laugh am! 1 wmiltl ruspevlfnlly u>k nnr giqil'u!‘ h‘lV-Hds huw they intvnd In lllilko- Vt, up‘ Us \he Hnnmixnlh'. “Ru-v it .1 HGGB'UUH hetwm-n tlrnnkelmvss and (ii : H'dé'l" 'u'u'd pecuniary lu-nvh’r, l shun d be quite pl-Ppalcd Ln admit the \wlidix) ‘ . I .nl. .'_:..,.. I “1': '~- 'r' W ‘- grain cenan fur this puxt, I-f llw county. I trust the I'M(t'p:l)’(’l‘< will look at. thr- muttm' in a rt-asunnblo um] dispnssiunutv way and deci‘dv Uh prud» enL a‘nd se‘nsfl'fl‘e li‘nes. r 1"'-' r ' hf L'ue argquu-nts. huL lln-i'r’. is no ('1' - lnent. of this kindâ€"unthian “Mm-d hut an attempt Lu iuu-rfvle mm the smi» faction pf u rwmnnublvnnfl m‘mh-mle demand. Of Chm-we it is of Mn (is? ul- tcmpting Lu urng with PXlIeIIIP humiâ€" icrx un thin issue. but tn tlw nuvre lumi- lcmte temperancy n‘llppt-l'lm‘s 2m “ppm! yam well 1w mudo nn public gm’uudn '1'“ those who hme the fumn- of our Village at hoan I put tin- qnvstiun of whether for the snkv of bring kiln“ n as a Local Optirn dislriift it is won-ll: whilu- sacriï¬cing impounnt s‘umvvs ut' revenue- and incl-Busing thv tuxvx If the community. nut In Spr‘uk of missâ€" ing thH opening aï¬unh-(l lu lwcmne :1 A l.‘ .I. I prreiï¬ut‘e ym'u‘ duï¬sion. ail», tn open up your (:ohl'm'us to Un-diwnssmn of this ql’le‘sliuh, and “mum New to know huw uur extreme [mnpernnvv Ineuds intend tn snpmy the place of our one hotel if they kï¬u‘sv this down. RATR'PAYER. land. in their Ludge Rv-oln last Thurs- duy evening. the anniversary of the part. Burns. Must. uf the lni‘lllill'l‘b’ weru present as well as a largu num- ber of Ancient, Fun-esters. lhe Calnp having kindly (‘xtvndvd a fraternal in- vitation Lu all the lnmnhurs luf Cum-t Richmond. The first part of the ow-n- ing was spent. in variuus games. after which an entmtaining prnglaln “‘215 gium. Bro. P. G. Savagemakingan efï¬cient, and happy chairman. AfLr-I a shnrt address by the chairman. in which he gave a warm \w-li-onw u. thv guests. the following Search pruâ€" giamme Wm; H‘IldtH-dzâ€" Sung and churns. "Burns and Swot- }and Yet." by '1‘. Thomwn and 0111915. Remarks. Sung. "'l‘heStandau'd an the Bravs 0' Mar," by Gr. anie and T. vaLun. Paper on Burns. 'lvy W. Innus. Sung, “Duncan Gray." by ’1“ 'l‘hmn- son. ‘u nanny“ . A matter uf grout impurinube In 11n- Irommunity is now under(-Uhsidemtinn in thH shape 01' in pl'npusall m (Ht-u a. grain elevn.,m. If. it is mlx‘l'iel nu: i will Ml‘ueï¬sdi'fly bring many fnrnwx-s and buye " nm. our district who must. have minimum». hotel fz_acililius._ these me Wilhlh-n‘wm us will L-vi'iuiuly occur shuuld Llw lien-n59 hi) cum-911ml. this pi-npusal will fall m thgmund and the \‘illugv “'I“ sulfw. Purim-rs me tired of teaming du-ull tn Tmumo. when: they ('annul. gm, m (-‘mmmuhu ion for their rigs and hursvs. and :u u pl'v- hated w Coum to mn- (“~lli'1 illSlead. :l'nis npphrlhï¬ity Shunld Hut he lust. us it will he if this Uyzlitw pussus. NnW'x iiï¬hllh h)" the chasing uf the 1mm tlw \'v=.