Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1906, p. 5

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:nm-al, refinéd andflrgQHrm-Ih’O-fi‘éma'ill :ive an entertainment at Maple Satur- iay night also. The public meetings in the Masonic Hall Friday evening and Saturday wening were well attended and able tddlesses were delivered. At the Farmer meeting Mr. Jus. Havel-son :poke in opposition to LocnlOptlon, md Mr. Alex. Mills in suppm-t of the measure. On Saturday evening the ;peakers were Mr. Raney and Rev. Dr. Ulwwn. Dounty Council Chambers, Adelaide tl-eet; East. A number of prominent, )ractical men are billed to give ad- lrosses on subjects relative to govd nuds. The last session will be held “riduy. The Local Option by-law carried in Richmond Hill Mnnduy by a majority of 21. The result, of the voting was as fullmvsszuLvs cast 177. Eur the hy- iuw 99, against 78. There was one. re- jected ballot. The above is the largest vote ever polled in this municipality. Mr. Bunting of Toronto, vocalist, venti‘iloquist and reciter, is announced to give one of his unique entertain- mean in Patterson school on Friday evening of this week. He should be greeted with a. full house. The Mark- ham Sun nsays: “"1‘he pi'ngi-apime is The Legislation Cummittee of the '01-}; County Cnuucil met. Mr. J. I). Fans of Etohimke presiding. The mttex-s rnfux-n-d to the mmmiltee by he Council at, it: Junuzu-v sessum were DIED IN DAKOTA. Mics Hattie Linfnnt received a tele- muu early last week bringing the sad wws that her mothm‘ was dangeluus- _v ill in the state of Dakota. where she 1nd been visiting hvx- suns. Several nvssnges fullmvml and on Thursday rm-d cunw that she had passed away. Iiss Liufuot, and Mrs. J. H. Sander- nn started the next day fur \Vul-ds- file, the homo of deceased. The re- mains Wore hmught tn \Vm-«lsville, “d the burial tank place on Mnndny. Sincere sympathy is folt for Miss Lin- nut in her sud l-ex-vnvonwut. Mr. \V. H. Pugsley, President; ufthe Western Ontario Good Roads Associa- ion, is in Toronto this week attending he fifth annual convention of the As- aouiution’ which is being held in the Two curling rinks went to the City Saturday ufbernoun, and plade a re- turn match with the Lukeviews. The visit-ms? rinks were skipped W. H. Pugsley and F. E. Sims. The home fours were Victorious. But, to give the scores We fear would make the paper look lOp-Sidr'd. :19 L‘num-i nnsidmved The members of Victoria Square Off- hand Rifle Uluh met, at their range on Saturday afternmm for practice. The following are Some of the scores: R. Agar 86, C. P. Read 84, W. S<~ott83 L. Stoutenborough 61, R. Frishy 68. 1 5 lbs. best gold?!) dates fm‘25c.; .5th. good figs for 25c.; 1 1h. May-picked Japan tea fUl'25C. Atkinson 6: Swit- zer. Mr. C. Mupes, Headfox-d, who pur- pnsed having an auction sale of cider mill. horse power. etc., has cancelled the sale as he bus disposed of the prop- t'X'ty to Mr. Nnrmun Humor. YORK CUI Miss Trench will take the topic on “Canadian P(wt.s” next, Monday even- ing at the Epworth League. A good programme is expected. Everyone is invited to attend. Will make to your measure a stylish Scotch tWeed suit, in every way first~ class for $16.00 re-guliu‘ $19.00 suit. Atkinson & Switzex‘. Rev. A-. P. Bruce, B. 1).. Newton Brook. is billed to give an address in connection with an Epwm-Lh League convent-inn in Aurora. 0n the 7th of May. Mr. Frank McDonald and Mr. Mor- loy Barker uf Stoutfville drnve over on Sunday, spent the day with relatives hero, and returned Monday. \Ve highly recommend our readers to subscnhe to The Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. bf \Vili makefitu youi‘ moasfire a hen vy genuine Scotch tweed suit, for $11.75. regular $1&UU suit. Atkinson & Swib zer. The V‘Vhist Club wxll be entertains-d at the home of Mrs. Nichulls on Thurs- day evening of this week. Newman-th Express-Herald: Miss Lynett, of Richmond Hill spent last work at Mr‘ S_ Doyle‘s. \Vill make to your measure a fine Hat-k serge suit for $12.50. Atkinson & Switzer. a. six weeks" t‘é'fi‘m u jurynfau in To- mnto. A meering of the Villa 9. Council willbe held in the Cvunci Chamber next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. @112 gamma. Rxcummn HILL, ONT“ Fch LOCAL OPTION CARRIED My. IL Ijhpmrnn 3&er ‘fifiishjd t, to \Vnmlsville, am- on Monday. felt for Miss Lin- ‘omout. EGfSLATI 3N To get the best baking results â€"- the most wholesome bread and most; . delicious rolls, always Lise Five Roses ‘ Flour. FFive Eases Fleur! It: is made toba Hard W The World perfectly equi THE MARCH DELINEA'I‘OR. In the March number The Delin- eatnr has fallen under the spell (if ro- mance which the marriage of the President’s daughter has evoked, and presents as its leading feature an arti- ‘cle an “The Bride’s of the \Vhite Hnuse," illustrated with a handsome portrait of Miss Roosevelt, new-r be- fore published. The fiction of the number includes a short story by Mary Stewart, Cutting. a clever study of child life by Virginia \Vuodward Cluud, and the continuation of “The President: of Quex,” Helen M. \Vins- low’s interesting cluh story. Stories and pastimes are supplied for the amusement of children, and in the other departments many topics at in- terest and value to the home are treat- ed. Fashion of com-Se, plays a large part in this number, and the newest; styles are illustrated and described in detail. Mrs. Harris is agent for Rich- mond Hill and \ icinity. wards in the same place. however, other indiViduals indulged in the same foolish custom, much to the annoy. ance of those who sat in the back seats. This is something the Hall Committee should 869 does not occur again. The mretakm- should be given the power to remove any person that annoys the meeting. \Ve do not wish to be harsh. but to crack and 9:11 pPanuts at, :l public nmeting is unfair to the spe‘akers, the audience. and the caretaker who has to sweep the hall and keep it. clmm. THE PEANUT NUISANCE. Atune of the Public Meetings re- cently hvld in the Masonic Hall. the speaker in a kindly manner rebuked a young man fur annoying those pies- esent, by cracking pPanuts. To the credit, of the person referred to it may In said he gave no fm-tht-r tmuhie. At several of the meetings held after-- Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can’t do it? Haven’t enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer’s Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro- duction! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. SHOCKING TRAGEBY John McAvoy, an unmarried man. ‘erl‘king for Robert, Elliott, about a mile north of Elgin Mills. committed suicide by hanging himself in the barn about 7 o’clock on Sunday morning. 18th inst. It, was a most deliberate act. as there were several others work- ing about the ham within a few yards of him at, the timp of the tragedy, and he was suspe‘nded in such a mannex that he Could have. regained the stand- ing position with little effort. DI. Carleton of Thornhill, coroner for York County, after hearing the stateâ€" ments of Mr. Elliott, and others. deemed an inquest unnecessary and is~ sued a warrant for the burial. Is It Your Own Hair? Four cans [200d pens for 350.; 3 cans choice corn for 250.; 4 cans fresh British Columbia hen-ings for25c.: 1 gal. XXX white Wine vine-gar for 30c.: pail, 5 lbs. choice table syrup for 2550. Atkinson & Switzol'. The anmml rrpm-t. of the Rlchmond Hill Public Library, recently for- warded to the Education Department, shons the recripts of last year to be $218.87. expenditure $185.36, leavinz a. balance on hand of $33.51. about $6 less than the yPar prpvinus. There were 64 volumes of hunks purchased during the year, 2634 volumes issued to readers. and there are nnw in the library 3235 vnlumes. In the reading room are 3 daily newspapers, 6 W061i- lies. and 11 magazines. The library and reading room are opcn Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o’clock. Three spool: Mitzil‘e Leaf white or black thmd for 100.; 5 tbs. baking suda. fm- 100.; 7 lbs; washing snda, for 10c.