Ihe weather. Nona-sir. I submit that ignoring hotels (licensed or otherwiw) we (-ould get along quite comfortably with ourehurch sheds, to which people are. always welcome. Now, whele does the licensed hotel cut ti c in)- mense quintity of ice it is Cl‘t'l i ed with. Are We to understand that the fauners of Markham and Vaughan "1': such thiisty :muls that they cannot re- turn home without imbibing liquid re- freshments ? \\'hy then did they carry Local Option in their own [municipali- ties? Echo answers \Vhy? Or is it the grain buyers who won“ sutt‘ar thirst- to the extent of lekllldl ning the enterprise. rather than endure it? Surely with the facilities for corceal- ment the gnain hins afford. and rail- way faulitiea besides. their spirituous needs could be fully satisfied. There is not a shaan of a doubt that Rich- mond Hill can safely pass through the run-rgency period following the carry- ing of the by-law. The. traveliing pub- lic will not he allowed to suffer from I-Xpt-Slll'e. hunger, or natural thirst, or the town become a modern “De In youi last issue “Ratepaycv" gave a- few pointers why Local Option nhuuld not be udupted in Richmond Hill. I am surprisvd that a Inunnf the business ability of "Ratepayer" shuuld ad\ ance such reasons or supp“- sitiuns. One wuuld suppose frmn read- ing them that the prnspvrity of“ town depended on the licvused hntels it enn- tained. If this were true, and if Rich- nmnd Hill is gning into a state of col- lupse if deprive-d uf even one hntel, why not, increase the number instead. and have :1 regular boom of pros- perity? Now. as to the manner in which the present place is run, I am not able to say, only by hem-say, so I pass that by. As to [he “EleVHLnr†pinpasitinn, I beg to differ with “Rate.- paymu" The prnlmhle scope taken in by a grain-buying stzitinn depends (in the distance intervening between other buying points. and the diifon-nceï¬f any) of {wives paid. May I \‘thurc to deï¬ne tho probable scope “foul-s: The nm-thm-ly limit at Bond‘s Luke, the mute-Hy between the ï¬ll-and 5th Cun- (zessimlsuf Markham, the south, at tin- vur)‘ extreme, would he Lungstuff. the. west Concvssinu 3. Vaughan. I leave {he l'Oitdt'l' to ï¬gure how fur the fur- Lhost \vuuld have [0 travel to rr‘uchnux- station. One thing is‘ cumin, the rnund trip can easily he done in half a day. includivg slumping. (-tc. \Vhilu the la ttvr was in progress it would he necossnry to put thu teams in :l shed un uccnunt of from ys. autunmhilvs. m- lhe Weather. Now, sit. I submit that igtmriughutels (licensed or utherwhe) In conclusion, sir, I beg to say that I ask for no mercy at the hands uf my uccusers, and wuuld nOL accvpt it on any terms from thvm. but I ask for justice, and 1 think I shall get, it from some. (If than before I zun through. Thanking you fur yuur space. Inn), etc. Editor LIBERAL : Not content with the fact that they have succeeded in carrying Lucul 0p- tiun in the municipality in which I live. thereby ruining Inc ï¬nancially fur the present, they haul assailed my private character. and hm‘e circulated reports which are absolutely false. So tu 1- as the “Act†goes the majority of the eople who