As the Week in whidl Feb. 17th oc- curs has lwvnsvt apart bythe Dnmiuiun \V. U. '1‘. U. as a week of prayer. the 1mm! \V.C.T.U. willhuid two meetings. r’l‘hv ï¬rst will lw held on Tuesday after- nnun at, 3.30 at Mrs. Switzer‘s, and will be under the supervision of Mrs. Puuhn. Th9 publicure cordially in» Vin-‘1. Notice of xhe second meeting will as giwuiuucxc weck's issue. ’lnc‘ul \V. r'l‘hv ï¬rst mum at: he nude lum-nutis expected. Dinner will he prnvide-d at the Queen's Hotel fm-all tiw cusuuuers and a. procession u ill i'blluw. ' “’nollv and \v:u*m--â€"\Ve are placing same nth-active prim-son Men's \Vnter- proof and Sheep-Skin Lined Smacks. 'l‘hey nrujust the thing ‘fm- choring. ‘Huzwy Fleucv-iim-d :md “'onl Under- wwu', ‘Vnul Top-shims. mid Punt-s. and Mule Skins at easy prices. Nuughkon 81-03.. Elgiu Mills. Thure will he a large delivery of Mussvy-qu‘ris machines at ‘Union- \‘llle, through their agent, Mr. J. H. I’l‘l‘hllCH-Ull Monday. F‘i-h. 26. A lzu‘ga lum-nutis expected. Dinner will he pruvitle-d at the Queen's Hotel fm- all At the annual meeting nt' the Board of Education yesterday Mr. Gen. Mg- Dmmld was appointed chairman. Mr. J. Sumner, secy-h-vas, and Messrs. 1". McCunaghy. D. Hill and J. Pauli!) committee of muuagmneut. I). I). G A man may dodge the vote lacrc but will face the respon- sibility for it at the bar of judgment. A. closed bar-room makes no dmmkards. Local Optmn closes them. Prevention is better than cure. Closing the bar-room prevents drunkenness. Mr. \Valluce Michael of Ym-kmn, whnwith his wife and two children cune to spend the winter months here, had a very severe. attack of la glippe, but is now able. to drive out on ï¬ne days. They will return to thvir NoLthrS/Yest home next month. Rev. Mr. Barbour of Tux-onto Uni- versity will give a tempvnume address in the school mom of the McLthist church .uexb Monday evening, cum: manning at 8 o'vluck. All whn me in- terested in the present campaign are cox=dially invited to be present. The \Vest Ymk Liberals will hold a Inmquvtut Eagle Hull. \Vesmn. this (Thursday) evening. Ban. A. B. Ayleswueth. Mr. Arch. Campbell and other prumineut Lilwx-uls will he pres- eut. Lnkm'iew curling rinks mun? up Sat- urda y fm-a frivndly match. The home rinks wun by 13 points. The visitors we‘re entertained to, Leet at; the Palmer House. ‘ A vote in the ballot box better than a multitude good wishes. Mr. Gem-go Botlmm uf Bradfm-d was in the nl‘ighhul'huud rem-wing uld nc~ quaintnuce and spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Buwes 0f Concmd. Ike home or the bar-rommf is the choice beture Rich- mond Hill electors 'Hiss Flam anvvll nf \Vinuipwg is a. gnu-5L of Miss Maggie Mx-Cunnghy. The W'hist Club will nzr-vt on Friday vvvniug :utthe hmne hf Miss Trench. A full nttPndancv is x-r-qm-stud. ' \Ve 'highly' rocnmmrnd nur- readers in subscribe to The Ful'llll‘l's' Adm-mu- and Home Magazine. If Mr. J. Mc‘Villieuus has pluchasml u huuse rm Arm-Id street. nuw (nevupieï¬ by M1. R. Kvnniv. and will more here in the spring. ' Sand Show in th- Lorne H.111. Sutur- duyafnernnnn uf this week. Lac» vaflï¬nhws MK! twmics for anle AL. THE meul. Ofï¬ce. A number of m‘hnnl n-pm-ts are un- :u'nidnhly hold UH-I' till next week. You may have little pOWer but you may we it wisejv livery home IS msnt against‘the l‘ Mr. James Bowvs uf Concord is xhnwing his Uh’dt-sdzlh- man‘ Mndvx-n Ns-llie, at. the Tun-unto Hume-$210“: The ‘V. C. T. U. will Switzm-‘s next Tuesdn) 2.30. Full Htlyntlum-v 11 Get unvâ€"Fq-ur only. Indira" coats. to flour nt 990. Nuughmn 111-05.. Elgiu Mills. Mas E‘Eikwnl. 