| 8 lbs. hvst whitening for 100. At- kinson & Switzer. The best kind of a. testimonialâ€" “ Sold to; over sixty years.” Hide .7. 0. Aye: 00.. Lowell, Moss. A no mnuhoturen of J. HALL qer’s PUBLIC LIBRARY from the finest heat. ’3 Standard. milled in pped mill3. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. Mani- General Bank. For other particulars call at the Bank Money Loan“! on :nnu Sale Nun‘s. Biznzk Note I‘m-ms Stumrlivd Free. HIGHEST CU Received in Savings" Bank D0; luent and interest allowed at STANEARB BANK Of Canada RICHMOND HILL Vanzant & V‘Varing. genus. twenty-five y experience. A cuupon in every package entitling the holder to Free Veterinary Advice. For sale F. J. PETH ICK & SON, The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. 01-:- .. n- Have just arranged with the Vt-ter- inary Specialty ()0. to sell the follow- ing x-enwdies : Stuck Tunic and Bland Purifier. Indigestion and Colic Cure. Spavin Cure. \Vorm Powder-5‘ Cough Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Louse Deth Antiscuptic Healing Oil. Sprain Emul- sion. Black Oil, Heuve Relief. Lump Jaw Cure, Aphmdisiac and Anti-Ster- ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure fur Cults and Calves, Leaking Naval 8; Joint Disnase. Farmers Take Notice Nutice of Withdraw way. All dqmsi is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twins. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices Au uy an umvuuezuers. M‘Ura‘r'a‘fi‘éaféé‘iaim. New York Branch Office. 635 F St... Washington. D, C. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lax-zest cir- culntlo‘qyt any aciepyflg itiuyna}: Terqu‘d a elxmuon or any scientific 'ournal. Terms. $3 a year: foul-901ml“. $1. 50 d by uluxewsdpplerg. "5119.3; men ransamrmm‘s‘3‘037‘93ame mega! 1}ottcc, witpout. charge in the TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n. sketch and descfl tlnn may quickly nscertain our opinion free w ether an invention in prabnhly pmentuble. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents lest free. (Jld 5: ng Ifoyyevurifingpatemq. -.m..- .m. ” Al Capital Rest; Abply‘v to 31â€"37 Satisfaction Guaraii-izeed. Seven acres of luntl rm Richmond street in the village of Richmond Hill. the propex ty of Patrick Mnylan. A ___,I, To do gens-ml house-work in sma family. Apply at LIBERAL nfl‘ice. FOR SALE OR TO RENT Liberty Seed Oats, white, Weight 42 lbs. to the bushelâ€"groan yielders. Lot, 34, Gun. 6, Vaughan. R. o. HARVEY, 3334 _L:12;ka y P. O Apprentice to learn millinery‘ ply_ _‘ MRS. SHUT Sciéiitifié ifié'i‘ican. A. J. HUME, FALL AND WINTER My Stock of Woolens for H. H. LOOSEMORE. Tailor, Richmond Hill Girl Wanted FOR SALE Transacfed. 31 $1,000,000 $1,000 000 DEPBâ€"sms WANTED on dehumd. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. i’ii’fi: '12! Q? g. Veterinary Sur- years of plactical u-n millinery. Ap- MRS. SHfiUTER. ET PETES. n( Business :2 I'll! ers‘ AG ENT‘ neces- the Thnrnbill. fll' Business transacted hetwvc-n 10 day of each week. $tamflmfl gm: uf 05311121113: Maple Savings Bank Dapzu Mum-y advanc- I” urn ace ‘Vork. Tin Slnith- jug. ‘vVe have second-hand heaters, nearly new Also wood and coal stoves at low figures. Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges, our leaders, which have won for themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. Richmond Hill Hardware Stare Our usual stock of the essential is kept well on hand and best value given. Crum’s best prints just to hand at 12%c. yd. Items in Standard Goods A choice assortment of the prevailing modes. These goods must be sold; you know what that means to prices. Items in Trimmings A variety of Fabrics, patterns and weights adapted to weather, we must now expect at really one half their original price. Items in Dress Goods The Special Sale At ATKINSONS: SWITZER’S (In connection with Richmond Hill 031 ut saws. Axes. aints and Iâ€"Iardvvare. 0n SOULES tmeut After Stock Taking 1nd 4 on Monday Wednesday am fiSEWRE. Agfié’é Feb. 3. 1906.

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