Edit if1111213311. i A new year, but the same old deal . bargains for everybody. Atkinson & ; Switzcr. 7 l SEND in THE NE\‘VS. RICHMnND HIM" ONT†Jan. 25' 1906 Send III the news items to THE LIB- 2;.fl LOCAIJC. Boarder Wanted â€" A High School student. Address Box 397, Richmond Hill. Mr. Charles Hainstoc‘k 0f Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, made. a visit this week with Mr. T. F. McMahon. The next meeting of Vaughan Town~ 513' Council ivill'bc held Tuesday. the BL of February. No premiums, no discounts, no chromos, no clap trap of any kind at Atkinson & Switzer's. The \V. C. T. U. will meet next Tucs- day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Grant. Mi». w. M. Pugsleyr is {.3 Toronto this week attendin the January ses- sion of the County ouncil. ‘Ve MUST .86â€, people MUST buy, and “WP'M'UST ‘he satisï¬ed with small profits. A‘t'k'mson d: Switzcr. Miss Leah Patterson of Oshawa. is spending this week with Mrs. Alex. I’atteison. Mr. R. Hainstock of Cypress River, Mam, spent’froln Saturday till \Ved- I nesday with his cousin, Miss L. Mc-t Mahon. Miss .Vi Petch, Amora, has been spendinga'Wci-k with .friends in the village. and is the guest of Miss H. Linfoot. VVe are now pi'-epi;'ed_tii_sell thick goods at thin prices. Atkinson 6; Suitzcr. Mrs. James Lever of Victoria Square fractured an arm last Sunday. \Valk- ing outside near her own door she slipped and fell, with the above result. Quite a large number of our citizens . have taken advantage of the late Cars, and have attended the Torrey-Alex- ander 1'e\ival meetings in Ma55ey Hall. Mr. arid Mrs. W, E. \Viley and children, Neivmai-kct, spent Saturday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiley. Mr. Knight, Toronto, a fluent speaker, will give the addreSs at the Gospel Temperance 'mee‘ting Sunday Afternoon. Mr. T. A. Lamon. { Quarterly religious services will bei held in the. Methodist church here' next. Sunday, commencing at 10.30. The business meeting will be held the ’following day in the school room at 3 p. m. The Epworth League will give. a Social in the school room ofthe church next Monday evening. commencing at 8 o’clock. Good progiainme and re- freshments will be provided. Admis- sion 10 cents. The E6kartit'Concert Company who held forth in the Masonic Hall Thurs- day night will begin to think that Richmond Hill people do not appreâ€" ciate the style of entertainment the company presents. Stories of January robins in some neighboring towns are in circulation. The red breasts have not been seen in Richmond Hill, but Mrs. \Vm.1uncs picked pansies in bloom from an out- door flower bcd on Monday, 22nd inst. Minnie E. Tennyson of Markham township, was on the 17th iiistJnarried ‘to Charles Norman “'ellniau of Mile- stone, Saskatchewan. The ceremony was performed at 2i] Sin rbournc Street, liy Rev. R. S. E. Large, B. D. For the woman of fashion, the Febâ€" v.rua.ry Delineator, with its display of spring styles isa most. attracth e num- ber. Beside the fashions. there is much of interest for the general read- er, and the departments concerning the practical householder have bccn abundantly contributed to. ‘Ve are requested by Mr. T. B. Lud- ford to state that all parcels of laundry left at his store on Mondaysand \Ved- nesdays will be forwarded to Chung, at his laundi y .iit Eglinion, the same day. Firstâ€"class \vork guar- anteed at moderate prices and prompt delivery assured. 30-31 Five lbs. select Valencia raisins for 5 lbs. chi-ire figs for 25c.: 5 lbs. extra choice golden dates for 25(-.: ' cans choice rrd salmon for 25¢: -l.