VETERINARY SURGEON Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richr Hill charged to me. UJHS by JOHN R. CAMPBELL Best AT THE USERAL PRiNTING & PUBLISHING HUUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. VOL. XXVIII. W'ill lu- DR. H. w. ANDE‘RS I)euti.~st, TH URSDAY MORNING VETERINARY SURGEmi RICHMOND HILL Room ])v. Ofï¬ce Hmws Francis Block, THOR Ofï¬ce hours: Tue sdny «‘i p. m. Safe Proï¬table ' Intm'eqt. at highest current. rate paid. twice :1 convenient your makes an "comm! proï¬table. ' Being withdr-au'nhle without notice makes it convenient THE ONTARIO BAN K Tm'uutn Ofï¬ce, He $1 per annum, in advancw] ‘L DP. \V. E. DEAN (311::c:~~:s<)1- to Dr. Lqusnni D. A. RADCLIFFE, M ANAHER, KING CITY B USINESS CARDS. ï¬tting teth, also lowusn prices. G0 'UX'A rflental. DR. WM. ROSERS‘ F . M c M «Em gihmi [S PUBLISHED EVERY Cm ltnn and Y Toruntn in Richmond Hi“ on \Vcd nusduy of each week. unge Sts.. E01103 (’2 Pnorsmron E. J. VV DENTIST. .~Ly I)0ntis£. 124 Victoria St. T‘ Ofï¬ce, liftttrizmrgt A unond Eli†Kt (Imu- "Ur: an! Bank. Oflive npen \Yedno-dnys. Thursdays and Saturdays. and night promptly at- tended Ln. SANDERSON; W Tu c s (1.1 y 8 D 8 l2 dim. 50 CHURCH ST. MAHON, . m. to (:‘rood w tZYIiILL, Ont, {Whlson} Week. th of Stand- replat‘ing, at Gods INCORPORATED 1857. This Bank‘s large IPSIIRI'N‘! ensure safety. Richmond (wk. O p. m 'orcnto ONTARIO BANK ,7 (lViRRQ'S Lianne Anctionmrror tbeCouncyonor , reA Hpecfl'ully solicits your putronlge and friendly influence sales nttmdad on the nLortest. nociu and a6 ransonnverucs. 10.:de King J '1‘ Saigsnn. Maple Licensed Auctiouacrs forthe Coumynt York Halos summed to on shortest not!“ Lnd a re» onublerates Patronaguolicited Licensen Auctioneer for the Co: Goods sold on consignment. GeL ntoc etc mompm‘y “vendetst 1‘3568 Residence Uninuvilln G R above Undertaker; d: Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHII L A urge stnr‘k of Funeral Furnishing-s kept at. both places. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \\'. Cm nrr King 8: Yunge Streets, Mouev to loan on land amichnttel lowest. rates Aurorsoï¬iceâ€"Remowu Lo :ha 01‘ one door was: of the em Ousnrw Bank Newmarket (miceâ€"Three (Inan 1 ISSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES 17317476}1;V7 MILLs LENNOX’ MORGAN Mulock, keep saying it, over and over again. Ayer‘s Pills. Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills. The best liver pills ever made. They cure constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick-headache. All vege- table, sugar-coated, mildly laxative. We have no secrets! We ubllsh J_a. e, an" the formqu of all Mir m: lcineï¬. 1.: . Hus. Emmaâ€"mm _. JAS. N EWTON Mr. Cook will he: agh‘léplc on Thursday afternoon of each week. Barristm-s, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 I: mnnd St. “'ust‘JVt‘sley Building (Methodist: Bunk Rnnm.) To- A G S Lindseyï¬ C (i G F b I.\Vruu1 e w Kid-Jul Wadsworth Home l)(;l(l rivnte LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond HiHou Suturdavs. RICHMOND H ILL. ONT, THU RSDAY, FEBRUARY I 1.906 311155111 MONEY T0 LOAN AT h? Barri:ters,3011citcrs. Notaries. 8.1:. Nesiu’euée Uniouiill; Uouldmg. Newton 81 Saigon" & McEn‘cu . WRIGHT BROS 300K & JOHNSTON MU): & MORGAN :u'rhlvrs and sollrllors. all Life Building (fm-mm-ly Fl“ Lunn Bldg). Um. Adelaide & Victoria 813.. Turnmu. .uucouungumenz Ge . 