Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1906, p. 5

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MERCHANT. ThP bar-rooms are the sponges that absm'h nearly a half of the cash trade due you. They also create most of your bad debts. Local Option closes the bar-room. 334- Two links of tho Curling Club wont to the city last; Thursday to play fur the District Cup, No. 1. Our players defeated Georgetown in the first match, but in the afternoon they suf- fered defeat at the hands of the Granites, Toronto, who finally won the cup. The banquet given at Eagle Hall, \Veston, Thmsday evening by the Libe-mls of \Vest. York was a pleasing (went. The spwtkex-s were Hon. G. P. Graham. M. P. R; Arch. Campbell, M. P.; Messrs. A. J. Anderson, G. W. Verral, J. Getl‘dhuusv. Jus. \Vutson, R. J. Gibson, Dr. Hunter and others. Monday’s dailies contained a list. of the suwvssful candidates at, the T0- runm Conservatory of Music. Mr. J. Earle Newton received fil'btrClilSS hon- ms in the Theory department. and Mr. Elmore Rounmn of Unneord, n. pupil of Mr. vatnn’s. got honors in 1.119 Primary grade, Piaumforte depart- ment. New Spring Prints just to hand, the prettiest path ms and best quality we ever had at 1256. per y:u~d.â€"Atkina‘uu & Switzer’s. The biggest fuul I know is the man who will spend his money to build chum-hes, and pay preachers to save suuls, thvn vote WiLh lice-used men, who make and sell strong drink to dlumed s0uls.â€"Murse. 33-1 A Government should so 'legislnte as to make iL easy to do right. and dif- ficulb to do wrongâ€"Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 33-1 Not until the Chm-ch of Christ puts down the liqunr traffic can it regain its hold nn tempted menuâ€"Frances E. \Villm'd. 33-1 The suhscriptiun {or the "Designer" is reduced to 50 cents a year. monthly edition. Leave your order at Atkin- son & Switzel-‘s. The voters who Worship in churches whose spirns puint. lwavenwm-d should not, cast ballots which drive men hvll- ward.â€"Buckboue. 33-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McLean and two children of Minna, Manitoba, 3180 Mr. John McLean uf Markham spent (flunduy with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean. The \Vhist Club will enjuy the hos- pitality of Mrs. F. \V. Jackesuf Thorn- hill on Saturday evening of this week. The members will take the (5.55 car. A full attendance requested. Mr. T. W. Stephens of \Vhitchm'ch, was the most. successful prize winner at, the Seed Show last Sutlll'duy. His plize money amounted to $11. Nn Wrong is equal to the wrong of tempting men tn do wrong. Licensed burâ€"rooms me deadly temptations. 1 ' -l 10/4 Flanlt. Blankets 95c. pair: 11/4 very fine quality. $1.20 pair at At‘kin- son & Switzer‘s. A pos'pnned hockey match between Victmia College and the home team wnl] br- played in the rink herenext \Vednesdny evening. Ontario Liberals give a banquet and demonstration in honor of Sir \Vilfrid Luurier in MaSsey Hall, \Vednesduy evening, Feb. 2i, at 7 U’cluck. Non-residents are rpquested to re- new theil- tickets for the Public Lilmzuy and Reading Ronni. The licensed lmr-l'nnm preys upon the home. Local OpLion is the weap- on to use against, it. 33-1 E. B. Eddy of Hull, oppnsite Ottawa. the “‘eH-kunwu manufacturer of mat'chos. paper, (‘LC., died Sunday. aged 79 years. We h‘ghly recommend our readers to suhscrilw to The Funnel-5' Advocate and Hume Magazine. Lf The great plague of drunkenness is :1 national curse, calamity and scan- dal. 33-1 The Ontario Legislature opens this afternoon. Valentines were at \‘var, especially at El my. \Vnod’s Boston Coffees, finest of the World‘s pl'nduut, just to hand at. Atkin- son & Switzer’s. \Vnnd‘s fine Boxton Cnfl’ves at, 30, 40 and 45¢. per 1h. at, Atkinsun & Swit- zor‘s. Miss Beulah Brydtm is spending a. week in the arty with her sister, Mrs. \V. B. Gardner. I