Great Popular Upheaval May Sweep It Away. Are the days 0! Peter I. of Servia as King of that country numbered? 1! is believed so in Austria, and the fact ex- plains the attitude of the Imperial Gov- ernment to the proposed tariï¬ union between Servia and Bulgaria. The Austrian authorities have learned lhat the days of Peter I. as King of Ser- via are not to be long. The Karageorgie- vich dynaslys day in Servia is gone, and before another year is over the King and his family will be driven out. It is well known in Servia that it. is owing to the dynasty alone that Servia has lost. position and influence all over Europe. In the courts oi Europe the opinion prevails that Peter I. knew of the plan for the murder of King Alex- Inder, if he was not himself actually llS tnstigator. All the courts of Europe have refused to receive a visit from King Peter or to have any direct deal- ings with him. Servia is thus, so to speak, blotted out from among the States of Europe. The King, moreover, and in a greater measure, the Crown Prince. his son, have The King, moreover, and in a greater measure, the Crown Prince. his son, have made themselves remarkably unpopular- all over the country. Servia, according to information re- ceived by the Ausirian Government, is for these reasons advancing in the direc- tion of a new revolution. There is al- ready formed a strong party, whose de- sire it is to see a German prince on the throne of Servia. This party has its eyes on Prince Francis Joseph of Bat. tenberg, who was married in May, 1897, to a Montenegrin princess, but has no children. The regicides. knowing the extreme danger, are running things with a high hand, and King Peter is little more than a prisoner in his own palace. v Theiaimculties o! the Servian Govern- ment in obtaining money have become so acute that a crisis may be expected any momeni._ THE POSTMASTER TELLS HIS SECRET HIS HEALTH MAINLY DUE TO THE USE OF DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Postmaster Lee Looks Ten Years Youn- ger Than His SeVenty-Six' Years and He Gives the Credit to the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. ’l‘abucintac, Cumberland (30., N. B., Feby. 19â€"(Special).â€"-Horalio J. Lee, postmaster here, is now in his seventy- sixth year. but so bright. and healthy does he look and so energetic is he in his movements that. he would easily p355 for ten years younger. - ,I -4 ,.n AL- “How do I keep young looking," the postmaster says. “Well I attribute it largely to my good health and my health is mainly due to the use of Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. . n. .y.. “I ï¬rst learned the value of this Kid- ney Remedy some years ago. I was then suffering from Kidney Disease. My feet and legs swelled and I had to rise eight or ten times in the night because of urinary troubles. Six boxes of Ilodd’s Kidney Pills restored my health at that time and I have used them at intervals since. _ "To anyone afllicled with Kidney Trou- No I say ‘Dodd’s Kidney Pills are all right.‘ "Try them and you will be sure {c ï¬nd a beneï¬t.†A sad love tragedy was enacted the olhcx day at the Village of Dasio. in the Canton of Tessin, Switzerland. The belle ot the village. a girl of 18, had been secretly engaged to a farmer, but her father refused his consent to the mar- riage. Finding that entreaties had no effect, the young: couple desided to com- mit suicide. The tarmer bought a re- volver, and during a walk through the woods he ï¬red four shots at his sweet- heart, killing her on the spot. He then carried the body to the cemetery, a mile ott. placed it on a grave, and shot himself through the heart. The bodies were discovered by a grave-digger. For boosters the world has no use; but it is alwaS's on the lookout for men who (if. things. Solomon said: “Let another man prise thee, and not thine own lips.