VoL.XXVIII. AT THE HRERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMONDHILL,ONI‘. DR. WM. ROGERS, I)entist. Room 1'2. 12‘ Victoria. St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting teeth. also replnting, at lowest prices. Good work. 0am by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. IS PUBLISHEDEVEM THURSDAY MORNING DR. H. w. ANDERSON, 1)entist, JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSON, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont. 031cc hours: Tuesdays. 8â€"12 11.. In 1-8 p. U). c311: by day and night promptly at- tended to. Cur. Carlton and Yonge Sis†Toruntu Will be in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesday at each week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. .‘ . F. )zicMAI-ION. VETERINARY S IPGE N RICHMOND HILL l) 1-. $1 per annum, in advanca] Ofï¬ce “Hoursâ€"9.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Toronto Ohio», 450 CHURCH ST. (6 111(311211011d I-Iill DH. \V. E. DEAN Safe Proï¬table Interest. at. highest current rate. paid twice 9. convenwnt year makes an account proï¬table. Being withdrawable without notice makes it Convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. (Qua-cessat- to Dr. Lawmson) @112 Bun-on a Pnormu‘on. DENTIST, wtttrhmy E?! ‘ditul. O‘cï¬ce open \Vednesduys, Thursdays and Snturdayq, ileum. DCLEFFE, MANA {4E1}, KING CITY ihcral oods INCORPORATED 1857‘ This Bank’s largna xeaources ensure safety. A Savings; Account IN THE ONTARIO BANK Barristers. Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Nu. 83 Richâ€" mond Sty. “'est-.“'esley Buildings. (Mvthndist Book Ruom,) To- “into. Mr. Cook will he 11:, Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. J AS. N EWTGN EIJGIN MILLS LENNO‘XWéz MORGA Nâ€. Barristers and Solicitors. Monev 2.010“: en land andchan lowest rates Antornomceâ€"Bemoved to m one door west at the Ontarm Bank Xiewmuhet (miceâ€"Three doom non“: of the punt)ch '1‘ Ennnxn'an-xox. G srv KQRGL‘V o] mmtgaseeut a old p014 ofluea entrance to the A G S Lindney.‘ C G G F Lawrence W Kldou: Wndawonh Ifnmv Lif!‘ Building (formerly Free hold me Bldg). (70:. Adelaide 3; Victoria 815., Tm'unto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hillon Sat-tardavs. Licensed Auctioneer (or the Cennty of Yolk Goods soldon consignment ngng] sale? moo etc pygmpny amended no u reasonnbl- rat.“ _§Bsi_dpnée Unionviue J 'l‘ Snigeon, Hip]. Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Cox-nex- King & Yunge Streets, G R. Gonldxï¬Ã©; Newton Brook abavn Licansod Acetioqgen for the County of York. sale-Lstellded $0 on shortescnotiu and A res- onsblerltel Patronagesolicited License Auctioneer for tbeCannty of 201'", ro. spmtfully solicits your patronage Ind friendly influence sales attended on the shorten notice and at. ,easonnberstea. P. 0.:ddress King Underlnkers & Embxumrrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ‘rivate and Trust Funds to lowest current rates. MONEY T0 LOAN AT 5‘2 Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth, Burristersï¬olkitors, Notaries RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 1 1906 COOK & JOHNSTON Salgeou & McEwen Barristers. Suï¬sm as, E! c‘ WRIGHT BROS, 1. ll. PI entice. D. G. BLOUGH. TORONTO. Aurora Eeunl. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity G 31v Hanam Phone Main 2984 J I McEwen Welsth “ten! {or the Newmzrket , tc. 1mm at The Council of the municipality of the Township of Vaughan met at the Town Hull, Vellm'e, on Tuesday. the 13th day of Frbrunry, 1908, at 10 a. m. Memlwrg _prvsvnc: J. N. anlp, Memlwrs present: J. N. Boyle, Herve, and J. A. Calm-run, D. C. Lung- hnusv. I. Darius and J. S. McNair, Councillors. Minutes of lust meeting rend and (-nnï¬rnwd. Thn fnnowing communications woxe laid on the tnhlv : From L. A. \Vhitmore and 35 others with petition for grnrvlling lots 6 and 7, con. 4. A grant. of $125 was made for said purpose. qurn 'Lhe- Ontario Municipal