\l_vpe\:_\"t}r§ «m um h'nly lnsv Um puspm-tiun Hf lhe licvnse fr-v ug'm iug LU lh'é llucnl aulhnnlws. hm also mm in} Lhti assvsmncnl nn tho pl't‘Sl‘lll xith'tipn Ur $6.01»). THE i3 ‘5'. srl'mlis nmttl-r fur [hl‘ \‘il- uun I u- gly-4...... V liefu‘riug lo the vute nlmut tn bv taken under the Local Option my lnw, th- re «re snum aspects ut' the p upmm which in M19. public inn-Wat shimm ceiw full mnnidcmliun (m the pull uf the x-utvpuyvrs. Furtuuulvly nu ques- tion arises in uur curw regarding villle an excessive number uf “C(‘llsvs or im- rupwr cunduct. on lhv- part. «11' lhr‘ lemme-holders. \Ve 1m w hut nuv licensed buuse which is admittedly cur- ried (m as a. huna tide hotel in a L'ul'vful and strictly lrgnl way. On lhisgmund no l‘easun can he found fur I'e‘nlln‘illg the Limnse eXt‘ept on genvrul liqnm- pl‘i_ll(3ib1r§. . p .,_ .A. .“u |.Hn II\ II... Instrumental. “Thu Bf‘nlch Emiâ€" g‘hmt's Fureweï¬," by G. Sims. Sung. “There's Nfll‘ Luck About the Hausa,“ bv G. anie. _ Spuech. J. Pauliu. flung mu] chill-u». "\Ve Au- Sclxh-h- mm _Bm-n." by T. Newton and G. Omvie. Snug. "Mary of Argyle." by G.Sims. Sung, “\Vill Ye Nu Cullw Back Again," by '1‘, 'l‘hmnmn. Sung. “Y0 Banks and Bmes 0' Bun- @112 flibernl.‘ A most enjuyahle evening was spent W th Camp Lord Elgin, Sons Uf Swot- luud. in their Ludge Ruoln lust Thurs» duy evening, the anniversary of the [wet Burns. Must. uf the [no-Inlu-rs Editor LIBERAL: Snug. "Mm-y of Argyle." by G.Sims. Snug, “\Vill Ye NU Umnt- Buck Again." hy T, Thomson. Sung. “Ye Banks and Bmes 0' Bun- my Dunn." by G. aniv. By the guests Shult nddu-sse-s “14n- eivcu by H. A. Nivhnlls. D. Hill, '1‘. H. Trench and T. F. Merlhun and D. Dun-y guw a \(lcul snlu. ’l‘ln- rhuiH-bl refreshments \YPI'P “fin-wands snn-d. and ht-ful‘e M‘puruling‘ ('\'t"’"_\' n‘nv pin-sâ€" entH-cein-d u bnuvv‘hir bf t’hl-‘hujbpy occms‘iun. The nwvtin‘g (“Inst-d with “Auk‘i hung Sync." and “God Sni‘c the King." Monuoxn HILL. Oran, l at \V'Hll;esti:ty night, at. which u my enjoyable. Linw was spent. bliss Wallace L-f Tomato. visited But-3's Anaiversafya LOCAL OPTION Carrville (1 Miss I ndt‘d the , Tuvsduy . Cnuk. jr Feb. ]. [UUU .. Smith 0 meetings an. evening. .. entertain 0v " Suany at, ‘_‘:l:hv E1115 Gwlmm and Miss A 109. \‘isiLr-d frivnds at n (list SUIIdny. _ ('I‘; Mr. and Mrs. \V Mr. F. '1‘. Graham. 1w- H'llt‘l' :It Gm“ - 19v. visited undnr llw [nu-enth Hqu n Sunday. \Ve {ll'r‘ pleasml in loan: that Mr Bun» hits 1-PCMM'MI {mm his $(‘\‘I't‘ illnrss. .\11-.:lntl Mrs. G. \Vtmd Sunday with frivml~ in .m . Miss \Vullm-e gnw- n \n] ing’ and prI-Iilulnh- mm: SL'IH-lnls 01 llw Sunday Sunday. um] nlw in (he. ‘vcx y Lu-ge (:ungwgatmm amid fun I’et'l'irn up flu» in: Sum-days Khis lit-3Uâ€; \‘v rx-Lm-n nu tlw A. M. (rips Thl‘ pruseut Exvm-sim) \‘1-'tl'upu'.it:m huh-hm Lam: Ln Tnmnlnn‘n \V’u Dunn-day aflvk‘mmns has zed. Sixty ucres gv’ml day I'mâ€: si‘. uiitrd 2 miles fuun King City} iirfm’mi-s fuh plnughed. hill:ll]('(’ pewtm'i‘ nhd ha) land. with 5 acres uf hush. vax- um hundrvd and ï¬fty apple {rm-S. m-w-mi pear and chi-Hy tree-s. ziiienduncv of berries and small fi-niis. Gnnd lmuk burn wk'n stillnl‘i-s, pun!