.nï¬Ã©ï¬aji ï¬â€˜lv-étrï¬and' set-mild time and read in committee the Fiftrenth Day of January 1906. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed Bylaw which has :neen taken intu consideration by the .‘dunicipul Council of the Curpnrntinn - - â€"---- .n. . 1 urn WU) snm‘up the nï¬mher «15 votes given for an}! u_g;{in_s‘t this By-law,â€"- 5. This By-luw shall come imo 0p- cratinn. and be of full farce and effect on and after the First Day of May neg“ after the ï¬nnUmssing then-of. .-_...v.r... w , _ uf the Village of Richmond Hill, and which will he ï¬nally passed by the mid Council (in the event, of the assent nf the echtm-s being obtained thereto) after one month frmu the publication thereof in the “Liberal†newspaper, the date of, which publication is ___. A .-mnh-~. Vuv u..-v THURSDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY. 1906. and at the hour. day and place therein ï¬xai for taking the votes of the electors the ROME will be held. I v YYITtlD (‘1-..5 3 That, nn the T\VELFTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D., 1906, at the Clerk’s ()tï¬ce in the Village of Rich- mond Hill, at the lmur of ten u‘clnck in the Ful-enom), the Reeve shall ap- point, in writing. signed by himself, two persons t0 attend at the ï¬nal sum- ming up of the Votes by the Glen k. and one person to attend at the said poll- ing plnck on behalf of the persons in- terested in and desiruus of promoting the passing nf this By-lmv and a like numhvr on behalf of the persons in- terested in and desiruus of opposing lhl- passing nf this hy;law,â€"â€" '1 -,,4,3 4. That the Clerk of the said muni- cipal Council of the Village of Rich- mund Hill, shall attend at the-Alum)- m'l Chamber at. the hour of tan o‘clock in the forennon an the 'I‘W'ENTIETH DAY OF FEBRUARY A. D.. 1906, to (L s.) 2‘: That the Vale uf the electors of the said village of Richmond Hill will he taken on [he hy-law by the return- ing otï¬cer 0n MONDAY, THE NINE- TEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, one thousand nine hundred and six, cum- lnencing at nine o’clock in the morn- ing and continuing till ï¬vv o'clock in the HfU‘I'nOUH, at the underuwminnod place, viz: The Council Chamber sit- uate in Palmer’s Brick Block on the corner of Arnnld Sheet. and wvst side (if Yonge Street in the Said Village of Richmond Hill.â€" BY=LAW N0. A by-law to prohibit the sale of liquor in the Municipal- ity of the Village of Rich- mond Hinl. The Municipal Council of the CM- nratiou «if the Village (if Richmond ill hereby enacts as lullowszâ€" 1. That the sale by retail of spirit- uous, fermented. (u' nLln-r manufac- tured liquors is and shall be prohibit, ed in every tavern. inn. or other place of public entertainuwnt in the said municipality, and the sale the-t'e'of en- cv t by wholesale, is and shall be pm- hi ï¬led in every shup or place in the said municipality other than u budge of public entertainment:â€" ,, ,v _L».- -J I am prepared to do misting and chopping every day. All kinds of mill feud and chop on hand. Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour 0m> of the beat. flnurs for home-made bread and general family use. Try it and be convinced. Gladstone Flour nun. .. u---“ Alsr‘; Gems, a choice Break- fuut Fond. About 600 Urdm- Pusts. Apply to ALBERT J 0b ES! ï¬me‘! OVI‘I".;’“.I lzni r . not rug-ï¬red. Ynu vaunted [:2 in aluminum mm of um; um. GULB 33-36 EMPIRE Ml I also keep the celebrated WANTED H. B. SUEMIDT, For Sale NOTICE Ik‘da in lame, but moon who “in Sunwn aCmforflnnd, “Macy!†me!" free, full information Iboul work which \hev can do' sud live It humeJhM vi" ply mun from $8 to $25 par day. Some have In A day EM)" ":3. young or old. Capital m we ï¬nned frag Thu-c who nu! ll one. no of wax nun (alum All I III . A. J. HUME, Clerk. Newton Brock. Proprietor, {[8 Elgin M i116 IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, sizes and prices. New and second hand. We appeal to you, municipal electors of Richmond Hill, men and women who sincerely desire the best for your vil- lage, who long and pray for the over-throw of the liquor Curse, who recognize the bar-room as a deadly enemy to all that is best in the community. In God’s providence there has come to you the oppor- tunity to fulï¬ll your own longings and answer your own prayers. Side by side with your power to do the good lies your responsibility for the continuance ot the evil. If