voted in the Tuwnship uf aughain any “Yes. we will have LCCZtl Option." -I respectfully how-to the dictates of the‘peop‘le. an'd‘ivill «hey -it,-in its entirety, as l have done ~all 121%: in this, the country of my udupt‘hllh ‘I ask no credit for this. It in “my ‘whnt all nod citizens do. It Haw hem: x-eput-tet in many quarters [but I \kept u-mhfgh house, that card;- playing'and other gulllea Wereulluwed, (hut mums-Were Used for that purpose after hours, that drunkenness pre- ‘t'uiled, and in fact the. house was nothing >élï¬t'52-t-of a. perfect dive. ~l‘he pen-tie}: {REEL "aï¬ï¬hhtte‘l -th€‘ce repain- 25th "WNW, Lia; fS‘JSW.,":intl they knmv it. We him'mwwamwhe tillage that “Dirk l'be‘Etlï¬VXMe'ttflgh to the Inspector "u lay false efï¬u-ges against us. The Insane-Mm; who was-zt»'new‘i-me.~gave him-“(alfew «My-5 tn prove, his state- ~uetlm 139 cuuld nut pl-m'e them. and Litï¬ltbt-thkt‘e- them all buck, and wanted ’(V‘Whflii‘ids. lIt cal-me to my know- ‘edg'e “bstfbther day that 851711542“!le :itlzeh‘k‘>ï¬ï¬‚icliznoiid Hill was repeating ‘."£-t‘ut’e’i‘n(~llt ~tu the effect that the Maple hotel‘Was very badly cunducted. That. in Shul'l. it was nutit conveni- ence tn the public, but simply a curse H) the (3001) people of anle. ï¬nal mulled (in this geullemun the other day and he. refused to tell me thenume- til the party who told him. He re~ tuned to do so, Sllllply stating it was tuuiumu talk and that he had heard it from several people. but he could not just, remember one nf their names. The next time he, or anyone else. cir- r’ulutes a. false statement. against, inc 1 “ill jn their menmiy in court. and Whom am ï¬nished with them they will never furng it. The anlv hlltt‘l will be conducted on the same lines as it has been sinu- I Lmnk buld “fit. The license law will he absent-ll in its en- tirety till the lst nf May. then it will be closed in (‘wx-y depautnwnt until the license is renewed. vIIu-rprise z Surely with mom. the g" \my fucllitir DEAR Sunâ€"In common justice to me I ask you to give space to the-letter enclosed in THE LIBERAL an that I may have 1!. chance to place before the public a} true stuteuwnt an: to howl have conducted the hutel at Maple uinge I took pus: ssiqu of it. I .A|,, @112 flihtrnl. Editor LIBERAL, Richmond Hill 'Rmmuom; hm. On, Feb. 8. 1906 Maple, Jan. 20, ‘1 Led Vill NOT AFRMD 0F LOCAL_0PTl0N Letter from Mr. Back. Axoa‘ May I \‘thurc t0 soope (If ours: The Bond‘s Luke, the w ï¬ll-and 5th Cun- n, the South, at [hk' d be Lungstuff. the. 1131: READER. FRED DACK. 'rcmr. A-ftvl Use clféiI-mnn I‘flé’hde-d a wol- 1-(nne5tb'ti‘m (h’k‘g’htl‘fl ("x-mu u distance and explai’nvd the uhjt‘ct of the meet,- ing much of those present uddx-Pssml the mewting and nfft‘l‘vd suggestimls fur the gnnd of the order. A I'vsnlutiml was adapted expressing disnpprm-ul uf Lhu Dislrl‘ét U«‘um~t,s"as“xwremly estah~_ “she-d. It was decided tn haw th» nt-xL annual meeting in Richmond Hill. Pheï¬sue is'the Mar room, notthe honâ€"l. not anv man. Sinnpr a room in mm hotel, nd the ustitutim 'H olm mr '1‘. F. McMahnn was elected District Set:I‘elary-Treasurer, and J. Kirum Suh-Uhief Bangor. If you allow a hon to set, you