1ltho‘iriammunmon from be- h‘mi Wm ‘wans. iï¬o‘ W. ‘Sc. from, M. P. P. for ‘West York and Speaker of the On- “:ario Assembly, is reported in The World of Monday as saying at a "meeting of North York Conservatives, 'in speaking of license enforcement, that “ while public opinion could pass 'a local option law, sometimes it was not strong enough to enforce it. The Government was considering vesting the enforcement of the license laws with {the municipality.†Mr. St. 301m 'concluded his address by say- By the above it would seem that the Whitney Government contem- plate throwing the responsibility of enforcing the license laws on each municipality. Will the Province be satisï¬ed with that plan? License in- spectors will be looking forward to a happy time. But does it not look as if the Government were endeavoring to Shirk their duty ? To the Editor of THE LIBERAL ing: “‘iI tell you frankly that no one inspector can enforce the law in West York, 1101‘ could four s‘uch ofï¬- cu‘s do it. "The Government are anxious to enforce the licenseiaw, and to that end invited the coopera- tion of the citizens.†Your remarks anent the lncal option by-law in your issue of January 11 will be accepted by all partiesas ex- tremely fair and unprejudiCed. Oni- Council has seen ï¬t, as it should (la, in test the feelings of the ratepayers on Lhisimportann quesliun. 1 would be no party Ln an attempt to bauik the wishes of the people, but, recognize that in all mnvuments a majurity must of necessity rule. Every individ- ual should be accordingly allowed his absolute free will regarding a int-asure which so clnsel infringes on his per- sonal liberty. might state at the outset that 1 am nppused to any meas- ure «of restriction which is nut, in ac- cordance with my consciencr. \Ve all abhnr the dlunkaid as a. detriment Lu suciety and an injury more particular- ly tn himself: but is drunkenness the only sin that. a. gund ciliZen should Wu]: against, and can we bring about by restraian what we cannot alfect by education and qunple? Lucal option.- isls have my support only in su fal as public sentiment, guided by judicious i-ducatiun. will fuin-w Lin-m. Uur \il- Inge has been beneï¬ted by luual npiiun in the s-xlcnl; that one hotel has been made in serve the place Uf qu. This is Llie host kind of evidence that Lem- peram-c svntimenl is grnwing and in the right dire-mini]. I think I knnw the make up Hf nur rillm-ns suflicient- In brill-re. that nu acrimonious feelings will he gi'url'au-d dining the local up- tion campaign, and whatever the re- sult. all will faithfully illlllll‘ by it. I \vnuld ask, limveH-r, that no mere sonunn-nml zopliyrs be allnwi-d in (loâ€" ts-rmine a i~;iti;p-1_\'rl'\' mind ("I this matter. lu-l l'Hl h individual get down to the cold tat-(- (if-1h? siinatinn. Our village has now only mn- liutel. whit-h. if Markham and Vaughan 'l‘m\'n.~‘liip_~~ (‘nuncils carry {livir lm-al Upliun ny_ laws mil, will be the only ln-Sllvry bu- Iww-n Aurnra and ank Mills. a dis- MlH'e‘ nf wvll nntn 20 miles. If We :ibrugate thv- liqln'r license by nur \‘ntu inn “1- ran wv vxln-ct (-ur unly hulvl m be- k(‘l)l,(lll(‘ll i'm tln-accnnnnml Itiuu LOCal Option for Richmond 'riiii A letter bearing on the question or local option appears elsewhere in this paper. As we haVe stated in pre- vious issues, we would like the ques- tion discussed from every standpoint. We would prefer letters over the writer‘s signatures. as they generally carry more weight, but as long as they are reasonable and tree from personalities they will be inserted if we believe the writers are in good faith. Imld. Olll' In: th" wtm trading! Rxcnuoxn HILL. ONT hp k( Ulll‘ kept open u- visith the nnlin ml- licvnse by vur vou- xpvct nm- only hull-'1 n1 the:Iccmuumdrntinu or trausivuts who we I-y huspimlity (If the on the question of 2, Jun. 25, 1906 hut in village Xvi“ fail lu ‘330. A. MCDONALD. RICHMOND hILL LEEDS RIvHARnSUN. MAPLE. .mnN 651cm, TH'HKNHILL. MCDONALD 51 son. KING. L. A. wax-moms. mmELY. cnas NORMâ€. .Un- ml. J. L. McDONAl-D. CONCORD. '1‘, J. WILSON, TESI‘ON. come here because of the absence of, accommodation, should receive the - deepest consideration. Is it right for us to close up what is the only home . 