10W Rurawmn HILL, 051, Feb. 8. A]J>.,‘o is net What we say but we vote that m unts 5 an argu intâ€"mum Inf'Pt at Mrs. afternoon at mush-d. IS t. vuting day and pull his \‘otc. vole of thanks was alum-1 spraku'. un Inotinn of RM'. ' lu-Il. Seconded by Mr. l’cthick alarmed about, the drinking that was dune in humus, but, contended that the, bar. with tha- tt'ruting system in con- lwctiun, was the sum-co of must (If the. crime. and dvgmdutiuu that ousted in the cnuntr)‘. He expresth cuntompt for the» mun whu did not go outou Voting day and pull his \‘Ult'. A hem ty vole of tlmnky was uccmded the Glass gave a vocal solo. Mr. Spence game a spirited addiess. His remarks were directed principally against. the liar, and showed by Government sta- tistics that. notwitlis‘umding social cus- toms in drinking had changed, there was now twice-as much liquor con- sumed in Canada as was consumed 25 years ago. Crime has also been on the increase. and the liquor trafï¬c I): K a greater influence with the political parties than evvr baton-e. He was not alarmed about the drinking that. \\':u\‘ l Rightn‘w*~z‘fmz will ï¬nd nis with i anything in lumls and shoes you may Idesire. Nnml-rlzpys; we have tlw must cumplete 5mg»: la: rpl‘rBEI-IL we have ever had slllcc rcmnnwncinrg business. Odds and ends in ladies", hoya‘ and girls‘ hunts at yuur own price. Men 8 rubber: uf min-y kind and pric» and u decided sump in uu'n's sucks. Nullglb ton 31-03.. Elgin Mills. Rev. B. Spence. Toronto, Wu: spvakvr at the Gospel Tempe! mcvling Sunday aftH-nnm). Min; McDonald was chairman, und‘MIs Glass gave a vnoal 5010. Mr. Sp game it spirited :Iddless. His rem were dil-ectrd principally algains God’s side is never the whiskey side of any question. It is easy to discern the whis- key side of the Local Option question. Then on whieh side should Christi ans be ? On Thursday evening last an oyster supper was given: the patrons, guests and boarders of thp Dominiun Home by Mr. and Mrs. D. Stung and the Misses Stomz. Ahnut, fifty \vvn- in atâ€" tendance. The tinw was pleasantly spent, in games. sovial convmsntimn and enjoying the E'XI‘PHPHt spread pm- \‘ided by UN ladies of this pnpllhll' puh. lir: hnusv. Befm-ex'iispe-rsing for the night, i‘uivs nf thanksâ€"mm‘ed by Messrs. John Mich:le and Frank Sims â€"\\'m~e Lvudel'Pd Mim- Host Stung: and his uhle assistants for thvil‘ kindness and hospitality. tn which thufnrmer replied in a. few suitable remarks. The bar-room practical 1v compels men to drink The open door is an irre<i51ible temptation to some who are trying to reform. Give these men a chance by closmg the bar. Rev. Dr. Pidgmm. pastm-nf lhp luml ing Pl'PSl)_Vl“1‘l-‘lll rhnrch in Torontu Junction. Will give an addrese in the- lntvl'ests of Local Option in the- Masonic Hall on the ovmxing of Rh. 14th. Pr. Pidgenn was an energetic wm-km- i- lhv Local Option mnnpniun in Toronto Junction. and will he able to give reli- able information regarding the Work ing of the hyâ€"law in that town. It is hnp9d that m‘nrv vnh-r in 1h? \‘illagv will nka :m Fffnl't to hem- this vuln- ost- :Ind eloquent speaker. Muvting at 8 o'clock. Mr. Jus. Simpsnn. :I pnpulnx :md (~14 - quvnt spvukvr. will gin» an :IddreNs at the tmnpm'anw tum-ting nn Sunday aftermmn. Mr. Simpsnn is :l \\'<-ll- known [under in the tl:ld".