†The world says 10-day: We have no. time to listen to what you are going to do; let us see something you have done, or are doing. Mamie kissed meâ€"such a smack But I did not kiss her back; On my part are no such slipsrâ€" So instead I kissed her lips. BIDODSTAINED THRONE. LOVERS DIE TOGETHER. BETTER PLAN BOASTERS. May Sweep It ing your speech?†“Well,†answered the youthful statesman, “lhere weren’t any cheers, but now and then people in the audience looked at one another and laughed.†It Cures all Creeds.â€"l-lere are a few names of clergymen of different creeds who are ï¬rm believers in Dr. Agnew’s Caiarrhal Powder to “live up to the preaching†in all it claims. Bishop Swealman. Rev. Dr. Langtry (Episco- palian); Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev. Dr. Chambers (Methodist); and Dr. Newman, all of Toronto, Canada. Copies of their personal letters for the asking. 50 cents. 4105 Schoolmasterâ€""Now, Rogers, what are you doing? Learning something?" Rogersâ€"“No, sir; i’m listening to you, sir." CeyISH Natural GREEN Tea is ABSOLUTELY PURE. ilvojuiinbdim reliel. The average woman is willing to patch up a quarrel with her neighbor because of the pleasure it affords her to rip the patch off again. Ions gélzhle’irq-I‘xick'achoï¬l; Iwrhrefln’ applied to lame backs or stiï¬ rheuyaï¬c muscles or Joints- They They are Cmerully Preparedâ€"Pills which dissipate themselves in the stem- ach cannot, be expected to have muvn effect upon the intestines, and to over- come cvstivenesq the medicine adminis- tered must influence the action of these Canals. Parmelco'e Vegetable Pills are so made, unde: the supervision of ex- perts, that. the substance in them in- xendcd to operate on the intestines is retarded in action until they pass thxougb the stomach to the bowels. The girl who screams when her young man tries to kiss her usually cries if he doesn’t. Dropsy and Heart Disease.â€"“F0r ten years I suffered greatly from Heart. Dis- ease. Fluttering of the Heart and Smo- thering Spells made my life :1 torment. Dropsy set _in. My physician told me to prepare for the worst. I Agnew’s Cure for the eart. gave relief, one bot11e cured p1ete1y."â€"Mrs. James Adams, N.Yâ€"â€"107 A man never discovers that he is growing old by looking in the mirror. He makes the discovery by looking at his wife. Mrs. Jonesâ€"My husband has a good ear for music. Mrs. Smithâ€"Mine hasn’t. He thinks every piece he hears at church is & lul- laby. Balloway‘s Corn Cure is a specdc {or the removal of coma and warts. We have never heard of its failing to re- move even the worst kind. Fatherâ€"“Whatâ€"~marry my daughter? Why, she’s only a child." Spooner â€" “Yes. sir. I thought I'd come early to avoid the rush," “Were there laughtelfhï¬ng lgheers dur: Turing Down sign-ll duos not, delay norms. Opium-laden “ medciines " do not cure. When you begin to cough take Allen’s Luna Balsam, tree Iron: opium, full of healing power. Some Remarks 0! Dr. Osler Anon! His Prolession. Dr. William Osler writes:â€"-“l\ian has an inborn craving for medicine. Heroic closing for several generations has given the tissues a thirst for drugs. As I once before remarked, the desire to lake med- icine is one ieature which distinguishes man, the animal, from his fellow crea- tures. lt is really one of the most serious difï¬culties with which we have to con- tend. Even in minor ailments, which would yield to dieting or to simple home remedies, the doctor‘s visit is not thought to be complete without the prescription." †The D a LA"_ Heljlyhol Blaster-3‘91? Amarvel- Of the cultured physician he says :â€" “In no profession does culture count for so much as in medicine, and no man needs it more than the general practi- tioner, working among all sorts and con- ditions of men, many of whom are in- fluenced quite as much by his general ability, which they can appreciate, as by his learning. of which they have no measure." Gunï¬ght Soup in better ‘hnn other soup, but. in best whon and in the Sunlight. 