- ll'y humus. driving ahvds, Mr. SBVPII-Hï¬inwd1M)RRP~,3 walk (Ill plncv. For price and further purtii-ulm 5 up. nlv 3A M 158 NE ‘5', About HIM-n Humid, Mark, H EVV 2 S O N HO USE 1’ A [I\ ’J‘ER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper Hanger. RESIDENC SEALED TENDERS nddH-ssnd tn the Postmaster GHu-I-ul. will he. nu- ctmed at Ottawa umi! Noon. cm Fri- duv. the 2nd Man-(3h. 1906. fur llw u nâ€" vey. nce of His Mujvsty's Nails, on n mm; 0th Contract fm~ fnur yl-Ms. six Linws per wet-k can]: Way. bvtuevn Maple und.\'elluv1‘e, fmm the ht April next. Printed notices Containing furllur infurmution us be: mvnditiuns «lf [u-n- pusod (h-ntravt, may he svrn :u «1 blank fm-msn‘f temivr may 'én- (minim-d ml the Bust ()ï¬lcvs «If Muplt'. Tmlon, lepla‘ille and Vellnrr. and ‘at tlw Ofli‘m- (If ’thv Post Ofï¬ce Inspector uL Tummtm Post foi‘lm- Department, M Bram-h. Ottawa. 13“) Jaiï¬nux'y, 19%: .wmws. ,nmvn.u mutation. Specimen Pupy or the each-mam lam ion: from» Addrhss MUNN h .30.. Sm AzmmCAH 0mm 3&1 Brondwuy. New York. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. ESIDENCE. m'cmmxr,‘ IILI An upright 3.1M) Rimns 30-3 Farm for Sale MAIL CONTRACE‘ ;. 9015.7 Run-{1H} at 43 REGEN'I‘ A V E. 'I‘ORUN'H 13?? in ght Piano, Mnsnn Mslvu lhw (hnnm For Ea V i a \1’. fl. MOORE. M abu mules cure dizziness. abules cure c'nustipatma ‘anuxes cure 93d breath. ‘nbules. in Raies on the troy‘ohb‘an AGAENS’T whim '1‘! m. Lu erhl‘l' :It Gm llw parental I-(mf Sunday Suhnhl l: . in [he n-w-ning [I [atilbflx T; l l“. BY~LA \V. ~(‘(1'l;:lnflphhnv. Bl H011. med I)!‘ THE BY-lu‘xW, P 3.1339 k M}! Tips ml MI AN 1) ERSON. Sup} FOR “(I Ewrsloy Mm :lg fh s A. I’m†llrslanco zn uuflc Aiimr. . SPIKNTH‘K' I'intelrd‘e‘nt» xil Uuu i‘ucl P" ln pnill vll) 'sd wnt 0W the hnmr intv [n :' nugvl :zllli‘l t m lay on H: Bum 1y :Im can-ml R isx-h I) Tho undersigan has his S-‘l\\‘ll)lll. winning mm' and is pro-pared {0 ï¬ll any n! (leS ['m' hill sLu-ï¬ up to ï¬fty feet lung. Ordu-s mm be ï¬lled '(m the slunrtvst Imtir-u. Auv pt-mun \Vn‘ntihgnny bill slulT slmuld svnd in their ordr‘rs at muse lwflu'o thv long simight trees are NIL. Parties :11 n (lislnnrzr can have tllrir lumlwl- hauled part Way (Irlonded un 0:515:11. Brmlfm'd '01- Gilfurd Station. Cull early and :u (-ld 'L‘nc lush. The umlelsigued will also hold an :métinn salt- the luï¬t‘vx- part u'f January‘n‘f sla‘hs. undwund and ctrdeu' pns‘Ls. The date of \\l)l(‘ll will be nnnounred later on. HENRY MARSH. 2-5-31 Bradford. Em If you could start at once in a. busi- ness which would add a good round sum to your present earningsâ€"WITH- OUT INVESTING A DOLLARâ€"â€"Wouldn't yo_u__dn it? Poultry raising pays. People who tell you that there is no money in raising chicks may have tried to make money in the business by using Setting hEhS as hatchef’s, and they migh‘l :65 _\chI have tï¬â€˜e’d ha Iocate a gok_i ‘mi‘n‘e in the cabbage patch. The business ofa hen isâ€"to lay eggs. As a hatcher and bi’d'odér 'she is out- classed. That’s me Business