DEATH BY UMBRELLA . Man Confesses to Involuntary Homicide and is Sent to Prison. Nicholas Lieb, of Althausern. in the Canton of Argovie, Switzerland. has been sentenced to twelve months’ imprison- ;ment. and ordered to pay a ï¬ne of $200 'for involuntary homicide. Some time ago when returning from a dance with his fiancee, he was attacked ‘in the dark by a stranger. Lieb. in self- defence. made a lunge with his umbrel- 1 .la, and his assailant dropped on the ground. He struggled to his feet again, and Lieb and his fiancee lmrried away. Next. day a man named Albert lley was found dead on the road. and the inquest showed that some instrument ,liad pierced his eye and entered deeply into the skull. . . Several of the victim's friends and ae- lquaintances were arrested and releaspd before Lieb heard of the affair. when he made a full confession. llc has lodged an appeal against his sentence. ..____+___. lHE WAS LAID UP FOR OVER A YEAR ('IILL DUDD'S KIDNEY I’ILLS CL'IIISD IIIS KIDNEY 'IIIOIJBLIES. ‘Now Ile's Pcrfeclliy Ilealthy and Able to \\"0rk~ti‘iives all the Credit to lac Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Wapella, Assa., N.\\'.’I‘., Feb. ll ASpccial.)â€"Cured oi Kidney Diseasethat ’had laid him up for Over a year, Mr. Geo. Bartleman, a well-known inairhere, ‘is loud in his praises of Dodd's Kuhny Pills for to them and nothing else he claims he owes his cure. _’ "Yes, I had Kidney ’I‘rouble,‘ Mr. lBartlenian says. “I had pains in my back and in other parts of lily body ‘ and though the doctor did what he could for me, I grew worse till I was unable to work. “Then I started to take Dodd‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills, and I took them all winter and summer while I was unable to work. I took in all.lwclve boxes, and now I am perfectin healthy. My pains are all gone aiid I am able to work. I heartily recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all sufferers from Kidney Disease.†Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure the. kidneys. Healthy Kidneys strain all impurities, all seeds of.disease, out. of ithe blood. That's wily Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure a wide range of diseases in- cluding Bright’s Disease, Rheumatism and Urinary Troubles. ‘ ..__+.__ GRA'I'I'I‘I'DE OF A TIIIEF. Confesses to Employer That She is Spy of Burglars. [Servant A wealthy widow living in Brussels, Belgium, engaged a young French maid at high wages recently. The girl fell ill, and was carefully nursed by tier mistress. On her recovery she insisted on leaving the house at once. Pressed for her reasons, the girl eon- fessed that she was a member of a gang of thieves who preyed chit-fly on widows and unprotected women. Her duty to her confederates was to explore the house and inform them of the easiest mode of entrance and of the rooms in which valuables were stored. In return for her mistress’ kindness. she promised not to tell the thieves that the house contained anything of value. The widow, none the less, sold her pro- perty and took up her quarters in a boarding-house. ‘ â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"--â€" PHYSICAL DEBILITY. “Musicians are the claSS of workers strike.†“Why do you say that?" “Because they are always unwilling ito face the music." __+~_ Mrs. Swimmeâ€"“Your husband is melt, I presume, Mrs. Olsettlcr'f" Mrs. O.â€"â€"“.\'o, he's not. He's been took pret- lty bad all of a sudden wiui bronchitis, ,‘catarrli. nervous debility. rheumatism, spasmodic twitches erysipelas, heart failure, and several other complaints. {in going for the doctor." .\ilrs.'S. â€" "My goodness! how did he get so many diseases?" Mrs. O.