~‘ and lulu-l1 (-irvlvs nf Tun-mm). and will dual with the hy~lnw unw hrfnre lh‘ frnm :l prur- t-icul standpoint. l')n,.nnt, miss this up‘ pm-tunity uf hwn-ing‘him. Chair taken by M12 .137. A. \Vrightv. The functi m of ‘iaw is to makeiteasy for men to do right,and hard for them *v dn wrong. Local option m 4kes sobrietveasy, and drunken 3555‘ ha :‘d. The tmatmg systemri-s :13"? cause of much drunkcnress It is inseparnble {mm the bar r00nm Local optima (rlvse: the bar and kills the trmlin: system. “Did you try any of our whi>kcy,jndge ?†asked the dealer. "No". replled the judge; “but: :1 tried a man to~day who he'd " 'EIEIEA‘ILX'I‘ICST :‘anul Optimlists in Richmond Hill «we now singing the fullnwing ditty: Nuhndy drinks hut father: Ho lHHI'LOS ’rr und all day; But we‘ve nm- cunsnlntinn. "l‘will h(- stuppvd an the lst, uf May Thou mnthvr wnn'l lukP in washing; Neither will SthRl' Ann. VVlu‘n nuhndy nl'rinks‘l uund our house Nut (mummy old mun. - ST. ‘VA LENTIN 2'8 8001 A L. 'I‘lu- mmunl sncinl will lie held in the Church ul England Ilectm-y, :rbThnnv hill, on St. Valentine‘s Day, \Vednen» day, Fell). 14. 1906. lil-fI-eslmwnls will he served. (hum-s will he providl-(l. A musical prugrumnuâ€" is heing prepar- ed. Thrive will ï¬lm he a Silll' ut ludies‘ \vm-k‘ Sih'm- culle-cliun. Dams nme at 7 (PL-luck. All are cordially invited) GOSPEL TEM PER ANCE OYSTER SUPPER '1“ W W“ '“ “1" bUCUESSFUL AT HOME J‘tfgrigvllg; le At I'lnme held in the Musmnic ,lv‘fI'CSilllH‘lllS will 11"" “'51 Fr1dâ€.yl“‘(""â€â€˜xllfflthflmfl‘le- vill he px-uvidx-d. “"‘n “f m" "illagv “'“Sé' [flWIliqncvd t. is being prom“ Sll('i‘(:~‘.~'. Almut-hfty couple's trippvd e a sail. m India) the llglll fantastic to the strains (it an un, Dunlflnppn ILH-llal} nl'cln-su'u, and Lll(’(‘()nlllllttl-v curdiuny invited) may “1.33:va take cr(_-dlt; tn tlnlmfelves 15:31. gnng ‘lIR)SI;1(;XlJ0y¢llIl(‘ evvnmg to t , lime prrsan. ‘19 success is more Kan-V 0' 0L1, ' espouially duo tn the Sï¬Cro-tï¬lry‘ 31,, J‘ f 21$de the 2H. l‘lmgdll. and t‘lu- presitlpnb. Mr. G. replied tlae iH. Duncan, wlm wen-untiring in their tried 8 man (Inn fm-l pt‘lf(‘('lly "at. home.“ vIL \vuuld Plfl'l Ls, :md succeedwd in making uwry» H tukv tun much space to descrin the many lu-nutiful CUSlllflllS worn by Lin- “681‘ Indie 5. and it would be a very difï¬uuwlb R. l I H.†task In pivk out the hollr- whr-rr- s4: ' 1‘ “no†I many laid claims to the distincï¬mn “umvmg may: Among leso pu-svnt from :I dite‘umne “101': \erv Dr. and MIN. Dennis (If 'l‘nlflllli). lday; Mr. and Mrs. Armstmng. Redford Itinn. Psi-k: Mr. and “15.6.1. Mun-gun, \Vil- n the lst, HE'MHY lnn‘dulv: Mr. and Mrs. F. Jmtkvs, lkk‘ in washing; 'l‘lmrnhill: M rs. C. Snvngv. the Mimi-s hm. Vnndmlnmf and Porter. Miss Storey 'mund 01114101150y and Miss 'l‘lmmpsun. 'l‘m-nntn; Miss ll). Mr-Nrjl, Vellum: Miss Logger, Oak . f Ridgwm Mc-sars. \V'Aiiie, Stun-9y. Haw- ystemrks the and and Mulcuhy hf the Standard . Bunk, Ton-mu; Mr. Frank lllcl)nn:dd Jrunkenpess nf thv Standard Bank. Slnufl'viHP; {mm the“ bar Mr. “’alkvr Hall of {he Ontario Bunk, ' ‘ ‘ 'l‘nrnntn; Mr. F. F. LAYUSPHHH'O of thv 'prum (1‘ ,Sef Dominion Bunk, Tun-nu); Mr. J. M. the inï¬ll-'1: Wnltmi. hflnlit'l‘, Aunn-a;\i\11.009per Miss Ida was Llu LU†anci- -:-z~:v+-;~a»:»:-:«p+~s+¢+k-+~:-++yaw-Monmzwewrvb '°++-§»% @BEE And oxnmim- :1 Copy of lnuuv if you hm u all) taking u plcpzuutm y co Good Paying P “1- lwlicve xhe-re is I m]qu to ours for moth m-ss training and fur suits. \Vc solicit inw. and cmnpux'isun. El timm No vacations. @cutml ï¬umiawaï¬ (iii: lenge & Gerrard Stan, W. H. SHAW, Pril W. H. SHAW, Principal 4H-+++++++++++H'+-b~i~+++++++ +++++++++ Avef'siPillsfg'reatly aid the Cherry Pastoral In breaking up a cold. 