of the Chatham Incubhtm‘ and Broodcf. and they do 3t perfe'fftly and suCcessfulIy. ' Well\ we are willing to Mart you in a. proï¬table Business and we don't ask y0\_1 to put up _at_1y kind (fa-doth You Pay No Cash Until After 1906 Harvest. The pouitry bnsi'ness, properly con- ducted, pays far better Uxan any other business for the amoul'ï¬ of time and mgfley invested: Thousands of poultry-faisé’rsrâ€"men and Women all oven" Canada and the United Statesâ€"have proved to thei'r satisfaction that it is proï¬table to 'raise chicks with the ' 0m- 'pmpésiuén is this: \Vc will ship you the Chatham Incubator and Breeder, freight prepaid, and CHATHAM INCUBATOR AND BROODER. “Tho incubator you furnished his works exceedingly well. 11, is easily operated, and only needs about. 10 minutes attention every day. 'R. McGun'm, Moosn JAW, A553,." The Chatham Incubator and Broader is honestly constructed. There is no humbugaboutit. Everyinchofmaterial is thoroughly tested, the machine is built on right principles, the insulation is perfect, thermometer reliable, and the workmanshig the best. The Chatham Incubator and Breeder is simple as well. as scientiï¬c in con- structionâ€"a woman or girl can operate the machine in their leisure moments. The Manson Cam'pbeï¬ (10., Limit Dept. 27b,CHATHAM. CANADA EARN CASH We can supply you quick! from our distributing warehouses ut Cu gary. Bum- don. Regina. “'innipeg, New \Vestminster. B.C.. Montreal. HaJifux‘Chntham. Addrem all correspondence to Cbatham. 3H You pay us no cash until after 1906 harvest. Send us your name and address on a. post card to-day. Factories at. Cmmm. ONL, and Dsrauxr. Let us quote you prices on a good Fanning Miil 7 or éood Farm Scale. In Your Leisure Time ‘ miter "Yours mm ï¬'m‘t incubatori have used. and I wish to state I had 52 chicks out of 52 eggs. This was my ï¬rst lot; tfalymluu per mm. hatch. I am Wed! pleased. with my incubator and broader. T5165. McN-AL‘GHTON. Chillivmck, B.C." “My ï¬rst batch came off. I got 170 ï¬ne chicks from two eggs. W ho can beat that for the ï¬t: trial. and so early in the spring. am well pleased with incubator. And if I could not; get another money could not buy it from me. Every farmer should have a No. 3 Chathaxm Incu- bntor.â€"F. \V. RAMSAY, D'u-nn‘viue, Ont." Smï¬ for Sale the Liberal Office. "Limited Canada’s Greatest Nurs rles of NEW' Sl’EGIAI/l‘l ES 9w;- M‘; START N()\V AT THE BEST N we SEASON. Big induwh “he-ml pay, hundsmm- fru- umï¬l ritvl'y resern-d. \Vy-im- fur 1m :1) send 3.30. for nnr ALU M [N [731 1’ ET M ICHOSUOPE (mug: iï¬l'b 451 and 50c. {01- our HANDY SA ‘»the thing fur trimming [rt-es (mil as w oll us wont“. June 11. 1003 STONE & WELLINGTON Thwshera' Gun! (.21 hand. 'I‘he Municipal (inunvil of tlw (‘m pmuliun nf the Yillngp nl liit'lnnmu lllll hereby emu'l: us lulluu'sk‘ l. 