you do not exercise the one you must bear the other. May you be roused and guided to such earnest effort as will show your loyalty to noble and benevolent motives, and will prove a benediction to our village, our country and our people. ++++H++++++++++N++ ++++++ W++MM++H+H+HWH \3++++++++++++++++++++++ A LAST APPEAL METROPOLITAN GROCERY, '1‘. B. LUDFOIKD. Proprietor UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES Best Brands of Canned Goods Jacob Eyer A Strong Life Go. There is such a thing as a ï¬re-proof company as well as a ï¬re-proof building and the Confeder- ation Life seems to belong tor thiAs class. _ _ The applications receivved in the Confederation Life Association amounted to $6,298,858, which exceeds those in 1904 by thelarge ï¬gure of $I,054.- 496. The policies issued were for $6,002,122. which was an increase of $984,134 over 1904, and of $1,864,140 over 1903. Last. year the company enjoyed two advantages, the rate of infere-xt earned went up from 4.84 per cent. to 5.07 per centâ€, and thc- pavlnents for death clnims were reduced from $300,190 to 3330.696. The insurance in force at the close of 1905 was $42,- 6(K).350. which IS six millions more than at, the end of 1903. Why not, insure in the Next Door North of \Naiting Room. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION . SAVAGE, Agent, Richmond Hill & Son. CANDIE S Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. ' ' any ~-*~¢~f~+-:.4-4.+~ - grmd for return on the same day. On Saturdays this ticket will be good to return on the A. M. trips on Monday The present Excursion rate (m the Metropolitan Divisinn from Bond Lake to Tornntoon W'ednesday and {Saturday ufternunns has been v cancel- SINGLE FARE TICKETS will be sold to Toronto on the P. M. trips rm \VEDNESDAYS and SATU_RDAY:S. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan, under the provisions of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1903. intend utnrug- nim' meeting of the said Municipal Council to be held at the Town Hall, VPHore. on Tuesday. the 13th day of March, 1906. commencing ab 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to pass a by law for the purposvuf stopping up that pmu tion of the public highway running over and across the east, half of Lot Numher 11, in the 8th Concession ’of the said Township of Vaughan. being the remaining unciosed poition of what was known as the Shaver Road. All persons interested are hereby re- quiled to take nntice and govern them- selves acu’rdingly. By under of the Council. J. B. MCLEAN. Township Clerk. Dated at, Maple this 8th day of Feb- ruary, 1906. Parties getting their bills printed at THE LIBERAL ()ï¬icv will receive free notices under the "have heading up to thv time of sale. Other sales will be charge-d 25 cents fm- each insertion. TUESDAY. Feh. 20â€"Mr. Aaron Haines will hold an auction sale uffarm stock. implvments. etc., on Lot 21. Can. 2, \Vhitchurch. Sale at. 1 o'clockâ€"N. E. Smith. Anctinneer. TUESDAY. Feb. 20â€"Auctiou sale of farm stuck. implements, etc., 101: 20. 3rd eon Markham. the property of D. Hislnp. Terms. 8 mus. Sale at l. J. H. Prentice. Auctioneer, TUESDAY, Feb. 20â€"Auctitm sale of farm stuck, implvments. et.c., lot 8. con. 1, East York, the property of Arnold Bros. Sale at 1. Terms cash. F. W. Silversides, auct. TUESDAY. th. 20â€"Auction sale of 15 fresh milk cows at Hughes’ Hotel. Thurnhill. the property of Thus. Cum- ins. Sale at 2. Terms, 3 Immths.â€" Saigr‘un & [HCEWI‘YL Auction?!- “mt, .. ..- ._... . W , \VEDNESDAY. Feh. Zlâ€"Credit salenf farm stuck, implements. Ptc., on Lot 1, war of 3rd Com, Markham. the prop- erty vf Robt. A. W. Wilson. Sale at 10 o’clock. Eight mnnths' creditâ€"J. H. Prentice. Auctioneer. 11- l Iruulur. (Luv w n v . . \ v . . WEDNESDAY, Feb. 21â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements. etc.. at Bedfmvd Park, the prupmty of Wm. Smith. Sale at 1. Terms. 9 mos. F. W. Silversides, uuct. VV. BIIYE‘I'SIUQ'S, itucu. THURSDAY. Feb. zZâ€"Auction sale of high grade farm stock, implements. rte... on Lot 26, Gun. 4. Vaughan, the property of Gen. Lawr. Tux-ms, 8 months. Sale at 1 o‘clockâ€"Saing & Mt-Ewen, Auctioneers: w.u~....‘.., -_._..-V , VVEDNESDAY. Feb. 28â€"Uxedit sale uf farm stuck, implements, etc., on Lnt 24. Con. 3, East. York, the property of W. H. Juhnx‘tnn. Sale at l20’clnck. Eight mnnths' credit.