am 1~e<pm1sihle create m- allow, not, christian. but because “'illinm 001011)an died at Temper- a I. evi in on Sunday. the 4th inst., aged 61 ymu's. Rev. \V. G. Smith will take for his mlbjl-CL "Tcmpm-ance" in the Method- ist, chm-ch Sunday evening. Eh}: @iheral. RICHMOND HILL, 0m, Feb. 15, 1906 IJ()C A1193. for the evils I because I am a I am a. man. 33-1 a premium this gin Millsâ€"they a, liécoming vuile over taffeta. Each i carried pink carnatiuns and wore the groom's favor â€" a. crescent pearl brooch. Mr. \Villiam C. Shand acted as best man, and Mr. Archie Savage as gronmsumn. Mr. and Mrs. Savage left for a trip to Buffalo and other points l in that vicinity. the bride travelling in l a suit of lead chiffon broadcloth, white { furs and whit? tulle hat, with osprey . and mink trimmings. - The bar-room gives no value for the mom-1r spent. in it. Vote in out. 33-1 The deadliest enemy of your busi- ness. your Dex-Sum] safety, yuur boy, is “The Bar Romn." 33.1 \Vednesdny evening of last Week in the home of Mr. William S. Shand, F Rushnlme marl. Toronto, the marriage of his daughter. Miss Agnes Shand. to Mr. Milton Belmont Savage of Rich- mond Hill was celebrated in the pres- ence of about fifty guests. The bride, Who Was given away by her father and attended by hu- sister, Misa Mae 0. Shaud. as maid of humor, and Miss Nina Spence. as bridesmaid, was gnwned in white pnint d’vsprit. elahm- ately trimmed with baby rihhnn and mounted (in taffeta. “’ith this pretty dress she wore as ornament the grumn’s gift. a pearl snnlnn-st. and an embroidm-ed silk tulle veil \Vl’t‘llthed with mange blossoms, and cnrrimla bouquet of bridal loses. The bride's at- tendants wem also in White, the maid 0f honor wearing a dainty point d'esprit over silk, and the_hridesmaid \V:a are expecting another car of American Yellmv Cu-rn in a few days. Price. 560. per buwhel. if takm off the car. Send along your orders early. H. U. BAI LEY. Maple. Vute fur the By-law! And stop the Waste of money and men. There can he no solvency of either body or soul in u bar-room. 33-1 The Temperance Hall was again crowded Sunday afternoon when an address in the interest of Local Option was given hy Mr. James Simpson of Toronto. The speaker, who has had wide experience as a. leader in the trades and labor circles in the city. spoke fioui a practical standpoint, and he certainly gave a telling address. The picture he drew and the compari- son he made between laboring men who indulge in strong drink and those who are total abstainers was enough to convince those piesent, that the lat- ter class are safer, happier and more prosperous. Mr. Simpson expressed faith in Loon] Option in a village sit- uated as Richmond Hill is, and urged eainest, work till Monday next. He was tendered a hearly vote of thanks for his 'able and earnest address. The Cbiil‘ was filled by Mr. W. A. “Night. â€" MEN! An optima has been secured on a building and properly by the Lnr‘al Option committee which can b» easin arranged fur giving gnnd acrummmin- tit-n tn the public. if necessary. in the evi-nt. of Local Option being CHI‘I‘Wd i y Richmond Hill, and a CllnSidPI‘ablv amount of money is already snhsnrihed for this pul‘pnse.â€"J. A. E. SWITZER. Secretary Committee. “Gog! give gs men! A time like this denands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith. and ready hands." 33-] Here is one man who makes whi~~- key. :muthm‘ who sells it. anutho-rwho votes it, and another “ho dies drunk. an, if you can fix it up so that sun"- of the cran can go to Hmven. and some tn hell. you are a prufnundvr philosopher than I have browâ€"Ham Jones. 