'for the traveller in the municipality? ‘ The government has laid down the principle that a licensed house must keep hotel. Is this not being carried out in regard to our h’n‘stler'y, which entitles it to receive a. fair considera- ftinu fi'n'rn :mynne but a. fanatic 1" The ‘ q't‘Xestion of local option is one of such vital importance tn the future well-; being of our village that [have felt impelled to place my viewa hefm'e the i ratepziyels, and \\ill thank you in ad- i Vance for the Cum-tesy extended in' 'Opening your columns to the discus- sion of the mutter. An upright Piano, Masnn & Riscb. $175M). Alsu n Disu Gmmaphnne. 30-3 E. BIRCH. Heudfmd. CHATHAM INCUBATOR AND BROODER. You Pay No Cash Until After 1906 Harvest. i’oultry raising payl. People who tell you that there is no money in raising chicks may have tried to make money in the business by using setting hens as hatchcrs, and they might as well have tried to locate a. gold mine in the cabbage patch. The business ofa heniisâ€"to lay eggs. As a hatcher and ’bro‘oél‘er she is out- classed. That’s the business (of the Chatham IncubatOr and Brooder. and they do it perfectly and successfully. Ifyou_could start at once in a Busi- ness Wh'ieh would add a good round 's'um to your present camingsâ€"WITH- our INVESTING A DOLLARâ€"wouldn't you do it? ' Well, we are‘willing to aaagrtyou in a. proï¬table businébs ‘a'nd we don’t ask yog to put up gpy ki_nd 9f a-dollar. ' Our bropésitién is this: We will ship you the Chatham Incubator and Brooder, freight prepaid, and The pou-ltry business, properly conâ€" ducted, pays far better than any other business for the amount of time and money invested: Thousands of poultry-raiserk-men and women all over Canada and the United Statesâ€"have proved to their satisfaction that it is proï¬table to raise chicks with the “Tho incubator you furnished mo works exceediilgl well. It is easily operated1 and on y needs about 10 minutes attention every day. R. McGurnE, MOOSE JAw. Assn." The Chatham Incubator‘and Breeder is honestly constructed. There is no humbug about it. Every inch ofmaterial is thoroughly tested, the machine is built on right principles, the insulation is perfect, thermometer reliable, and the workmanship the best. The Chatham Incubator and Broader is simple as well as scientiï¬c 'in con- structionâ€"a woman or girl can operate the machine in their leisure moments. You pay us no cash until after 1906 harvest. Send us your name and address on a. post card 10-day. We can supply you quickly from our distributing warehouses at, Calgary. Bran- don. Regina. \Vinni mg. New “ cstminster, B‘C..Montreal.Hali ax.Chat,ha.m. Address all corrcspondenco to Chum-am. 314 The Manson Campbell (39., Limited EARN CASH Dept. 276, CHATHAM. CANADA Factories at 0mm. 0x1, and DETROIT. Let us quote ycu prices on aféood {Fanning Miii r or éood Farm Scale. In Your Leisure Time “Yours is the ï¬rst lucubatorI have used. and I wish to state I had 52 chicks out of 52 eggs. This was my ï¬rst: lot; truly a 100_per cent. hatch. 