1a! sales prompziy unendetzso nl roasonabh ,-n-~ - Irristcrs. Snliciturs. Etc and Trust Funds 14: loan luwvst current rates. D. G. ISLOL'GH, dsey. Lav-Herc: & W adsworth. ll. PI entire. TUR ONTO. eâ€"Threc doors south of tit aurora. .ee. Millikan & Clark Etunl. “ In Essentials, Unity xnntn -eounc 0 ST" Mona; N the gounty of Ya]. 1 :ho old post ofl‘cq the entrance to nhe Brook, agent {or tbv Phone Mail. 2984 J l HcEwen Wanna: m m-tga ges a ( 'awmmket it-h :11 has lvven visithï¬ Burger. le- lunwd homv on Saturday :wcnmpnn- ied by the Misses E. M. and R. Barker. Mr. “ind-Mrs. D7.†Sun- dax Awith relatives. Miss M. llislop spent frum Fridï¬y unjril Monday in Tun-(mun. Miss H. M'apesiuva place spent Sunday and Monday at Richmond Hill. people at Hvadfnrd. Quite u number uf our young folks} were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. I Clarke lust, Friday evening where a[ way enjoyable time was spent. - The Weather is fnvmahle for 1110i H “B.†....‘ ‘uau um u}- luw r0. Local Option be now read at third Ninaâ€"Curried. The Local Optinu By-law dosiglmtvd us No. 805 was then givvn its third and ï¬nal reading and ï¬nally passed. 11 - - r - â€" - No. 809~Appï¬i1 Smith and Geo. F 19%. ’l‘hr- ('uunril made the fullnwing grants fnz- hauling gravel fur 1906 :~ 'l'lmxnhfl; SHIP-“HO, [mum-on Ynngv-St. and 31d run. . . . . .. . . . . . . S; 300 00 Rmanmh‘ssidv-limuan 3:31'd (-(m. 30 00 LAth 19 to 2i im-IusiH-, can. 2.. ll)†00 Thin] (‘unvcssimL .. . .. .... 14000 Luis :3 and 24, 4th mm. . . . . 100 ()0 Lnls12mul 13, 5111 can. . 151) (M) 1m! 30. 5th (um. ... . .. . .. .. 125 ()0 Ln! 28. 6th cun. . . . . . . . . . . 150 (K) LIA 15, 61]] (ton. . . . . . . . . 50 (K) Ln! 5, (ill) um. . 60 ()0 Luis 8 and 9. OH) on!) . . K . . . . . 100 00 Luis 27:â€:(128, 7!]: (con. . . .. . 200 00 Side-lino hclwvcu luts 5 and 0. con. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 00 Lots 14 and 15. can. 9 .. . . . . . 200 ()0 Sidv-linc lwtuvun lots 25 and 26. con. 10 . . . . . . . . . ‘ , . . . . 80 00 New load on Hnwland‘s Hill, Kleinhurrr‘ . . A .. 12.3 00 The fulluwmg were then pniscd :~â€" Nu. 806 â€" Appointing a Board (If Health, Medical Heullh Oflic-vr and Snnilury Inspector I'm 1906118 follows: Board of HHIllh. Juhn N. Bnylo, J. B. Mchnn, LH'dS Richardson, Andrew Ml‘NF“ and Amos Agar: Medical Health Oï¬iH-r, Dr. T. H. Ruhinsml. Kleinhurg: Sanitary Inspector. Jzunt-s U'Uulllmr, Vvllure. , T... 'lhnt whereas the )vt'vnt, \‘()tv on Statute thm' lPslllit‘d in a [majority for H-tuming to the old syxtvm ut' pur- fnuning the same, Be it tlu-n-t'nw w- 5(|]\'I‘d chat the clerk pn‘pm-v n hy-htw far that pun-p059 That the (Ytelk he inst: ur-tml to take the nt-Ct-ssury steps in un'nrdnnu- with the Stututes. in (-mmet-tiun with tho rinsing up the hnlnm-t- nf the Shm Pr Road through tho east half (vf Int, 11. in lhv 8th con. uf Vaughnn.-~Yc;ls. Lunght'usm Ouuwrun. Dmins; Nays, Boyle. M(-Nuiluâ€"Czn-rivd. '1 but wht'u-am (it-urge lLHiutt has pre- Sf'nti‘d a pvtitinn on his own behalf asking the (.‘uuncil tn (-Iust- up that pm-tinn uf' the mad running thruugh tut )1, 8L!) con. that thv Chum-i1 lay his petition m er fm' flll‘lhl'l‘ (-nnsidor- Mint), and also tu gt-t h-gn] advice 0n the nmttevuâ€"Yous, Mt Nair, Buylc: News. Lunghuuso, Cillnt‘l‘tllt. Devins. Mutix-n lust. A large numhr-I- of mud and general] accounts won- passud and m-dm'od Lu ht‘ paid. ’l‘hr- ('mlncil mndn Hm hum-4mâ€" U. F. “'nud and J. J. \Vhilllllll‘P f r Div. Nu. 2. Frum J. T. Snigum, \V. '1‘. Robinson. (2}. Arnold and N MullI-y applying fur the position of :mditms. hum J. ()‘Cnnnor. asking for the pv- sitiun ufrurotakel'nf Hull. and “Is†for the pusitinn of sanitary inspector. The fullmving rvsulutirms