'l‘ï¬ntihe sale by l'Huil of spill nuns, furmcntvd. or Other nmnufm tun-ml liqunrs is and shnll he [I‘UllllH (edinc-\v1-ylu\'ern. inn. ur nllH-I' plum (.f public entv‘rtninmvnt in lln- Suit municipality. and the sulu Ill' 11mf t-x uva by whnlt-snlv. is and shall In: prx hiliilod in ‘every .slmp (w lblncv in th- suid municipality (uLhm- than n lmn> ofptlivlicenu'l3‘61)â€meâ€" 2. That the \ule nf (he ('lH'IHIS (, the said village hf Rit-lmmnd liill \Vn he tilkt'll (m the ivy-law by the H-tnl L ing ()ï¬â€˜ltl‘l‘ un MONDAY, 'l‘HE NiNx: TEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY. nn tlmnsuml nin humllvd and six. m m nmncing at nine n‘ulutl; in Um nun-- ing and continuing till-tin: u'i'luvk ll the :Iftern'cnn, at UK! lfllflli‘l‘un‘nlluln' place. \iz: ’l‘hv Council Chamber sit uuLv in Palmch Brick Black on ll: comer of Arnuld Sheet. :md wust. snl. of Yunge Street in the said Village u Riclnuund Hill.â€" Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION A by-lmvtnpruhibit1h: ofliquor in the Mum ity of the Village of mond Hill. TORONTO BY=LAW N0. 3. That on the T\VELFT11 DAY 01 FEBRUARY. A. 1).. 1906. at Ll]: Clerk’s Ofï¬ce in the Village of Rirh mund Hill. at the hour of tun U'lzlm:lin the Furommn. the Herve shall up point in writing, signed by lrimsell. twv persons {0 attend at the final bllll)» ming up nf the votes by the Glen k. and one pl-rsun (>0 attend at (ho 51m] pnll~ iug plum-.011 behalf of the poisons in- tvlesu-d in and desirnns ul' prumnling th» passing uf this By-lnw and u likv In-nan-i' on behalf nf llw [vt‘rsmns in» tel-(mind in and desimns uf uppusing the paging (-f this hy~l.-lw,â€"â€" 4. That the Ulrx-k (If the said muni- 4. That the Ulrx-k (If the said muni- cipal Unm'r‘ci! of the Village (lf Rich» nmnd Hill, shall attend at the Cunn- ml Chamber at the hour nf ton o'clnck in the flu-mum“ on the T\\"EN'1‘IE'1‘H DAY OF FEBRUARY A. 1)., 1906, tn sum up the lvulnht‘r uf \‘utirs gin-u for and against. this l3)“â€"l;n\'.â€"-â€" LIVERY 5. Thin By-luw 51m.†cume into 0p- Pmtiun. and he of full force and ei'frct on and after the First Day of May next nvar the ï¬nal passing (lwrum'. Read n ï¬rst and second Linzu :md wand in committee the Fiitrenth IJuy 0 f Take "olive bind the above is :1 true copy of n pI-ngmsed Bylaw which has hem: taken ium cousich-rulion by the Municipal Cunnc-ilwf the Corpm-ntinn of the Village of Richmond Hill. mxd which will be ï¬nally pussvd by the said ()(mncil (in the event of the “swat of the (-leolm's being obtained then-bu) after (me rxmnth (11-!!! the publicatim. thereof in the "Liberal" nmvspupur, the date of whit'h publicatiun was THURSDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH DA Y OF JANUARY. 19136. and at the bum; (lay and place therein ï¬xed fur taking the votes of the. electors [he pulls will l’n- bold. (L. S.) A. J. H UME, Clerk. Michael Ema. J “mun-y 20-4 mus: RICHMOND FONTBILL NURSEBIES, Boll Organ uzu‘e Pinï¬u \Vnnt n luml sulesnmn fur Rialnuonfl E E ii! FGR SALE On-r 800 acres. 1906‘ COAL NOTICE WGOD nod conditim n p. C. ROLLIN H of spill '1' nmnufzu m [lehihi’ min-r piuu in HIV Sun ONTARIO. of Hik’ lCl l’OL‘K tinu Sh'm-t Just lm E‘un f+++++ I‘arlivs ge- ting Hu-ir hills printvd 11$ 'L‘m-s LUHCKAL (1mm- \\ in l't'u-ivc fro» unlicos llhdvi‘ the nhm‘v heading up w 1h» lill‘m uf 5:119. Ulhvl' :iulvs will be dun-god 25 cents fur each insertion. \VEDNESDAE. Ft“). 