An explorer describes a Central Africa (orestzâ€"“Ten miles west of the lake be- gins the only piece of real virgin forest met with. It is throughout a dense v‘lr- gin forest, and almost impenetrable. : ,consists of very large trees of many 'varieties. The upper parts are festooned with a light greyishâ€"green moss, hang- ing in long streamers, and giving to the forest 8 very fantastic appearance. When these long streamers are agilated by a storm they make the whole forest, seen from one of the hills near, look like a rough sea. Again, when the sun is verti- cal the whole forest appears dark, but when the sun is low the general effect on the sunny side is curiously light. “Inside, the silence and gloom are ac- centuated by the apparent absence of animal or bird life. There are some herds of buffaloes that make it a head- quarters, elephants visit it occasionally, monkeys and parrols are sometimes seen, and a harnessed antelope now and then appears at the edge; but the general impression is one of lilelessness.†Denseness ol Vegetation Makes It Dark at Noonday. “All the trees are bound together with innumerable lianas and creeping plants. Between the stems is a dense tangled :mass of lesser vegetation. The forest stands to a great extent in the water and mud oi the swamp. A singular feaâ€" ture of it is the abruptness with which it begins and ceases on the plain. The grassy swamp or open country reaches to the mighly'wall of trees, which conâ€" tinue in the same density from one side to the other. There is no smaller wood or scrub outside, forming a transition from the open plain to the forest. 'l'. I]. BELYEA, P. M., PROVES THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE Some Years Since He Used Them Now and He Has [lad Good Health Ever Since â€" Story 0! Wellâ€"Known New Brunswick Man. “I had been troubled with my kidneys [or a number of years. I tried several kinds of plasters and other kinds of medicines, but did not seem to get any lasting beneï¬t. Hearing Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills so highly recommended I de- cidled to try them and they made a complete cure of me.. That is two years ago now and as 1 said before l have had good health ever since I used Dodd’s Kidney Pills." \ .,,, Lower Windsor, Carleton (20., N. 13., Feb 26â€"(Special).â€"â€"“Yes, I have good health ever since I used Dodd’s Kidney Pills." The speaker was Mr. T. H. Bel- yea. postmaster here, and one of the most highly respected men in this part m the country. Asked to give his ex- perience with the great Canadian Kid- ney Remedy Mr. Belyea continued: _ 14).“...â€" HAS BEEN ALL RIGHT EVER SINCE Dodd's Kidney Pills cure once and for Ill. There is no stage 01' form 0! Kid- ney Disease that they do not cure com- pletely and permanently. ' Lancet Urges That They Shduld Be Abolishcd. The London Lancet, the leading medi- cal journal of the country, has pleased the Church and temperance advocates by coming out with a leader strongly condemning: the vocation of barmaid. Says the Lancet: “The vocation of barmaid is attended by perils from which young women should as far as possible be sheltered. Learning to bar has no tendency to ren- der a woman a better wife or mother; it affords her no security of employment after reaching the age of thirty; renders her unacceptable to employers of almost every other kind; it often permanently injures her health; and it exposes her to exceptional risks. If that be the case is it consistent with a due regard to the national welfare to allow the daughters -of the Empire to be offered up as sacri- ï¬ces to the Moloch of the drink traffic, or, as too often happens. to be employed las decoys for the purpose of adding to flhe intemperance by which the country Is at once weakened and disgraced. i‘ry it. all your child 1! your chfldren m troubled with worms, give them Bother vaes' Worm Exterminator; n10. sure Lnd aflectuaJ. Try it, mark the mprovowt ln Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps IN AFRICAN FOREST. BARMAIDS TO GO. Use The Coupons are the same 715 cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps _â€"nâ€"â€"â€" for which you have to pay out money every week. User: of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS for nothing: Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List. A gift is of lime value if it consists of something you have no use for. â€"â€" every ï¬g In exchange {or Sunlight Soap Coupons you SUNLIGHT SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS Lover Brother. Limited. Toronto. Canada .Physical Pain and mental anguish afflict the Victims of skin diseases. Get rid of both by rub- bing Werver’s Comte on the heated, itching, disâ€" ï¬gured face. The relief given is among the wonden o! medicint Their complete home free to readers of For limited period new system of weather prediction?" “Well,†answered the prophet, cheerily, "I can always get the kind of weather all right, but I haven't quile succeeded A handsome illustrated treatise, giv- lng full description c-' Rheumatism and Paralysis. with instructions for a. com- plete home cure, describing the most, successful treaunent in the WOrld. re- commended by the Ministry and endors- ed by medical men. ‘J‘his highly in- structive book was wnuen by \V. H. Vcno, a gentleman who has made a study of these diseases. The preface is by a graduate of the University of Wurtszrg. Send postal to-day and you Will receive the bOOk free by fe- turn.