wm-e cur- rir‘d :â€"Thut, J. O'Cmmur ha uppnintvd caretaker hf hull. stable-s and gwunds. '1 hat a dmmlinn of $10 he nmde {01' [hr Sit-k (‘hihhen's Hrspitnl. Thu! Ihe Cls-x-k suhscrihv fur 0 (mp- ius of Thv M lllllt'ipil] \Vnrld. That the 'l‘l-e-nsm-rr lm :uuhm-izvd to withdraw the funds of 1111- Imx‘nship from the Standard Bank at Richmond Hill. and have the same dvpnsitod in the Stgmdmd Bunk :zt Mzaplt'. nu . u The inaugural met-ting was held on 11198“) thunuul-y. Ms-mhsâ€"rs nll ex- H-utetl the dvtrlamtiul) of (.mu- :uul pmuet-dul tn thim'sS. A numhornf petitions for hauling gravel “'HP laid on [In- lnlllt'. Also :I [u-Litiuu from Gum-go Elliott, asking the Council lo lake lvgnl pxm-H-dings tn (‘lnsv the balance of llu- Shaver Rmul tln-uugll lot 11. in the 8th cun. (‘nmmunimlinns fran. B. Mch-nn. elm-k, with cvnï¬mte of the result nf the \‘c-te on lln- Lucnl Option By-an :iS fulllHVS :~1“u1-thu lny-lnw flung-dust the by-l;iw 373. From J. Ross Rnhm-t- um “'18 nu 1m- lwcnl Upllnn ï¬y-an :iSfUHUW‘s :~1“u1-tl1t-|1y~lnw 459.:nguinst the bylaw 373. From J. Ross Rum-rt- sun. making usual donation (0 Sick Children’s Hmpitnl. Frmn J. Smith. '1‘. H. Kvys. asking fur [msitiml of us- syssm' fm- Div. No. l. and S. McGlurv. Cmmcil then udjugnfey M r. \insâ€"anglmnrseâ€" That the I} pulses of Thnrnhury, who Vaughan Council. N on Headford Amos Agar: Medicâ€! 1‘, Dr. '1‘. II. Ruhiusnn. unitary Inspector. Jzunrs -Iisse71tials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." \Vuud assessors fur B. Mchmx, Clerk. ‘ BU (m 100 00 NH (NJ 10!) ()0 1:30 (M) 125 00 15“ (N) 50 m) 64) 00 100 ()0 200 00 Heavy. 36 inch Flannvllotlo for 10; cents per yd.; many, 36 inch Drill for 15¢. yd.: BSpunls Maple Leaf Thread fm 2504211); \Vt-stml's Jupmwse Mix- vd Biscuit for 251-. Atkinson & SwiL- Zer. Some if our young In guuw nf croquet 0n Mr.I lust Sntux-duy afternoon M iss M: McKay of Tiwrtomis spend- ing u few wet-ks with hc-r sister. Mrs. (Dr.) Logan. Quartm-ly son ices will he held in the Methudist Ohm-ch next Sunday. lie-v. Mr. Sibley. the junior pustrnr, is expel-led tn address the Epwm-lh Lengut- on Fridny evening. Mr. I). \Vutsun and bride “'9!‘(' sort-- nndetl Mnnday owning. with the usual act-mnpnninmnt of tin pant: and guns. Mr. \V. and Miss Robinson were guests at the nun-rung» of Mia; Cnix‘m‘s and Mr. Gray. near Laskny, nu \Ved- nestluy of last week. Misses Viulu. and May Ham of T0- rnntn .lumrlion. are visiting friends in the village. must, imwï¬cinl results. I beg to thank you f( space. 101' me sake “I humanity. If I recalled rightly. in one (if ymn‘ issus-s (if Docmnhor 2m ilvm St-‘lU‘d that mn- of the hast, ks-pl. host; nmnugvd llut('lS. and one in which the hast nu- mznunudntinn cunld lu- secured in \\'(-st York was the tempuinnce hunw in \Vundhridgv. Is this not pussililt- lwre? ’l‘lu‘ questinn of anul ()ptiun is upr- tuinly u \itul one 10 mn- villngv, and "Ratepayer" slmuld nut i-nnsidm- it in :| lnt‘l‘Ct’lml‘)’ manner, as the revenue is a small consideration in our munici- pality. If \VI‘ prevent, the mile nfliqunr in mm" \‘illnge the gain In uVPI‘yuIH‘, the (:UHMIIHUI' purlivularly. will he grout: llH‘ mom-y which formerly went uver the bar will go: inn: um awnings hunks, the wives and families of Lima? who squzlndm-ed their hard-mirde _. l “""U (1.) the public simply saniuwnt saw {it to fog (he Saks. uf hunm: .v .v \|\ nut to Svalu‘e the nmnnpoly (rfthe Iiiunr H'adu that has dune su? Hus uur licensed lmtvl prmidvd all the "trunk mudulinn t0 the travelling puhlicsince [hm-s- lum hH-n