THE CAUSE OF WOMAN'S TROUBLE IS DISEASED KIDNEYS AND THE CURE IS DUDI)’S KIDNEY PILLS. Wonderful Cure 0! Mrs. James Kinsella, Who Slept in a Chair for Two Sum- mersâ€"What She Says 0! It. St. Malachie, Que., Feby. yâ€"(Spcciai). -A cure of great interest. to women has attracted the attention of those interest- ed in medical matters in this neighbor- hood. Mrs. .105. Kinbella, who of a wellâ€"known citizen, had suiiered from a complication of troubles for about two years. She had a pain in the right hip, in the back and was obliged to pass water every fifteen minutes in u burn- ing itching sort of way. She could not sleep at night and had 1c sit up in a chair for two summers. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. Mrs. Kinsella, speaking 0! her cure, says, “After the first box of Dodd‘s Kid- ney Pills I fell much boiler. Then I got more and they did me a world of good. I have never slept in the chair since I Woman‘s helm depends on her kid- neys. Nine-tenths of the so-called fe- male complaints are caused by uric acid in the blood. Cure your kidneys mm Dodd’s Kidney Pills and you can have hu uric acid in the blood. “Hello. Jack!" called (mt “ls Tommy in the house?†is. Don’t you see his shirt used Dodd‘s Kidney Pi" Teacher: “Johnny. you may give me a deï¬nition of ‘hypocrisy.’ †“H's when a boy says he loves his teacher!" The rays of heat and light are quite independent of each other in their abil- ity to penetrate different substances. For illustration. glass allows the sun's heat to pass through as readily as it does the rays of light, and that without heating‘ the glass to any extent. it the glass be coated with lamphlack. the rays of light are arrested; but the heat passes through as before, not a single degree’s differ- ence in the latter phenomenon being noticeable. Then. again, both heat and tight pass through water. provided it is clear. One of the oddities in this con- nection is thisâ€"although the heat and tight pass through water in its normal state. the addition of a little powdered alum, which readin dissolves without leaving the least murkiness, will arrest the rays of heat to such an exetent as to almost immediately raise the temper- ature of the water to a perceptible deâ€" gree. yet the light continues to pass through as before. lce. like glass, also transmits both heat and light. more thm others." “ to think ti ing away.†’ llow Dr. Give lusta' carryâ€"Jake ever you i onâ€"sutiere remedy kit lief and p4 ous treatir suitsâ€"best bles. 35 c ‘ Only n v money bec If you a a. bottle 1 Syrup and be found 1 it. is too claimed for Do not. tut ISyrup, pee Hulk-Way's Corn Cure Is the medicine to remove all kinds of coma and warts. u"! only costs the small sum 0! twen- V-livc cents. More Iron Needed 1n the blood of pale, run down peapx. “Forrovim,†We Lest tom'c. will put: it. them. At an gonna} atoms and Dn-uggiou. The persistent effect upon the heart 0! crfleine in coffee cannot but result in the gravest gonqmgns. _in time. 7 Teacher: “Now. boys. why do we say grace before and after meals?†No reply. Teacher: “Come, come; surely one of you can answer mel Tell me what grace ls?" Still no answer. Teacher: “This is really terrible! Now, Jenkins, tell me what- vour father does after a meal?†' Teacher you can grgce is?" Johnny: "Please, miss, he rubs his waistcoat.†Teacher: “That is not what I meant. I want to know what he says?†Jammy: “Please, miss, he says, Ha! ha! Richard is hissel! again!†Each attack of the drug (and that means each cup of coffee) weakens the organ :1 little more, and the end is al- most a matter of mathematical demon- stration. A lady writes Iron] a Western state: "I am 0! German descent and it was natural that I should learn at a very early age to drink coffee. Until I was 20 years old I drank scarcely anything else at my meals. “A (cw years ago I began to be affect ed by a steadily increasing nervousness, which eventually developed into a dis- tressing heart trouble that made me very weak and miserable. Then, some three years ago, was added asthma in its worst form. My sufferings from these things can be better imagined than de- scribed. “During all this time my husbaan realized more fully than I did that co!