â€"¢ddress, The Veno Drug Co., 24 King bt, West, 'l‘c'onlu RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Mrs. House]<eep‘â€"“Brid get, I wish you‘d try to do something about the house without being told. You never do any- thing unless I tell you. You couldn’t possibly do worse.†Bridgetâ€"“0h! I dunno, ma’am, I might refuse to do what you tell me.†“You here, James!†exclaimed lhe slum-worker, visiting the jail. “Yes'm,†replied, the new prisoner. who was m for burglary. “Well, well, I certainly am surprised." “So was I, ma’am, or i wouldn’t be here." Are You Haunted Day and Night?~ Mind and body racked and tortured by evil Iorebodings, gloomy and dull, robbed of that "Divine restorer," sleep, appetite gone, nerves shattered, general- ly debilitated? This is none too dark :1 picture for great South American Ner- vine to obliterate and set up in its stead the glowing tints of the sun of perfect health.â€"â€"108. Goods to the Amount 0! $100,000 Were Stolen by Daring Robbers. The Paris police have succeeded in arresting a gang of 35 thieves, whose exploits were of a most audacious char- acter. They were captained by an ex- member of the Paris police, a man named Arnaud. One of the methods adopted by the thieveswastosleal goods by means of an imitation railway goods van. The van, in charge of two or three of the men, would call at large warehouses from which goods were likely to be sent by rail. They collected the parcels. s-n- tered them up in a dummy receipt book, and drove off. In this way over $100,- 000 worth oi goods have been stolen since the beginning of the year. The headquarters of the gang was on «1 piece of waste land at Levallois. a suburb of Paris, where they carried on a business as owners of a motor garage. The leaders were in the habit of using a motor car to drive to and from their headquarters. Several times the police watched their car, but were never able to trace it to Levallois. They, therefore, determined to chase the thieves in a motor car, and on Monday two detective inspectors hired a car and began following the thieves from place to place. At last, seeing that they were followed, the thieVes put on full speed and succeeded in outdistancing their pursuers. On Thursday the police determined tn be equal with them, and, securing a couple ‘0! racing machines. gave chase. The police, however, were stopped for driving at a speed of twenty-ï¬ve miles an hour, and it was only when the sec- ond car came up with a police magis- trate inside that they were allowed to proceed. ' Eventually the whole gang of 35 thieves were captured, and it was found that at the garage they had a complete workshop ï¬tted up for the alteration or stolen motor cars and bicycles. “1 am afraid it is all over between Jeanette and Jack." “Why‘ dear?†“She has returned his photograph." “You don’t mean it?" "Also his letters." "Gracious!" “And his ring." “My! My! _B_ut there is still hope. “My! My! But there is still hope. He gave her a kiss as they parted on the old lawn." “And what did she do?’ 'Sheâ€"shc renamed that. too."- “How are you_ coming on with THIEVES CHASE!) IN MOTOR CAR. liiï¬irhgyz the dates exacily.†STILL HOPE cure. Pest this paper. only. get something you need and use __._â€"â€"â€"â€"- get their TOILET SOAPS P. 0- BOX 38. Improved farms and unimproved wheat and ranch lands, wholesale and retail, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Al- berta and fruit lands in Southern Oka- nagon Valley, B. C.. Wheat lands on Saskatchewan Plains at $7.10 per acre, easy terms till June lst to make selections, the ï¬nest wheat lands in the world. Homesteads located. Selections made. Write or call for any informationdc- sired. Western Ganada Land 60 It Keeps the Muscles Pliant.â€"Men given to muscular sports and exercises and those who suï¬er muscular pains from bicycle riding will ï¬nd Dr. Thom- Be kind to beggars. 3 to borrow money of them Margieâ€"“l wonder if Mr. Smarll'y meant to give me a left-Tmnded compli- ment?†Ritaâ€"“Why?