Thu annual meeting fur the election Hf uï¬im-rs and utvhvr business nfths- Rmncl t-f Edmrulinn will In: ho-ld in the High School next, \Vodncsduy at 4 «felt-ck. -‘ Elizabeth A. 8mm), “lie of Adam Dulzml, Nashville. Vaughan. diedun the 29m nf January. Inlrmu-nt tn [mural Hill (Mnet-vry, iBulétm, “Wed- mosclay aftux noun. Laurel Hill Clinically, ‘ï¬'edll‘l’tp‘flj‘h “ugh J†“’9 Dunki†Aqt’ the musday aftmnoun. Scum Act, and the presvnt License _.__«__. Act. and clainn-d that anal Option Hashim, gnuâ€, N0. 6' of we Ancient I was better and mow easily enforced I l t l Order of Fur-esters, will :huld its au- than any of the. others. Penalties nual meeting in the roar hall of Lhu- finder Local Option were more Rife-ct- Masunic Building. Richmt:nd:llill,-nn we than undvrtho fm-xueructs. Fm- 'l‘ue.~'d.~iy, Frh. (i. The inn-ting will he the ï¬rst ufl’em'e the ï¬nr was $50, and openn-d at 11.30 .P. H)†w'mh Mr. H. A. 1“ dt'flllllt “f: P‘WUW'W 3 “"‘Uths ll“- {Nu-hulls, \19,~U, IL, in the chair. prisnunwnt. The second offence was 4 months without an upliun, and the third 6 months. hard labor in Pav‘h casu Under LUCHl Option the imam whnhuysis punisln-d as wall as the man who svlls. Any inï¬pectn-r. Tun- stahhe nr ofï¬cer can enter any pu‘lllic huusr. hall, eating house. 'etnn with out, a wairant. and Search ‘fur liquor. At prvst-nt the law isdifï¬calt’tuun- “"0 are rrquestud by Mr. T. B. Lud- fI-rcv sa-y on Satuid-ay nightq. Sunday-a third to shun thatallpim-ols of laundry [ and aloctinn days from the fact that left at his stow on Mnndaysalnd \Vrd- 1 the ham are,- stm/kvd wit-hall kinds (if nosdays will he fnru‘ardvd tn Lr-o I liqnnrs which can he re-achvd hy tm-n- Chung. at his laundry at Eglintun, :ii.g a kn-y. Under Lucal Optinn nu the sauw day. First-Mass Wm k [:uar- 1 liqunr will he». allowed in the bar. The antwd at llltldt't'uie prices and prompt, i bpvakvr received an excellent hearing drlin-ry zlb>lll'(‘d. 30-31 and at tho close was acmn'dvd a vote __ - 7 7 1 y of thanks. Many ladn-s Wt'l'k' presvnt. GOSPEL TEM PFRABCE .Tnu nu-uting clusctl with "Gud Sam- M)‘. T. A. Laumn was in thee Chair at A llli' K‘HE." The annual ï¬nancial statenwnt (If the. treasurer nf the ’Bivhmund Hill Board Of Educatinn has hm'n printed and (:irrulaiml Lhrnughnut the Union Schonl Svctiun. Thv abstract shnws a gnud halanw in holh I‘uhlic Scliuul and High Schnul fund. and \v mu [m :lddres DistriA-t, Unlllb No. 6. of U1? Aimcimxt Ordn-r nf Foresters. will :huld iLeun- nunl meet-ng in the Hun- hull of Un- Mnsunic Building. 'l‘ue.~dny, Rh. 6. The nxm‘tiug will 'he “pent-d at 1.30 p. 511.. Whh MW. H. A. 5ichulls, ‘1930. IL, in the chair. The annual ï¬lmnoin] statemvnt (If the. treasurer uf the Richmond Hill Bum-d of ELl-ucntimz .11": 1mm printed and (:ii't'ulzllvd Lhrnughnut the Union Schonl Svctiun. Thv abstract almws :1 gnud lmlnnw in Inolh Public Schuul and High Scluml fund. -Rev. Dr. Pidgin. u vny ail-)1» spank-- rr. him In on wuuwd tn grin :I tn-mpvre ancv :ulthe'ss-irn ‘hrrhnlf «if Jownl uptinn in th~ Mnsnr‘rit‘ Hal“. mm the Homing Hf Mm Huh 01' Fvln'uamt. ryequcste‘d. Rev. James valt-x-snn. nssnciute missiunm-y smwtm-y. will preach