‘. lbs. Canada laundry starch for 2:. .: S spools of Maple Leaf thread for 250-: l lb. choice coffee for $52: 1 lb. choice Japan tea forï¬ï¬c. Atkinsonrkrjwit- zcit. t f u “)3. , Mr. John Fisher, may-w of North 'l‘orontt‘, has been appointed a license commiSsioner on Ihe \Vest Yoik License Board in place of Mr. It. (i. llarvoy of Vaughan. who retired. As the position of mayor. however, dis- qualiï¬ed Mr. Fisher for the lullvl‘ ot- llt'P, \It‘. F. F. Reeves has bot-n iet-oin» mended by Mr. J. \\'. St. John. for ‘ stir: ;position. COUNTY C(ll‘Nt‘Ili. York County (‘ounr il opened Tuesâ€" day with eVery Inemlmr present. The first business was the election of a warden. 'I‘lietht-icr-was Mr. \V. H. ‘dohnston of Georgina. The Council have decided to oppose llii‘ going back "to the old system of elt-ctiiigconnty r'uiiin'illol's as pi'opusutl by the “hit- -ncy Government. _ ‘IERAL Otljce. Loo. ‘ If you have visitors from a. distance, if accidents occur in your neighborhood. if anniversaries .are celebrated kindly let us know. 'Accounts of removals, fresh arrivals, changes of propm-ty. deaths wad mar- lriages are legitimate news. \Vrite 'plaiuly. particularly names of persons iand places, and Sign your name as a.‘ i guarantee of good faith. FEEITCORN We expect a car of American yellow corn in a few days. Price 58c. per bus., if taken off the car, or 60c. pet“ bus. out of store. Order promptly, stating quantity wanted, and we will advise you when i car is here, so that you can get it di- ! rect from the car and get advantage of the lower price. i -H. C. BAILEY, Maple. PUBLIC MEETING public meeting in the interests of I will be held in the 'Masonic Hall Wednesday evening, ‘January I": , at 8 o’clock. Mr. F. S. Spence of Toronto has been secured for the occasion. Mr. Spence thor- oughly understands the question he plopusPs‘ to discuss. and will lay the facts of the case befoie the people. : Everybody. especially voters, invited to be present. Chair will be occupied by M r. J. A. E. Switzer. i i A , | Local Option ! A Very pleasant Wedding took place ‘Jan. 17th_at t-be‘thne of Mr. Jerry Picrcey. Weston, Vaughan Township, when his only daughter, Sophie, was united in marriage to Mr. Malcolm A. Hart of Yorkton, Sask., by the Rev. ‘ Newton Hill of King City. The young Couple will leave for their new home in March, where Mr. Hartisa prosperous, farmer adjacent to the town of York- " ion. The high esteem in which the bride is held was evidenced by the number of beautiful and useful pres- . ents. I‘ THE PRESIDENT VV‘INS i The. rinks of President Barker have i won from the rinks 0f Vice-President ;‘\’iley by a score of 11 points. The i following are the two matches played: 1 President Vice-President W. Hall J. Morgan 1 H. Sanderson T. F. McMahon I A. G. Savage J. H. Sanderson i E. Barker, skip. .17 C. Wiley, skip..16 T. Lamon W. Capell G. McDonald J. Michael G. CoWie GOSPEL TEMPERANCE The Temperance Hall was well ï¬lled ' Sunday afternoon when the usual proâ€" gramme was given. . each was given by Mrs.Hitchcocks and .Miss Lorine \Vright, and a spirited :Ld- , dress was delivered by Mrs. Hitch- ‘ cocks, Toronto. The speaker held the ing the liquor trafï¬c. She was a ï¬rm believer in local option or any other form of prohibition, and as hotels are > paying in Iowa and other states of the pay here. The speaker expressed a hope that the temperance people Would roll up a large majority here in favor of local option on the 19th of Feb- ruary. At the close a number of those 'piesent signed the “pledge of total ab- stinence and were presented with a thang of blue ribbon. DIVISION COURT The greater part of last Saturday was taken up in hearing cases at the court room here, His Honour Judge Morgan