†Margie â€" “He said these artiï¬cial flowers I am- wear- ing just match my hair." . Nature Revolts Against High Living and it has set its seal to it by adding to man’s ailments the scourge of diabetes. Eminent medical men until recently pro- claimed it a "no cure" disease, but South American Kidney Cure has lmocked down their pet fallacy and has proved itself master- of'kidney disease in all its forms. Relief in 6 hoursâ€"110. ns' EcLectric Oil something worth try- ing. As a lubricant it will keep the muscles pliable and free from pains which often follow constant use 0! them, without softening them or im- pairing their strength. For bruises, sprains and contusions it is without a. peer. Minister (meeting a small boy on Sun- day afternoon carrying a string of ï¬sh) ---“Johnny, Johnny, do these belong to you?†“Y-e-s, sir. You see, that’s what they got for chasing worms on Sun- day." Bow to Cleanae the System.â€"Parmeâ€" lee's Vegetable Pills are the result 01 scientiï¬c smdy of the eï¬ects or ex- tracts of certain roots and herbs upon the digestive organs. Their use has demonstrated in many instances that they regulate the action of the liver and the kidneys. purin the blood, and carry off all morbid menmulutions from the system. They are easy to take1 and their action is mild and bene- ticla. “I've been told, Professor,†said Mrs. Locutte, “that the fashionable gown in your opinion, is ingm‘oqest.†“Not at all, madam,†replied Profes- sor- Cutting. “NO?†:“No; in my opinion, the woman who wears it is." “Charlie Gonebroke appears to be a good deal upset by the bank failure†“Yes; I understand him to say' that he lost his balance." Not a Nuuseuting Pinâ€"The excipicnt of a. pill is the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Par elee’s Vegetable Pills is so compounde as to preserve their moisture, and they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep then: from adhering, are rolled in powders, which prove nauseating to the taste. Purmelee‘s Vegetable Pills are so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. “Have you ever made any effort to trim; your colleagues to your way or thinking?" “No.†answered Senator Sorghum, “I don’t care anything about their way of thinking. What I want is lo bring them to my way of voting." Sunlight Soup in better than 0th" pups, but in but when not! in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. NOT CORRECTLY STATED HEAD OFFIDE, 38 NINYH STREET, THINKING AND VOTING Brandon, Man. You may want n some day. Allen's Lun Balsam. free from narcotics, is never more use ul than when it rids the children of cold and saves the mothers anxiety. It makes a [Hand of everyone who uses it PARTICULAR PEOPLE LIKE An heiress her husband \Vedderlyâ€"“To-day is the tenth anni- versary of my. marriage.†Singleton -â€" f‘Well, what do you expect?†Wedderly -â€"-“Which do I expect?†Singleton â€" “Yes; congratulations or sympathy?" Many patent medicines have come and one, but, Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive ‘yrup cuntinues to occupy a. foremost place among remedies (or coughs and colds, and as a preventive of decay o! the lungs. It is a standard medicine that widens its sphere cl usefulness year by year. If you are in need of something t9 rid yourself of a cough or cold. you cannot do better than try Bickle's Syrup. Maryâ€"So you think she is two-faced? Jamesâ€"Certainly; I have seen her when her own showed through. Eczema Relieved in a Dinaâ€"Dr. Ag- new’s Ointment will cure this disgust- ing skin disease without fail. It will also cure Barber’s Itch, Teitei‘, Salt Rheum, and all skin eruptions. In from three to six nights it will cure Blind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles. One appli- cation brings comfort to the most irri- tating cases. 35 centsâ€"111. II on an out of sorts get abuttlo of ‘Ferrovim' the es! tonic, and on will be surprised hnw quickiy that tired eeling will wear 03. $1.00 bottles. All dealers in medicine. Frankâ€"Laundrymen are the mosl forgiving people on earth. Fredâ€"Why? Frankâ€"Because the more cuffs you give them the more they will do for you. Mr. Novice (to Mr. Sponger)â€"â€"“My wile has been obliged to give up playing the piano.†Mx'. S.â€"â€"â€"“Indeed! Whatever is that for?†Mr. N.â€"â€"“Every time she be- gan to play I insisted ubon singing Indigestion Can’t Stay where Dr. Von Stan’s Pineapple Tablets are arrayed against it. Thomas Smith, of Dover, Ont., says: “i am delighted with them â€"â€"from almost the ï¬rst using I have been entirely relieved of the pains of indiges- tionâ€"I have the greatest conï¬dence in the Tablets and heartily recommend them to any and every sufferer from stomach troubles." 35 cents.J112. Wind, and Heâ€"“Your new hat is charming, but I fancy it doesn’t go well with that dress.†She (enchanted)â€"“0h, you dear old'. hubby, so you really mean to buy me a dress as well?