17.3. Buy Sunlight leap and follow diuction Dr. Osler advise with the young‘ clinical ‘physiciun, from the east. to panionsâ€"‘io sec 111 clinical ‘physiciun, as he travels farther from the east. to look well to his com- panionsâ€"to see that they are of his own age and generation. He must walk with the 'boys.‘ he must travel with the men who are doing 1the work of the world, the men between the ages of 25 and 40." “Woman's ‘ he quoted. “ simisiic frien he demanded man‘s crowning glory woman’s hair." Only in Sealed Lead Packets at 40c, 500 and em: per pound. By an Grocers. HIGHEST AWARD. ST. EQUIS. 1904. All Japan teas are adulterated, while MAN LOVES MEDICINE. PUTS HIM TO SLEEP. friend “\Nhal physicians to “walk â€""I would urge the ry is her heir," turned his pes- lo you mean?" cases now wo- is some other tried Dr. One dose me com- Syracusv; Farmers Wanted as Land Agents. “My goodness!" exclaimed an anxious mother, “what in the world made your face so dirty, Willie?" “Johnny Jones and me had a fight,†explained Willie, “nn‘ he tin-owed more dirt in my face than I could swallow." face so and me “an‘ he than I I A Small Pill. hut Powerful.â€"They that, judge ol the powers of a. pill by its snze. would consider Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to be lacking. It is a. little wonder amon pills. What it lacks in sive it. ma as up in pulmw The remedies which it, carries are ut up in these small doses. because t ey are so powerful that only small doses are required. The full strength of the extracts is secured in this form and do their Work thoroughly. 01d Fossilâ€"“I suppose you get any amount 01 silly questions asked during the day?" Porterâ€"“Yes, sir. any amount; yours is the twenty-third I‘ve had asked me 10-day." Nurse’s‘Good Words.â€"-“l am a profes- sional nurse," writes Mrs. Eisner, Hali- fax. NS. “1 was a great sufferer from rheumatismâ€"almost constant associa- tion with best physieians I had every chance of a cure i! it. were in their pow- crâ€"but they failed. South American Rheumatic Cure was recommendedâ€"to- day my six years of pain seem as a dream. Two bottles cured me.â€"]06 The average income of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway per week is $1,250,000. Out of this sum they have to pay sal- aries to 30,000, which mounts up in a year to $25.000,000. The president of the company has a salary of $50,000 a year. The coal bill for a year is $5,000,000, for two and a half million tons of coal. The number of cars possessed by the railway is l15,000; locomotives, 1,200; railway sta- tions, 1.400. Since 1900 the Canadian Paciï¬c have doubled their earnings; the total for the last six months is $31,381,- 977. an increase of $19,194,578 over the same period last year. The wheat crop of Victoria for this season is estimated at 23,000,000 bushels. being an increase over last year’s return of 1,456,850 bushels. The amount re- quired for home consumption is 6,500,- 000, and for seed 1,900,000, leaving about 14,000,000 bushels available for export. With present market prices at about. 325. per quarlerâ€"equal to 4s. per bushel ~35. 6d. per bushel would be realized after delraying freight, commission, and exchange, making the value of the wheat available for export £2,275,000. TAILORING AND PHOTOGRAPHY. Perhaps the latest application of photography is in tailoring. This ap- pears to be a Parisian invention. The person to be measured is photographed in several positions while standing be- hind a network, which is photographed or: the same plate, and serves as a standard of reference. By means of a kind of harness, indicating the location of armpits and other concealed points of the ï¬gure, the necessary accuracy is obtained. “The More Poslum the More Foodâ€"the More Coffee the More Poison. The Pros. of the W. C. T. U. in a young giant state in the Northwest says: three “After ï¬nding out what coffee will do i~) its victims, I could hardly stand to have my husband drink it; but he was not willing to quit. I studied for months to ï¬nd a way to