Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jan 1906, p. 7

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persuaded me to try Grape-Nuts when my stomach was so weak that it would not retain food of any olher kind," writes People whd try to get biHed to riches on the short line find themselves routed through to ruin. a grateful woman, from San Bernard- ino Co.. Cal. “I liked Grape- beginning, and i time it gave me was able to leave three good meals my weight incrc pounds, my net-\- and I felt ready so Hapfiy is the man who has a friend who loves him enough to be willing to seem to be his enemy. A Mighty Good Sort of Neighbor to Have. “A little widow, a neighbor of mine, “I had been ill and confined to my bed with fever and nervous prostration for three long monlhs alter the birth of my second boy. We were in despair until the little widow's advice brought relief. 7 A little modesty ol'len hides a lot of vanity. He rejects all rewards who refuses moral responsibility. The logic of love convinces more than the love of logic. A golden heart is not gained by set- ting the heart on gold. Many a man is breaking his back un- der a bag of shadows. Getting on to the ropes of trickery ends in getting into them. No man pays more for a thing than he who seeks it for nothing. There is a remedy for ignorance but none [or knowmg too much. The Judge may- not ask what you have done by why you did it. Morals to many mean only a chance to meddle in other people's affairs. The man who carries a family bible under his arm may carry none in his It is a good thing to remember that your celestial standing does not depend on your terrestrial tailor. Money has a mighty persuasive tongue but a sadly deficient hand when it comes to delivering the goods. The under heart. .“Then I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and six boxes cured me complelely." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheumatism b3 curing the Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid in the blood. If the Kidneys are right they will slmin all the Uric Acid out of the blood and the Rheumatism will go with it. Dresden, 0nt., Jan. 22â€"â€"(Specia1.)â€" “Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me of Rheu- matism slick and clean." Mr. \V. G. Cmgg. the well-known merchant and ex-reeve at this place was the speaker and he evidently meant every word he said. ( “It was the Inflamaim‘y kind of Rheuo matism I had‘ and it crippled me up so that i could hardly get around to do my work in my store. I had the best doctors and everything in the line of medicines I could hear of, but nothing even gave me relief. .-.. “4., ,AJ EX - REEVE'S RUEI'MATISM CURED BY DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. \V Fear is a poor kind of foresight. Every word of profanity is a prayer. Love lasts long after niiy is worn out. Little duties are a school [or larger ones. The weevin biscuits of Trafalgar days have long disappeared. Now the khaki- colored, flint-like squares which go hy the name of ship's bread are to go also. and Jack is to have hot. rolls for break- fast, dinner and supper. whether in har- bor or at. sea. Great Britain has lagged considerably behind other sea powers in thus feeding her bluejackets on fresh bread. As to the quality of the food in the British fleet. the statement in the Blue Book on the health of the navy that 13,000 men were medically treated for indigestion during 1904 awakens certain misgivings. Naval doctors. however, say this is due to the fact that the blueâ€" jackcts are overfod nowadays. Since, are about lOVIllfllCPiflllZC. Not only is the gigantic battleship, lhe Dreadnought, to be fitted wilh a bakery in addition to her regular galley. but there is to be an allq‘ound general introduction of “soil tack" into the sea service. HE MEANT EVERY WORD HE SAID Srifish Battleships Will Be Furnished Willi Bakeries. The various changes in connection with the cooking arrangements of the 'Rol'al Navy, announced some months since, are about tovmaloriulize. Not only is the gigantic battleship, lhe Dreadnought, to be fitted mm a bakery in addition to her regular galley. “RI-V TY ] r'as so Crippled That He Could Hardly Get Around and Gould Get no Relief [ram Doclors or Medicines. ghbors rapidly m that Chan m FRESH BREAD FOR JACK TABS. THE LITTLE \\'IDO\\'. SENTENCE SERMONS )urâ€"yem last SI 13’. “hi and Gm m In lihly it )wn My :ain the .ort 113 \\'n â€"“He‘ h “True. means!" Eighty Years Oldâ€"Calarrh Filly Years. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder cures him. Want any stronger evidence (it the power of this wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Want the truth of the case confirmed? Write George Lewis, Shamokin, Pa. He says: â€""I look upon my cure as 11 miracle." 1L relieves in ten minutesâ€"89 z Even the man who denounces capital as a curse never objects if the curse comes home to roost. Have you a Skin Disease?â€"Eilher Salt Rheum‘ Scald Head, Ringworm. Eczema, Itch. Barber's Itch, Ulcers. Bloichos, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots, Pruri- go. Psoriasis, or olher eruptions of the skinâ€"what Dr. Agnew‘s Ointment has done for others it can do for youâ€"cure you. One application gives relief.â€"35 centsâ€"87 Grayceâ€"“I wouldn‘t marry him if I were you.” Gladysâ€"“Why not?" Grayce Capt. Ryan. the new British naval al.- tache, said at a dinner in Washington: “The strength of the heads of some of our old school farmers is quite in- credible. “At a harvest supper, a feast similar in its way to your Thanksgiving dinner, there was on old farmer who drank it good deal of champagne. The moment his glass was filled he would loss it off, and then, of course, it would be filled again. “You say your to you when you “She doesn’t. say is she keeps on Have you tried Holloway's Corn It has no equal for removing troublesome excresences as many testified who have tried it. For Inflammation of the Eyes.â€" Among the many good (unlities whirh Parmelee's Vegetable Pilfs possess, be- sides regulating the digestivn organs. is their cmciency in redumng inflammation of tho eyes. It has called forth mun= letters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and round a euro in the pills. . afiect, the nerve centres and the blood in a. surprisingly active way, and um suit is almost immediately seen. Fond Fatherâ€"So you want to marry my daughter? Ardent Admirer â€" Yes, sir. Fond Fatherâ€" What are your pros- pects? Ardent Admirer~She is willing if you are. There is no medicine or: the market. that can compare with Bicklo's Antl- Consumptive Syrup in expelling from the system the irritating germs that colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide to neglect your cold. Try the cheap experiment of ridding your- self of it by using Bickle's Syrup, which is a simple remedy, 0:15in taken. and once used it will always be prized as a. sovereign medicine. “I’m taking my 1 privacy." “Why I as to avoid the I about the thrown! What Is ‘he Best Thlnz to strengthen week backs? “The D d? L" Menthol Plaster. It will cure lumbago and rheumatism. 81 rolls makes seven 259 plasters. Davis 6; Lawrence Co. Montreal. Sunlight Soup in better than other 9039:, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap ami follow directions. 1111 ll 1. HEAD OF THE OLD SCHOOL. 11‘ has such 'ugly ways." GIndeâ€"â€" 7 But he also has such handsome REFRESHINC mics’ rest, 13‘ our wife doesn't say much you stay out late at night?" say much. but the trouble on repeating it!" riding lessons in strict not in public?" “So fierce light that beats th REST aw quieter and gne he drank. orehend. His lder his heavy >r filled his Ifth or thir- n in )I' L b1' 1nd it Cure? these have minc- anc‘ the any Bertâ€"“A friend of mine tells me you called me a donkey the other day." Fred â€"-“Yes, I believe I did.” “Well, I think you ought to apologize." “So do I.“ “Then why don't you?" “Oh. don‘t wor- ry yourself. l’ll apologize the first time I meet a donkey." The p001 who make and the IQ Judgeâ€"You are charged with profan- ity. Prisonerâ€"1 am not. Judgeâ€"You are, sir. What do you mean? Prisoner â€"I was. but I got rid of it. II+M§S Hifitiflti +i§+3¢£+fi+££+££+ A Sour Stomach and a Sour Temper travel hand-in-hand and are the preclus- ors of mental and physical wreck. Nine hundered and ninety-nine times in a thousand food ferment (indigestion) is the cause. Dr. Von .Stan’s Pineapple Tablets keep the stomach sweetâ€"aid 1i- gestionâ€"keep the nerve centres well bul- ancedâ€"they're nature’s panaceaâ€"pleas- ant and harmless. 35 centsâ€"88 They Drive Pimples Away.