but une hut-used hlItPl in our village? Has not lhn- tempur- unce hath! been lilu-mlly patrnnized by both transient and local 3110.915? Hus it nut, served the public as Wuâ€, if nnc lwlfer, than (Mr litensed hnuse? \‘\'ill in he udvisuhlg- for us tn have n license in run: village when [he tuwn~ sh-ps surrounding us have by their YUU'S dot-idt-d t0 aholish the retail sale of liquor? In what, way would the grmnlmg of u hcrnse here br- Instru- lm-nlul m inm-msingnux trade? ‘thb trade would be inn-mixed hmw-hy ? Un- dmlhtvdlytheliqqu-U-udo. Richnuuml Hill “nuld hun- an influx of nnrlvsir- ahle visitors from the sun-rounding country. Shall we not have the- m:- cmnmmlatiun (-f the- temperance house when Khnugh the licousvd hutul is clusvd. as "Rntopnyt-x†serms to in- Sinlliltf‘? 'l‘lwre is little doubt that in (um-pros- perous Village a hutol mm ([021 lumulirv business wilth lec- bar. and it “'uuld he a very short-sighted policy (In the [nbe of nnyunu not tn :u'ail llllllst‘lf of [hr nppnrtunily of doing this husim-s~', thuugh not. pun-idngmn-mnmndnlinn h.) the public simply lwcauw pnhliu saninwnt saw {it to nlmlish 111;: bur. in... :1â€. 1., L‘ He nlsn status tho Luca] Option shnll have his suppm-L when hm:ka by public sputinwnt. This is 5:: wth contrary with the remaintlv his letter, as by no othermwms Local ()ptinn carry except when lmc up hy public svnliuwnl‘, in I't‘CPi“ thv votes of the nijrin of the 9] hrs. Again, he states lhnt Luca] tinn has reducul mu' license fmm 1 hotels to (me. Is this the case? Or “um it. u an payer’s†Lllird sonlence. il scams that hl‘ will not attem the will nf the- (-lwctms, and s with him in his next, stn which he llupes [but the (‘Ir he ulluwml lklvil' own fro»: Â¥ us cunsrivnce dictates. To the Editor of ’1‘! 51H.»â€"I sac by yo that “Butt-paym'" nt‘ your \':ll\l.l.hlf‘ : Luml Uptinn camp l'it‘d (m m mxr villa: Inn]; A m1 hiusn REPLY TO 5 ho disc-US$91! if, fully? Has he (I (Hi hull) sidvs ut' tlwsunjent? 1n,- slsuod the facts as thy are? lms he lnukud upnn itin an un- \ l' I . 4. stnu-s tho. Luca] Optionists his suppnrt, when lmckvd up spntim‘gnt. This is Sillllt‘- mnnnpuly 0f the Ii {1101‘ )S dune 517? Has uur [)Hflidl‘d all the :lcvmn- lt‘ travelling puhlicsince II but. one lict-nsed hutPl ? Has not Hm tempt-r- H1 liberally patrunized Mame mng ladiv-s onjoym] a on MKRUmhlo‘s lawn, “ RATEPAYER.†THE LIBERAL: yuur ismxe at last, week r†[ms zu‘ulled himself p space- to discuss the npaign now being: car- Or was it. n desire u' yuur Vulnahle READER. Luca! 0p- fl mn two g cm- 1- of ":m k 9!] 'ing THE - LIBER qu-thâ€"Thpyocnn ii: built fur about one third less than solid brick. These hlncks can be used with Pquul success and lwuuty in nny plam- vi! hm- fm- hnusvs or burns. vernndnh pillars. chinmwys. etc. Fnr further mfunun~ tion inquire ur write to Fil'stâ€"lewnt. blocks are madv of the must durable material. Secondâ€"The blacks lwing made hul- lnw. housesm-v not damp like thaw constructh nf snlid concrete. as the hullnws in the blncks (net-lap. thus making :1 dead air space all around. nf several incex, depending on lhv thirt- nnxs uf wall which can he made Pithf’l‘ 8, _9. 