Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1906, p. 4

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z-ne Inspector a fair opportunity to defend himself from the charges. rhurges handed A rather unpleasant discuwon is now being carried on in the North York newspapers over the action (f we County Council in practically di - missing Mr. A. B. Davidson from his recent position as Inspector of Publ'c Schoois. Letmrs appeared last wmk from the President, and the Secretary of the North York Teachers’ Associg- (ion and from the chaimmx of the Entrance Board of Examiners. Tf-e writers all claim that the County ("ouncil should have investigated anv There is great distress in the northern province of Japan, and thousands of people are on the brink of starvation owing to a failure in certain crops. To assist in relieving the sufferers Hon. Sidney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, on behalf of the Dominion Government, is send- ing $25,000 worth of Canadian flour for distribution. Owing to the bor- rible war between Japan and Russia, recently closed, the former country is not able to cope with the terrible dis} tress caused by the famine. McNaught (Conservative) ...... . 3839 Urquhart (Liberal) ............... 2418 Simpson (Socialist) ............... 260 The first named was therefore elected by a majority of about 1,400. The man who secures the Conser7a~ tive nomination in any of the To- ronto ridings is tolerany sure of a seat in Parliament. Col. Hathason has given to the On- tario Legislature his; annual financial statement as Treasurer of the Pro- vin:2. After his first; year in ofiloe he claims asurplus “$623,000. And in addition to this there has been pzid off $229,000 of the debt in the form of railway aid ceniflcates and annuities. The vote in the North Toronto elec- tion for the Local House last Thurs- day stood about as follows :â€" McNaughz (Conservative) ...... . 3839 Urquhart (Liberal) ............... 2418 Simpson (Socialist) ............... 260 Rigs of making their own laws for nearly neenturv. cannot but sympa- thize with the efforts of those seeking like privileges we now enjoy. Now and again we hear of a lack of fioyalty among the Irish people. Let every cause for disloyalty be re. moved. Then we shall see if Irish- men are less grateful and less loyal than any other race of people desir- ing to be free. Notwithstanding oc- casional rumors to the contrary for political purposes, Canadians are loyal to the core in every part of the Dominion. And why ehould they not be loyal when every man has an equal chance? Give Ireland the same chance and see what kind of] stuff her people are made of. Tbem my be difliculties in the way of giving self-governm. at to Ire- Eand as we have it in Canada. but « Indians, afoot enjoying the bless- r Although the Cnmpbeli-Bannerman Government did not make any direct pledge previous to the British General Elections relative to Home Rule for Ireland, it now seems evident that none efl'ort will be made to allay the discontent which has long existed in that unhappy country. The Speech from the Throne contained a para- graph looking to reforms for Ireland, Lord Aberdeen, upon his ofl’iciai en- try into Dubiin,' spoke strongly' ngainat coercion, and King Edward himself has assured the Irish people that he is their friend, and is anxious to give his personal countenunce to my reform likely to promote the peace and welfare of his Irish enh- j eeta It will be seen by referring to the Elle fiilmal. Mouton HILL. 0mm. Mar. 1. REFORMS FOR IRELAND niners. Ti-e the County 'esc‘igatesl any d have given discuwon is in the North the action (f \VEDNESDAY. March 7â€"Aucti0n Sak‘ of farm Stork and implements an lot-3. cun. 3, King. the property ofJumcs and “7. New. Sulent I (fr-luck. Turms. 8 nanhs.â€"D. G. Blmxgh, A nctinm-er. FRIDAY. March Oâ€"Auctinn sale hf {mm stuck. implements. emu. :xt. Hur- p'cr‘s Hutol, Victoria. Squat-v. Nu re- serve. Sale at. l u’clu.:k. Terms, 7 mumhs.â€"-D. G. Slough. Auctioneer. lhn‘ FRIDAY. Mnn'h 2â€"Auctinn sale of harms and uttle at, Pnlmvr House Yards. prnpcrly of Gnu. Patton, No reswm'e. 8:110 at, 1 o’clock. Terms. cattle. thrvo months; horses, six ummhs.-D..G. Bk)th. Auctioneer. V :1 11;; an Tuesdays. ‘Vednesdaya Fridays and Fat- :n‘luw. Cost or‘ Heephxg berths us follows:~- “Enning . 