Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1906, p. 1

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VOL. XXVIII. HEERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ON1‘. 0311- by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. T. F. McMAHON. Dentist. Room 12, 124 Victoria St. Toronto. Best. fitting teeth. also replating, at lowest. prices. Good work. .. g ‘ n “ “65h: gallant: IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING A Bell Organ in good condition. and 3. Square Fiuno, cheap. 0. ROLLIN, 30-33 Richmond Street. Uor. Carlton and Ynnge Sta.I Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on W( nesday of each week. Ofilce, next door noth of Stand- ard Bank. omce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m Dr. EL J. Woods DENTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 3. In 1-8 p. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, DR. H. w. ANDERSON, Dentist, $1 per annum, in advance. Tor-unto omce. 450 CHURCH ST. Tire Doctor *A’ways A§§S Richnlond Hill Safe DR. \V. E. DEAN Profitable Interest. at highest current rate, paid twice a year mu,sz an account profitable. Being withdx-awable without notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K Convenient VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. (Successor to Dr. Lawmson) D. A. RADCLIFFR 1H "3 “ 'iER, KING CITY DR. WM. RGGERS. FOR SALE Emma 43 Pnoramron Weteriuary ‘dimt. INCORPORATED 1857. Oflice open \Vednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. AT THE mum. This Bank's large lesources ensure safety. A Savings Account: IN THE ONTARIO BANK RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 1906 A G S Lindsey]! C G G F Lawrence W Ridont Wadsworth Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORON'AI‘OWOFFICE: No. 33 Rich- Barristers,Solicitcrs. Notaries. kc. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg). 00:. Adelaide & Victoria Sts.. Toronto. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. “nun: uh. vv ca», vv ralry puuulngs, (Methodist, Book Room,) To- ronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. JAS. NEWTON LENNOX & MORGAN Money to loan on land sndehuzol mortgagoant Iowan rates Automaticsâ€"Removed to tho old post am“ one door west at the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newman-km: omenâ€"Thu door: Iouth of the pustorfice T Hnnnanlexox, 6 31V Hanan: Anton Nowmuket J T Suigoon. Map]. Licennu Auctioneer for the County of Yolk Goods sold on consignment Gounn.) Rules utoc etc prompt” attended to u roasonanl. rites, Resid-nce Unionvillo G R Goulduig. Nfiv'fiVnVVVB'x-oohsganl {or the above Salgeon & Mel-:wen. Licensed Auctioneer: for th e Conny of York. Balesmtsended to on shortoatuotinand 1. tea-- onablentu Patron-gasollcitod Linens o Auctioneer for the County of 10: , ro- spermtu solicits your pacronage and friendly influence sales “traded on the shortest noticr and It rexlsonnberatdl. P. 0.:ddress King Private and Trunt Funds to loan at lowest current, rates. A arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept sit both places. Undertaker: & Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THDRNHIIL ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJG'IN DIIIJLS JIulock, Lee, Millikan Clark Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, . W. Corner King & Yunge Streets, TORONTO. Ingrid St. ‘Y‘reSE‘VFSIEyiBlVIilidi “Are your bowels regular?” He knows that daily action of the bowels is absolutely essential to health. Then keep your liver active and your bowels regular by taking small laxative doses of Ayer’s Pills. We have no were!“ We in Le. c _. the forge”; otfgllg-r me lduu. Low.) 2.7:“. Lindsey. Lawrence &. W adsworth. MONEY TO LOAN COOK & JOHNSTUN arristers and Solicllors. WRIGHT BROS, 1. ll. Prentice. D. G. BLOUGH. in)“. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essmtials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Phone 1131112984 AT h’/,. J K McEw-on Wanton 0n VVednosduy evening, Feb. 7. Vic- toria Square visith mn- Leugue. The Visitors. who numhmpd about. fur-by. arrived at a little after seven o’clock. An interesting prugl-amme was then given hv tho visitors. The chair was lalily taken by Mr. L. Nichols. The gpl-ngrannno was opened by singing “Glory to Gm] in the Highest." fnl~ lowed by prayer. Thvclmirnum ave :m llllP'l'I‘Stlng talk on the topic. “ 0w Work WP May Dn fur Christ and the. Church."â€" Luke 12 : 48. The Headford ladws gave- lunch. A vote of thanks was then moved to the visitors, and all parted with happy hearts. The home League were wry grateful tn~ ward thp Victm ia. Square friends. and hnpe some time to be able to Ieturn the kindness. Miss Retm Leek is spending a time with relatives in Tomnto. \Ve am sorry to record Mr. Fred Johnston’s illness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dean entertained a few of their friends on Friday even- ing inst. Mr. and Mrs. C. VVellman spent, a few days at, Mr. D. VVellnmn‘s. Miss Hattie. Brodie spont from Fri- day until Monday with Miss G. Harris, Rirhmond Hill. Mr. and Mus. Geo. Leek spent a few days with relatives in Toronto. The Hezldford people have been quite well since Dr. ‘lure All made his visit), an! hope he may call again. Who makes the druukm-d? The bar. rmuu. “‘hn makes the bar-mom? The law. \Vho makes the law? The voter. How are you gning to vote? 33-1 Langstaff School Report for January ,_.,,- a V ‘v ‘V I - Jumur III.â€"-Georg1e Robinson. Irene Chapman. Present, every dayâ€"Freeman Barker, Norman Brndie, Ethel Caldwell, Clel- land Caldwell, David Hislop, Walter Hi_s_l0p. Hattie Brnd_ie. Senior IV.â€"Hannnh Chapman, Ln.» vina Rankin, Herbie Luz-shy. Junim- Iv.â€"Mynle \Veldrick, Emily Rankin, Gnu-land Langstnff. Senior 111,â€"Alice Page, Robbie Low- ery. Gladys Bag]. Hofibr Rollâ€"Ida Barker, Elsie Hart. Jessie Lily, Viola. Caldwell, Hector Patterson. Se'nior u. â€" Nellie Page. Nathan Chapman. Ju‘niur ILâ€"Amy Bull, \Vellingtnn Munkman, Stewart Page. Violet, Unse- legi 'Part‘ I (C)â€"D9nnis WhitP. Kathleen Rankin. (B)â€"Russvll Munkmnn, Dud- ley \Vhite. (A)â€"Dnnnie Dx-ury. Senior Iv. Class - Roy McDonald Archie Camerun. Junior 1v. Classâ€"Mary Cnmnrun, Elsie Jaxrett, Rt-ubeu Harrison. Fox-- re§t Bjshnp. Svninr in. Clussâ€" Muriel Kinnee. Dqlln _Hesp. Junior 111. Class â€"â€" Flussie Puter- baugb, Lizzie White. Bertie Puter- bungh. Bertha Murray. Percy Pun-r- haugh. Joseph Bishop. Madge Jarrett. Senior 11. Class â€" Jennie Bishnp, Glenn Harrison, Ruby Hewgill, Percy Ly_uns. :Innior Secondâ€"Howard Ness, Cecil Figdlay: Part, Secondâ€"“falter Hislop, Bessie Findlay. Senior First â€" Elsie Hart, Rhoda. Burkpr. Junior Firstâ€"Percy Elsnn, Tommie Fountain, Preston Elsun. Buckie Fnun- tain. Jessie Lily. Hector Patterson, Viuln Caldwell. George Findlay, Ar- thur Birch. The only defence a. bar-mam can of:- fer is the defence it dues offer, that, is the defence of citizen's ballots. Do "not defend it. 33-1 WJiminr Fourth â€"-â€" Charlie Homer. Hurvie Ness. Senior Thirdâ€"Norman Brodie, Ida. Barker. Senior Secondâ€"Mary Findlay. Hat- tie Brodie. Gladys Helmkay. Ira Find- lay_. Byrthka Hallrisg‘n. 'Juniur II. Classâ€"Donald McNaugh- tnn. Lizzie Fenwick, Lulu-a VVatsun, Vit la Jarrett. Part 1. Junior Classâ€"Alex. Bishop, Susie Fenwick. Report of School Section No. '3, Mark- ham, for January Senim- Fourth Classâ€"Freeman Bar- ker. Pearl HosbPl. Junior Third â€"â€" Clellnnd Caldwell, Daniel Hislop. Elias Elliott. Ethel Caldwell. Emma. Barker. thu'lie hos- Pant u. Classâ€"Johnnie Greenwund Agnes McNaughton, Wilbert; Berk‘itt Hil'hie Lygns._ Part 1.. Senior Glassâ€"Cecil BeI-kitt. Mary Greenwood, Elmer Berkitt. Gur- field Farr. Report of School Section No. 9, Vaughan, for January Headford E. G. HARRIS, Teacher. N. JEFFRIES. Teacher. If you Wish to help