- lee was injurious to me, and made every eflorl. to make me stop. “Finally it was decided a few months ago, to quit the use 0! coffee absolute- ly, and to adopt. Postum Food Coffee (is our hot table drink. I lied but little idea that it would help me, but consent- ed to try it to please my husband. I prepared it very carefuilly, exactly ac- cording to directions, and was delight- “: with its delicious flavor and refresh- ing qualities. “lust as soon as the poison from the coffee had time to get out of my system the nutritive properties of the Postum began to build me up. and i am now fully recovered from all my nervousness, heart trouble and asthma. I gladly no knowledge that now. ior the ï¬rst lime in yearsJenjoy perfect. health. and tha: l owe it all to Posium." Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. There’s a reason. Read the little book, “The Road to Wellville“ in pkgs. 'Pdstum Food Coffee coniairis ho drugs of any description whatsoever. Ditlercnce on This Side 0! the Water. OVER SEA HABIT. EVERYDAY RAYS. FATHER‘S GRACE. “Course me an on the line; liHle Harry, Old Cashly (giving his son a cheque): "Now, be careful. my boy. Remember, a fool and his money are soon parted.‘ Spendall Cashly: “Yes, sir; and thank you for having obliged me so promptly." “Salada†Ceylon Tea can now be had everywhere and within the reach 0! every person as it can be purchased in Gold label at 60c. per 1b.. Red label at 50m. Blue label at 400.. Green label at 30c., and Brown label at 250 per 115., all equally pure tea, but. of course, the cheaper grades are not as ï¬ne flavored, not being grown at as high an elevation as the expensive teas. The latter are produced at an elevation of 6,000 feet above the sea level. “He says his wife is largely respono able for his business success." “Well, she has certainly made it absoiuiï¬ly necessary for him 10 earn more money." "In; nuv-uâ€" v- . .. .-"_ mars. What .thuAd not be orgoReh‘? ‘ t L" Mmmul rumor. ; a. pinch. cure {or pump hr rhcumtisn and mumps. uBut what reason have you for think- ing women have no aim in life?“ “Well, I‘ve seen several 0! them try to throw stones." "By Medicine Life May be Prolongâ€" ed."â€"So wrote Shukespeure nearly three hundred years ago. It is so toâ€"«lay. Medicine will prolong life, but be sure of the qualities of the medicine Life is prolonged by keeping the body free from disease. Dr. 'l'homns’ hclectric Ull used internally will cure coughs and coldfl; eradicate asulmn, overcmne croup and give strength to the reapiratory organs. Give it a trial. She (delightedly): “Papa says if we want to get married he'll pay half the expenses of furnishing a house for us." He (despondently): “But who would pay the other half?†Prevent, (“gardenâ€"At the ï¬rm. nymp- loms of inlernal disorder. Parmeleo's Vegetable Pills should be resorted to immediately. Two or three of these suutury pellets, taken before going to bed, followed by «loses of one or two pills for two or three nights in succes- sion. will serve as a preventive of ab- tacks of dyspepsia. and all the discom- forts which follow in the train of that. [ell disorder. The means are simple when thelway is known. Mrs. Wise: “The new girl Mrs. Close- keep has got must be a jewel.†Mrs. Young: “Why. she complains about her more than she did about any of her others." “Of course. She wants us all to think that the girl isn’l worth entic~ lng away.