3H0 chfina. - 851:0 Meow Jaw - 6.00 Caigary - 6.00 “Settlem’ CuIda" and “ “’cstern Canada " oooklem of practical use and interest, tomb 2101‘s. with BIN-a and fun infoxumtiung tree upon application to 7569.1th Canadian } Mific Agent or write to L‘, .U. Ember. D. 1‘. A.. C. P. 1%.. Toromo. Fenlers (atoning without live stock should use 1.45 p.111. mun non: Toronto daily. Mr. Robinson. Lnngstafi, complain- ed that one of the H. S. tenchsz had acted unjustly to his daughu'rs, but as the teacher was nut present. he declin- ed to press the charge. rt. was decided to hold mretin a dur- ing the year on the first Fri a7 of each month. at 4 o'clock, March 01- cepted. On motion 01’ Mr. McOunnghy, sec- onded by Mr. Pnulin, Mr. Andu-ws' salary was raised $50. to duke from the beginning of {.his year. ‘ Withlive stock and often. from Toronm at 9.00 p.m. The Board of Education met, Satur- day. A report from Inspl‘cmr Hodg- snn following his recent official visit showed the High School to he in an excellent conditon. The teaching of tab}: various subjects was [marked Nu. l. Now that Local Option is carried in this municipality there appears to bea. doubt in some minds as to whether the Local Option Committee will fulfil their pledge and provide the necessary accommodation for the public after the first of May. There need be no doubt in this matter, as the gentlemen forming the committee would not deceive their fellow elect- ors. We would say, however. that they should act promptly and not wait until the public is put to incon- venionce. The owner of both the Palmer House and the Dominion House has stated that he does not purpose keeping either hotel open for the public after the first of May, but that he is prepared to sell either of these places at a fair price. This being the case, we would say the committee should endeavor to make terms without delay. Either of our present hotels has every necessary accommodation required. If one of them can be secured on reasonable terms it would he lolly to lay out money on any other building or premises. fininutel of their last meeting, the Village Council purpose stretching out for more business. A committee has been appointed with a view of ’lnducing industries to locate here. The Reeve and members of the Genus oil are to be commended for this stand. Now that we have the Metro- politan at our doors for passenger traffic, and the James Bay Railway about ready toopen up for heavy traflic, Richmond Hill should be a most desirable place for any menu factory. And we believe our citi~ Zens would be prepared to ofi'er any reasonable inducements. SPECIAL TRAlNS FOR SETTLEIS info MARCH AND APRIL Farm to Rent ‘Igh th( I lst. J‘.) ‘ 43, C1, hall]! 11 comma-r gas ATTACHED EVERY TUESDAY DURING TOURisT CARS NO EXYRA QHARGE argu Sale Register. ‘resh BOARD MEETING. (1-H. 41 Mucle “CESSIUH a CI'PS hri c n app}: “2w P'TIP To Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan (“l HEP m Tun E LLSTON, vansh which i. rise and stream EH VP” [If PSS‘H)” el'ty farm Mark. in) of Mr. Kulsm THURSDAY, March 8â€"-Am2tinn Sfllt‘ of high grade hum stock. implements. (4.13., Lot 17, Cm). 4. Vaughn”. the prupvrty hf \Vm. Grim. 'l‘m'un. S mumhs. Sale at 1 u'clock.~SaiK4‘un& Mcl‘hvvn, Anemone-Is. THURSDAY, March Sâ€"Auctiun snlv of farm stuck. implements. etch. property uf Henry Gur‘uutt. lot, 2. cull. 8, Vaughan. FRIDAY. March 9â€"Auutinn sale of farm stuck, implonwnts, em. pmpoxty uf M. Middlehm. LIN). cums, Vaughan». FRIDAY. March Uâ€"Auctirm sale of fun" stock. iumlvmx-nlw, Min. pl'npurty (If Jame-s Duwm-y, lot 2'), con. 8, Al- Mun. MUNDAY. Mum-h l2-~Auctinn farm stuck, implvuwnts. Mu. pr of John Ihu-risun._lut, 8. Cum. ure. “.11). mun | h TUESDAY, Man‘h 6â€"Auctinu sale uf ftu'm stock, ixnplvments. etc.. property (3 J‘; H. Heskap, 10¢ 26, con. 3. \Vett nr . MONDAY. March 5â€"-Aucfion 5319 uf {Lll‘ul stuck. implements. eta, prupvrty of W. A. Hunnltnn. m-m- Suudhill. WEDXESDAY, Max-ch 7 â€"Auctinn sale of fnosh milk cows and springer-s at the Palmer House yzu-ds. Richmond \‘L’EDXESDAY. March 7-â€"Auctiou bale of farm stuck. implmucnts. emu, pimp. m-ty nf Wm. Dalton. lot 27, out). 