Asqoci- atvinn, i-n-questing thv Gunncil to pass a. resolution authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to sign a petition and forward the same to the member for \Vost York. asking him to support the Bill, when it comes up for considvratiion, Ln relieve mnnicipnlitins from the heavy responsibility for thP non-repair nf highways imposed by Section 60605 mi Mnngipal Act. D«>\~insâ€"-Unmeron~â€"That the Clerk be hereby instructs-d to consult with \V. H. Grunt, Esq.. Solicimr. Toronto, and procure Inga] opinion as to the closing of the balance of the Shaver Roadâ€"Curried. From T. H. Lennnx. Esq, Solicitor, Aux-om, with statutory notice of in- 'ulies received by \Vm. Abbott of ewton Bron]: while driving on con. 2 with :1. load of buy. The (muncil did no} take any action in__tbe nmtter._ 1)evinsâ€"Longhonsc-â€"That the. Reeve and Clerk be. requested tn sign the petition received ï¬rom the Ontario Municipal Association. and have the same, forwarded to the Honourable the, Member for W'ost York, and ask him to present, the same tn the House, Iland also tc support. the ‘Bill‘" when it. comes up for consideration, and to have the. Seul of the Cnrpox-ntiun at,- tuched thereto.â€"-Cnrried. A large numbn- uf road accounts. totalling over $1200.00, were passed and ordered to be paid. Ynuge Street. Account, half to be nid by Markham : Ramps Baker, 2} toise nf stone, delivered 00 “’m. Chuttvrlpy. 3 dzLys’ work .. 3 75 John Simpkins, breaking 3 wise of stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mich:er Horn. breaking 3 toise «If RLOHQ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W‘xltor Chattvx'lo‘y. breaking 1 Luise of stuns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blanchard Bros.. breaking 3 tnisn of stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vm. Hoppur, breaking 2 tnise of stuns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~0nrriud. Dr“ insâ€"Longhnuseâ€"‘That the Treas- urer he and is hereby authorized to ay the follnwing general accounts: art. & Ridden, 4 Assessmenh Rolls v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 00 Hart. It Ridden, 1 large Assessâ€" ment, Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hurt& Riddvll, 1300 Assessment Notices . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . 3611.1» {2 Ridden, 2 Assossurs’ Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . Hart. 85 Hidden. 2 Collecmm’ Harc & Hidden, 2 Collocmm' Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . Hart & Hidden. 1 Register, births,etc. . . . . , . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hart & Ridden, 4 doz. Declar- James O'Connor. 22 urds repp. for table in Town I all at $1.00 pm- ym-d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 67 A. G. F. LaWrencF. legal advice and services re Shaver Road. 41 84 Rose 8; McMillen, fur I set of Ballot. Boxes for Tuwnship, .. 00 â€"Cnrried. Cnmeronâ€"Devinsw’l‘bnt the Treas- urer he and is hereby authorized to re: fund the following amounts to the under-mentioned collectors, being un- able to, collect. the same : R. 8. Thomson, Div. No. l . . . . . . $6 25 D. McDonald, Div. No. 2 . . . . ‘ . . . 7_ 08 ~0M‘ried. The following By-laws were men 9‘53“ A n n u an- s rv.V,,, N0. 810, repealing By-laws 765 and 786. commuting statute labor and d1- visions formed under the commuted statute labor system. NNo. 811, appéinting Pathmastera un- der the old system of performing Stil- tute labor. as follows : \V VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Ruâ€; anions . 19 Alfred Rumble, 21 Peter Jones, 22 Thomas Knfl'er. 24 George Kefl’er, 26 \mc .180.) $90 75 $21 02 1800 1800 12 ()0 326 John Roma/38 Chas. Witty, 39 Du Md McDonald, 40. Levi ‘Vatson, 41 ill Mallny, 42 Alnx. Bryson, 43 James Rowntroe, 44 James Husnn, 45 Jan. A. Stevvnson. 46 John J. Marshall, 47 Chm-lea Fan, 48 John Kerr. 49 David VViLherspoon. 50 John McGillivray, 61 \Vm. Brown, 52 Nuth. Sim son, 53 Harvey Kaiser, 54 Jnhn Mc man. 6411 \Vm. \Vatson. 