lose at lqast eight weeks of laying (three weeks hatching andflve weeks tukinw care of the chicxnus). or my me the eight wecEB she would lay at lamb thme dozen eggs. Lec thQChuLbam Incubator on the hatching, whilo' the hen goes un laying The ï¬l‘st’dnnual meeting of Disliict ‘1 No. 6. A. O. 17., was held in Hivhlntmd 1 Hill Tuesday uftL-l-nm-n, Bro. H. A. NichoHs. I). (7. R" presiding. Each nf , the five courts in the district was 1911- E resented. The follnwing delegates Wyn! present, :â€" J. Kin-ton and T. P. Robinson, \Vhit'e Valv. I J. McClemvnt. King City. A. E. Pearson. Thornhill. J. R. Stallard and C. \V. Clm-kson, Newnmrkeb. I‘. H. Trench and T. F. McMahnn. I Richmond Hill. I In the ï¬rst place. we can prove to you that. your actual 0&5!) loss in eggs. which the 20 hens ahopld law-during the tune yuu keep them *hï¬'whiflg and brooding. will be enough to pay for a Chatbam Incubator and Brooder In ï¬ve or six hatches. to say nothing whutovor of the larger and better results attained by the use of the Chutham incubator and Broader. Our No. 3 Incubator will hatqh as muny'ggga as twenty Betting hens. and 619 u better. how. hero is a question in arithmemc :â€" If you keep 20 hens from la. in; for 8 weeks. how much can do you ]()~'0 it each hen would have laid 3 dozen eggs. and eggs are worth 15 cents per dozen? Ans. ~89fl). Therefore, when the Chatham Incubator is hatching the number of eggs that twenty hens would hatch. in is reany eunng in cash for you $9.00. bt‘sidci producin for your proï¬t chicks by the wholesale, and eing ready to do the 931119 thing over again the moment each hatch THE SETYIIVG HENâ€"~Hcr failure: have diswuragsd many a poultry rat'sâ€. Users of the Chatham Incubator and Broader have all made money. if you sdll cling totho old idea that you can successfully mun poultry business using the hen as u. hatchet. we would Like to roa§on wjtb you. id otf The hen sets when she is ready. The Chnt- ham Incubator is always ready. Dy planning to mku off a balm-h at. the right time, you may have plenty of bruilers w 3011 wln'u Lroilem are scarce and'm'icos at tho tnp notch. If you depend on Lho hem, your chicks will grow to broilers just when every other Imus clucks are beings; murkele‘l. and when the price is not so at l . Tilahen‘il‘: a careless mothei‘mften lending her chicks-among“ we: grass, bushes. and in places \vLEcx'u l’lltd (mu conï¬scate hk r young. The Chatham llmodcr behaves itself. is a. perfect mother and WW rarely loses a chick, and is not infested with lice. Altogether. there is absolutely no reasonable reason {or continuing the use of a. lien as n hatchet and every reason wh ' you should have n. (‘imlhnm Incubnlnr and rooder. You can make money mislné chicks in the right wayâ€"lots of it. No one doubts that there is money in raising chickens with a good Incubator and Bmuder. We are making (1 it will pm; you to m Small Premises Sufficient For Poultry Raising. Aw: \Ve can suï¬ply you quickly from our distrik Halifax. Chat am. Factories at CHATHAM. (, list as quote you prises on a gnod anning Mill or goodiFarm Scam] The MANSON LICAMPBELL (10., Limited, Dept. No.276, CEATHAM, CANADA ‘1 course, if you hamlet; of room. so mnch " brlter. but many n. 1mm and wnmzm are vying on a 5\l(‘(‘03:5f1lland proï¬table poultry HHL‘SS'in a. small city or town lot. Anyone .h ‘a fair sized stable or shed and a small 11 can raise poultry proï¬tably. 