†Storm, Fire Proof. “Oshawa†Steel Shingles Water. Opens His House to Receive Reliigees trom Poland. No less than ten thousand Russians of all ages and all ranks have taken refuge in Switzerland during the past year. In almost all instances the wealthier classes are willing and glad to help their com- panions in adversity. The home of Pad- erewski, the famous pianist, at Norges is continually crowded with Polish re- fugees. They are welcome to stay as long as they need to, all the spare rooms being given up for their comlort and con- venience. As soon as the Polish refugees who are being entertained by the Pad- erewskis are enabled to go to other countries or other parts of the country and look after themselves the home of the pianist at Norges is given over to new ireiugees. lnN‘rflEAL. QUE. OTTAWA, ONT. TORONTO. 0|". LBNDDN. ONT, WINK-UP“, VMMOUVII. 8.0. 161 Graig 8tâ€" 42:! Sussex 8t. 11 colboma 8! 89 Dundan 8t. 19 lomhard St. 616 Ponder N. mec Your. NEAREST Onlcn. Head Office and Works, EAVE THOUGH Etc. METAL RIDING, in il METAL CEILINGS, in ‘ Write for Catalogue No 10-day. Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores.Ele- vators. Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the “OSHAWA†shingia. A hammer and snips are the onlyrtorols required. _ __ “WE 1171:5159, ‘largest and oidest comfxmy of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF We also matmfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and PADERI‘HVSKI AS "051' TEE PEDLAB PEOPLE, seldom has cause to doubt ‘s loveâ€"for her money. italion of brick or stone. 000 designs. 14R and free samples of “OSHAWA†Shingles. wnm In Wegtern Canada Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, (7.3.3. &d('}.T.P. Strong soil1 90 per cont. plough Ind, spring creek, no slough: About 40 miles NE. of Indian Head. Prue $10.50 per m0. Write for map and full particulars. R. PAl'zsons, 9i Wellesky Street. Toronto, Glands. Lnany form and cold perspiring feet positively cured within 30 days, by our newly patented M' netic Discs or moneï¬v promptly rolunded. Maxled anywhere 81.00. nte for descriptivo booklet. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC BHEW MATISM CUBE 00., Sherbrooka, Quebec. Canada Send for our list 0! mixed farms, IO-ecre fruit lots, town lots, in the South Okanaï¬au sad Similkameen Valleys, staï¬iug particulary what on wanz, and we will ï¬nd something to suit you. nd all prices. Get in in advance of the new railways. Climate not to be'excelled. Location: (or homes on beautiful lakes and rivers. M. C. KENDALL, Penticton. Okanagan Lake, British Columbis RHEUMATISM CARPET DYEING .nd C(nninfl. Th1“. I med-1L1 with the nmfiéfl Anismcmi Dvemago. Before buying write us, or see our agent. near you, [or prices. We mm the largest stock of fruit trees to be found in Canada. We pay the freight. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited. Brown’s Nurseries, Ont. Wlll It Itly where you put it? 011. y "The D & L" Menthol Planer will, and it wi quickly cure rheumatic pain, lumbago, sciatica, iuce ache neuralgia, etc. “So he no longer calls his pretty ht- lle home 'The Nutshell“? Why did be change it?" “He got tired of having passing humorisls ring his bell to ask it the kernel was in.’ Boarders are apt. to have liver com- plaint when it is served to them seven times a week. lll nttln boots and shoes cause corns. Holowuy's Corn Cure is the article to use. Get. n bottle at once and cure your corns. Why do'fou suflerâ€"Starr‘s Magic Rheumatism Cum wil relieve the worst, cases of acute, chronic, or inflammatory rheumatism in 24 hours. Every bottle has a. positivs guarantee to cure. Hundreds of marvehus cures have been made in all parts of Canada. If your druggist cannot give you Starr’s, take no other, non direct to us. $1.00 per bottle. Osborn. Remedy 60.. I15 Yong! at ,Toronto, Ont The bell-ringer to the city of Cork once made the following curious announce- mentâ€"“O yis! 0 yisl Lost. somewhere telween twelve o’clock and M‘Kinney's shlox'c in Market Street, a large brass key. [‘11 not be afthcr telling ye what it is, but. it’s the key of the bank, shure." Dear Mother Sand hmloulnrl by pout. and we no sure no nil-11 “dul- lox ‘50. Montreal. Penticton, Okinafla-n Rheumatism Cured. Ind Cleaning. Thls (I I mainlty with the THE PEACH BELT. APPLE TREES. Your little one: are a coastal can b Fall and Winter weather. They m1! catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh‘a Comm 'on Cure, the LungTonic, md whatit a doncfox somany? It is said l9 be the‘oply reliable xcmgdy'fgr‘ d! diseases of the air passages in children. his absolutely harmless and pleasant u take. hiagmntaedtocme oryour money in returned. The priceis 25¢. per bottle, and all dale“ in medidne cell 3,4 SHILOH should be in Clay househï¬ ISSUE N0. 9â€"06 Oshawa. Ont. Canada locked Sides Four All