in the Melllunliet. (‘hun-h next Sunday. ’l‘o miss lunu-ingbhe Dr. is to misS e1 Th» parties \I pan sh 1min statiun gmumis H'va th sun Richmond Hill. 11m Blmnkeisâ€" Yuu (‘rm have the balance nfourslut-kwf'whitv Blankets at Ivss .l bun Whmlosniv«px'ivv. A song; in mom‘s top shims. Nunglmm Run-5.. Elgin Mills. Boots and Shuesâ€"1Wnavithstnmding lln- (wavy and cuntinued advance in Hoots. \\'«- :u'» <til| selling at old prices. Men’s English Kid “‘eurking But-ts. $2.01). huughl-Im Brns... Eigiu Mills. A val nf 4X British Culumh'a P. (R-(lnl' Shinglvs has jusL hum I’H(‘(‘I “’9 highly rt-r-mnnwnd mu- reudvrx lt-u suhsu ihv to The Ful'mt'rs' Advmmtt" 41nd Hume Magazine. bf ‘ A luflgv l)-LLI2.1|!(‘I'~ {pt-(:er uL [Jiv-St-t-d ~Ihe Ln: nu H.111, "eh: Inn-v. The Shllg‘it‘l 'wal Mr-mm actor Shady tukvn by A“ Mom's “"l-ï¬lu DI~Ps: .‘fvrnwt, upon Inn-k. open Unlined [irvss ~\“h'iris. 3111.116 front». A! kier by H. A. NTblmlls, ind will'hésoki a igln pl icvs fur iImm-(liul'u deli‘vt-ry. Ml'u’s plain and lvih m‘H-nlls. hmn‘)‘ shirts, working punls. ht-nVy sucks. and 1mile l'uhllul‘ c()..l,s. hnvd stimuks. ill “gm pnux's. Allunsun A: b‘wisz-l Mr. T. A. I he. meeting :15? Sunduv. Mrs. \thdx‘ \ 1.4% to :1 lie-w (‘i‘ “70 will mnkv tn ymn- mvnsm-v in filst, m-(le-I- a gunninv hmu'y Svu‘t’c‘h Tweed Suit zfm- $512,300, at |~ogluln‘1-$118.- 31M) smt. .‘tk'iusnrn & Swimrm Lam: \‘nls-nt int-is and 1 at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬cv. flnnn The hhi )( :13! 1h Call at THE LIBERAL Oï¬â€˜m- nnd sm- :« HWY ('1' “'l‘ht- Furnwr's Manual." is- Mlt‘d by the Family Hun-dd & \Vevkly .‘ly'. and .‘Itl'jl. ngm Pvm'lv "rum-laid. ‘c:-'Iivc'l re HUH'S 1-1611: 19st 'I‘l-mr Bum-(Yer \Va’n't “nldl'lzl. Addâ€: 1'11 i“. 'I'Im \\'.‘U. T. V. will 'mt‘vt :It thu- lmnu- I-f Mm. {Du-1y next Tin-sdny at, 'eln nary ial‘. RICEMflN-D Ii'XL‘L, 0N1“ Al ul. Nivhmnnfl lhly‘n H; ()(3‘ A rmit next Int-Ming ("if V'n'mghnh Tawn- ‘uum-il will he lw'xdl 'l‘msduy, (.ln- f Ft'hrllul'v. nut-Lies “‘Im xvnun‘ml some NH. SiIJIule and lath frnm the gl'uuudsnt Ma‘plr', will kimliv Lhn snqu Lu H. A. Nicllulls. \anll'l‘ Bmw mm?! .M'l‘s. va'ï¬re of UM'I'I‘ViHI" ‘tnméi’? ‘n ï¬le-imam! Mus. Humes Bundh am. Eglintnn, IVE mum-mic prices 2m Laumn was in the Chair at g in the Tempt'runcr Hull v. The hall was l‘l‘u\\'d(d. grub that time and mum: (10 l rv-purt (if a. sexy ma-vllmnt vn by Rev. Mr. Knight int-s of Local Option. The ml by Mr. F. J. Prthiuk. \Va’n'tvd Aâ€" A High 'Sc'imoi Address Bax 397. Richmond 'h'ih- Dress Shirts :L at. the Epwurth Luague y u-n-ning \\'ill be "Chur- nn th‘ Lil't- of Paul." tn hp S. R. blmw. .. ‘ will hnhl its 11 Ting 1m Mm‘nduy. R a lag" Eéhrrulflc Elmw In In Sal Urdu y, )f zexhi-hits ume (1 Inn-k :uldf snft‘ frnnt f»: SwiLZe-I: “mica fm- *sa‘ln 1- .h-g'kins, re- nn friends and Ind flw-HH -:lu-kl in 10H] m RIC†l pt'l] :n') n 1‘ kmg M c- at ,‘d Miss E {111(. MR. SPENCE SPEAKS. The Masonic Hall was well ï¬lled last. evening when Mr. F. S. Spent-e, anontn gave an address in thH inter- ests of Local Option In this ~vil age. The speaker was introduced in a. few Well chosvn So-ntencvs by Mr. Swilzar. who occupiedvachair. Mr. Spence