â€"- face cov- ered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not perform- ing their functions in the healthy way they should. and these pimples are to let you know that the blood protests. Parmclce's chctahlo T‘ills will drive them all away, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel- lance. ON THE Grand Trunk Pacific mmsms é The Wretchcd Condltlon of thousands ls duo to the fact that, they nevlect- the simplest care of their health. When in {his condition “ Fen-ovim" will build you up and give you strength. NfiRTH-WESTERN FARMS Iomw. TORONTO. OTTAWA t QUEBIO 1macémm+n+mm+m+fi " i v " 1;?! ou‘rmo I I n SUITS Cu b0 don- priestly by on! [vouch Puma. Try It Illngufinemwg ovum no. i have two sections of land [or sale entire or in part. on line. of Grand Trunk Pacific. now under construe tion just west of Portage La Prairie. Ploughing in the Northwest will be- gin as early as February. You can cow oats, potatoes and alfalfa 0n breaking and get: big prices from railroad contractors on the spot. Then hire out your teams iorrail- road grading at $5 per day. You won‘t get. such a chance for a start another year. Don’t. waste any time, as there is practically no other [and for sale of equal quality in such a situation on such terms and at so low a price. Price $10.50 per acre; six year terms. I. L. R. PARSONS. 92 Winchester Street, Toronto, Ont. The VETERINARY SPECIALTY 60., leited 556 DUNDAS ST., TORONTO, ON’ ‘. This is the season of the year when you need to use every recaution with your stock. By the use 0 our and other remedies you have the. best glut-antes of health to your stock. Valuable Advice Free Use it and become your own veterinary surgeon. STOCK TONIC )f ‘est people on earth are mesa (he most of what they have 1151. of what. they are. wauguu '5 not lying about, loose in all kinds of places like ordinary bulk teas. 3 BLUE RIBBON is carefully watched FROM PLANTATION TO HOME and pleases all. iONLY ONE BEST TEAâ€"BLUE RlfifigfiTEA “Before you married me," he com- plained, “you used to say there wasn’t another man like me in the world." “Yes: and now,” replied the wife. bitterly. 'I should not like to think that there wasl" “What have you in the shape of cu- cumbers?” asked the would-be customer as he entered the shop. “Nothing but bananas, sir." answered the new as- sistant. Dropsy is one Positive Sign of Kidney Disease.â€"lluve you any of lhese unmis- takable signs? Pulliness under the eyes? Swollen limbs? Smothering feel- ing? Change of character in the urine? Exhaustion after least exertion? If you have there's dropsical tendency and you shouldn’t delay an hour in pulling your- self under the great American Kidney Every two or three years there is an elephant “kraal” in Ceylon, when 50 or 100 of the huge beasts are made prison- ers. In 1002 no less than 104 elephants were captured in a Meal near Kurene- gala. the greatest number of captives recorded at any one time since 1816. Another method of capture is by placing in the paths taken by the animals run- ning nooses composed of ropes (f the natives try to scatter 2 phanls and in their flight animals are sure to get ( nooses. The captives :11 behind slmng palisades sale. The hunter's are n killed 01' terribly hurt, a special distinction. under “pannilcans.” A skilfull much admired in Ceylon matador is in Spain. A Nag ing Cough drive: sleep.n.nd comfort away. A [en's Lung Balsam rolievoa hard breath- ing, pain in the chest and imitation of tho afloat. Give it freely to the children. Another method of capture is by placing in the paths taken by the animals run~ ning nooses composed of ropes cf antelope hide, having one end fastened to a tree. By raising a sudden alarm, the natives try to scatter a herd of (ale phunls and in their flight some of the animals are sure to get caught by the Mozt men say they intend to do a lot of things they never intend to do. Use not {0-day what to-morrow may want; neither leave that to hazard which foresight may provide for or care pre- vent. Death Comes to AILâ€"But it need not come fil'ematurely if proper precautions are Lu'en. "Au ounce of prevention is worth a. pound of cure," and to have prevention at hand and allow a. disease to work its will is wickedness. Dr Thomas’ Eclectric Oil not only ‘alluys pains when applied externally, but will prevent, lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs. Try it and be con- vmced. Use the safe, pleasant and cfl’ectual worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator; nothing equals it. Procura u. bottle and take it home. Jasperâ€"“I say, 01d chap, can you lend| me a fiver?” Jumpuppeâ€"“What! Are you broke again?" Jasperâ€"“Oh, no;| this is the same old fracture!” l Comfort by day and sound sleep by night fol- ‘low the use of Weaver's Cerato, for ukm troubles, no matter how tormenting they be. This oint- ment soothes and cleanses. PARTEGULAR PEOPLE LEKE TEA because it is Tightly Sealed in Lead Packets, mom-nu, QUE. OTTAWA. ONT. Toaomo. ONT. LGNDON, om, mum“. VAIGOUVESI. lo. 701 Craig at- 423 Sussex st. 11 Oolborne It as nundas 82. 