55 Gomge Elder. 56 Pvter G. \Vardlaw, 57 ‘Vm. Gunn. 58 George Cooper, jxa, 58.1 Johnston Egam, 59 Wm. R. Egan, 60 Harry Pan-r. 61 Isaac Kellam. 62 George \me, 63 John Boumish, 64 Sam. McClure, 65 Neil McGiIlivx-uy, 66‘Vm. McGillivrav, 67 Rnhermnn, 68 John McDonnugh. 69 John Gowland, 7O I‘hos. Gowland. 71 Wm. Main rize, 72 James Nattress, 73 Rnliert. Ke lam. 74 Richard Agar. 75 Henry Ellis, 76 James Hutchinson, 77 James C. Smith, 78 \Vm. Thomas. 79 Thnnms Smyth. 80 John T. Snell, 81 James Hunt. 82 Harvey Appleton, 83 Sam. Mchtcheon, 84 Frank McOlus- kip. 85 \Vm. Agar, 86 VVealey Buddy, 87 \V'm. \Vohster. Jugm EigxggtlL3g\Valt9r Stevennnn, 37 Council nd'nurned to meet, at the Town Hall, ellnre, nn Tuesday, the 13th day of Mngclg, 1906. at 10 n‘ m. Following is the monthly report of Patterson Public School: Senior IV. â€" Josie Rumble, Ray- mond Rumble. Alice McNair. Nettie Rmnlflo. Stuart Charlesthm-y Cparlqs. Junior II. â€"â€" Mary Rumble, Jean Charles. Senior III. â€" Mary 'Vanaehim; h, Vern. Bussingthwaite, Leila Van er- burgh: Sénior II.â€"\Valber Vanderburgh, Earl Keith. The plflpit of the Methodist Church was occupied on Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. Lungford, and in the even- mg by Rev, Mr. Ganton of Victoria Cuglege. Sonim'I. â€"â€" Charlie Fagan, Myrtle Keith. A return football match was played at, Hope on Saturday. between the pupils of the Maple and Hope Public Schools. Before time was up the ball was burst, and the score stood 2 to I in favor of Hope. Nearly all through the match Maple had the best of It. and if lay had been continued would, numdnu t, have_ scoreq again. _ The cohcex-L in the haï¬ onr Snturday evening did not seem to be ap reciated jugging flimyrthe small amen nnce. ' Mvr. E. J. Chatburn of Paris, France. is visiting his brother, Mr. '1‘. Chat.- hurn. He is favorably impressed with this country, but. intends to sail for qulz-mfld siloi-gly. » Mr. G. Smith, who for many ears was a respected residpnt of our vi Inge, passvd away at his home in Elmvale on Tuesday of last week. Mr. H. C. Builvy and Mr. L. Richardson attend- ed the funeral which monk place at Newmarket on Friday. Mrs. \V. Budley 'uud children of Pensv. N.-W. T., Miss Ida Saigenn of Tumnm, and Mr. T. Saigeon of Dray- wn, visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. J. T. Saigeon. Council met, in the Council Chamber on Monday, Feb. 26. The were and Councillom Nicholls. Glass and Trench were present. Minutes of last meeting rend and continued. The following accouan were prvsenced and on motion of Councillor Trench seconde by Councillor Glass, were ordered to be paid:â€" A. J. Burns. expenses taking vote . ......$7 00 T. F. McMahon. account to date. 35 10 F. Robinson. repairs to ï¬re engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 3 60 Mr. Fagin addn ssvd the council ask‘ ing'nseistance. The i‘eeve promised, Mr. Fagin that, his request would be considered. Trench â€" Glass -â€" That. Councillors Sanderson, Nicholls and the reeve be a. committee to induce industries to locate in the Villqge.:gurried. A letter from ME 0. L. Wilson was read and referred to the above named committee. The Clerk was instructed to write the Principal of Pickering College with a view to ascertaining what. in: ducements would be necessary to have the College located here.“ 7 Alan wuwxite Michael Bros. re. Liv- erZrLicense, The council discussed at some length the advisability 01 9. public weighing machine to he owned by the village, but deferred action for the presen}. The elm-k read hi9 certiflchte of the polling on Monday, Feb. 19, on the 1,039.1 Opting By~L.'m". £11709 uf the-1%9ve :md ell-2k. Cm‘pnratv Sea! Of the Villag' ed thm-vtn. Thor? brim: r0 hursinms. rhi- council u'ï¬nm‘nm By a ï¬nanimmxs vote of the enuncii the by-luwâ€"nnw tn be known as byâ€" Inw Nu. 203â€"wus given its Lhix-d remi- ing and fin-ally passed. and the sig'm- ViLLAGE COUNCIL. Patt'éfson' J. MCLBAN, Ciel-ix. Mame M. L. WRIGHT. fu‘. 