predicted a victory here .fui' tumpn'r- ance un Lhe‘lUxh of February. hnL said that \VllPLhPl‘ we win or lose in the presnnl contest, the inm-einvnt. is mak- ing rapid pmgrvss, and is sure Lu win in the end. (mnadn. he claimed. was snher iu cmnpai-isun with ether countries. In Git-at Bx-itajnSGflallnus (If inluxicalingJquunr is (mnswmedan- nualiy per head ut’ pupulatinn, '26) gal- lnns per head in the United Skates. but only 6 gallnllspul’ head in Canada. The speaker referred to the various l'Hk‘ilflU'I‘PS passed in cuitnil the drink In order tn emure that pl-npm- hots-l m‘conlnmdutiu-n \\ill lw provide fur the public, in \iew (f the passing of the Local Optinn By-mw, an assauâ€" iutiun has hue†funnrd. to he called the Blemisan Hill Bmuding Hulls“ Asmcintvinn. Capital stock $5.000, divided mm 500 shares $10 earl]. A lalge amount hf the stock has already been takvn. Those- interested in the cause was invitad to take stock. Sub- smuipt‘ion lile open at the ofï¬ce of Mr. ‘ A. E. Switzer. sec'y-heas., pro tcm. In OldPl' t0 omure :u‘conmmdutitIn \\iH the public, in \ ieof the Local Optinn . iutinn has hue†fun the Rschmnm? Hill Aswcintvinn. *Cnpi‘l :mh-ud mfrw thmury. (I is (turtï¬inly :1 beautiful piclum, ownsin woth tun (lan's. and any hmnw wuulél'hptvl‘e helu-l-«rtf it. Orw (haunt 5m .:1 year‘s smhsuriptiem tn lhnt‘g‘t'vut weekly, Thv Family Hr-mld and \Vm‘kly Star nf Muntl'eul, \\ill svcun- a cupy of the pimne absuiutvly fl‘t‘t‘. No pit-Lure ever shmvn in this ('x-untry has :14in- ed such praise: and praise, too, from men capable of judging. Mrs. 51mm was Epwm-th ln-nguv (waning. 'l‘hv t'nl i‘ipwnrth lu-nguv 111thng Monday mening. 'l‘hv l'nlluu'ing prugrnmm was givuuzâ€"Suln by Miss Murt‘m ; trio My Mr. L). I) my. Mr. A. (ilnssun. Mis< L. \VIighL; wcilmiun by Mi.“ Hurnihg, sulu luv Miss Duncan. wad mg by Miss Sennlan. Hrt’u-slnnmm wew sr-H'ml nt‘ llw ('lusv. III :m m- (h-uwing Cunlvst Miss Eva Hill serum-d fix-st. [)l'iZH. Mr. Earl» Newton was MC» mnnpunisbï¬u- thxa singvrs. Slur of Mumm- iug thv- puMicI h-«PHH iful piclls HM' Gmnc’irhilt huiug (*‘x‘hzms’w unh-ud mfrn‘ F: a heuutiful pic! Nobody Mum] any Hm»! \Vnsh. Magvr “outs "trier" in ihis brown. Hr- has «113' hum]er of sqlmms [his weeknnd huge quuuxilivs um lwing Mushud in~ 'w vm'itius .ire hunN-s. And n-nt'wilth- stundviug ll'ml, n \‘UU' fur lmral OpLimI will lw-mkvn on aln‘19il1i11<t.,ilwould Sec-m mam mn- uni-Imus still pun-pas: in- d‘ulging inn "ha-NH (LP-ï¬nk.“ At :1 "mo! ing nf the Quarterly Ofï¬c- ial Bnard «If [he Mthndist. Circuit 0:: Mnndny :l ununimuus‘ imitatinn was PxAlr'I-xdwd In Rev. A. I). BI'HI'P, B. ID.†Hf Nt‘\VL(IH Bro-1k. as superin. leminnr of thh cia'cmit 'i’m- the uqu rund’mx'enco term. A similar invita- fliiun Was extended to Rm. J. M. (Lupe- ’lnhrl uf {he anhm Cnnferc-uue. as jl-minrmusl-m; The Glel‘l1‘t‘lllpvl’illlce Meeting to he held nva. Sunday ul‘u-rnoun will In- Hdlh‘l‘SSl‘ll by Rev. B. SPPIICP nf'l‘m-nn- In. 'l‘lmse whn hoard Mr. Spe-nve in thn- Mnumit.