Extraordinary Marriage Will be Cele- ' brated in Paris. An extraordinary marriage will take place in Paris shortly, when the twin brothers Charntcnu, both of whom are painters of repute, will marry the twin sisters Renaud, two beautiful girls who are only 18 years of age. The best men It the double wedding will be another pair of twins, who are cousins of the twin hridegrooms. The brothers are so fond of ouch other that they had resolved never to marry. But they both fell in love almost sim- ultaneously. Their sweplhearls were also almost undistinguishohle, and mix;- takes occurred so frequently that each twin began to dress for the ï¬rst timein a different costume. Mt. Brydges. Ont, Jan. 29.â€"Special.) -â€"Among the many people in this I.eigi{borliood who tell of the great work Dodds Kidney Pills are doing, none is more emphaiic than that old and re- spected citizen, Mr. Robert Bond. Alphonso and Gabriel Charnlenu are so absurdly alike that they have been the victims of ludricous mistakes all their lives. Their mother is a widow, and on this account one of the twins was excused military service. Wishing not to be separated from his brother. he went to live in the town where his twin was quartered. He was arrested {our times during the ï¬rst week, and accused o! appearing in pub- lic without uniform. He had the great- bst difï¬culty in convincing the authori- ties that he was not the conscript. HE IS EMPHATIC IN WHAT HE SAYS “I believe I owe-my life to Dodd‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills,“ Mr. Bond says. “My attend- Ing physician said I was in the last stages of Bright’s Disease and that there was no hope Ior me. Then I commenc- ed to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills and used in all twenty boxes. Now l eat. well, sleep well, and my doctor says I am well. Dodd’s Kidney Pills and nothing else cured me. Do you wonder I am always ready to say a good word for Dodd’s Kidney Pills?" - i DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS CURED BOBT. BOND OF BRIG-[IT’S DISEASE. ,llls Doctor Who Said There Was No [lope for Him, Now Pronounoes Him Well â€" [le Tells His Own Story. What will cure Bright‘s Disease will easily cure any other form of Kidney Disease. Dodd’s Kidney Pills will al- ways cure Bright’s Disease. They are lhe only remedy that will cure Bright’s Disease. Be sure and gel Dodd’s. Young Skipjack: "Ahâ€"I should like ‘0 cross that ï¬eld; do you thinkâ€"ahâ€" ihat cow would hurt me?†Farmer: “Did you ever hear or a cow hurlin’ a calf?" “l‘d rather be dead than suffer again the tortures of insomnia, palpitation and nervous twitching o! my muscles in- duced by simple neglect 01 a little indi- gestion." These are the forceful and warning words of a lady who proclaims that her cure by South American Ner- 'A Clear Healthy Slamâ€"Eruptions of the skin and the blotchcs which blemish beauty are the result of impure blood caused by unhealthy action 0! the liver and kidneys. In correcting this un- healthy action and restoring the or- guu to their normal condition, Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills will at. the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotch- es and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. gestion.†These are the forceful and warning words of a lady who proclaims that her cure by South American Ner- vine when everything else had failed was a modem miracle. A few doses gives relieLâ€"92 Oratory is merely talk with a (rock £031. on. "Mr. Grouch went to a masquerade the other evening disguised as a bear." “Did any one recognize him?" "Only th wife.“ Do noï¬glve up in despnlr, von who snflox. Iron obstum‘e disï¬gurement: (If the skin. Ann ~mt the sure spun: with Woavcr‘s Comte and puri'fy Lhe bkmd w‘flt anor's Syrup. All dngzisu keep them. GAP UNLEGH? "‘ REWARD win $O'000 be paid to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap Icomaina any injurmus chemicals or any form of adultcrau'on. If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (Follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old/Fashioned way. is equally good with hard or soft water. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury. ALL TWINS IN THIS. SHE KNEW HIM. DRESSED UP. WJ'VVV be Pald to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adultcration. HIS AIM. Dle when I may, I want it said 0! me by those who know me best 11ml. I al~ ways plucked a thistle and plnnlcd a flower where I thought, a flower would growâ€"Abraham Lincoln. Puts You on Your Feet and he synu there That’s what "Ferrovim" does (01‘ 31 those re covering from wasting diseases. It is the best tonic in existence. It. stimulants, nourishes and builds up the sysmm. Mrs. Homeboddy: “Home is the dent'- est spot. on earth, after all." Mr. IL: “Yes, when you count in the rent and the servants’ wages.