33-1 The last Public Mes-tin in the inn-w- est uf Local Optmn will )9 ht'ld in the Masonic Hull. Saturday evening ofthis week. Th9 spmlkers will he RPV. Dr. Uhown and Alex. Mills. K. 0.. both of whom are strong platform men. and will donhtluss disruss the quvstion logically and intelligently. Th9 chair will be fillvd hy Rev. “7. G. Smith. Opposition is invite-d. Chair taken at 3 o'clock. TEMPERANCE HALL. - Next Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock, the regular gospel temperance meet.- ing will he 4ddx-essed by Mr. W. J. Cum'on, town clerk, Turunto Junction. Special music will be provided, and the chair will be taken by Mr. A. J. Hume. All are welcome. If I cnnid destroy to-lum row the do- Sil'e for strong drink in the penple of England, we should see our taxes re- ducedhy millionssterling. Weshnuld see our gauls and wm-khnusvs empty. We should see [1101?! lives saved in twelve months than are cnnsumed in a century of bitter and savage war.â€" Rt. Hun. Joseph Chamberlain. 33-1 There are a. great many poop!» in this world who pray for God to hless the poor, tn reform the drunkui-d, to close the hu- rnoms. to alleviate» the suf‘ferlngs of humanity. and thvm do nothing. absolutely nnlhing. tn hring uhuut these, resnlns. Such prayers will never be answervd. God will notdn for us that which we can do fur nur- splvvs. Nothing can be accnmpiidied with fnldl'd :u-ms. 33-1 Mr. James Haw-mun, K. 0.. Toron- trmvill address a Public Meeting in up- pusitiun to anl Option, in the Mn- snnic Hull to-mm-row (Friday) eve-n- ing. The mee-ting will commence at 8 o‘clock. An opportunity of address- ing thv meeting will lw given the op- pusxtv side. All welcome. The more you use a. bar-room {he more it will “1- use you. 3-3-1 GOSPEL TEMPERANCE ANTI LOCAL OPTION. MORE FEED CORN SAVAGEâ€"SHAND THE'LAST VOLLEY. W v ‘ . v _ , x Biliousness. constipation retard "5- b ‘l'om honle wx!l neV e1 be safe whim. covery. Cure these with Ayer’s Puls. 1 a1 rooms me Opt 1;, 33- If you have hit the har-rnom on one cheek with your prayers, hit it. on the other with your vutv. 33-1 FEBRUARY CANADIAN MAGA- ZINE There are some features in the Feb- ruary Canadian Magazine Whirh will justify attention. The must sppntncu- lur of these is n. series of phOtl'glnphs of Rocky Mnuntuin Wild Fluwers l-un- tributed by Julia, W. anshaw. These were- taken at high aitinulasnruund Banfl and Field and are wonderfully Well done. The leading literary (-nn- trihutinn is an article- hv Professor Goldwin Smith on “English Puetry and English Histoxy," showing how the put-try of the \‘au-inns pI-rinrls has confnnm-d to the (-ontu-uipurunenus phase-s of imtimial life. The short stories by \V. A. FI‘HSI‘I' and Virna Sheard are exvellent. whilv the depart- ments are fiHPd with suggesthema- tel-ial. Jenn Graham’s comments on “What anpn Fear" sln-w more than ordinary ability to estimate hu- man character as it manifests itsalf in this country. "The ]ar of Coughing Hammer blows, steadily ap«- plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. The best kind of a. testimonial â€" “ Sold for over sixty years.” We have no Hem-ate I We publish the fomulal of all our medicinal. mag b .1. C. Ayu- 00., Lowell. mu. 0 manufacturer: of He expects to «rub enough to lighten his taxes, but he. won’t catch enough to pay for the bait he uses. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR V1009. Iam my brother’s keepguy not be: cause I nmachristiau; but because 1 am it man. Business transacted between 10 and 4 on Monday Wednesday and Fri- day of each week. fitmulard 33ml: of @mmdn Maple Local Option By=LaW Snvings Bunk Department. Money advanced on sale notes. WANTED ‘VOMEN! (In connection with Richmond Hill Office.) Mark Your Ballot Thus AGAINST THE BY;LAW FOR THE BY=LAW H. H. LGBSEMGRE. Agent. 33-.L To do general house-work in small family. Apply at LIBERAL ufi‘icc. 33-34 Liberty Seed Oats, white, Weight 42 lbs. to the bushelâ€"grvutz yielders. Lot; 34, Gun. 6, Vzipghul}: Girl Wanted. FOR SALE Rfo. HARVEY. Luskay P. ‘

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