†flow Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablels Give Instant Benetâ€"They’re handy to carryâ€"take one after eatingâ€"or when- ever you feel stomach distress coming eraâ€"sufferers have proved it the only remedy known that will give instant re. lief and permanent cure-mo long tedi- ous treatments with questionable re- sultsâ€"best. for all sorts of stomach trou- bles. 35 cents.â€"-96 “A man can be almost anyming he's a mind to be,†remarked Wiseman. “Yes; in his mind!†murmured Synnick. Warrior Woes.â€"Through dump, cold and exposure many a native soldier who left his native hearth as “ï¬t.†as man could be to ï¬ght for country’s hon. or, has been “invalided home" because of the vulture of the battle ground â€"â€" Rheumatism. South American Rheuâ€" matic Cure will absolutely cure every case of Rheumatism in existence. Relief in six hours.~98 If you are a sufferer from colds get. a. bottle of Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup and test. its qualities. It. will be found that no praise bestowed on it is too high. It, does all that. I claimed for it, and does it. thoroughly. Do not take «my substitute for Bickle's Syrup, because it is the best, having stood the test of years. All the best dealers sell it. Only a very lazy man is afraid 10 earn money because‘it may be tainted. Doctors Condemn Habit 01 Children Ex- Doctors in England are taking a great deal of interest in the reports received from America to the effect that halt a hundred cases of diphtheria in one o! the public schools have been traced to the practice of children exchanging lead- pencils and putting the lead-pencils in their mouths while at study in the schools. This system of collecting the pencils at the close of the school-day, and distributing them the next morning has been in vogue in England, and several of the most prominent physi- cians in London have started a com- paign egainst the practice. “It does not follow that, the pencils were the only medium of contagion," said one 01 the doctors. "but it. is quite possible. There is no doubt but that the practice of distributing pencils is re- sponsible {011 many unpleasant ailments. "'Nine children' ouf of ten suck the ends of their pencils, and, in my opin- iqn. thergcoulg be no more potent wny of spreading lhe germs of tuberculosis and other disaases. The simplest way in overcome the difï¬culty would be to have a small drawer fitted to each school desk, so that each child could keep its own pencil. It is perfectly hopeless to try to teach them not to suck the end.†What shoulgl be For-1‘03“? 7 Everything that ,_ AA _._ a u "KL- II “Goodâ€"night." he whispered. passion- ately‘ at the front door; “good-night, good-night. good-night“ gooâ€"" "Ex- cuse me," said an elderly bass voice over the hamster, “but it’s been good- moming for the last two hours. I thought you’d like to know." “on, Mrs. Binks." said a ledger to his landlady one day. “I wish you could give me a change for breakfast, as I get ra- ther tired of :1. egg every day ." “Certainly, sir. I will do BE you ésk tC'ith pleasure." Next morning he was served with two boiled eggs! PENCILS AND CONTAGION. changing Lead Pencils. (“gardenâ€"At the ï¬rst nymp- internal disorder. Parmeleo's Pills should be resorted {o . Two or three of these .ellets, taken hefqre going _ to “He’s very rich, but very unhappy." “Wealth doesn’t always bring happi- ‘ness.†“Still, if one is going to be un- lhappy, it is better to be unhappy with [money than without it.†Like a bad habl! a skin disease grows. Semin- |ous humor: eczema and all eruptions may be cured with \vaor’a Camps, 35th internally by Weavers syrup. All Drugg'uta “Sure. I hear you’re a happy father, Pat.