111E. to make money ( uickly. you must not any from the 01d idtmo tryin _'.0 do businoxs .h netting hens as hatchers. ou must, get, a “ham Incubator and Broader. '0 enable everybody to get a. fair start in {he ht way in the poultrv business, We make ry special offer which it is Worth your e to investigate. DISTRICT MESH? AGAINST i absolutely no reasonable g the use of a. hen as a reason wh ' you should 1bntnr and rooder. vol-y special ofl'er. which THE BY-LA‘N THE BY-LA \V. STING FOR “Gondoman.~Your No. I’Incubntor 13.9.11 right. 1 mm perfactly satisï¬ed with 1%. main en :1 1.:rger Que from you next. year. E M. ocmvuuu. Lmdsay, Ont." “Goutlgmen,â€"I think both Incubator and Broader Is all right. I got 75 per cent. out of three hatches. R. S. FLEMING, Plzutsville. Ont." Gentlcmon.â€"â€"I had nevsr seen an Incubator until I received yours. I was pleased and sur- prised : .1 get over 80 per cnnr.. and thchickens are all strong and healthy. A chxld could operate machine Successfully. J AS. DAY. Rath- weil. Man." uting warehouses at Calgary. Brandon. Regina, ‘NT.. and DETROIT, chu. Of course. s'xcx‘ess depends on getting a. right start. You must begin right. You can nevur make any considerable money as 1: Poultry m xm' with hens as hatchers. You musclmvea good Incubator and Lil-coder. but this macaw in the ordinary way an invest-man which, perhaps you are not proporod make jus'v now, and this is just where our special o;'1'cr comes in. I! you are in earnest. we will set you up in the poultry buslncw Without a. cent of cash (lawn. If we were not sum that tho Cimtlmm Incubator and Broader is the best, and that, with it, and a. reasonable amount of eti’orb on your [)lll't you are sum to mnlxo money, we would not make the special offer below. ~~Chaiham zgambaéor Brooï¬er has creafeai a New E2; in Fonltry Raising. Mr. Morley E. 3:: rru-kx tiou Army Innuigl'nlinu was in [he \‘Ill-‘lgr‘ l‘nlvsd The Chatham Incubator and Broader has always proved a Money Maker. Many women are 10-day mAking an inde- pendent XIV/jug and putting by money every gmnm mismg poultry with a. Clmthum luauâ€" umr. .Any woman with a. Halo leisure time at her d‘eposul can, without any previous experience or without. a cent. of anal]. begin the poultry business and make mom-y right from the start. Perhaps vou have a. friend who in doing an. Perhaps you have n. friend who is doing an. If not, we can give you the names of many who started with much mingiving 01le [U be 5111‘- prised by the ease and rapidity wit which the proï¬ts came to Lbem. Mrs. Wm. Unnk is staying with frimids in TUI'UHH! for u fvw days. Mr. and MIN. \Vm. Bnm- spunk,» day last, week with fl ionds at, Highï¬vlcl. Missionary SPI‘Hm-s will ho hu-ld an Muplv circuit next Sunday. va. \V. E. Sihley, :iSSisth by .