1 am well pleased w1th my incubator and broader. Tnos. MCNAUGHTON, Chilliwack, 13.0." "My ï¬rst; batch came off. I got 170 fine chicks from 190 eggs. VS he can beat that for the ï¬rst trial, and so early in the spring. I am well pleased with incubator. and it I could not at another money could not bu it rom me. Every farmer should m’ea No. 3 Chutham Incu- Buttonâ€"F. W. BAMSAY. Dunnvillo, 11L." CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD For Sale For sale ‘by RATEPAYER SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General. will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri- dav. the 2nd Max-ch. 1906, for the con- veyance of llis Majesty’s Mails, on a proposed Contract for fuur years. six times per “‘l‘k'k each Way. between Maple and Vellore, from the lst April next. VVhej‘e there has been nu violation ‘of‘tï¬he law cumpensatiun will he hum» duced. The funds fur this p'l‘u‘ï¬â€˜ï¬‚fl‘, will he raised by increasing the license fees and by Ontario’s sharing the sums nuw paid for the good-will of licensed premise-gz n.- , , a .. A ’4'. Sixty acres gnod clay l0um situate-d 2 miles from King City : 35:10:13 full plnugbed. balance pasture and hay land, with 5 acres (If hush. OVer one hundred and ï¬fty apple trees, spverul pear and cherry trees, nhnndnncv of berries and small fruits. Printed notices containing further infnnnation as to conditions of pruâ€" posed Gnntmct may be Seen and blank fm'ms of Lender may be obtained at, the Pnst, Ofï¬ces of Maple. Tester), Pnrpleville and Vellm'e, and at the Oflicu of the Post O'ï¬ice Inspectorat, Toronto. Superintendent. Post. Oï¬ï¬ce Department, Mail Uuntmct Branch. Ottawa. 18th Jauuary, 1908. We highly recommend our readers to subscribe to The Faruners‘ Advocate and Home Magazine. tf Dl-unkards are tnhe dealt. with, us nmgistl'ates are to commit, them to jail or to inebrinte mums in county puorâ€"huusvs and elsewhere. Good hank burn with stahlvs, poul- try houses. driving sheds, etc. Seven-mnmed huusv. 3 wells on place. For price and furLllgl- p The undersigned has his sawmill running now and is prepared to ï¬ll any orders for bill stuff up Loï¬fty feet long. Orders can be ï¬lled on the shortest notice. Anv poi-son wantingany bill stuff should send in their orders at once before the long straight trees are cut. Parties at a. distwmue can have their lumber “mauled part Way or loaded on cars at, Bradford or Gilford Station. Call early and moid the rush. The undexsigned will also hold an auction sale the latter part of January of slabs, cordwood and cedar posts. the (late of which will be announced lntf‘l' on. Government Proposes Temperance Legislation and Would Compensatc License-Holders from Fees. The chief features of the temperance legislution to he brought in by the On- turiu Government next session have been drafted and laid before the Gun- sex vative members. (h) Only those- (mï¬ï¬‚'e'd to vute fur flaw-3'0? 'th‘e Provincial Legislature i‘o’h'aw the right, of voting on a lucul op_ti(m by-an. . . . . ‘ The nflice 0T libe'nSe i‘nï¬'pet‘mr will he abolished except in large centres uf population, the suggestiun being that each munit-ipality enforce the regula- tions for itself. V (a) Wth local Option is defeatVt-d by the pupulur vote it shull not he re- suljmigtgd f(_u- a pel-iu‘d_uf_ I hwe yearn. .It, willvpmvide for the gradual clus. ing of such licensed house-s us are not, really gum! howls. Bill Stuï¬ for Sale The plesenb plan of lncnl option is to be continue-d with‘rthepe _ct_mngqs;â€" â€" : f 1 h - and Esssaesazszéfgs;;;:;::- lng;or Advenmm ;,g:: tcrccttd in country life, 8 ask your -newchaIer fox" "FOREST AND @ STREAM,†or send us meaty-ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated rweekly Butter Paper at the Liberal Gifice. 