â€"“Out of a medical almanac he was readin’." ~'â€"â€"â€"+ A BUY‘S BREAKFAST. There‘s a Natural Food That Makes "'5 Gun “'ay. There's a boy up in Iloosick I’alls, N. 32, who is growing into sturdy manhood on Grape-Nuts breakfasts. It might have been different with him, as his mother explains: least courageous when they go on “My 11â€"year-old boy is large, well developed and 'active, and has been made so by his fondness for (ii-ape- Nuts food. At five years he was a very nervous child and was subject to frequent attacks of indigestion. which used to rob him of his strength and were very troublesome to deal with. He never seemed to care for anything [or his breakfast until I tried Grape- Nuts. and I have never had to change from that. He makes his entire, brcak~ last. of Grape-Nuts food. It is always relished by himandhe saysthat it satis- fies him better than the ordinary kind of a meal. “Better than all he is no longer trou- bled with indigestion or nervousness, and has got to be a splendidly develop-- ec‘ fellow since he lie-tin to use Grape. "l ‘1 shot“ “ “‘1‘?†“,l†("all out. “Flour < .5 ‘ I ~.. ._ ..i_}, ., Nuts food. Name given by Postum (4)., 1* she“lâ€l «1 t. i\ . .\: .\ ct iisignilnnl Biillil‘ l.i‘i‘l'l\. Alir'll. ’I'lniriï¬s :l reason. lead the hill. "in. l:~..».l to \\'cltville." in pkg; {it .ok . . .f GWNTEED PERFEETLY PURE.GENUINE,& FREE IRON ADULTERATIGN ALLDEMERSA-I AUTHORlZED TO RETURN PURCHASZ MONEY , ‘ T0 ANYONI FINDING CAUS: FOR COMPLAINT. WOLLBI PAID BY m BROVHIRS LIMI‘IED. 'O‘IOITOflIT Ra Mu um mun mm run umMQYAIN‘ our roan or wanton-low «union-R DI $5,000 reward will be paid to any penion w h o p re v e a that SniilightSoap contains any i n] n r i o u a chemicals or any form of “alteration. Your Money Refunde by tho denier from w b o in you buy Sun- Iighn Soap if you ï¬nd any on u n o I o I‘ complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Equally good with hard or soft water. have! Brothers Limited. Toronto 15¢ M:imina~â€"“\\'hat would my little girl do if niamma should go away?" Little Floril~“l don‘t know. I supprw- I'd lmvc‘ to try to box my own cars myself wlicnj I was naughty." ; l Wnte for tire Mailed anywhere SLOO. descrip “I liclicyc it to be the most effectivefbtn-ktet. Agents wanted. remedy for the Stomach and Nerves on the market.“ is what Annie l’itllt’l‘rOll. of Sackville. i‘. 13., says of Smith Amcrr can Net-vine. for, she says, In tirippe and the complicatii’ius which fiilli'wvml it. left her next to dead with Iiitlipi‘adion. l)_\'.~1u‘li,\lfl and tlr-ncral Nervous Shatter- ing. It cured llt‘l‘.*l0tl. OPEN \VOIlK PROPOSAL. l “You say you v‘ear open work stock» imâ€"R all winter.“ she asked. “Yes; I can't all anybody to mend them." PATENTED MARFH 8TH, 1904. “Uh‘ UVHI'E'“ “'15 is m Wimpâ€? . ’hree Machinesâ€"Triple Wall, Two Wall. 5 and (lament Brick Machines. Signals ol Dangerâ€"Have you lost : . . your appetite? Have you a coated t The fastest and cheapest inthe market. making tongue? “are you any unpleasant irirk faeed“w.i‘thfoni inlclhtcolorod, and strange) taste in the mouth? Does your head oncrem- 'nve 01', “0(9- ache and have you dizziness? If 2:0,; I’- DIbRLAMl'I._Slratturd. 0M. your stomach is flint of order and you ’ A ......_.-:,._,._ _____. need medicine. ut you do not like, r M . . , , medicine He tha: prefers sickness to medicine must suffer, but. under the cir- + + canistances the wise man would procure: ' Q a box of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills ' a + and speedily get himself in health, and strive to keep 50. 1+ â€"â€" g '7 _ V £5 This is the season of the year when you n An AWIUI Experience “ltli IICtll'I Dis-v need to use every precaution With your + ease.â€".