1H Half of the valuable plant nf the In- tercnlunial Oar \Vnrkï¬ at, Monkton, N. B., have been destroyed by ï¬re. The loss is about $1,000,000. He who can suppress n. moment’: anger may, by so dnmg. provont, a (h: of sorrow for himself and gunmen-â€" "Success MngazineS‘ Thomas Bun, mm 0! the oldest of York’s pioneors, died last Thursday at his home in \Veston nfLm-n short i115 noss. He was born in York township 85 years 39,70. and for many years car- ried on the hueinesn of nurseryman and fruit, grower. It. does not take much to date-rmth the lives of most of us. “’8 "ammuy follow the examples about, us, and, us a. rule. we rise or fall acmrding tn the strongest, current in which We live.â€" "Success Magazine." ! The proprietor of Pleasant, View . Herd Holstein Cattle and Brpeder of |Imprq§ed Chvster White Hogs. Lot ' 29. let, 00"., Vaughan (Thornhill) has 1 fur sale some good young gtock. mile ihrongh druggiete, one his to an ihe maker’s as -so alone as to their enn- iive vane. course, such testimony is not. that. o! 8 Gimmeer purity and eceordingl in no. to be given the same credit as i wrimen from disinterested motives. Dr. Pieree’e medicines, how; ever, form e si la end thereian atrith ueepiion to ih rule. Their chime ie the conï¬dence of invelide does not. rest eeler their mflen’ “1-30 or praise. heir ingredients are matte†of public knowledge, being printed on each separate bottle wn per. Time invalid euflerers no when Dr. Pia-en’s full conï¬dence. Scores 01 ieed medical man have wrium h to volumes in praise 01 she e e veins of the several ingredimts entering hm these well-known medicines. 7 01 Banner. Medic-J 00! we. , 8.16.0! the mm. d ; PmiJohn Boud- der. M. 1).. law of cinnuu. Ohio: Prot. John King. ll. 1).. law 0! an:an Ohio: Dr. Grover 000. of ew York; Dr. new low. of Joflonan Hedi College. of P», 31% Hammers eon nunimmt r. em‘a Favorite Prescription cum the worst. cues of female wukn molar mu:va md lemmas) An irreenlu'ium. cures 13-min] periods. dries up disagree»). ma wetkeninc drains. 9039- timea known «1ka mun-h and .m u- mde of 00m disease. peculiu to woman. Bea: in mlndJ‘it not a wmnaravana secret. median but. the†“onto Prescrip- tion' of 8 recnlury ed“:st physicians! lune experience in the can 0! woman's: peculiar ailments. who frankly md “Mr ipgiy mites )9}? 1,39qu info MI full eon- . ,A -. -m, Khégï¬h M’iflm 0 ï¬nd such med- icfliizhuumme Will). 0. m ifmum‘" aianozmaia big-m" n is 09mm _ 01 no_ «her my ï¬ï¬cé w sexlde cme pm, for woman speck! maladies and told math am on n be said um. the maker is not. atnid to dad than frankly. openly and henonb . by man every pagan}. gems the am w away Coal Business For Sale $3.500 buys the coal business at Thoruhill station. every “mm. mm! want.» 3 is “king. l-v on!) .v u.-. Sick woman are invited to consult Dr: Plerce, by letter. free. All corms nd~ once 15 guarded as sundry were and womanly conï¬dence: are protected by rolesalonal nvacy. Address Dr.R.'v. em, Bufla , N. Y. ‘ gay: (9 page"? i393)“: and beauty 13 ,AA 1 Including a large brick rï¬sidrnce. coal sheds with a capacity uf nomly 500 (ï¬ne. weigh scales with a capacity 0f10,0001hs., delivery wagons, team, etc. Trade of about. 1000 tons per year, Good proï¬ts. Want. to sell at. once as the apnivr member of the ï¬rm is retiring from business life. flow to preserve health and bean}? is told in Dr. Pm’a Common Sense (ad-4 ice! Adviser. It is free. For a. pager- covered copy send Dr. B. V. Home, mm mm N. Y. 31 one-cent. stamps to cover mflihnlg oniy; In clot): binding Sammy; Dr. iaree’a Pencil cure constipation. The above business can be gut-chas- ed without. the house if desire . H. Winger & Son Thoroughbred bull and hog ks‘pt f0: service on the pI-anisos. D. G. GOGDERHAM. Pmnriemr‘ PLEASANT VIEW FARM Whose Say-so is Best? Wig] nostrils" npqdicines‘putï¬q (or [Single copies, 3 as: CARRVILLE, ONT. News N01362:: No, 35 m1