the right, Boldly g0 and vote. Shnw ynur colors in the fight, There your wish dennte. Do your host; to help the cause In px-m-m-ing better laws, Free from nullifying flaws, Home joys tm prmnnte. Though your homes may NOW be free From drink‘s withering touch, None is safe, whne’er he be. Many once were such. Danger lurks in “bar” and street, Te-mpters all urnund you meet, Swift, to lure ur_nvn_ry feet In their greedy clfitch. With a noble- purpose go: Vote the trufl‘ic’s doom. For a tr-adv pruducing \voe Give no longer room. Shake your garments frnm the dustâ€" me the soul-destroying lust. In the God of Israel crust; That our land may hlonln. Thnt our boys may safely tread Through life‘s changeful maze Snf» from traps by vultures spread Frnm their eager gaze. That the WHIk ans-s prune to ill May hv rescued ere they fill Hopeless grave-s, so sad and still, Void of marhlt- praise. Let enrh one who would be true Use his influence; Malnfully his glut}! _d(v, Such a traffic in our land Must be swept away \Vbich gleqtrqy§ nn {wiry band. 1. Class â€" Wesley Schell. Gem-3e Read, John Bastard, Gordon Read, Ross Baker. Number on roll for month, 44. Average attendance. 38. Those present every dayâ€"John Cos- §rnve, Carrie Williams, Maggie Baker. immie Cosgmve. Wesley Honvm; Nettie Stone, Elsie Doner. Heher McCague. Roy Smith, Harry Madill, Alvin Smith. John McCague, George Read, Gut-dun Road. Strong in the defence 0f the cause that nuw demands Ewery vote our force commands. \Vurk with willng hearts and hands, And at, once commence! It may curse your home. It may ruin your child. It may crush yuux heart. It may do this, and too late you may find out that it. was .1 mistake to vote to maintain the bar-room. Be on the safe side.vntv against; the bur-mom by voting fur this law. 35 1 Ceax‘oless night, and day! Vain the effnrts tn restrain, Vit'tims everywhere are“ slainâ€"- Lust, to earth for love of gainâ€" Go. the vampire slay L Senior Iv. -â€"Jean Scott 83%, Belle Read 83%. Grvtu Lunau 77%. Stanley Boyntun 72%. Herbie Sanderson 657°. The following are in (Irdt-r (If merit : SPnior III. â€"â€" Vera Jennings. Paar-l Frishy. Duncan Read, Gracie Boyuton, Edgar Sanderson, Hex-plan Mnrtson. Junior In. â€"- Roy Glover, Marjorie Jennings. Senim-II.â€"â€"Eva Dannie. Olive Glover. Senior Part, II.â€"â€"Murray Wellman. Junior Part II. â€" Willie Wellumn, Clarence Glover. \Villis Rey nnr. Junior Part I.â€"-Stella Carver. F. L. LUNDY, Teacher. The liquor business tends to procure crilninnliLy in the population at large and law breaking among the saloon- keopers themselves, It dehauclws not only the body social but the bud) p.»- litical us well-.â€"~President Roosexefh Senior Part II.â€"Arithmetic-Exviel Hunt 100. Ethel Schell 100. Eva Con-’ net 100. Roy Smith 100. Elsie Doner 88. Willie Homer 88, Douglas Read 7-], Hgber McCague 63. V Junior II.â€"-â€"Emily Pond. Ida. Schell. 'l‘ommy Smith, Isaac Nigh, Reuben Horner. Names in order of merit. Iv. Classâ€"Harold Smith. Clam. Cos- gmw, Charles Connor, Ernest Harvey, Chm-lie Hoover, Gertie Nelson. Juhn Cnsgmve, Eddie Smith. Georgina. Al- leyne. Junior PaT-t ILâ€"Arithmeticâ€"Ruth Hoover 100. Fred Cosgrove 83, Han-y Mndill 78, Alvin Smith 74, John McCague 37. In. Class â€" Elsie Hoover. Ma gie Banker. Ralph \Villiams. Carrie Vil- “Hills. Frank Harvey, Rulph Baker. Mabel_ Page. 33-1 Report 6f School Section No. 4, Markham, for January Senior fi.â€"â€"Jimmie Cosgmve. Nettie Stone. VVesloy Hoover. G81 tie Cos- gr9\‘e._ Peal-I Iiunt, â€"-P. L. GRANT. Richmond Hill, Jan. 15. 