Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1906, p. 8

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Instruction in th}: Art of Piano Play- mg. Clussos in Rudiments, Harmony, Hutu-y, etc. A Bell Organ in good condition, and a Square Piano, cheap. The Next Sitting of Division Court fox No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Com-t Room, RICHMOND HILL DIVISlflN - COURT. [0 JAMES NEW’ EON, Elgin Mills: RICHMOND HILL __0N__ TUESDAY, APR. 3, 1909 One of the best flours for home-made bread and general family use. Try it and be convinced. Residence immediately south of the High School. For inf0_x_~1_m3til_)l_1___app1y I am pxepared to do gristing and chopping every day. All kinds of mill feed and chop on hand. fillsd “’heat Gems, a choice Break- fast Food. Gladstone Flour Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour Gnod General Servant. Family of three. 33 31 MRS. LOOSEMORE. Next High School. Church o! Englandâ€"Services at 3p. m, 1“ and mg m: Sunday. Third Sunday A: n a m' 7 Pro wrist: Cgmhrohlâ€"téervices It 11 u. m. sud . m. an uy c 00 n 2.80. Pm 'er ' .' Wpodneadny evening. 3 meor‘ng Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on liter. mate Sundays M9 10.30 a. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. 111,, 3nd 7 p. 111. Sunday School at 2.80. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F And A H -Meets Mon- ‘IV on or before full moon W - â€"~ - r r. A n u 3 "AAA. unnuma ‘uA Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING . EVENING . . N.B.â€"Begiatered letters must be handed in at hut Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for cloamg. J. EABLE NEWTON Pianist Until further notice Mlill will be cloned M. the Richmond Hill Post Ofl’ico u follows :â€" MOBNING .... 800 EVENING About 600 Cedar Posts. Apply to ALBERT J 01\ ES, . 11.15 I. m.; 2, 3.15 ,m. , 9.55, 11.55 I. 111.: .10 p. m. Leave Newmarket :1; 7.80, 9.1 415, 6.15. 7.30 Lean Richmond Hill. 1. 8.1 2.40, 8.55. 4.55. 5.55,, not... METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave C P R Owning M 6. 7.20.5140. 11.30 a. £11.; 130,140. 3.45. 5.40. 8.00 p. In. cave Richmond Hills.l0.10.30. 3.123.; 11.50 2.20. .330. 4.56.630. 8.60 p. m. GOING BOU TH 30-?) EMPIRE Ml POST OFFICE NOTICE FOR SALE I also keep the celebrated FOR SALE Commencing At 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. l. 11. TEEFY. Postmaster. Be‘ween Toronbo and Newmarkoe. GOING NORTH H. B. SCHMIDT, WANTED Village Directory. For Sale MONEY ORDERS Newton Brook. Proprietor, Richmond Stz-eét. C. ROLLIN, L [S Elgin MiIls To clean out balance of winter stock will sell at the following reduced prlceszâ€" I Saskatchewan Robe, $9.00 for $7.50. I Brown Giizzly Bear, $10 00 for $8 00. a Imitation Lamb Coats, $16.0010r $13.00. Also Blankets and Mitts at similar reductions. ROBE, COAT AND BLANKET i++++++++++++++++++++++~30§v£4 +4 V H+W+j~++w+++ Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, sizes and prices. New and second hand. IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. T. B. LUDFORD, Proprietor Last year the cumpzmy enjoyed two advantages, the rate of interest; earned Went up from 4.84 per cent. to 5.07 per cent” and the payments for death claims were reduced from $360,190 to $340696. The insurance in force at the close of 1905 was $42,- 500,350, which 18 six millions more than at, the end of 1903. “7113' not insure in the CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION P. G. SAVAGE, Agent, Richmond Hill METROPOLITAN GROCERY, There is such a thing as a fire-proof company as Well as a fire-proof building and the Confeder- ation Life seems to belong to this class. The applications received in the Confederation Life Association amounted to $6,298,858, which exceeds those in 1904 by thelarge figure of $1,054,- 496. The policies issued were for $6,002,122. which was an increase of $984,I34 over 1904, and of $I,864,I4o over 1903. A Strcmg Life Go. UP-TO-DATE GROCEBIES Best Brands of Canned Goods Geo. McDonald. Richmond Hill Jacob Eyer Next Door North 0! Waiting Room. BARGAINS & Son. CANDIES Choice variety of ++++++¢ WW++++++~>WW Fresh and Clean. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ . __ .. VVEDNESDAY, March 14â€"Ol-edit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on lot, 3. con. 4, Markham, the property of David Duncan. Sale at 12 o'clock. THURSDAY. March 15â€"Credit sale of I'm-m stock, implements, etc., the prop- e ty of Jas. F. Smi'h. on lot 4, con. 3, East York. Sale at; 12 TUESDAY, March ZUâ€"Cl-Pdit sale of farm stock, implements. etc., on lot 9, con. 4, Scan-how, the property of 'vV. F. Scott. Sale at 12 o‘clock. FRIDAY, March 2â€"â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc, on lot 24. con. 1, Scurhoro, the property of A. VV. Thomson. Sale at 1 o’clock. TUESDAY, March 6â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc.. on lot, 19. con. 5, Markham, the property of Franklin Stiver. Sale at 12 o’clock. \VEDNESDAY, March 7â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 4. con. 4, Markham, the property of Rnhl. Dutfield. Sale at, 1 O’clock. THURSDAY, Match 8â€"Credit sule of farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 29, con. 4, Scarbm-o, the property of James A. Gibson. Sale at 1 o’clock. TUESDAY, March l3â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 8, con. D, Scarboro, the property of James Neilson. §zlle at 12 o’clock. cvv All persons interested are hereby re- quixed to take noticeund govern them- selves accordingly. By order of the Council. J. B. MCLEAN. Township Clerk. Dated at, Maple. this 8th day of Feb- ruzu-y, 1906. The following Auction Szlles will be conducted by Mr. J. H. Prentice of Uniuuville :â€" Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation ofthe Township of Vaughan, under the provisions of the. Consolidated Municipal Act, 1903, intend at a reg- ular meeting of the said Municipal Council to he held at the Tuwn Hall, Vellore. on Tuesday, the 13th day of March, 1906, cmmnencing at 10 o'clock in the foreman], to pass a by law for the purpose of stnpping up that por- tion of the public highway running over and across the east half of Lot Numberll. in the 8th Concession of the said Township of Vauglmn, being the remaining unclosed pmtinn of what was known as the Shaver Rmtd. The Liberal and The Farm- ing World The Liberal and Family Herald and Weekly Star With premium pie- ture,and Farmer’s Man- ual and Veterinary Guide a The Liberal and Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine 2 (New subscriptions, $2.25) - ° The Liberal and Daily News The Liberal and Daily Star The Liberal and Daily Globe (York County) The Liberal and Daily Mail and Empire (York Co.) The Liberal and Daily World The Liberal and Weekly Sun The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and Weekly Globe 0F VAUGHAN PUBLIC NfiTlGE J. H. Prentice's Sale Register Corporation of the Township CLUB RATE$ (Balance of the year free to new subscribers) (Balance of year lreefi to new subscrlbers.) (Balance of year free to new subscribers) (Balance of year free to new subsribers) (Outside villages and towns.) (Outside villages and towns.) l. :3, COMMISSIONEBXNTHR e of HXGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. {3; Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 1 IICHMOND HILL POST on ms. NOTARY PUBLIC, 3; w. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 31 3: (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++4 a}. ply Sixty acres gnud clay loam situated 2 miles from King City; 35 acres full ploughed. balance pasture and buy land, with 5 acres of hush. Over one. hundred and fifty apple trees, several pear and cherry tl'E‘PS, abundance of berries and small fruits. Good bunk burn with stables, poul- try houses. driving sheds, etc. Seven-mode hunse,3 wells on pluc». ‘For price and further anLivuL-xrs ap- 324 3~++~2~++++++++++4 Brick cottage on lot 48, lst con. Vaughan, 1} miles west Richmr Dr! Hill High School. two acres of land, a. quantity of apple trees, plum trees, and other fruits. Apply to JAS. MCXVILLIAMS. We tillvd nine of the posith ns, and had nunne else ready to sonde you want to get a position after graduation, cume to the school that can help you. A large number 0f (ex-students of other lmsirless colleges are now in attendance. College is open the emu-e yea r. Commence now. Circulars free. From Business Firms for stenn graphcl's, buok~keepers, invnim clerks. etc.. have lately been re cc-ived by the famous Farm for Sale ELLIOTT 9W 126 CAIJ 14 S TORONTO. ONT. For Sale Richmond Hill P. 0. $1.75 JA-MES NESS, Eversley P. 1.85. ) 8.50 3.50 3.25 1.75

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