28-31 Farm for Sale MAIL CONTRACT If you 9 like to read of the ex-. periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- G. C. ANDERSON. HENRY M ARSH. JA-M ES NESS, Eversley P. O. Bradford. Tziki- notice 'thut the ahove is a true copy of a proposed By-luw which has been taken into consideration by the Munivipul Council of the Corporation of thv Village of Richmond Hill, and which will he ï¬nally passed by the said (inuncil (in the event of the assent Of the t'lPCtUl‘S being obtained thereto) afLur one month fl'tvlll the publication thm'enf in the “Liberal†newspaper, the date of which publication was Canada’s Greatest Nurseries Tn sell Egg}! Cln'ss Nairsery Stock in Fmits'zx . ornamvnmls. Largest, list of NEW SPECIALTIES ovvr “ï¬t-rm]. START NOW AT THE BEST SELL- ING SEASON. Big inducvmvuts, lilwml pay, handsome free (unï¬t, ter- ritm'y reserved. VVriu- fm- terms and send 2-50. for nur ALUMINUM POCK- ET MIUROSUO PE (magniï¬es 4; times) ï¬nd 500. for our HANDY SAW, just the thing for trimming trees (cuts irun as well as wood). STONE & WELLINGTON TEENTH BAY OF FEBRUARY, one thunsanï¬ nine hundred and six, cull]- mencing at nine o’clock in the morn- ing and continuing till ï¬vv o‘clock in the afternoon, at the undcl'uwmin!)th place. viz: The Council Chamber sit- uate in Palmer’s Brick Block on the comer of Arnold SL1 eet and west, side of Yonge Street in the said Village of Richmund Hill,â€" THURSDAY. THE AEIGHTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY. 1906, and at the huur. day and place therein ï¬xed for taking the votes of the elector-s the pulls will be held. A Threshers' Coal on hand. Riolnnond H ill June 11. 190-5 1. That the sale by retail of spirit- uous, fermented, 01- other nmnufatc- tun-d liquora is and shall he prohibit ed in every tavern, inn, “1' other place of public entertainnwnt in the said municipality, and Lhe sale thureof EX cepb by wholesale, is and shall be pruâ€" hibited in every shop 01- place in the S‘lld municiipafli'by other than atumSu of public entertainment,â€" TO RONTO 20-4 ‘n‘ms. A by-law to prohibit the sale of liquor in the Municipal ity 'of the Viilage of Rich- mond Hill. The Municipal Council of the Cur- pnratiunuf the Village of Richmund Hill ggl-ebx enath gas mllmysznâ€" 2. That the vote uf the electors of the said village of Richmond Hill will be taken on the hy-law by the return- ing ofï¬cer on MON;DAY~, THE NINE- 3. That, on the TVVELFTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D., 1906, at, the Clerk’s Oflice in the Village of Rich- mond Hill, at the huur of ten o’clock in the Forenoon. the Reeve shall ap- point in writing, signed by himself, qu persons to attend at the ï¬nal sum- ming up of the votes by the Ole: k, and one person no attend M, the said pull- ing place on behalf of the peisons in- terested in and desirnus of promoting the passing of this By-law and u. like number on behalf of the persons in- tervsted in and desirous of opposing the passing of this hy-lnw,â€" Read a ï¬rst and. secouvd Lime and read in committee the Fiftuellth Day of January 1906. (L. s.) GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. BY=LAW N0. 5. This By-law shall come imo 0p- emtinn, and be of full force and effect, on and after the First Day of May next after [he ï¬nal passing‘thereof. 