7â€"Amtlim) sale of frvsh milk um‘s, emu. at the Pullle Hume yards. Sale at l n‘clnck. Tvruw. 4 months.â€"Suigeon v3; McBhven, Auc- Limmms. FRIDAY. Fob'y Q‘Amnttion sale of n. 011.1"!(Hld of hmses at Ilurris' Hutel, Sulwule-lzg. lhe prnpvrty (if J. H. Bril- lingor. 5.110 at l. :H'dit till Oct. 1. Saige-(m & Mclflwon. :mcts. \VEUNESDAY. Fob. l4â€"Auctiun sale b+++++++++++++++++++u+++++ thoroughbred .h-rsey mttlv, Oxford Down shevp. hours and farm imple- ments. on Int. 2!, mm. 2. Markham, the prnpm‘ly nf E. French. Sale at, 12 u‘clm-k. TurmsBums. J.Il.Prentic«-. auctioneer. 'IGBSDAY, Fe-b. 20~â€"Auotinn sale of fm-msmck. implqu-uts. Hr... lot 20, 3rd can Markham. the property nf I). Hidup. Tonns.8mnsx. Saleut l. J. H. Prentice, Auctiunvor. TUESDAY. Full). 20-Auctinn sak- uf fanu stuck. iulplt-uwnts. «nu. lot .‘4, mm. 2. East YUI'k, the prupm-ty nf A‘mmld Bx-ns. Salem-l. Tex-ms cash. F. \V. Siiversides. :IIICL \\"EDNESDAY. Feb. Libâ€"Auction sale uf farm stuck. imple-xnans, «(cunt Bcd'furd Park. the prupr-rty (nf \Vm. Smith. Salvut l. Tenus,9mos. F. W. Silvt-x'sidrs. and. W. Silversidvs, mu- THURSDAY. Man Of fzum stuck. imp etc" on Lnt, 24. re hum, the pmpm-Ly Sulv at 11 n'clm‘k. J. U. Prentice, Auc a+++++++++++++4oznz~zwzo++++41-9-2» w. H. SHAW, Principal ~++++++++++a-Â¥+++~9++++++++§ 5 Then why do ynu (mugh a†d; r . \Vhilx- l’nw and Tan \sill H‘limu ynu thv- HIM 'dny. It win slup 11ml Tough in n fmv days “1011‘. W0 knnw all nlmul it hemmse we hm!» add it for yuan, and we, “Your Money Bat}: if You Want lt.‘ l‘m‘nlnl (‘l-IHIIH and \w We suv Issuer Marriage Liceï¬ses Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? heliewv ii) 2.30911“ [4 \Vnrt h And vxnminn u (‘npy of (mr m ltngue if you hm f' any ido-n taking :1 pl vpnmtm-y (201118? f( “'u hvliow more is mr svhnnl equal tn Inn-s fur rut-thndic busi- mwa training :und fur gund re- suhs. “'9 stfliuit im‘esligutinn and (‘Ulnpnl‘ismL Enter any time. Novuculiuns. :1 ml nde Good Payin TORONTO. ONT. @eui‘mi gingimï¬ (ileum: Yng 'n hmu 3‘ Imw just (‘lll'f‘flln Afte-l Druggist. Richmond Hi“ 26C Sale Register. rbl'l'd Jt-rsey (-nttlv. Uxfm-d mp. horses and farm imple- x Int. 2, mm. 2, Markham, the uf E. French. Sale at, 12 Tux-ms 8 mus. J. H. Prenticv. & Gm-rzlni $15.. Tux-rum. ï¬elds I") scarce. hm thou woo who (“aim Er'c.‘l‘c-'1'aud.Matneyillrmlva (runs. funi infnrm about work which r cnv- do. mvl h m. bome.thnl wil! pay on use itxmrw yuu will it hm. l[,\li-H(:t1§‘. )‘(xll vtry it. An- ynnr lungs Cent " Ulll Auctionem l‘h i"! {’E 1. wt day. Some bma L yo:an or old. Cgplml lâ€"Amttiun sale moms. furniture. 3rd Cum. Mul'k~ f T. \V. Klinck. nus. 8 montth « @555?“ u» a E nfnnrr-afn- my idru of (:Ulu'sr fur :1 “3‘ +~i~vï¬v+ +4“? W++ Posuion : f x m- Ft‘hun] thudic busi- n- mind re- nwu‘ignlion Enter any ,1 399119512 5.. Turn nth. ‘ "209"? %‘ ¢‘¥+‘P+++N++‘ ‘ a :. ~ '2‘ ‘rincipal +¢+++