â€"J. H. Prentice, Auctions-Pr. THURSDAY, March lâ€"Anction sale nf fann stuck. implements. furniture, etc" un Lot, 24. rear 3rd Com. Man-k- burn. the pmpvrty of T. W. Klinck. Sale at, 11 o‘clnck. Terms. 8 months.â€" 1. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. THURSDAY. March 8â€"«Auctiqn sale of high grade fulm stock. implements. eta, Lot 17, Gun. 4. Vaughan, the property of \Vm. Grioe. Termsg 8 months. Sale at 1 o'clock.â€"Saigeon 85 McEwe-n. Auctioneers. A ‘.. .7 4‘ FRIDAY, March 9â€"Credit sale of farm stuck. implmuents. eta. onLot 2. Gun. 2. East York. the property of Chris. Turner. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Seven months’ creditâ€"J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. A- .. -., I n nuuuu-upx n - MONDAY. March lg-Oredit sale of farm stock, implements, furniture. etc., on Lot 30, Con. 1. Vaughan, Thorn- hill, the property of Thomas Lane. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Eight months' credit.-â€"â€"J. H. Prqnticp. Atkclb‘ion‘eer. y: \a\|lva . --. - _. ._ WEDNESDAY, March 2l-0redit sale of farm shook, implement: etc“ on Lot 24. Con. 1. West. an . Newton Brnnk, the property of Henry Gould- iug. Sale at 11 o’clock. Eight months’ crediL.-â€"J. H. Prentice, ANuct‘ioneeI‘. TUESDAY. March 27â€"Oredit sale of farm stuck, implements. etc.. on Lot 19. Gun. 2, West, York, the property of Isaac Harrison. Sale at 1 o'clock. Eight mnnths’ credit.â€"J. H. Prentice, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Aï¬ctiuneer. W. HEWISON OF VAUGHAN Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Change in Rates on the Metropolitan PUBUB MUSE Butter Paper at the Liberal Office. 3m~puration of the Township Sale Register \V. II. MOORE, Manager. The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Catï¬e and Breeder of Improved Chester \Vhite H(xg<. Lot 2.9. lst (30mY Vaughan (Thm-nhill) has for sale some good young stuck. Thoroughhred hull and hog kept fur service on tho prmnisvs. D. G. GOODERHAM, Instruction in the Art of Piano Play- mg. Classes in Rudiments, Harmony, Classes in History, etc. Received in Savings’ Bank Depar ment and intervst allowed at PLEASANT VIEW FARM HIGHEST CURRENT HATES. General Banking Business Transacted. Money Loam-d on Farmers' Salr [\olrs Blank hole Farms Supplh‘d Fro'e. countssxoxnxm was HXGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Residence immpdiately south of the High School. For infnrmatinn appfy to JAMES NE\V1‘ON, Elgin Mills. Re-uodelledmnd newly furnished throughout 0n. ofthe mos ouvenient and comfortlb‘o [locals on Yonge Street Every modern (man V nianue Sam-ale moms for commercink mvellers. \uidealstoppingplace for riding ordrivingDarcieshicyclists, or farmers going wot-ramming from market. Eieccric out pl.“ the door Livery in connection For other particulars call at the Bank 1w. TEE FY. NOTARY PUBLIC. PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HTLL. W. C. SAV AGE Brick cuttagv on lot. 48. 1312 con. Vaughan, 1:} miles west Richmond Hill High SI-hnul. two acres nf land, a quantity of apple trees, plum trees. and other fruits. Apply to JAS. MCWILLIAMS. 32 4 Richmond Hill P. Q Sixty acres good clay lonm situated 2 miles from King City: 3.3acres m2 ploughed. halancv pasture and hay land. with 5 acres of hush. Over one hundred and ï¬fty apple trees. several Bear and cherry trees, abundance of erl-ies and small fruits. Good hunk barn with stables, pout. try houses. driving sheds, etc. Seven-roamed house. 3 wells on place; For price and further particulars np~ ply JAMES NESS. v........l.." D n 5++HM++++++H+ +++++++++0 Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All depusits payable on dt-uumd. Capital Rest. ++++ (1†Canada RICHMOND HILL +++++++++++++++++++++++++ From Business Firms for stenc- graphers, buok-kwâ€"pers, invoice clerks, etc.. have lately been re. ceived by the famous ‘ We ï¬lled nine of the positions. and had no one else ready to send.If you want to get a position after graduation, come to the school that. can help you. A large number of ex-students of other business colleges are now in attendance. College is open theentn-eyear. Commencenow. Circulars free. Farm for Sale H. H. LOOSEMORE. EABLE NEWTON Pianist FOR SALE 126 CAIJIJS TORONTO. ONT. (Cor. Tonga and Alexander Sta.) TERMS 61.0 PER DAY 11 31000000 $1,000 000 DEPBâ€"SITS For Sale W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. .Eiviérsley P. '0. Proprietor. A GENT, Prop