\Ir. L. J. Law, 'I‘oronto, (2am, gawk- B-V‘he “9 “rm†{f writes: “I was so sorely troubled withi+ STOCK TONIC g heart disease that I was unable for 18“ C53,“ other remedies you have the host mouths to lie down in bed test I smo-, +guara-ntee 0! health to Your stock- 3 liter. After taking one dose of Dial? Valuable Advice Free + Agncws Heart Lure. I retired and slept up“ it and become your own veterinary g soundly. I used one bottle and tlietosurseon- + A , , ., nâ€" l “Gum†has “Qt mmmd' 99 grim vrrznuunv SPEBIALTV 00., Limited 33 - . 556 DUNDAS S’I‘., TORONTO. ONT. lieâ€"Do you believe that if one person .a 33$ gives another a pair of scissors it will ma+ma+o+nm+mmn+u cut their friendship?" Sheâ€"7“:\'ot if it‘s a nice little pair of silver scissors with my monogram on." â€"â€"_ A bottle of Dickle‘s Anti-C Young Eurem (in the parlorlâ€"“Tommy does your sister know I'm here?‘Y ’I‘oni~ ’ “ ' - " i i. '. onsummive myâ€" I think so. 5hr told mamnia this Syrup, taken ncconiin to directions mornin' she had a insentinierit that will subdue a. engi 'g h t t' ' {a ’ ‘ ‘ . _ (l i in a s or tine. 1-411 . -v~,~ ' n." i This [LSSEI‘UOII can be verified by hunâ€" 1“ bk “(x Comm: dreds who have tried it and are plens- . â€".â€" . ed to bear testimony to its merits, so “hen Baby had Seald Ileadâ€"â€" “hen $5,365}; i‘g‘ai‘; kfto‘zos‘tvélnéo: oifll‘fmltg Mother had Salt Ilheu‘mkll'henvFather cents to join the ranks o} the buy bad I'll?S.â€"~l)l‘. Agnews Ointment gave who have been benefited by its use. lquickest relief and surest cure. These â€"- are gems of truth picked from testi- BHEUMATISM AND pAnALys's. imony which is gheu every day to this vtpreatest. of healers. It has never been matched in curative qualities in Eczema, 'l‘eltcr. t’ilcs. etc. 3.3 centsâ€"103 'I‘onimyâ€"“I’a. did you really mean it twhen you said you'd spank anyone that ilroke that \asc?“ I‘aâ€"J‘Just come here, Their complete home cure. Post' free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsome illustrated treatise. giv- ing full deserzptiou of Rheumatism and Paralysis. with instructions for a com- 9“. 1 ml ['11 show volt " Ti mm -â€"~ plete home cure, describing the most. un‘ 1‘." gm“, mo Qnmv' 811.150? y 1 iuccesstul treatment in the world, re- ; 0’ t ' -~ “5 a Sle commended by the Ministry and endorsâ€" ljllSt lit‘filv't" It." ed by medical men. This higiilv in- - structive book was written by If. H , _ Vega. A gentleman who has made a, The never falling incdicnie, IIolloWay's study of these diseases. The preface is L‘orn Cure. removes all kinds of Corns, b a, graduate of the University of warts. etc; even_ the most difhcult to Wiruburg. Send Donal today and remove cannot. Withstand this wonderful you will receive the book free by re- Famed)" turnâ€"Address, The Veno Drug Co., 24 King St, West, ’l‘cwnto Barry-"'I‘hey tell me you have had a very narrow escape from (lt‘zllll.†ilarry‘e-‘Wes, they were going to oper- atr- on me for appendicitis, but they llSC‘OYl‘I‘HI in time I hadn't the money to. pay for it.†SIIAKING HANDS. The Arabians when they meet a friend shake hands six or eight times." Once is not enough. Should. however, they be persons of distinction, thiv cmâ€" brace and kiss one another several times, and also kiss their own hands. In 'I‘ur- key the greeting is to place the hand upon the breast and bow, which is buth graceful and appropriate. __ Spots and blotchos on the face and neck are ntten merely signs of foul blond. Apply Weaver's I‘Srate to obtain immediate relief and take Weaver‘s Syrup to rid the blood of pollution. SIII'T YOI‘R MOIl'lillw'l'llY l'I‘. . : . . . , , l Flint your moth and open your cycs 1900 (“\I‘IADAR’S 1‘0“ “W'- l‘ soon you will he considcrcd \\t.