†“Thin yez haven’t heard but half m av it. I‘m two av thin]. Ut‘s twins. Too Many People Dally With Catarrh. -It strikes one like a thunder-clap, de- wlops with a rapidity that no other dis- ease does. Dr. Agnew’s Caian'hal Pow- der is the radical, quick, sale and pleas- ant cure that the disease demands. Use the means, prevent its deep seating and years of distress. Don‘t daily with Catarrh. Agnew‘s gives relief in ten minutes. 50 cents.-â€"97 Do Not Delaysâ€"When. through deblll- thud digestive or ans, poison ï¬nds its way into the bloov, the prime consider- ation is to ct the oison out as rapid- ly and as t orough y as possible. Do- lay may mean disaster. Parmelee's Ve etuble Pills will be {ound a. most Va unble and effective medicine to as~ sail the intruder with. They never fall. 'l'hey go at. once to the seat of Um trouble and work a. permanent cure. Cassidy-â€"““Myl O! my, but ’tis natural he looks." Caseyâ€"“Aye. shure he looks fur all the world loike a loive man layin‘ there dead.†Mr. Tymid: “I asked your father for his consent over the telephone." Miss Chance: “What did he say?" Mr. 'l‘y- mid: “He said: ‘I don’t know who you are, but it’s all right!’ †Best For all household purl poses, Sunlight Soap's super’ lorin is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (Follow direcr (ions). Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you ï¬nd my cause for complaint. is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Equally good with hard or soft water. ï¬unï¬ght Saap Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto '57 Itching Pilesâ€"Dr. Agnew’s Ointment is px'ool against the torments of Itching Piles. Thousands of testimonials u! cures affected by its use. No case too aggravating or too long standing for it Farmers wanted all over Canada as agents for Western Canada lands; all selected lands; liberal commission. Ad- dress “Farm Lands.“ P. 0 Box 528, Winnipeg, Man. Philanthropistâ€"My poor man, you are in trouble. I see. Why do you wring your hands? Hoboâ€"l just washed ’cm. Escéoolhe,ucomfort and“ cure. It cures in from 3 to 6 nights. 35 cents.â€"95 Young ’Un: “I’ve had ï¬ve thousand left me by an uncle who’s never seen me.†Old ’Un: "[11:11. explains it!†“What makes you imagine your hus- band would make a successful writer of ï¬ction?†“The stories he tells me." There is nothing equal to Gruves’ Worm Exterminator straying worms. No article of has given such satisfaction. "A Graveyard Cough" is the cry of tortured lung. (or Give them Allen‘s Lung Balsamâ€" wlnch is had with good efloct even in consump- h'wu'a early “44%: Farmers Wantea as Land Agents. Heâ€"I am told ‘he has more money than he knows what to do will). Sheâ€"â€" Has he really? Such ignorance must be bliss. LANms MORE MEAT AND MILK FOR POULTRY. Lack of animal food is the weak point with the average poultry ration. The feeder is apt to use scraps of tresh meat as if it were a kind of relish and not us an important part of the food, as his own ration of beet steak. Results of recent tests at experiment stations favor the use for the ï¬rst few weeks of a ration in which sixty per cent. of the fleshJorming food or protein came lrom animal food. Growth was more rapid, and equal growth made from less food at a lower cost than other rations hav- ing twenty, thirty or Iorty per cent. of animal protein. After the ï¬rst few weeks, it was found roï¬tahle to inâ€" creasethe proportion of grain. These conculsions are in agreement with com- mon sense, as the young of all birds in the wild state feed largely upon insects. ‘3. EA. As near PERFECTION as modern methods and msleï¬ï¬‚s will perm“. BLUE RIBBON Tea a INDIVIDUAL!“ that MB 1‘ than "I. Our Honest Beligf flggucohibmiison with other brands. Wlnd. Water. Storm, and Mrs. Spendcash (the possessor of a new Worth costume)â€"“Did you notice how people stared at us last evening?" Husband (meeklyy-“Y-e-s; Imade a mistake and had mended my old dress Huébaï¬d (meeklyy-“Y-e-s; mistake and had mended my coat with white thread!