70 Lombard St. 615 Panda!- or. Head Office and Works. Proof. ‘UX‘C Wlnd. Water, Storm, and Flra “Oshawa” 'Steel Shingles FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF \\'e also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and FAVE THOUGH Etc. METAL SHINGLES, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and tree samples of “OSHAWA” Shingles. Write We are the ‘largest and oidest comfiany of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands o! the best buildings throughout Canada, making them Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel. at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square (eet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns, Stores,Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA” shingles. A hammer and snips are the onlyrtools required. _ __ ELEPHANT-HUNTING IN CEYLON to-day 0,â€"86 UNDER THE PEDLAR P110 Pill-E, th CONSIDEI 1'1 st had 01 town wt : are not inn hurt, and th caught by the 1m imprisoned , and hold for 0t infrequently ATM ten the ann WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE ht nan‘ essful 101'1 1‘1 1) ide‘ Shiloh Has Cured A clever old lady who went into soci- ety in the days when conversation was more important than cooking, asked a niece on her return from a recent func- tion it it had been enjoyable. “Very,” re- plied the niece. “The menu was great." “My dear." said the old lady. severely. “it isn’t the menu that makes a good dinner; it is the menu sit next to." for 33 Years ,Nurses’ Training Schook The Lady Stanley Institute, Ottawa FOUNDED 1890. Your system furnisEea the acids and 33.155 neceasaty in conjunction with our Disc to make a complete battery. You take no chance), we guarantee the pumhue money refunded on return of the D150 i! it does not cure. lLEOTRlc “9.6812110 amounts» Dual! 00. Shot-breaks. Qua, Dmda' Are you a. rheumatic? Have you Sciatica! OLM will cure or your money back. We have cured hudmda, wa can cure you. No medicine to take. You eat what on like. You get mllaf in 48 hours and a. olutely gursd within 80 da. 5. Our rheumatic cure Is an application the cumuve princi 1e! of_glecbncity aqd magnetifsm 'ugthe eart : RHEUMATISM CURED IN 1 Connected {with the Count of Carleton General Protestant Hospita. . the Mater- nity Hospital. and the Isolation Hospital, Ottawa. 05ers to women a. three years' course of nursing. The work is practical and thorough, and comprises a. course in dietetics and in massage. 1; The school building is separate from the hospital ; it is comfortable and equip- ped for teaching. This school is regis- tered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York. Correspond- ence invited. THE LADY 8UPE RINTEN DENT, Tho Lady Stanley Institute. Ottawa, Ont 25c. with guarantee at a“ druggiata. "Lad winter I coughed for three months And though! I wag going Lam Consumption. I took all non: of mcdminrs. but nothing did me any cod unli” uzcd Shflch's Comumplion Cute. gout bottle: cured me. This winter I had avcry bad cold. wanna! able to quak. my lungs was core on lhefiide qad bfik. SI; botglcs of Shihih range me we nun. nave given 1: I0 meta p e‘ and every one of them have: been waif-D. Joseph. St. Hyzdnthe. Que." ' 60: 1 @E‘EELQH m: of medicinn. 5! until! used Shflch's bottle: cured me. Th coH. wag no! 9? 3° thousand: of the mos! obstinate cases of Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. L68 it cure you. as a cure for Coughs, Colds, and All diseases of the lungs and air passages. Those who have used Shiloh would no! bewithoutit. Those who have never used it should lmow that every bonle is solcl with a positive guarantee that, if it doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund what you paid for it. Shiloh Shiloh'a Consumption Cure. the Lung Tonic. has been before the public. and this, together with the fact that its sale: hav: steadily increased year by year, is the best proof of the merit of For prospectus apply to ISSL'IZ N0 AND IT IS YET. AGEN‘I’8 WANTED. Oshawa. Ont. . Canada 30 DAYS locked Sides on All Four

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