\(‘. Do you throw away your old caleir dars? A Paris statistician has discoviri-d that it is a mistake. to do so. and hem-4 of an economical turn of mind has dis- covered further that calendars for 1000 will serve equally well for 1000. As a rule. of course. a calendar is only of use ell-yen years later. and leap year upsets this calculation pretty often. But as tutti) was allotted 30.3 days only. instead of 360 the days of the 1906 week lit exactly those of 1900. I ' PIIOXLN illAI‘lI AS SALESXIJLV‘. An enterprising Gornian has patentel n di-vicc for lilting phonographs iv. doors. As the customer enters the door pf special (piaitfy minm-i‘ieat just rw Nix-ed; try solin,†and sin itir InVlla‘ lions. lnnnumarism In any form and eold perspiring feet positiver .cnro't within 30 days, by our newly patented, Magnetic Discs or money promptly refunded.- MAGNETIC muzu- ,5 MA'I'ISM c rm; co, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada comes to the home FRESH and PURE as when it left the PLANTATION to ho manufactured with SPECIAL CARE and CLOSELY SEALED In pound and half pound lead packets. Only one best tea. vatcrs. Churches, etc. l making them , FIRE, WATER AND HAVE 'l‘ROl'fiil Etc. MET“, SIDING. in METAL CEILINGS, in 2.000 designs. I today. 761 Craig at 423 Sussex 8!. ‘1 Dolboma .1 Head Office and Works. “I am MI gt wisit to us, Mr. Smith." I» the sort of girl who can enjoy herself ai'iyuhcre you know.†aid your sister enjoyed her “Oh! well. she Put up in Si Yard Rolls. The famous “The D & I." Menthol Plasters which cure Iuinhago, backache, sciatica. neuralgia, etc, are also put up in one yard rolls for physicians and family use. Davis 6; Lawrence 00.. Montreal It is about as difï¬cult to satisfy a man who does not know what he wants as i’. is a woman who does know what she wants. “My Physicians Told Me I Must Die, but South American Kidney Cure cured me of that awful Bright’s Disease." This ,is a sentence from a letter of a well- known business man in the western town who through overwork and worry had contracted this kidney pestilence. It will I'elh-ve instantly and cure alli kidney diseasesâ€"fir}. Little \\'illcâ€"â€"“firaiulad. what makes a man always gile a woman a diamond engagement ring?" woman." Needs N0 'I‘estinionial.â€"It. It _ ‘ ' is a, guarantee in itself. If testimonials were required thcy could be furnished in thousands from all sorts and conditions of men in widely diflerent places. Many medicines are put forth every year which have but, (In ephemeral existence and then are heard of no more. Dr. 'l‘nonins’ Eclectric ()il has grown in re- putation every day since it first made its appearance. Parsonsa'df I should ask old Bullions for his daughter's hand, what do you think of my «‘tlianres‘l" Burrettâ€"“\'ery fair. You have youth, health and a good Constitution. and should pull through with careful nursing.’ Chemists Have Trouble in getting iron into well a state that, the system will absorb. and benefit by it, In "Ferrovim." the best fom‘b. perfection has been achieved. It builds and Itrengthens. EVER .\‘0'l‘lt‘.l“.? \\'hcu people say anything good about ‘you, «nor notice what a few are presen'? The Most, Popular the most popular of all , Cine, and of pills the '1)11I'I||(‘lt‘(.“.‘l Vegetable Pills, because they do what. it. is asserted they can do. land are not put. forward on any ficti- itious claims to excellence. They are tcompnct and portable. they are easily taken. they do no: naiiscnte nor gripv and they give relic“ the most stub~ horn cases. I’ill.~â€"-’I‘he pill is forms of inedi- most popular are III I7.A'\.\"l‘|-lf\"l‘ \‘I‘ZSSI‘ZI. IX 'I‘IIl-I \\'ORI.D. During the last yea:- tiie British navy has been augmei‘itcd by eight remark- able \‘f‘ssf‘ls known as ilcct scouts, \vliiih haw practically the speed of torâ€" !Minâ€"(lestroycrs. but lltht‘ sllflicienl length and coal capacity to go consid- erable distances. and not only gain infor- liiation. hut prey upon an enemy’s iner- clianl shipping. The Attciitive, the lat- cst of these scouts. “hen recently test- ed. made a record of 25.88 knots on a sustained rim of til; hours. during which a maximum speed of 26}; knots was reached. this being reached on the last hour cf the trial trip. If destroyers and high-speed launches are excepted, this probably iiizikvs the Attciitivc the fast- lf‘sl vessel in lllt' world. and the represâ€" entative of a type which soon may spread l'»4-j.