'I‘nruntn; Mr. F. Dominion Bunk, \antun. hankt-r. nf \Vvllund. VANDERBURGH â€" On the 2nd uf Vaughn". (III the 6(1) {if Fohluar)‘. tU Mr. and Mm. Richard Vanderhurgh, a ï¬llâ€. Morrison township. Mus- 1 koka, scored magniï¬cently in their victory on Tuesday, ‘ the pull standing one hundred and eleven to thirty=ï¬ve, for Local Option. We wuuld say to Richmond Hill, “Gol thou and do likewise.†Because -we make medicines for them. We tell them an aboutAyer’s Cherry Pecmral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. They trustit. Then you :ean afford :10 twat it, Ask your own doctor. Why Refer to Doctors “'1- lmlieve ahere is nu school equal to ours fur nmthodic busi- nvss training and fur gond re- suhs. \Ve sulicit, invcsLiguLinn and cmnpurisun. "Enter any time. No vacations. Good Paying Position Mamas 0,70ng urge & Gerrard SL5†Tux-unto The best kind of a. testimonialâ€" “ Sold 101- over sixty years.†We luvs no aacratn! We pnblllh the formulas ofnll our medicines. Buds yer‘s 34%; +++++~x~ Genital ‘17:. O. Aye! 00.. hwflzwliuq A no mwuhotmn or - BIRTHS )4 SARSAPARHLA. ++++++++++++ + HAIR VlGOR. y of nur cum- any .idva of _v conrac tor a @011292 {wEMUMwwgwwwwggg any ggmnï¬ard (gawk ‘ï¬f :Qï¬mmla Business transacted between 10 and 4; on Monday \Vednesday and Fri uf ouch week. Savings Bank 4' ulvnnecd un sale nutea. L Misses‘ Tam». heavy. that sold for 35c. at 15c. Misses‘ Tums. Scutch. that sold for 450. at 20c. Ludies’ Holt Bluuses. that sold for $1.50 at 50C. 1 Children‘s VVonl-Buttnned Gaiters, that sold for 556. at 15;: Children's \Vonl Hoods. that sold for 750. atQOc. Ladies‘ Felt Huts. black and color-pd. that mm fm. m .6 7;, \Ve have second-hand hea.ers, nearly new. Also wood and coal stoves at low ï¬gures. Inge. I’aults and Iiiill'tl‘Vle‘C. Happy Thought and Impermi Oxford Ranges, our leaders, which have won for themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. li‘uruace \Vork. 'Finsnnith- Richmond Hill Hardware Sim Ludies‘ Fe-lt Hats, black and colored, that sold for $1.65 at $1.00. Genuine Heavy Scotch Tweed Suit Length that sold for “$3425 ntr$5.50. Also SPECIAL BARGAINS in Corsets. Blouses, :Dress Goods, ends, etc. This offers a good opportunity to get some geod goods very cheap. Four cansgnud Pena-tm-Z'Jc; 3% lbs. cleaned curmntS for 250.: 5 lhs. raisins for 25¢; 5 thJComadm for 25c.: 5 lbs: dates for 25c.; flint, lamp chimnies. large size. 7c. each' medium and smaller sizvs, So. each; 7 lbs. washing soda ful- 100.: wrapped hath bricks, 5c. each. Atkinson 82 Switzer We have completed stock taking and have a riot of goods, odds and ends, that we want to clean out and offer as follows:â€" Ladies‘ Jackets, heavy cloth that sold for $5.00 at 95c. u u u n u u u at sllso‘ u u u u u ,u u at $1.25- Ladigs‘ Combination Hygcian Suits that, sold for 700. at Ladies‘ Felt, Hats, black and colored. that sbld for at. 15c. Ladies‘ Felt‘Hats. black and colored. that, sold at 65c. Big Value in Groceries An After=St0ck=Taking Rummage Sale X~Cut saws. Axes. 35¢. each. G. SOULES (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) Depmtment H. H. Lï¬SEMflRE. Agï¬ï¬i. black and colored. that sold for $1.10 Fab. 8, 1908. Ki ‘ï¬