4. That the Clpx-k of the said muni- cipal Uuuncil of the Village 0f Rich- mond Hill, shall attend at the (301111- 011 Chamber at the hum- uf ten o’clock in the forenoou 0n the TVV ENTIETH DAY OF FEBRUARY A. D., 1906, to DAY OF FEBRUARY A. D., 1906, to sum up the number of votes given fur anfl {gt-mg this BY'}}-t-\V~,â€" LIVERY GOAL Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right Michael 31603.. A Bell Organ in goodvcondition, and ‘1 Ripans Tabules cure mngtjpauen. Square Piauw, chea p. I Ripaus Tabulcs cure dizziness. . ROLEIN, ' - Ripans Tabules. RICHMOND HILL 30-33 FONTHILL NURSERIES, “hunt a local salesman for FOR SALE Over 800 RCX'ES. NOTICE WOOD J. HUME, Clerk. C. ROLLIN. Richmond Street. ONTARIO. ++~z~ +~§+++M++M++~$++H4++ 44-4"? ++++++++++++++++++++++++%é ++++++++++++++M+é+++++§+Â¥ THURSDAY, Jan. 25â€"Auction sale of cattle, sheep and pigs. property of Frank Summers 01 Athlone, Out, at, Phii'lips~ Hotel, King City. No ‘Ptk sol-v1». Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, '8 mmiths.â€"D. G. Blough, Auctiom-er. FRIDAY, Jan. ZBâ€"Ux-edit sale of farm stnvk, implements, ctc., lot 4-1, (:nn. 1. Markham. property of estate of late Rubi-3:6 Marsh. No reserve. Sale at 1 ‘o‘cluck. Terms, 9 Inunths.â€"-Swige0n 65 Ric-Ewen, Auctioneers. \VEDNESDAY, F61). 7â€"Aurztinn sale of fresh milk cows, etc.. at the Palmer House yards. Sale atln’clock. Terms. 4 mumhs.â€"Saigeon & McEwen, Auc~ tionom‘s. THURSDAY, Mai-ch lâ€"Anction sale of fzum stuck, implements. furniture. etc., on Lot, 24, rear 3rd COIL. Mal-k- ham, the pl'upm-ty of T. W. Klinck. Sale at, 11 o’clock. Tex-ms, 8nmnths.â€" I. H. Prentice, Auctitmeer. Pen-tics getting their bills printed at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce will receive free notices under the above heading up to thv time of sale. Other sales will be charged 25 cents for each insertion. FRIDAY, J stnrk. imp] Markham, Rolu-th Mar HOUSE PAIN Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. +++++ +H++M+$++++~§°+++++++ ‘ v 'i' '23 Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? if w. :1. saw, Principal : ’ n3. ++++%+++%++%++W+°§W+++4°+$ ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬‚ W. HEW’ESON RESIDENCE Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL One and “Ycur Money Back if You Want It.’ and the for the many pusitionsopen to all those who are thoroughly propm-cd to accept them. A six munths‘ com-9:9 in this college means for a youngnmn of the right kind, .m ('ducaliunul equip- ment better than many tmdc-s or pmfvssinns in HIDDEÂ¥ earning power. Students 3" milled at any time. Circulars free. Then why do yun cough all dny ? Whiu- Pine and Tax will relieve you the ï¬rst day. It, will stop that cough in a few days more. We know all nhnut it, because we have sold it for yours, and we know just what is in it. ltis not \Ne know all nhnut it, because we have sold it for yours, and we know just what is in it. ltis not a cure-All ; iL‘sjusta Cough Gum, and a. gum] (‘llt‘ at that. It’s made to cure. That is why we 39†so much of it. It‘s flat a‘pa-L‘ ent medicine either. \Ve keep patvnt medicines, but we do not 2mmmm-nd thpm. We do re- commend White Pine and Tar, and we believe in it, so much that. we suv Issuer Marriage Licenses And examine :1 copy of our cam- Iugue if you have any idea. of taking :L [)1 epzu-atory course for a. \Ve believe there is no school equal to ours for methodic busi- ness training and for gnud reâ€" sults. \Ve solicit investigabion and comparison. Enter any time. No vacations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ After you use believe- in into“. 25cents tum-y it. worth cents ‘2 Good Paying Position E? a. Saï¬dersï¬n ange & G'ex-rzu-d Sts., Toronto. (ï¬eutrai ï¬ngium @ulisgc Rinans Tabulos cure flatulence. TORONTO. 0N '1'e VVANTEE) (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Stu.) Druggist, Richmond Hill Hundred more Young Men \anen. Who are ambitious enterprising, to qualify in Sale Register. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princiï¬al. it once yuu will It will cnsL you Are yum-lungs