‘lt‘SSI'N. Juiiif' and \Vt-lls uf Viutm-in U1)i\vi~-ity. will conduct the Sui-\‘im- :il, Unrrviiiv in mu vvvniug. b‘pwiul music will In: run- ‘lvrvd by the nhnir, .1130 by MUMâ€. Sihlvy and Jliliifc. iii-he setting Hen as a Eaicizer has been proven a Commercial Failure. A Liéht, Pieasant and Profit- may: 7Iwn.€;/i.;/'IjznYi‘évrrt/ilzou'rkt p : . , . 0 able Busmess for Women pomlrle a»! 0/ (nicks. Mr; H. Binke and litth- son ufTU- rant“ visith this Wm'k at the residence- (vf M r. \V. Blake. Miss Ella Blake visited fl'ivnés in Toronto I'I‘L'('ID“_\'. \Ve aw sm-ry tu hvfl’f'n’i’ thnx'a'leé‘r sex-inns illness (If Ml. J. Dvndman. “"9 hop? hf' may hav» a spvvrly recnw-ry. Miss Lani-:1 Pl'entII-e his I’I-‘Llll'l;l‘(1 lmme after spending :1 we-vk with frifinds iLtnKlPiHlH-H‘K. M iss Flurflhcs- Ci'n'bpor is in ’fn‘rmnh taking a course at Ll!» Central Business oqupgp. r Miss I’dmdu \ViEï¬s 'rrf Newmm-krt \ms n-gthL at "Pin View," thr- hump of Mr. J. Tyndall. fur a short time lust wrek. You Pay us no'Cash Till After 1996 Harvest A CEEA'E‘HAM EN {3 E] BATQ R aim BR®9§ER TO YOUR STATION FREIGHT PREPAID T0 FARM 1535. Carrville SHIP NOW )! (,hu Sal-n- !)an-Lnr ut. :ny in II)» inâ€" :Every Farmer Shouid Raise Pouhry w... “w. , V“. V. The setting Lon us a hntaher wilbnever be a commercial success. Her busulevsa is co lay eggs and she should bo‘ko t at it. The only way to raise chicks for pro t is to be '1“ right‘ by Installingu Chatlmun lncubaloran Brooder. \Vizh such a nun-him) you can begin hatching on :1 large scale at any Lima. You can only put one crop of? your fluids in a. year, but, wit 1 n. (Ylltz‘banx Incubator and Brouderund ordinal-y attention. “on can raise chickens from early Spring unnii Winter and huvea crop awry nloaérk. Think of it X Quite a few funnel‘s have discovered that there is money in the poultry busine: apgl [give Quite a few farm than: is money in the found this brunt-h of they have installed WrH-nndBmodem ufl found this brunt-h of Eu-minag' so proï¬table that. they have installed several Chaunum incuba- tom-nndBmodehi after trying the um. Purina)“ yuu think that H requires a. gwat, deal of tune or a great deal of technical know- ledge to raise chickens with a. Challqu Im:_u- baLor and Broader. It so. yuu are greatly lum- tukcu. Your wife or daughter can au-cml lo the muckine and look after the chmlzons thh- 3ut€ uncricring with their rcgulm' househoul u lcs. Almost every farmer “keeps hens." butnvhilo ho knmvs chm. there is s. cm win amount of proï¬t in the business. even when letting it take care ofitsclf, few farmers are uwuru of how much they are 105i»; every your by not getting into the poultry busimsa in web a way nau‘make reg; money ou_L of it. 1110 market is always good and prices are never low. he demand is always in excess of the supply and at certain times of the year you can pmctivully an any price you care 10ml; for 000. bruilcm. ‘v 'ith a ('vhuthzuu Incuhtlor un-l iroodcr vuu can start hatching at the right; time to bring the chickens 1/) marketable br9ilors when the) supply is very low and {he Emacs accordingly high. This you couldnovcr u with hem-I as hatchux's. “e know that we made a mum at of‘fcr last year and um in every tune the payments were met cheerfully and promptly. and that in many money was accompanied by letters ex- pressing satisfacLion.