presiding. The following were disposed of;â€" Siong vs. Powell and McKcllarâ€" Nineteen dollars for board. Adjourn- ed to liL‘Xt court. Frasier vs. \V'eldrick â€"â€"Claim for wages, $52.48. Plaintiff left place without. permission befoie his time was inspired. Judgment $2.2, without masts. Quinn tvs. .Claffey â€"â€" Hirkson, gar., $34.85. Judgment for plaintiff. '| Morgan vvs. Ulubineâ€"Note, $110.72. Judgment for plaintiff. Stubbs \s. Rombough â€" Gorinley, gain. $50. Judgment for plaintiff. No costs. Campbell vs. Magcrâ€"Note, $12. Adv journed till next court. Sliver vs. Calvertâ€"“'ages for car- penter work. $14.50. Judgment for plaintiff, \vith costs. Mcgafï¬n vs. Hudginâ€"This case was I tried by a juiy. Plaintiff sued for the amount of a iiote..$137.5ll and interest, which l'ludgen had given him as bal- ance of purchase money for Oak Ridges I-lotcl. Hudgin had paid the money to '1‘. II. Lloyd. then of Newmarki-t, lthe pl'upt'l' _paity to receive it. Mr. [ la‘lilitvx addressed the jury on behalf of the plaintilf, Mr. Haverson on he- i half of the defendant. anti tthudge ‘rxplained the law in the matter. The jury decided in favor iif'rilie;iii:tiiitiï¬', Blegal‘lin. Judgment $137.5Uand court C(‘S‘IS. Next court Tuesday, the 3rd of April. DEATHS at his~ lillt‘ lt'sitlt‘lit'e, Dollar, 0111., George Colin, in his TUth year. Funeral Saturday, Jan. 20th, at 23 ‘p. in. I» liiittoin illo cemetery. S’ran’i‘t‘i’sln Toronto. on Monday. i22nd January. John Arnold. :youngest child of El'll">l and Hattie Startup, aged ll months. Interment at Mount Pleasant (Jr-me tery \l'uducsday. 1 i r tat ndufl There ls one thing that will cure itâ€"Aycr’s Hair Vigor. : It is a regular scalp-medicine. ‘1 It quickly destroys the germs» which cause this disease. j The unhealthy scalp becomes “ healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A '-‘ healthyscalp means a great deal i to youâ€"healthy hair, no dan- drufl",no pimples,no eruptions. The belt kind of a toltimonidâ€" “ Sold for over sixty you-n." o by . O. Ayr 00.. Lowell. In... Ana munch-ur- of ’ siuimuu. PILLS. ._ 'CflEm mom. In the magniï¬cent Y. M. C. A. Building in the heart of the City of Toronto 333% teaches Shorthand and Business Courses that bring situations every time. Long experience, personal attention, individual instruction count. Special ad- vantages at Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. Guild. Enter at any time. loguc at once. R.A.Farquharson3.i. Cor. McGill and Yonge Streets, Toronto. _ THE SCIENCE OF FEEDING A combination of different foods combining in proper proportion the Get Cata- .., . . \V. A. Sanderson 3- different constituents required to pr0~ Allevhau‘mll be taken by ,F. Sims, skip....20 H. Nicholls,skip 10 duce the desired ï¬nished product is called a balanced ration. You can’t get along without Groceries Because eating is a. habit you ac- quired at a very early age and clings to you still. It is a good habit if properly controlled and with supphed Good Groceries Wholesome Pm: visions Choice Delicacies AtAtkinson 82 Swit= zer’s Grocery Store We quote:â€"‘Golden Dates. 5 lbs. for 25c.; Canadian Figs, 5 lbs. for 25c.; Cleaned Patras Currants, 3% lbs. for 250.; red salmon, 2 cans for 25c.; maple syrup in quart tins, 25c.; golden syrup in 5-lh. pails, 25c; 5 lbs. best Canada. laundry starch for 250.: splendid coffee, ground fresh, 250, lb.; special new season’s Japan tea, 250. 