induce him to leave it off. Finally I told him l would make no more coffee. “I got Postum Food Coffee, and made ii strongâ€"boiled it the required time, and had him‘ read the little book "l‘he Road to Wellville,’ that comes in every \'0( [Pk 1hr the rinl‘ mm '1‘ h 01' Today Postum has no stronger ad. ate than my husband! He tells our nds how to make it». and that he got ough the winter without a spell of grip and has not had a headache monthsâ€"he used to be subject to Juent nervous headaches. The stronger you drink Postum the nds 0112] Tl AUSTRALIAN \VHEAT CROP. A MIGHTY RAIIAVAY. UNDER \\'lllCll KING. V0311 on get: the mc drink Postum the the stronger you 2 poison you slum Co., Battle am K e It chases away that old tired The elevator boy manages to reach; ihe top, but he isn't allowed to stay; there. I l Overworked Persons. either mentally or physically, should try “Fen-ovim,†the world renowned nerve and blood tonic and they will quickly recover strength and health Beggsâ€"“uy wife says that if I were to die she would remain a widow." Meggsâ€"“Evidently she thinks there is not another man in the world like you." “On the contrary, she's afraid there may be, and that she'd get him." Wind, “Oshawa†Steel Shingles and Water. Storm, Fire Proof. A Time {or Everythingâ€"The time for Dr. Thomas‘ Eclcctric Oil is when croupy symptoms appear in the child- ren; when rheumatic pains beset. the old; when lumbugo, usumm, coughs. colds, catarrh or earnche attack either young or old: when burns. scams. abra- sions. contusions or sprains come to any member of the family In any of these ailments in will give relief and work a cure. A genius is a man most anything except “They Sell \Vell“ says Dmggisf O‘Del] oi Truro, N.S. Want any better evi- dence of the real mm‘it of Dr. Von Stan‘s Pineapple Tablets as a cure for all forms of stomach trouble Hmn that they’re in such great dmnand‘? Not a nauseous dose that makes one‘s very insides rebelâ€"but pleasant. quick and harmlessâ€"a tiny tablet to carry in your pocket. 35 cents.â€"104. MONTREAL, QUE. OTTAWA. ONT. TORONTO. ONT. LONDON. 01", "WW. VIIOOUVII, I... 107 Oral. Ot- ‘23 Iumx it. 11 Oolbomo 8! 0| Oundzl It. 10 Lomm It. I“ POMU' It. an You! )1an Oman. LANDS The Preacherâ€"“l was surprised to see your husband walk out o! the church while I was preaching. The Wifeâ€" “Oh. don’t mind that! You know he's troubled with somnambulism!†Head Ofï¬ce and Works, FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF We also maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets‘ Conductor Pipe and EAVE TROI‘GH Etc. METAL SIDING. in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGQ, in 2.000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of “OSHAWA†Shingles. Write It is easier to prevent than it is to cure. Inflammation of the lungs is the companion of neglected colds, and once it ï¬nds a lodgement in the systom it Ss difï¬cult to deal with. Treatment with Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup will eradicate the cold and prevent inflanh mation from setting in. It rosts lit- tle, rand is as satiffuctory as it is sur- Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market. and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stomame- vatox-s. Churches. etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shing}es. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag. and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, prising in flag. and haV making them Be a Quarter of an Hour Ahead 0! Time. Nelson was always beforehand with every appointment. When he was leav- ing London on his last expedition against the enemy a quantity of cabin furniture was ordered to be sent on board the ship. Nelson had given a little Iarewell dinner at his house. All upholsterer called with an account and to report the completion of the goods. His Lordship had him shown into the diningâ€"room. and spoke to him in a corner apart from the guests. “Everything is packed, my Lord." no said‘ “and will go in the wagon from the inn at six o’clock." “And you will go to the inn and see them off?" . “I shall, my Lord; 1 shall be there punctually at six o’clock.