- Therefore. we have n0 hesitation in making this propmition tum-cry honest, earnest. man or woman who may wish to add to their you!!! proï¬ts wth A small oxpeudlture of timoaana 1119.99?- the money ofl'cr. T is really means that we will set you win the poultry business so that; vou can. make money right how the :UJJ'I. without. askmg 101' a single cent from you until after 1906 harveldt. Ifwe knew ofa fairer olfcr. we wouldmake it. \Vrlte us a. post mm with war name and address. and we will 50ml you full )articnlars.&a well as our beantifnlly illustrate book. “ How kn hat 1.: money in the oultqy bpsmcss for every farmer who will go :1. )out It nght. All you have [u dais to got u. Chathnm Incubatorand Bmodcr and sum it. But per- haps yonure no}, prepared just now to spopd “19 money. Tim: is why we make the spccml “'0 know thnre is money in raising chickens. “'8 know the Chath.:m Incubator uud Broader has no equal. ‘ ‘vVaknow that with'nn reasonable effort on 'our war“... you cannot. bug make money cut; at he phathnm Incubator qnd Bl‘potjer, to make money out bf chicks." Writé to-day to Chatbam. \Vumipeg, New \Vcsuninster, 13.0. Meagan}. Na. 1â€" 03 Egg: 6 Ho. 2â€"â€"-120 igga No. 37â€"2“) £53: 7715 [1‘le Til/411! [DUCI‘BA TORâ€"71!: G l‘npper .‘ U. Rnhinsnn M. Klilw . \V. (7;!l‘lPtuH 5. \lurphy.. l1.sllllh‘\ . .. ClnH-nrrv Kinnmr Gt'nl'giu Brawn . , Ada Mihh- ,1. \VMHI'I' Frishy GnI-le- Uirkinmm Alex. Ml‘Unllnghy ‘Emmw Rmmnu L'f-ux about the 9H] of March. 'l‘ln- im- ‘migx'unls will he accnmpzmiod by :I. unitingvnt (If expc‘riencvd HEEL-era who will instruct, lhl‘l" in [lie Ways uf the cmum'y. They are n‘m brought. fmn-x tlu- congested districts of London, Inn have been sell-(:tvd from I uml distl ins, and slmuld tht‘l'l‘fl'l'l" ht' suitable ‘fnl' farm Immls. Applivutlun furms’havo hm'n lt'ft ul THE LIBERAL “ml-v. Whr-re thvy am he gut. by funnel-s interested. Lurm- l‘vrkuw Harry Fl'ulllfid HIGH SCHOOL R EPORT FOR. J UAHY. ION} ‘?Y¥’ï¬t nf Elms" flh need of farm hc-lp. “Eire ‘Snlmtlnn Ar‘ï¬ry'expect Lu hring out fwm the Old County this svasmn about, IUJ’OO immigrants who will he distrilmhd thwughuut Canada. The ï¬rst, hunt, is PXpI‘Cled to arrive 11!, H?“- success 11.15 rummag: Ll many to make '. smith Mun-gun . \Vim-h . Rix'hul-(L-on . Ulnhinl.‘ . Hymn . Pulnwl' . Gilth k5-:yh-. (illunn W's-Rh. Heippv-I‘ Huym . . . . .Vlu \Iuhun Unngllnvll Atkinson I’lm-mng‘ it \\'~£I Ill IS THIS FAIR ? FOR)! “I. FORM II FOR M mm 649 3†KW Z‘J? 291 143 It?! Mal '9†[7‘4 165 3U†Cent. Bl 5|! n7 hu 6!! til 7‘.) 7% 76 AN- â€"Carried. anp-Hngm-nmn â€"â€"Tlmt treasurer X‘s-fund lefullnwiug taxes and Stu!- ute Labor uccmlnts:-â€"J0lm Hilts, Vic- tm-in Square, 1 dog wrongfully “user:- ed, 31; Mr. Ellis. Richmuud Hill. 1 [ dug wrongfully assessed. $1; A. Junâ€" k nings, error in Statute LGbor.:$l.l3.~ i Curried. I 3 I i A Bell Organ in gum! cunditiun. :1 Square Piano, cheap. Luppâ€"Hagermanâ€"Tbut whén this council adjourns. it stand udjum-nud until Mar. 13, at 10 a. In.â€"â€"()ani<:d. Hngerm:mâ€"anpâ€"~ Tth the and Option By-law No. 663. he, read :1 third time and pussvd and the wove unwor- ized to Sign the same and the seal ('1' the corporation attached Lhtâ€"XCLU.