†Be There It Will Wisdom Points the Way.â€"’I‘hc sick man pines lor relief, but he dislikes sending for the doctor. which means bottles 01' dru 5 never consumed. lle has not the resu utlon to load his stumach with compounds which smell villainously and taste worse. But if he blue the will to deal himself with his ailment, wisdom will direct his attention to Parmelee's Vegetable I’illn. whlch, us a speciï¬c for indigestion and disorders of the digestive organs, have no gqunl. Blckle's Anti-Consumpuve Syrup is the result of expert chemical experi- ments, undertaken to discover a pre- ventive of inflammation of the lungs and consumption. bv destroying the germs that develop these diseases. and ï¬ll the world with pitable subjects lmpelesslyv stricken. The use of this Syrup w.“ prevent the dire consequence of neglecud Colds. A trial, which costs only 25 cents. will convince you that this is correct. “Don’t cry!" he intreaied. Then he por- ceived that her handkerchief was edged with the most. exquisite lace. "Don’t weep!†he said, correcting himself. Kidney Search Lights.â€"â€"Have you backache? Do you feel drowsy? Do your limbs feel heavy? Have you pains in the loins? Have you dizziness? Have you a tired dragging feeling in the regions of the kidneys? Any and all of these indicate kidney troubles. Soulh American Kidney Cure is a liquid kidney speciï¬c and works wonderful cures in most complicated cascaefli. Don‘t believe the world mws you a ï¬ving. The world owes you nothing. It was here ï¬rst. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. Teacherâ€""Johnny. you may give me a deï¬nition of hypocrisy)†Johnny â€" “It’s when a boy says he loves histeach- or!†RHEUMATISM AND s PARALYSIS. A handsome illustrated treatxse, giv- Ing full descrxption cf theumntism and Paralysvs. with instructions for a comâ€" plete home cure. describmg the most successful treatment in the world, my commended by the Ministry and endors- ed by medical men. ‘1‘1115 highly in- structive book was written by W. H. Venn. a gentleman who has made a. sLudy of these diseases. The pn-Iace is by a graduate of the University of Wurtzburg. Send postal to-day and you Will rr‘vcive the book free by re- turn.-â€"¢ddress. The Veuo Drug 00., :34 King bl... West, Toronto These two desrrable qualiï¬cations, pleasant to the taste and at the some time eflccuml. are to be feund in M0- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. Chil- dren like it. “That bass voice is a powerful one, isn’t it?" “Yes; I notice it has a deal at hoarse power." “You‘ve got a good collection of works of ï¬ction, Smithers?" “Pretty lair. My wife bought them to look for a poetic name for the baby." “Ah! and what did you call her?" "Susan!" Intelligent Treatment with Allen's Lun BaL lam br! surthe phlegm, stops the con; and pain in t e c lest, overcomes those terrible cold: which, neglacwd, lead to consumption. Sudden Deaths on the lncrease.-â€"Pe0- ple apparently well and happy toâ€"duy, tc-morrow are stricken down, and in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred lhe heart is the cause. The king 4f teart remedies, Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart, is within reach of all. It relieves in 30 minutes, and cures most chronic diseases.â€"91 She: "Did pupa say anything to you about your being too young." Ho: “Yes; but he said when I once begun to pay your bills I would age rapidly enough." Hamilton Livingstone, an ex~mtc col- lector of Newry, was at Belfast sen- tenced to ï¬ve years‘ penal servitude for misapproprialing almost £1,000 of trust money and embezzling a considerable amount received for rates. Alter com- mitting the offences he absconded lo Canaan. Lever Brothel-o Limited. Toronto Sunlight Soup in better than other loapa, but. is best whcn and in the Sunlight wsy. Buy Sunlight Soap md follow directions. One Thousand Farmers Wanted. We want 1,000 farmers for Western Canada for the spring of 1906. The renter, the young farmer with very limited small capital, and the farmer with a number of sons for whom he Wishes to secure farms, are the people who should write us as quickly as they read this notice. We am settle youflin the great wheat-belt of Manitoba or the other Provinces of Western Cnnada.and give you such a chance as we conï¬dent- ly believe has never before been offer- el to settlers in .eny new country. Our lands are the choicest, and situ- ated in the best tried and the best set- tled farming and wheat-raising dis tricts, and our plans are such as will surprise you by reason of their fairness