1906. Report of School Section No. 6, Vaughan, for January VOTERS, BE TRUE! THE BAR-ROOM. Missinnnry sex-vices were held in the Methodist church on Sunday lust. In the morning Rev. Mr. Langfnrd of Vic- tm-iu. Cnllo-gn preached. and va. Mr. Sibley and Rev. Mr. Jnllifl‘v took part in the service. In the evening Revs. Bret-hi" and Rvddick gave addresges on missinn work. There was no service in Hip Proshy- tPrinn church on Sunday mm-nmg on accnunt of communion at. St. Paul’s church. In the- swelling Rev. Mr. McKinnun of Wundhridge and Rev. W. G. Bugk exchangs-d pulpits. On \Vednesday evening thr- congre- gation of St. Paul's church met, at the manse and pl'e‘SPnH-d Re-v. W. G. Back with a lwantiful gold watch. The presentation was made by Mr. 5-. McGillivray, and Mr. J Mch-il read an address. Mr. Bm-k was cmnplvtply taken by surplise. and replied. thank- ing the donors for the beautiful and awful gift. Prpp'firations an: lwing made by sev- eral of our citizens for building houses during the coming summer. Mn: Daisy Surgeon, who has hPen visiting at, Tm-more, and Miss Elsie Tisdulv. Whn has s ent, several weeks in Tmumto and Vestun. returned honu> on Supday.‘ Rev. Jns. E. a'nd Mrs. VVilsun left on Tuesday for a. two weeks’ visit, with friends at the “ Sun.“ VVhik‘h will you vote fur: The- bar'- room or Lhe boy? 33 l Including a. large brick timid don, coulsheds with a capacity uf Elly 500 tnns. weigh scales with 3. ca. city of 10.0001hs., delivery wagnns. nun. etc. T H E $3.500 hn'ys t‘n'e cOaI busin0~ Thornhill station. Want, to sell at once as lib“ nwmher of the firm is 11-min business life. The above business can be p ed without the house if dcsixed Trude nfalmut 1000 tons pm Good profits. That the roots of many native lama, growing wild in our American crests, possess remarkable properties for the cure of human maladies is well proven. Even the untutored Indian had learned the curative value of some of these and taught the early settlers their uses. The Indian never liked work so he wanted his squaw to get well as soon as possible that she might do the work and let him hunt. Therefore, he dug “papoose root " for her, for that was their great remedy for fe- male weaknosses. Dr. Pierce uses the same rootâ€"called Blue Cohoshâ€"in his “Favorite Prescription," skillfully com- bined with other agents that make it more efiective than any other medicine in curing all the various weaknesses and painful derangements peeuliar to women. , L_4_ ___.‘.a “ADE FRO“ NATIVE ROOTS. SAFE AND RELIABLE. Coal Business For Sale Man afiiicted women have been saved from t e operating table and the sub $eon‘s knife by the timely use of Doctor ierce’s Favorite Prescription. Tender- ness over the lower cPelvic region, with backache. spells of izzlness, faintness. bearing down pains or distress should not go unheeded. A course 01"Favorite Preâ€" scription” will work marvelous benefit in all such cases, and generally effect a permanent cure it persisted in for a rea- sonable length of time. The "Favorite Prescription ” is a harmless agent. being wholly prepared from native medicinal roots, without a drop of alcohol in its make up, whereas all other medicines, put up for sale through druggists for woman’s peculiar ailments, contain large quantities of spirituous liquors, which are very harmful, especially to delicate women. “Favorite Prescription" con- tains neither alcohol nor harmful habit- forming drug's. All its ingredients are printed on each bottle wrapper. It is a powerful invigorating tonic, imparting ealth and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. For weak and sickly women, who are “worn-out," or debilitated. especially for women who Work in store. office. or school-room, who sit at the typewriter or sewing machine. or bear heavy household burdens and for nursmg mothers, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription will rove a priceless benefit because 'of its ealth o restoring and strength-giving power. For eonsupasion, the true, Scientific euro 15 Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Mild. harmless. yet. sure. CARRVILLE. ONT. Subscribe I: {Single copies, 3 cts. Mame LIBE} \L No. 33 on ha:- -nim‘ mm 01H

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