~~ (Jul-riot]. County. Stnuï¬â€™ville Tel. Line, $6.23, relieved. Jmeph \V'ise. $2.90. rat. tn county. George Hill. $1.75. relieved. Lubm’, $8 . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 I3 â€"Czn‘xit-d. Hugermanâ€"Pudgetâ€"That the breas- uu-r pay the afoul-wing stone and gravel accollllt3:-â€" Jonathan Jarvis. drawing and furnishing gnuel and pick- ing stone.. . . . . . . . , . . K $2 .30 A. Van Home, 21 yds. stone for Div.1 ‘ . . . . . y . 5 a.- .‘u Lappâ€"Hnge-rmunâ€"That the rolled.- urs' 10115 he and hm-ehy accepted by this cuuxwil and that the Cullectnrs be when-(I from the folhnvinsz tuxeszw .W‘est Half. Emit-PISI-nnks, $X7I‘36, ret. tn county. Evkmtlt Estatp. $29.24. “ " †U. Hvlmkuy. $1.95. “ “ “ T. Humbexstmw. $7.97, †“ “ A. meu. $6.9â€. “ “ “ James Size, $2.57, “ “ “ Ilagvl'mzlnâ€"Nighâ€"That the fulluw- il.g road acrounts be paid:â€" Nn. Div. Frank Peal-son, tllnth . .567 20 Nu. Div. " “ account. 3 :25 â€" Curried. Hugvrnmnâ€"Luppâ€" That; following general nccnuuts he paid:â€" l“mnk Pom-sun, work on (-ulvcrt in 2nd 001)., lots 15 and 16 ..$ 7 '71 Cox-3m) 8: Sun, printing ‘ Local. Option Bykla-w. $1.25; Ad. Court- Rm‘isiun. 40 limes at, H. Smith $4.07. Vaâ€. J. Stoner. $3.61. rat. to county. ‘Mzu-y Dnhcrty. $1.53, relieved; 'Nighâ€"Pndgetâ€"That, the treasurer pay “'1â€. BI-mrk» the sum of $6.68 fcw mw lzllnll killr'd and $3.34- fm- nne ewe injured by udog m- flngs. the owner nf which is unknown as teo‘viiied on (mth. Cnrrivd. 'l‘ruluhle. $1 James Bay (‘rmmcil mt at Unionvillp. Feb. 3. All the nwmhers present, Reeve Slat- (-1- in the chair. Minutes nf lust meetv ing Maui and conï¬rmvd. Cmnmumimetic-us We‘re rvcvivod from Mr. James Lawn-iv. (Iv-dining in actus Punnd-Km-pvr, alsn from Mr. John Dnvisnn, Sela-tram. Markham Agri- cultural Suciety thvnding :1, Vote of thanks tn the cmmnil for the libel-:1} g1 ant givpn tn the Agricultural So. uivty. NI. Smiih , \V. Hudrlit A. BUUI'UCI F. Rumble \V M ll M \V. Hul'gun M. Gm'llnn , \V “'n Lsun M ln-phy} Marsh ... M('Nnir .. Mung,xl1. \Villinu): Grim ... Bum-(wk F'I'Eukpy Vunah-rh Hill . . . . . M t. B‘ hmiLh. . . Juhnstm) \‘u'ulkvr Hih‘vr. . .‘ Jilllll‘H , . . 4 .» . MerIghEOH . Stun . ‘ . . . . Rmul . . . . . . . Court. Revision. 40 lines at, 100.. $4; Ad. Lnral Option By-law. $26.88; 2000 haliols municipalelection. $10; do. Lucal OpLi(m,$S; do. Statute Lubor, $8 . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ E. Pearsnn. 11 yds. stone for Div. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l‘lllintt . .‘ Perry . . . Ball . . ‘ 'f‘h'rksnn Pullncl' .‘ Fm‘smx'†Cuupvr .4 , Gruund‘ Junws ..‘ Hvlluksly Leggv, n Grashy H Brydun“ RohiIISun Hexlnp \V l’agv . Pagv. . I“ )prl Kpny. . Calhoun l’ux. .. Hislup Buyle- men ’21:!" . . ugvrnm n CDnnaIId, uymun . .sumve.. FOR SALE ï¬ghtnn Markham Tp. CounciL h-i‘hun 3|]. . HHS '5. moved away. Railway. $60.85. wt. to 5:132 FORM-1‘ Half. Richmond 0. R01 202 529 526 517 491 ~17!) 403 837 (37-1 619 0'15 UUO 570' UK) 4i ’1 3719 an 1 566 561 1335 if?) 48 603 593 591 597 581 69 79 11 :39 47 Van-rick}. ft »llo w- LIN, 56 61 (30 GI! 00 66 G on 7l um