†A quarter before six," said Nelson, “be there a quarter beiore; to that quar- ter of an hour I owe everything in lite.†“You don‘t even know how to make 1. lemon tan." remarked the cooking school girl, with ï¬ne scorn. “It isn’t necessary to make a lemon tart," re« plied the other. “All the lemons I‘ve ever seen were pretty tart already.‘ A good many people ï¬nd it easier to sing “I am thine, O Lord," when they have left their purses at home in an- other pocket. to-day NELSON? KEY TO SI'CCICRS TEE PEDLAR PEOPLE, That‘s what any woman away that old tired feeling and ï¬lls her with So Delicious too. Only one best tea. BLUE RIBBON’S IT. iis results who can do ul- malie a living. Sukakhowm, ally 8 milo} {xv-gulfw? wan. 0:8... 6 GRIP. _ _ -_._ .. -Il...-l.- nunncacwu,uu,ommn ....... -w» ..__ .r, -___ , , 7 Stron; soil, 90 per cent. plough bud. Ip ' crack, no slough: About ‘0 mike NJL of 1mm.“ Hood. $10.50 ’or an. Write for nap and full particuhn. R. PARSONS. 9| Wellaley Street. Toronto. Canada. Two min; In Western Canada mu; an account [ion of the aim shown oke to him is after a hot cup of fragrant lnan form and cold perspiring feet positive] care within 30 days, by our newly paten Magnetic Discs or mono“ Prom fly refunded. Mnued anywhere $1.00. rite or descriptive booklet. Agent: wwtred. MAGNETIC RHEU- m'nsu CUBE 00.. Shamrocks, Quebec. Canada RHEUMATISM F OR SALEâ€"Best, cheapest and nicest located stock farm in the United States; has a beautiful water from, and contains 800 acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK, Salisbury, Md. Ola-In uzd (hm-and lid Glenn ales-ad Th- ua "out hypo“. lawn. maï¬a-calla In FEATHER DYE!NG BRITISH AMERICAN DYEIIIG 0.: Brotherâ€"J1 have made up my mind to propose to “clue. but have not found a suitable oppormnity yet. You 5%. she‘s such a reserved girl." Sisaer -â€" “Oh! yes; she‘s reserved for Captain Dasher. He became engaged to her yesterday." “So you are going to marry. Have you anything laid by?" “Yes: I’ve got v. rich uncle laid by with an illness of somn sort, and l‘m the only surviving relative." Pale, sickly children should use Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator. Worms are one o! the principal causes or suffering in cnildren and should be expelled from the system. Mrs. Smarteâ€""The doctor insiststhai I must spend the next few weeks abroad. He says I need a change. Mr. Smartsâ€"“So you do: that‘s a fact." “Ahl you agree!" “Yes; you med 8 change â€"â€"of doctors." Rose-colored soon onâ€"iixo bodies of children Are «sometimes mistaken ku- moaslas. The troubl- [pay rascals. a local disease of the skin: 7:“. unnumaa run-an: for 33 Years ruaounn. n my... u may .-- _- ., Promptly cured rich Weaver‘s Cerate Shiloh I'Ias Cured Shiloh': Consumption Curt. {he LII Tonic. has been_ bcï¬orq the Public. a; with the fact Jul its sales have steadily increased yen by year. ï¬lth. best prod of the merit of a: O cure lor Caught. Colds. end in diseases of the lung: and air passages. Those who have used Shiloh would not bewilhoutit. Those who have neva med it should know that every bottle it sold with a positive guarantee lhat. if it doesn't cure you. the dealer will refund whxl you paid lor it. Shiloh thousands oi the most obstinate came 0! Cough. Cold: and Lung troubles. Let it cure you. “Lu! winter I coughed lot three months And Iboughll wu into Coqmmplion. I look all am of medic ' ‘bul nothing .did me my will med 5 I Consumplmn Cm. our bottles cured me. This winter I had ave-y bad cold. wunol able to cpeyk. my lungs was not. on lhcuidemdbnck. Sgbotgla of Shilohmï¬ unwell unin. I have given 11 lo mall I udcvayoneqfll-nemhvcbecncu .-D. Jonah. St. Hynumhe. Que." r 60: SHILOH ISSUE N0. W Oshawa, Ont. Canada new life. u I“ Looked Skies on All Four