«.~:id the British navy. ~ in.“in Epitaiilis have famous than villain llii [w ever has. lit-(ilvh‘ Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at. prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. ering on the market. and is an ideal covering for Houses. Barns, Stores. Etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA†shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag. and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and imitation of brick or stone. \Vrile for Catalogue No. Mil and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write TEE PEDLAR PEOPLE, MONTREALQUE. mummur. TORON70.0HT. manner", mum, vwcounn, \VRIT‘B YOUR Nmmr OFFICE. In Western Ganada Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.E. a 0.1!“. Strong soil, 90 per cont. plough land. spring About 40 miles N.E. of XXVIan Head. Price €10.50 par acre. Write for map and ntI particulars. R. PARSONS, 9| Wcllcsley Street. Toronto. Con-do. Grandfather -â€"â€Tlle LADIES' This is the most desimble cov- LIGHTNING-PROOF 3.0. on Duncan 5:. rem-fat. m Pmdor at. Oshawa, Ont. Canada Two com 7' sections, mm ed land: In em k, no dough: IF IT’S MADE OF RUBBER WE H3.VE IT. Write us and mention your wants. ilttlltl RUDDBI SDBCIGIIVGO Box 1008, Montreal. 1? OR SALE Best, cheapest and nicest located stock farm in the United States; has a beautiful water front, and contains 800 acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK, Salisbury, Md. BIG MONEY T0 MEN WITH l‘n’liii. One beginner made $6.00 first morn- ing. Whole or spare time. The best 50c seller, giving 250 proï¬t. Users buy every month. Township right worth more than any general store business. Act prompin if you want territory. Golden Crest Company, 9 Bathurst St.. London. Ont. CLEANING fl. Egg;- m In den. Barf-elk by our Prth Prooou. ’I‘ry K Inï¬ll" AMEIIOAII DVIINO GO. â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"____ “OW. TORONTO. OTTAWA I QUEBIO M Mr. ficnpcck says that the reason a married Woman looks under the bed for a burglar is because she is afraid that he'll get to her husband's pockets before she does. â€".._. Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator does not ieqmre the help of anv pur- gative medicine to complete the cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. tiashawayâ€"“What made you propose to her on the steamer?†Cle'vclmlâ€"“I wanted to prove I could love her even “hen she was sea-sick." Sunlight Soap I. better than other soups, but in but when and in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Hosp and follow directions \\'inksâ€"“\\ hy did they call the Mid- dle Ages the Dark Ages?" Binksâ€"-â€"“Be- cause the women kept their ages dark." Winksâ€"“No: because there were so many knights." When You Have n Cold. the air celb: an :lo god with mucous or hlagm. Allen’s Lung Ba. sum, in curing a col , clears the tiny ain- passages and heats the bronchial cubes. “it would be helpful to you," said the prison visitor, “if you could take some motto and try and live up to it.“ “'l‘hat's right," replied the (Whirl. "I’d like to select. for instance. ‘\\'e are, here to-dtly and gone tomorrow.†Cash or Cure If Shiloh's Consum lion Cure tails to cm your Cold or Cong , you get back all you paid for it. You are sure of a Cure or the Cash. II it wasn't a sure cure, this otlcx would not he made. Can anything be Iaircr P If you have a Cold. Cough, or any disease at the Throat, Lungs or Air Passages, try SHILGH 3'3 All denies guarantee it. W 25¢. per bottle. ISSI'IZ N0. 7â€"06.