‘ Hull :1 few wm'ks agn will he dnl-ghlvd In hn-nr him again, and tlmsu who did nut, hour him shunlu not, miss Lhis nppnrumity nf duillg so. Mew-[lug at 4 n‘vlnuk. Chair lilkt-ll by Mr. Gvn. Mrlhnmld. The annual social will be held in the Church of England Recall-y. atTlmm- hill, on St. Vulc-ntine‘s Day, \Vednes- day, FM». 14, 1906. vareslunenls will he served. Gman will he pl'uvldc'd. A musical pl'ugmmnw is heng prepar- ed. There will also he :1 sale ut ladies†wm-k. Siln-r mlleclinh. Dums upI-fl at. 7 o'clock. Allure curdiully invited. Beware spucial vuIlII-s: 4 cans pms -fm~2:'ua: 3mm cmn fur 26m; 4 cans fresh ‘Bl'iflsh Cnlmnhin Herring's for 25a; 2 cans lu-st FHISr'l' Rim-r Red Smtkvye Sullnuu fur 30¢: 20mm rm] amlmnu fur-25¢: -5 Hrs. Izhni‘cv prunes 501'251»: éJ-Bls. ‘(fbhkflt’ ï¬gs Afar 250.; 5 lbs. dutvs fur 22%.: k Rn. ('wa good ('offm‘ fhl‘251,.; I “7. hlï¬yï¬ï¬'rc‘kvd Ja’piln Tun for 2. Audi-mun 1th Sunâ€! zrr. nmpunisb CONNER The ST. VA LEN'I‘INE‘S SOCIAL. liz‘ cRâ€"HILTSâ€" On “'ednt‘sday. ‘t, the residence of and by the allintt. Mr. Jzum-s Gamer. to lubtth Hilts, nil of Gunning. TO TH E PUBLIC. umil MARRIAGES lnllirun ‘ 3‘5"»!3 and -\ST CHANCE- ’ Herald and \Vevklx ‘9â€, is this went \v;|||:< that nhv supply uf [huh QM w and .19: “re “hair :It, llu» Int-PLng Monday .wing prugrnmm by Miss A‘llll‘L‘Ul : Ill!!! nunf. he guur It is (:vI'Lainly y we)th tun L9." 'Xflexu mi I .to new milk 11»:-Llwm,zmd that, with- out thc- :uldiLinn 0f any fat-containing indigeslll-zle meals. Few-(l it Ln lml‘svs wud their cunts will shimJ as though tlu-y \vvremn H. numl J um- puslun‘. :md itllis without antimony. :um-nim "1le. mppems. snltpetac. rcslnnr any drug or dupe than, should not. the fml regu- lau-ly, or that. has any ill effuct. And Feed Hen-huge»:va Lo pigs and they will be muunu-e bum-m huge at ï¬ve months, instant] (\f .ut suvunxmunth, and the punk willggrmï¬-e “Hum.†Ferd it, tum cuh 05 a nd tin-rt- 'will he no scours. -und it will make supdrwted milk t'quul ,NuLm-e‘s .wug ,the- :trne- wny and aroma, i6 us necessary tn the (we had- anw ufvmmbiun us is nquilive ratio. In Live manufacturing of Hw'lmgvum nature‘s Jim-s are clnsvly followed, and Hrrhugeum, when added [0 dry wian feud, ussun-s pvrfecb nssiulilntiun. :md nmkr‘s that Iced equal U- gnnd Jlnm pasture. This makes a truly balanced I'utiun. and [his is true science in feed- ing. and it is scionuo than will stand the dollar-:md-cvnls test. which is the trlu' lost fruui Hm- Ctuudpuint of the: mun who is feeding for prufit, l‘uLiH‘l‘ than zunusemvnt. su on thruugh the wholelist~cff1fnrm stock. It will clean nut licv‘nnd ticks by making pure Maud. This is nature‘s plan, a gnud pasture will (in the same thing in the same way. Eure blood is pnism: to all parasites. ' Gradually. but surely. in spite of 0p- pusiciau from thuse who allnlllxi know better. the farmers uf Cnnzulu _ are learning the “llcx-lmgL-um Them-y." and they :u-v putting it, in gn‘uut'bsc wth satisfaction and pn-lit. \Vilhuut thvsv armnutic parts (here can he no truly balanced ruliun. IL is Llw fund :Issllnlan‘d and not the fund eaten (hat gives the results, and the umn' {ht-ruugh the assimilation is .thu more wrtist'uctm'y will the results be. No uuu-unl “fun:I-lmhth-uu-s of far. will pl'mlucu flush «u- -l-:utlcr unless it, is us- Sl|llll£lll‘(l.. A