Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Feb 1906, p. 8

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‘One of th» best. flours fur home-made bread und general family use. Try it and b1: cum'inced. Also \Vheab Guns, a choice Break- fast Food. I am prepared to do [:1 isting and chnpping (wary day. All kinds of will feed and chop on hand. Gladstone Flour Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVmsted Twins. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg. etc. Best quality. Low prices ch of Englandâ€"$31ka at an. In. lat Sunday. Tuiru Sunday at. ll 3 m: urchâ€"b‘evvxcusubllu.1u‘,au hool M 1.30. Prayer meeting Obur End and 41b Presbywnuu Cu 7 7. Lu. Sunday St: eulnesduy evening. wllc Churchâ€"Services on alter. Buumu cm _ nuke suuuuvs M9 a. m. mm 1030 a. m, Mechanism unmanâ€"Sexvicos at mm a. m.. and 'I p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Benelux pmym- meeting TDneray. evoniag. Richmond budge, A F and A M -â€"â€"Meets Mon. (lav on or hefure full muou Court Richmond. A O F -â€"fleets second and mum Fnduy Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"»Moets thil‘i Wednesday of each month Camp Elam, S 0 S â€"-Meets second and fourth Wednes 11w B ’1‘ of 'l‘elnpernnceâ€"Meeta first Wednesday a! each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Mam first Monday of every mouuh l'uulic hmrnry and Bemling Boomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Butumnv evenings. Enworth Leagueâ€"Moons evmv Monday Hours fnr issuing Money Orders â€" MORNING . 830 EVENING . ".600 N. B.â€"â€"lceglatere(l letters must. be humlod in 3.: must Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mwtiuneu hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. A. J. HUME, Until further native Mails will be closed at. the Richmond Hill Bush 03100 as follows :â€" MORNING .. S 60 EVaNJNG .. “6.15 FALL AND WINTER Anyone sendlpg a sketch and deecr! tlon mny quickly ascermm our opinion free w echer an invention is probably patentable. Communicm mm: strictly Confidential. Handbook on Paenta rem free. Oldest agency for Eccuring vate‘nu. Patents taken t rough Munn & Co. me!" mega Mace, without. chums In the ._4. “A.A..!--.. Leave Newmarket at 7 30. 9.15. 11.15 a m.; 2, 8.15 1115 6.15.730 p.m.7 Leave Richmox‘m Hill.'l. 8.11). 9.55. 1 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6.55, 8.10 p. m A handsomely Illustrated weekly mlation of my acienuflc journal. year: fog: moguls. $1. Sold by allI METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE My Stock of Woolens for Leave C P R Crossing at 6, 7.20. 9.40, 11.30 a. 33.; 1.3L. 2.40. 5.45. 5.40. 8.00 p. m. cue Ricbmnud Hill 8.20. 10.30, a. m.;12.20 220. 3.80, 4. ' . 0.30, 8.50 D. m. {cclal notice. without. charge In Scientific Hméficafi,‘ EMPIRE MI Tailor, Richmond Hill POST OFFICE NOTICE I also keep the celebrated NH & co'amfiroadway, we“ and) Office. 6‘35 1“ SL. “'nshlnmon H. B. SUHMIDT, Proprietor, Newton Brook. 1. + + + .3. + 4. V vunl LULI‘HI IUH P. G. SAVAGE, A§ 1v+++‘zoâ€":’+~:~++++++-:-+~z-++++ts-~z~:‘ Between Toronto and Newmarket. Village Directory. MONEY ORDERS GOING hORTH GOING SOUTH {LS Néngqu Inn-nest cir- Tcrmn. $3 8 newsdenlerg. 11.55 a. m fif++++++++++++++++++++++++ Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, sizes and prices. New and second hand. IN STOC K. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes Livery in connectron. Good horses and rigs. I tired buggies. Last year the enmpany enjoyed two advantages. the mte of interest. earned wont, up from 4.84 per cent. to 5.07 por com,” and tho puvments fur death claims wvre reduced from $380.19“ to $331696. Thv insurance in force at the 01059 (£1905 was $42,- 500.350, which Is six millions more than at the end of 1903. Why not imure in the CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION P. G. SAVAGE, Agent, Richmond Hill METROPOLITAN GROCERY, ation Life seems to belong to ihis class. The applications received in the Confederation Life Association amounted to $6,298,858, which exceeds those in 1904 by thelarge figure of $1,054,- 496. The policies issued were for $6,002,122. which was an increase of $984,I34 over 1904, and of $1,864,140 over 1903. There is such a thing as a fire-proof company as well as a fire-proof building aad the Confeder- ation Life seems to belong to this clnsg, UPâ€"‘I‘O-DATE GROOERILS A Strong Life Go. Best Brands of Canned Goods Our friends have comp Ln expect tlw host, from us. “'9 sell Llu- heat at. runsmmhlt-prices, and for balance nf the your will allow the following (lis- cnunts fnl' c.1311 sales or ordvrszâ€"Hnr- nvss. 5:3; all other gouds, 105;. Buy now. Geo. McDonald. Richmond Hill . B. LUI)F()I?I). 13ropl'ietor W/é Next Door North 01 Waiting Room. $5 $011. CANDIES Fresh and Clean. ,‘hoice variety of '1‘ | Ripana Tabules cure billousnesa. -:--:- +++++4~+~=~++++4+H++++++H Rims Tamales: at drugglsts. F+++++++++++++++++++++++++4 We have nnlid comfort, in the way of BLANKE'I‘S, ROBES, COATS and MITTS, and in fact, m‘el-ything in the line (If harness and all articles neces- sary for your harness rnmn. For Man or Beast Rubber- Instruction in thy Art uf Piano Play- mg. 7 Classes in Rudiments. Harmony, History, etc. W. Mager RICHMOND HILL __0N_. TUESDAY APR” 3. The Next, Sitting of Divisiun Com-12m N0. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room. 29. 15c Unu., Vaughan ('l‘hurnfiill) has fur sale some good young stuck. 'l‘hnmughlu'vd hull and hog kept. for sex-vice on the premisv The prhprivtm' of Pleasant View Herd Holswin Cattle and Brevdm-ul Illzpfovgd Chggater_\\"l)i_§g Hn‘gf.» Lot RICHMOND HILL. DlVlSlflN - 831W. The Libem anti The Farm- 6: f" ing Woréd 630 The Liberal and Family Herald and Weekly Star with premium pic- tureend Farmer’s Man-E ual andVenerinary Guide a The Liberal and Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine (New subscriptions, $2.25) PLEASANT VIEW FARM The Lihem} News (Bahme of year frc-é' to new suhsrrib The Liberal and Daily Star J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist The Liberal and Daily Glob-=3 (York County) The Liberal and Daily Mai}. and, g, mpire \Yerk Ce 3 The liberal Baily Worm The Liberal and Sun The Liberal and Weekly Mail anti Empire The Liberal and Weekly Globe Galvanized Hog Troughs 400. per Foot. Grain chopped at all times. )nmmem-im: At 10 n. m. Proprietor Made to order at. (Balance of the year free to new subscribers T. F. MCMAHON Can D. G. GOODERHAM, (lance of year tree to new subscr Px-uprictm'. year I909 and mm village; :1 nd town free to new suhur Ramodoilod_nndnewly furnished throup‘nnu‘ Ono otme moi nnvenient- and cumfotub o toleon Yonge Street, Every modern con. ionce Sample rooms for commercul Wallets. Aninlasletoppingplace {Qt rllmg «drivingparklaaklcyclists, or larmexs 5mm; borromruiug from market. Elevtrie ens Mthedoor Livery in connection HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,Ac. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. "mums 31.0 1'23 DAY W.C.S.\!’AGE - NOTA RY PUBLIC. COIMXBBXOEEB IN T58 PALMER HO USE RICHMOND HILL. Residvnvv inmwdiutely south of ‘he High Schunl. For infm-mntinn apply to JAM ES NE\V'I‘ON, Elgin Mills. General Banking Business Transacted. Money Lennon on E‘aunels' Sah- Ntblvs. Biz-uh PM)“: Forms SuppIn-d Free. HIGHEST CURfiENT RATES. Received in Savings' Bank Do mum; and interest ulluwed at 'ox‘ uthPI‘ particulars call at thr Bunk Notice of withdrawal not nooea siu'y. All deposits payable on demand. Capital Rest; DI. "PETE I: RICHMOND H ILL H. H. LOOSEMORE. AGENT.. FOR SALE Weekly ()t Canada town s‘ DEPOSITS $5.75 IDEI'S 2 M} 2&0 E535 3.85 k _U0pur Prop

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