and helpfulness. A man with, a few hundred dollars and with health and energy, by adopting one of them, can in a very short time be wellâ€"to-do. The ordinary settler coming here has to break his land and buckset it the ï¬rst year. and therefore does not secure any return from the land until the harvest of the following year is reaped. Under our plans, the settler will begin to have an income from the start, and at the same time will be going on getting ready his land for cropping. If you in- tend coming to Western Canada to term, we can thus put you in the way of helping yourself from the first day that you arrive here, and thus ’of being independent. We want one thousand settlers for the spring of 1006. Our lands have been all very careful- ly selected, and we guarantee the re- pcrts of our examiners on the samefllo person need apply whose hobilrs are not good. and who is not able to produce first-class references as to his character and int“‘stry. “I noticed after you left the house this morning you went back again. Don’t you know that’s unlucky?" “Well, it would have been a good deal more un- lucky for me if I hadn't gone back. My wife called me.†A Merry Heart Goes all the Day. â€" But one cannot. have a. merry heart if he has a. pain in ‘Lhc back or a com with a. rackmg cough. To be merry must be Well and free from aches and pains. Dr. 'l‘houms' Eulectric Ull W1†relieve all palm), muscular or otherwme, and for the bpeedy treatment of colds and coughs it. is a splendid medicine. Rheumatism â€" “Vliat’sc the Cause? -â€" Where‘s the Curc?â€"’i‘he active irritating cause of this most painful of diseases is poisonous uric acid in the blood. South American Rheumatic Cure neutralizes the acid poison. Relieves in 6 hours and cures in 1 to 3 daysâ€"90. Wilding, â€Westm~n Canada Settlers’ Mutqu Land Co., 23 Canada Life Build- ing, Winnipeg. Johnny: “1 wish my folks would agree upon one thing and not keep me all the time in a worry.†Tommy: “What have they been doing now‘I†Johnny; "Mother won't let me stand on my head, and dad is all the time fussing because 1 wear my shoes out so fast.†“How still they are," remarked Mrs. Frobh, apropos of the young couple in the next room. “Yes,†replied Mr. Frobbe. “it reminds me of my army days. It was always wonderfuuy qmet just previous to an engagement.†Everyone Thl'sks his own cross is the heaviest; When conï¬ned b0 the house with a. pain in the Iide (oriustance, but it, would be quickly forgot- ten i! “The D «36 L" Menthol Pia-aver was applied. l‘hey only cost a. trifle. why not try them? “You used to tell me I was bird-like," complained the fond wife. The husband continued to bury his nose in the paper. “You used to tell me I was bird-like," repeated the fond wife; “but now you never act as if you thought so.†"You’re still bird-like,†growled the husband. “One wouldn’t think you thought so, ’0 judge byâ€"â€"-" "Isn't a parrot a bird?†Your maney refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you ï¬nd any cause for comme make mistakes unintentionally. PATENTED MARCH 8TH. 1904. Three Machinesâ€"Trims Wall, Two Wall. and cement Brick Machines. The fastest and cheapest in the market, making brick faced with one inch colored, and stronger concrete. Write for booklet. P. DIERLAMH. Stratford. Ont. We wish to secure immediately two good (arms, In choice agricultuza! section. Soil must be ï¬rsf. c1333, good wheat land preferred. We want one [arm ovar4-00 acres and one medium size. Give descri tion and lowest cash price. Possession must. a had in April. Addams NORTH AMERICAN LAND 00., Lock Drawer 980, Mghneapolis. Minn. We wish at once to secure honest, reliable men to represent us and act as our agents in this locality. Must be willing to shuw farm proper- ties, and make sales to bu era, who we send Into this territory. Good 33. ry and commission. Address NORTH AMERICAN LAND 00., Dept. A. Lock Draypr 980 ,_ u, .u..- Eyeing ! Naming! in‘any form and cold porspiring feet positively cured within 80 (lays. by our newly patented Magnetic Discs or money prompfly refunded. Manned anywhere 31.00. Write for dsscriptive buoklet. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC RHEU- MATISM CURE 00., Sherhrouku, Quebec, Canada MontanLToronto, Ottawa, Quebec. 