combination of ditferrnt fur-(Is cmnhining in prupvl- prupm'tinn the different umlsnuu-nts n-quireâ€"d tn pm» dnce Llu- Lin-sired ï¬nished pruducL is unllvd a hnlulchI ration. The great mistake usually made: in b'w [nuke up of :1 “balanced rulinn†is Line nmisaiuu nf tlmsu qualities that, go to aid in me- :wsimiintiun ut' the num- I11»-uL-u0nlaining pun-ts. \Vc are Sufi- in taking nnuunvus‘rrnr mndel 'in [hwe m llt-HI‘S. and M’J’dl-Jt‘ .Hihf‘luit‘ at her best nm‘nr neglects the parts that are hub in {and Luluvs. lH-‘ilhfll dues sin-(unit. thnse qualities that h:i-\'( no fund value, hul. which ~\upply the urnmutic uid Ln digestion lhuL is ne-edvd to insure the- Lhumugh assimilation of the pen-(.5 cm» mining fund values. (James BoWéié’r’é'g‘Glér’With AyéF'S Plus and thus hasten recovery. Mr. D. Donor, and WNW“: intending tn build. are alum-wt bah-nukes! by ï¬re Luck nf fnnsf in the swamp L-u get, out. their timhe-x'. Revival svrvices are st“! in progress in the Tunkard chm-ch, hem. Rm" & ï¬akaï¬and Mr. Gas :u- Wide- nmn, Wm nld ,p’inmren‘s of vi is place, 'am-e very fwhle and il'l “his wintu'. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures icoughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You knowitistruc. And your own docmr will say so. THE SCEENCE 0F FEEDING Entry :1: any time. luvuv at once. h teaches Shurthand and Bumness Uum'ses that, Ming xilunlinns rvlâ€"Iy Linw. Lung l-xape-rn‘uce. pvrsunnl nttvutinn, indii-Vidvmnl inx‘n llctinn cvuut. Sspvuinl ad- vantages at Y. M. C. A. and Y. R. A. Rama h \V In thumwgmï¬m-nt YVM. GA. Building in thv llv-an of the Git-y Cur. M¢§GLII and Y’ngeStreets, TOI‘UUI'U. For Lung Troubles The best kind of a testimonialâ€" “Sold (or *over sixty years." We hue no ucrats! We publish the formula ofan our mtdicinol. uï¬nd mac 1: 1'. C. Ayer 00.. Lawnmnus. A no ulnar-stun" of z/efs â€"SO LI) BY G ormley :arsanm SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. Unmulu _ are m I‘hem- " n-zlutbsc \uhh ht Business trahsactcd between 10 and 4 on Monday “’ednesdny and day of each Week. ' ï¬faaflml a: :11: iii @Wm ’aple Savings Bank Dopzu tmeut. M um-y advmicvd on Sale notes. 14‘ urnace ‘Vork. 'Finsniit h- ing. l’aian's and IIard‘ware. \Ve have second-hand heaters, nearly new $150 wood and coal stoves at low ï¬gures. Happy 1350mng and Imperxa‘l Oxford Ranges, our 1leaders, which have won for themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. Richmand gm Hardware Siam wc qnnLo:â€"Gulden Dates, 5 lbs. for 25c.; Canadian Fï¬gs, 5 lbs. for 2512.; fleamvd Pam-as Currants. 34 ‘Ihs. for 25w; red salmon. 2 cans 54*? 25c.; maple syrup in quell-harms, 2512‘, gn‘ldvn syrupin'ï¬â€"ih. :pnils, 25a; 5 lbs. host. Canada. AtAtkmsm} 8: Swit= zer’s Grocery Store Good Groceries Wholesome Pro= Vismns Choice Delicacies You can’t get along without Groceries G. SQULES (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce mt saws. Axes. Because catingis a habit you ac- quired at a very early age and clings to you still. It is a good habit if properly controlled and supplied with Riclunoud Ilill These are what you can get at money- saving prices 4| n . 18. 1906.