1. Etnbicnkm MONDAY, March 5â€"â€"Anctiun sulv of fat m stuck. implmueum. etc. pmpcrty of Jnaeph F‘zu-r. Int 16. cun. 7, Vaughan. FRIDAY. March 2â€"â€"Auctiun sale of farm stock, implmnvnts, etcn property ufgohn Fergpsm}. Lloydtmyn. FRIDAY, March 2â€"}Xuctiun sale of farm stock. iunplomontfl. vtc.. property of “'m. Iu-lzmd, Adjalu, neurhings- viHP. Hill. THURSDAY, Maid; lâ€"AuctiJn sale uf farm stock, implements, ctc.. propefly (/‘hus. Junns, Alhinn. THURSDAY. March Iâ€"Auction suleof Wood and cedar post-s. the property of S. Hilliard. lot 27. cion. 8,‘Vu1_1ghan‘. List of sales to be conducted by Maser-s. Snigt‘un & McEWen, Auc- Liunem-q of York, Simcoe and Peel Counties : 01- tn 1. H. PRENTICE, Saigeon 8c McEWen's Sales The Administrators reserve the right tn make (me hid cm 0.14% parcel, and the usual conditions uf Siilk' by Admin- istrators shall govern. For further particulars apply to THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, nl-k Rc-al EStuteâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on day of sale and the balance in thirty days, without intvrvst. TERMS OF SALE Chaim-ls mret, he paid for in cash on day of sale bé-fore removal. ParcelZâ€"Uontuiningforty-five acres. more or less. and known us part of Lot Twenty nn the first, concession west of Yonge Street in the Township nf Yurk. On this parcel there is a frame burn. The soil is a good clay loam. all under cultivation; is about ten miles frnm Toronto market. in a finely seLLled dis- trict. with nod gravel roads. luur miles from the illage of Thornhill. and Within easy reach of the Village of Willowdale. through which the Metm- polltan Electric Railway passes. This property is under lease to George Uonper until the lat of April, 1911. and will he sold suject to same. full partic- ulars of which lease will be made known at time of sale. At the same time and place there will be ofiexed for sale the household nulls and furnishings of the late Miss imson. including one upright piano. Parcel 1. â€" Containing live; acres, more or less. and known as Village Lot Number One on a. plan drawn lay George- M. Phillips. P. L. 8.. of part of Lot Number Twenty-eight in the» first. concession of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York. On this pl'up- erty a frame house with kitchen and woodshed extensions; also a frame lun-n and shed, one acre of orchard. good clay loam soil. all under cultiva- tion This property is firmly situated ()ll Yonge Street. on the line of the Metropolitan Slrevt Ruilwny, about eight miles from Toronto. and imme- diately adjoining the Village of Thorn- hill. W I? at 1 o'clock in the afternoon the fol- loging yaluublehprqurgies, Pamely : The undersigned has received in- structions from the Administrators of the Estate of the lube Ann Iunsnn Lo ofier for sale by uhlic auction at her late residence at t 0 Village of Thorn- hill on HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNISHINGS Saturday, March 10th. 1906 Valuable Real Preperty EDNES DAY In the Townships of York and Vaughan in the County of York, and )H ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF Uniouvillv. Auctium-cr. 31-36 SUM )\\'( DAY Cornm‘ Ynnge & ()nlbm-Vne Streets. 'l'nx'unto. Administrators. March 13 implvun-n mg In] nph m, uwnts the hH nts‘ \m‘tinn â€" Auction , Mm. 10(43. prnpvrty nf Twins. 0' if! sale uf npvrty 9. The >pfrl'y \V 1-th hefn Iiiclnnond Ilill June 11. 1905 'r W. H. SHAW, Principal ‘3' + r J. +++++H++++N+++++++++++++ Tho shod .‘ FURSALE URTU RENT +++H*+++++++++++W++%+++ Tbleshers‘ Coal on hand. Coal and \Vood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. LIVERY COAL FRIDAY, March ZSâ€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements, etc.,gruperty okaos. Heslop, Int 25. con. , Etobi- on e. MONDAY, March lQâ€"Auction sale- of horses, vehicles and furniture. lot. 8; Con. 4. Vaughan. near Edgley. prop- erty of Simoy-Shqnllk "T'UEBDAY, Marrh 20â€"Auctinn sale 0f farm stock, implements. etc., prupelty of Mark Dawson, lot 14, con. 3, Emhi- cnke. Id: FRxDAir’, March lBâ€"Auctiun sale of farm stock. implements, etc.. pru r-I‘Ly of B. Boake. Int 14. con. 4. \szt . m-k. THURSDAY. Max-ch 15-Auctiun sale of farm stock. implements. etc” prop- erty of Ew. Smith. Gravel Rmud, Iwar Klginbul-g. __ Velughan. Michael Bros., We believe there is nu school equal to unrs fur metbndic busi- ness training nan for good re» sults. \Ve solicit, investigation and comparison. Enter my time. Novacntiuns. And examine :\ (‘upy of our catn- Iugue if ynu hm 1- any ideas of n pl Opal-awry course for .1 YTvmge & Gerrard Sts.. Tm‘on‘to. Good Paying Position @csatrnl graham @nllrgc Terms: 34 a year, $2 for six months. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. BE sums; We 'send 1' free on nâ€" quest our catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation. new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home andits surroundings. wit iii“, Rod £5 for four large STREAM," or send us twenty-five cents for four Weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly joumal of shooting, fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A â€" pen'enccs ofanglcr ers and campers, c Adventure Sport R.A.FarquharsonB,A Cor. McGill and Yonge Streets. Toronto. dwvning In Richmond Hill Oldest Quickest Safest 700 Situations Offered 1905 9 like' to read of the ex- patience; of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- ing;or | t if you ,n \II‘C min- terested in countr life, ask your newsdca er for an-hvx- shop, driving Duiug :1 gum] I'PhnTl nld clump. [f not said M px-il. will he to rent. for :1 good man. Ap- Rich “FOREST AND WOOD you 3 to \VEDNESDAY. March Hâ€"CrvdiL Sula of fnrm stock. impleumnts, 110.. on lot, 3, con. 4, Markham. tlw pmpwx-ty gf David Duncan. thr at 12 o'clm.:k. THURSDAY. March 15-â€"Cn‘dit, sale (If farm stock. imph-ments, out, the propâ€" erty of Jns. F. Smith. on lot, 4, con. 3. East. Yurk. Sth' at 12. TI'ESDAY. Mnrt‘h 20â€"â€"Crvdit SIIE‘ (.f farm stock. implements. PUL. on In! 9; mm. 4. Scarhm-o. 1110 property nf W, F. Scutt. Sale at 12 (Helm-k. \VEDNESDAY. March Zlâ€"‘Ux'r-dit sult- of lawn stul'k. implements. t-tr‘.. 1-“ lot: 21, (run. 1. \\'(*st, ank, NMva- Bruuk. the prupm'ty of Henry Gould ing. Sale at, 11 u'uluck. Eight, mouthn' credit. TUESDAY. Max-ch ‘.‘ fmm stock. implem: ~19, con. ‘2, “'05: York {same Hnn'uun. Full Eight, moutln‘ m-vdit. Mm-kh-un m- lr'ssx. f TUESDAY. March 13â€"» Tredit‘ 5.1]? (-f farm stack. implements. etc” on lot 8. Can. I), Sum-hora, the property of Jauws Neilsun. Sale at 12 o'clock. 1906 MONDAY. March 12â€"Cxodit SJIIP (-f farm stuck. implemrnti, furnituw. etc, on lot 30. cnn. I. Vaughan. Thuruhill. the' property of Thomas Lune. Sade at 12 1) Clock. Eight gnunlhs' cwdif. Seven months' credit. THURSDAY. Mulch (tiâ€"Credit, sulf- of farm stuck. implmnents, etc.. on Int. 29. con. 4. Scarhmu, the property 01.13.1119: A. Gibson. Sale at, l u'clnck. TUESDAY, March Bâ€"Crcdit sale of farm stuck. implements. etc.. on lab 19, con. 5. Markham, the ru erty 0f FrauklinSLiver. Sale at chlmzk. W'EDNESDAY, March 7~Credit sale of farm stuck. implements. etc., nn Inf, 4. cnn. 4. Max-khauu. the Property of Roht. Duflield. 8.11th 1 n Cluck. THURSDAY, March Iâ€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements, fux-niturp. etc., on lot 24, rear 3rd cnn., Max-k. hum, the property of T. \V. Klink. Sale at 11 o'clock. Terms. 8 months. FRIDAY. March 2â€"Credit sale- nf fan-m stuck. implements. etc.. on lot 2%. con. ]. Sean-hero, the. property uf A. \V. Thomson. Sula at, 1 u‘clm:k. Thc following Auction Sales will by conducted by Mr. J. H. Prentice of Unionville :â€" is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxstcd Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices i ,,,,,, ..... 3 i W. A. Sanderson; WMWW ++MWWH§M i Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? Â¥ FALL AND WINTER My Stock 0! Woolens for Farm t0 Rent After you use it. once- ynu will believe in it too. It will cost you 25 cents tqtry it. Are your lungs worth 25 cents P “Your Money Back H You Want It.’ Issuer Marriage Licenses We know all about it. because we have said it, for years. and w. knmv just. what. is in it. Ibis not. a. cure-all : iL‘a justaCnugh Cure. and a. guod one at that. Ill made to cure. That is why we sell so much of it. It's not a pat- ent, medicine either. We keop patent medicines, but we do not recummvnd them. We do re- commend White Pine and Tar. sud we believe in it. so much th“ we say Then why do you cough all day? White Pine and Ta: will relievo you the first day. It will stop that. cough in a fe_w days_more. J. H. Prentice’s Sale Register Tailor, Richmond Hill Apply . J. HUME, half Druggist. Richmond Hill March 27~('redi unplemrcntrs, etc ntnnm In} Credit 52d D. B PI "P‘EI‘U' f 1 [lil um 1px

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