1b.; 4 pks. corn starch for 25c.; 5 cans herring for 25. These are .what you can get at money- saving prices Richmond Hill Jan. 18, 1906. The great, mistake usually made in the make-up of a “balanced ration" is but llli' lat ter failed to band it over to -‘ 'American rUnion without a hair, She ,can lie-no trulybalanced ration. had evrry reason to think they would ’the food assimilated and not the fund 1 l the omiSsion of those qualities that go The chair Was to aid in theassimiiation of the nutri- ï¬lled by Mr. Win. Harrison, a solo ~mvllt~conlmmng Parts- VVe are safe. in taking nature as our model in these matters, and while nature at her best never neglects the parts that are rich in food values. neither does she omit ,audience spellbound as she pictured those qualities thatliam ne'food value, “the evils and the awful results followu hut “’thh supply the “1"’m“L1‘-‘illd t0 digestion that is needed to insure the thorough assimilation of the parts con- taining food values. é Without .theSe. aromatic parts there It is eaten that gives the results, and the more thorough the assimilation is the, more satisfactory will the results be. No amount of carbohydrates of fat will produce flesh or butter unless it is as- similated. Nature’s way is the true way and aroma is as necessary to the true bal- ance of a ration as is nutritive ratio. In the manufacturing of Herbageunr nature's lines are closely followed, and Hcrbageum, when added to dry winter feed, assures perfect assimilation, and makes that feed equal to good June pasture. This makes a truly balanced ration, and [his is true science in feed- ing, and it is science that will stand the ill)ll:ll‘~itlld-CI‘I]IS test, which is the true test from [he standpoint of the man who is feeding for profit rather than amusement. Ferd llerbagenm to pigs and they will be mature bacon hogs at five months, instead of at seven months, and the pork will grade “firm.†Fer-d it to calves and there will be noscours. and it will make separated milk equal to new milk for them, and that with- out thc addition of any fat-Containing indigestible meals. Feed .it ttothorses; and their coats will shine as though they were on a goml June pasture, and this without antimony. arsenic, aloes, copperas, saltpetrc. resin or any drug or dope that should not be fed reguâ€" larly, or that has any ill effect. And So on through the whole list of farm stock. It will iclean out. lice and ticks by iiizikiiig;[)iii-e blood. This is nature’s plan, a good pasture will do the same thing,r in the same way. I’urc blood is poison to all parasites. ' (iradua ly, but surely, in spite of op- osition from those who shonll know )ettet'. the farmers of Canada are learning the “Herbageum Theory," and they are putting it in practice with satisfaction and proï¬t. â€"SO LI) BYâ€" J- HALL 30-31 .Toronto & York Radial Railway l ‘TORREizitiéXARBER MEET= (ioiiNâ€"mtln Thursday, Jan.18lli.19('ti, ‘ INGS To accommodate people ilesii int; to atâ€" tend the above meetings, held in Mas- sey Hall. SPECIAL CARS will leave North Toronto for Newmai kct and in- termediate points at 11 p. in. on \Ved- nesday, Jan. 17, Thursday, Jan. IX, Tuesday. Jan. 23, \V'cdnt-sday, Jan. 24 Thursday, Jan. \V. H. MOORE, Manager. u ’ Maple wwwmmemswwm Richmond Hill Hardware Stare i .... X-Cut saws. Axes. Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges, our leaders, which have won for themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. We have second-hand heaters, near-1y new. Also wood and coal stoves at low ï¬gures. Furnace VVork, 'Finsmith- 111g, Paints and Ilardware. C. SOULES rï¬aflyr MMMMWW K 3% gambit giant of Ghouls (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) l ______ Business transacted between 10 and 4 on Monday Wednesday and Fii- _ day of each week. Savings Bank D“pilli,lll(‘llt. j Money adv-aimed on sale notes. I i l | ii. ii. iï¬ï¬tiiiflflE. Eighth