†“Do you believe the old saying, There’s no place like home'?" "That depends." “Depends upon what?" “ern whose home you are rem-ring MY Fire Proof. “Oshawa†Steel Shingles MINIMAL, QUE. O‘TAWA, out. "June on. Lemar". rm. WINNIPEO. VANMMI. I 0. 76'! Grill; St 423 Sussex at. 11 Dolbomo It so Dunia: 3:. 1o Lombard at. “a may 0!. Head Otlice and Works, [naught Soap in bat!" “an other may, but i. but who: used in the Sunlight way. Iuy Sunlight [up and know dinotim FIRE. WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF We also maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pip. um EAVE THOUGH Etc. METAL SHIRT-LES, in imitation o! brick or stone. METAL CI‘ZIIJNGS. in 2.000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and {me samples of “OSHAWA†Shingles. Write to-day. ï¬re the' only Cools required[ We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands a! the best buildings throughout. m. making them Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market. and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns, Slores.Ele- vators, Churches. etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA†shingles. A hammer and snips are the pnly‘lqols required. - IL. |_:_.x .....a.... 01.- n-:n..u. HIRE: PEDLAR PEOPLE, THE PEOPLE STARED WRITE YOUR Nun-EST OFFICE Bmucbovan, only a Inn†he. two nflwnyl, GP]. 3 0311’. Strong soil. 90 per conL pic b Ind, nw no dough About 40 miles ml of In: Haul. no.» pot um. Write (or map 3.4! m: Micah". '1'" «nah. In Western Canada road-5.1% 51 am we haw- brought Mother for d& its kind l. mimns. 9'. was...†Sum. Tom. mu. THE RED LABEL. :gï¬l-IEUMATISM 111311710111: and cold pumpkin; feet punks: cured within 30 days, by our newly Mon Magnetic Dias or monviv gal?!†refunded. Mulad an where $1.90. A .u- descriptivc boukmt. genus Wautï¬dx MgGNETlU 'U- 14‘ OR SALEâ€"Best, cheapest and nicest located stock {arm in the United States: has a beautiful water front. and contains 800 acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK. Salisbury, Md. mm» Cï¬hï¬ co; sigh-£356. anemic, mm IIHD‘W +Q+ï¬ +§+§HW+£H §FARMERSI "There‘s one thing I will say,†remark- ed Mr. (Lummx, “and that is that my daughter Arabella has a ï¬ne disposi- tion 1†"Indeed?" “Yes, sir. The way she can sit for hours listening to herself play on the piano shows remarkable self-control!" mmm. 70305130, UHAWA t 003m Â¥wmmmm+mnÂ¥ â€" I m 35* ourmc I I I OUITS mhhmwfln‘blywv Imam 'I‘n‘l gym! Auntom ovum: co. and other remedios you have ï¬lo ban guarantee 01' health to you stack. Th0 VE‘I’ERINAIV IPEQIALTV 00., leltod 5M DUNDAS ST., TORONTO, ONl‘. This is the mason of the yam- when you need to use every {manual with your stock. By ‘ho use 0 our STOCK TONIC Valuable Advice Free Us. it and become your own veterinary aux-goon. Youcamctbe erpcclcd to have faith in Shfloh'a Consumption Cure. the Lun Tonic, as a cure for Colds. Cough: andtl disease: of the air passages. if you have not tried it. Wchavelahhinn. andwe guarantee it. If it doesn't cure you it cost) zen gothing. __K it‘dth costs you 25". \VONDBRF‘UL ENDURANCE. That's fair. Try it lo-da . Shiloh has outed may ousands of the most obstinate cases. and we do not heétate to any that it'will cure any Cold. Cough. Throat or Lung trouble. If we did not believe this we would no. guarantee i. Shiloh has had an unbroken record of News: for thirty yearl. It has stood flay possikawithouI failuxe. Funhct ‘u {and in the many menial: of those who have tried Shiloh and been cured. M15. Archie Ttylor. Anph, Pm, write- :â€" “Ibnuahta bad: of Shibh': Consulpï¬anCun Indium! il very beneï¬cial. lhzvclwo children. cud dagy had I larible cough. I unwath cirrhnulcwldlhinlzd.bum not be an ' on: grail. my E23213: $761: $73â€"$17: 7" dl "iiâ€"«(£33 gha- gmpkulv. l than km S! inghc éflmmmhuu SHILOH ISSUE M). L46. Oshawa, Ont. , Canada Pmaf Faith Locked wagging an All Four Sides