0R SALEâ€"10,000 acres in the Yorkton dis- trict, of Saskatchewan, in lots of 160 ucree or more- Soil is rich black loam, clay subsoil, surface level and gently rolling. New QNJL line building through our lands this year. Prices will advance 6074 during 1906. All lands at from two to eight miles from railroad. Districts well settled. Schools, churches and good roadx Prices are low and terms easy to actual settlers. For price list, terms and maps. write THE COPPER- Vl’ALSlI LAND 00.. Union Bank Bldg.I Winnipeg, Canada. RHEUMATISM Wind, Water, Storm, and A great irrigation project, involving an expenditure of about $25,000,000, has been authorized by the Secretary of State for India. The area commanded by the canals is about 6,250 square miles, although only a small part of it will be reached for a number of years to come. In this area it is estimated, about 3,000 square miles will be irrigated. The water will be taken from the .lhelum River, in which there is now unappro- priated at the site of the headworks a flow of 5,600 to 7,900 cubic feet per sec- ond. It is behaved that the investment of public funds in these works, great as the sum may be, is well warranted by the economic advantages of the un- dertaking and the reasonable assuraneo oi ample interest payments. to elevate woman?†Fur down the aisle a little chap blinked his eyes and dx'awledzâ€"“Why, the man that invented those high Swiss heels.†And then the meeting ajourned. Fire Proof. “Who was it," shouted the suffrage leaderâ€"“who was it that did the most to elevate woman?†Fur down the aisle MONTREAL, out. mum, GMT. Tonomo 0!". LONDON. CIT, WINNIPEG. VANOOWEI. no. 131 Ml: 8L 423 Sussex it. 11 Dolbome It I9 Bands. at. 10 Lombard It. (“5 hndor It. “Oshawa†Steel Shingles Head Office and Works, When an other corn preparations fail try Hollowny's Corn Cure. No pain whatever. and no inconvenience m um“; it. -"*" "0 FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF We also mmmfacture Corrugated iron in long sheets. Conductor Pipe and ISAVE THOUGH Etc. METAL SIIINGLES, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to-day. THE PEDLAR P110 PLB, Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel. at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns, Stores‘ Ele- vators, Churches. etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. ' We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. méking them " Bflfl‘flfll Alli!“ch BYEZHQ #0.†not let «one In your lawn. or and that. THE BEST OF PEOPLE GREAT IRRIGATION PROJECT. For the very “and "a: can .0 no Til-3A. ONLY ONE BEST TFA. BLUE RIBBON. Farm Wanted. WANTED. Minuoafaolis, Minn. WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE . Butnommmllmm I. BUYING One beginner made $6.00 ï¬rst mom- ing. Whole or spare time. The best 500 seller, giving 25c profit. Users buy wary month. Township right worth more than any general store business. Act promptly if you want territory. Golden Crest Company, 9 Bathurst St, London, Ont. F OR SALEâ€"Best, cheapest and nicest located stock farm in the United States; has a beautiful water (rant, and contains 800 acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK, Salisbury, Md. BRITISH COLUMBIA RANCHES AND farms, also irrigated imitltmds, ad- }oining City of Kamloops. Easy terms. Catalogue on application. Strutt & Nash, Kamloops, B.C.. CHM +Q+W+§+ï¬+m+flf éF’ARMERS! ON THE. Grand Trunk Paciï¬c WEN-WESTERN FARMS $3.1m other remedies you have ï¬lm has! guarantee of heanh to your stock. Valuable Advice Free 3 a Use it and become your own veterinary 5 surgeon. 556 DUNDAS ST., TORONTO, ONT. 3 4mmm+m+n+mmmm Sheâ€"“l hear you have just got mar- ried. Is it too late to congraiiulute you?" Heâ€"â€"“Oh, much too latél 1 was mar- ried three weeks ago!†BIG MONE Dear Mother l have two sections 0! land for sale entire or in part. on lipe of Grand Trunk Paciï¬c. now under construc- tion jusl west of Porlage La Prairie. Ploughlng in the Northwest will be- gin as early as February. You can sow oats, potatoes and alfalfa on breaking and get big prices from railroad contractors on the spot. Then hire out your teams {orrail- road grading at $5 per day. You won’t gel such a chance {or a start another year. Don’t waste any time, as there is practically no other land [or sale of equal quality in such a silualion on such terms and at. so low a price. Price $10.50 per acre; six year terms. This is the season of the year when you need to use every neaution with your stock. By the use 0 our STOCK TON IG The VETERINARY SPECIALTY 00¢. leltod 6-36 DUNDAS ST., TORONTO, ONT. Mia?! 1112 in'childrcu. :35 alr91mcly harmless and pleasant to e. lugurnï¬ecdtowe oxyoux mon Blamed. “apt-loci: 25:. per bong and all dalea in nedichm cell 314 SHILOH Your link ones are 1: constan care in Fall and Winter Weather. The will utch cold. Do you know about S 1011'. Comm Eon Cule. the legTonic. 1nd whalit sdonefor somany? It is said lg be the_oply pliable langdy 'fgr‘ all 11in remedy should be in way household. J. L.’ R. PARSONS. 92 Winchester Street, Toronto, Ont. DISILLUSIONED. Y TO MEN WITH RIG. Oshawa. 0nt.. Can-d: N0. Looked Sldos Four All on