1001‘ 12 inche-s in thicknvss. Thirdâ€"«The {are pxu't. Imitation nf (‘llL stmm thwy makv the prettiest, hl!il_(]il1g innyginuhle. II. \Vinger 8: Son CARRVILIE. ONT. Subscribe for The building: material which is com» ing int,†favor is concrete made in im» itutinn of cut stone. which will Le funnd mmrh superim- to any ()tln-r llm’ Lexiul tor building purposes lor the following reasons:â€" As a soothing and strengthening nerv- lno."l"uvorite Prescription " is une ualed and is invaluable in ullayin an sub- duing nervous excitability, irritability. nvrvous exhaustion. nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria. spasms. chores. St. \‘itus’s dance, and other distressing. nerv- ous symptoms commonly attendant. upon functional and organic discasa of the uterus. It. indums refreshing siee and reii‘evcx‘ nental anxiety and dospon ency. _.,,‘_ n. A r. .. As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa- VOrite I’re:<c1‘ipti()n " imparts strength to the whole system and to the or ans dis- tinctly feminine in particular. ‘or over- workod, “worn-onL" "run-down," debili- tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstressos. "shop girls," house-keepers, nursing mothers. and feeble women gen~ eruny, Dr. Pif‘l'CP's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon. being un- equaled as an appetizlng cordial and r9 storative tonic. "m; isié}ca's“b11:;w2;’ai ï¬zneiimnm the stomach. HVer and bowels. no to three a dose. Easy to take as candy. wish them happiuvss (,eSs‘. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Presoriptinn is a. scientiï¬c medicine. careful] ' devised by an ex ,erienced and skiilfui' physician, and a upwd to woman‘s delicate system. It is mmle of native medicinal roots and is perfectly harmless in its effects in any conditvirm of thcrsystevm A very prptty wedding touk piaco on the 27th Doc... at the humv of Mr. T. H. Hull, ankhan. lunLhm-dn-lmv nf the grnmn. when But-tie _E.. sun of Sunuvl J. Littlvjnhn, Esq., fur-mvrly of I)n\\'nsvimv, was united in marringo tn Miss .lvlmiv M. I’indm. daughter nf the lntv Snumn-l Pindvr, formm-ly of ()uk Ridgvs, "ISO twice of the lat» Captain John (J. Finder. Birmingham. England. and him-e of Catherine Ed- dorsrvnnf the snnw plave. Rm‘. M. Sing nï¬â€˜icintvd. The bride lonkvd very pretty in a cream silk dress and white kid slippvrs. Afty-r th‘ cereu nmny:Lnumlwrof guests partnnk‘ of tlw wvdding dinner. The present» were nnmerunx and useful. many of thwm frmn hnr uh] friends in Ontario. The m-wlv-nmrrin-d (:nuple took their depurturv amid showvrs of rice. Lhu bride hoimz Iwntly attired inanavy hlm- travelling suit with hut to match. fur their new home. VVilInwhrunk. Sask. N. “V. T. The-3r many friends Many times women call on their family physicians, suï¬ering, as they imagine, one from dys epsia, another from heart disease, not er from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous exhaustion or prostration, another with pain here and there, and in this way they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent. or overâ€"busy doctor, sepâ€" arate and distinct diseases, for which he, assuming than to be such. prescribes his pills and potions. In reality, they are all only symptoms caused by some uterine disease. The physician. ignorant of the cause of Suffering? encourages this prac- tice until large bi is are made. The sul- fering patient gets no better, but probably worse. by reason oil the dela . wrong treatment and consequent comp ications. A proper medicine like Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription. directed to the muse would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dispelling all those distressing symptoms. and instituting comfort inâ€" stead of prolonged misery. It has been welidsaid, that“a. disease known is half cure ." Treating Wrong Disease; Cement Stone LITTLEJOHNâ€"PINDER [Single copies, 3 cts. and ével‘y sue {AL No. 31