“’0 are sorry tn learn that Mr. Ar- thuI‘Cuombs of Tumntn, fnrmexly of this place. was seriously injurrd one (My last- Week. He was in the employ n! the Toronto Fm I-y Company. and loll off a. building at. the Island. Boots and Shinesâ€"“'9 are stocked with the very best. footwear. such makers as Alums-Holden. W. B. Ham- ilton. VViHiams Shoe 00.. Under-hill & Sisman. etc. All kinds nf rubbers fur rpl-ing Wear. A snap in men‘s slip. pvrs.â€" Nuughton Bum, Elgiu Mills. “’e'll trade thvsc for cash Lvnf six-curd 200-ym~d spnnlsï¬ vim-st washing soda, '7 lhs. fur 11 'huking sud“. 31133. for 10¢: l» Saturday. Feb. 24. the ovcasiun being Mr. Skeele's 86th birthday. THE: LIB- HEAL is plI-ased to join with many htho'l‘ friends In Wishing Mr. Skeele a. r-nntinuance of the gnod health which now enjuys. ROLLERâ€"SEALING)! E. Mr. Charles linllon. R. N.. of the \Vest End. was nn Snow-day lust. mm- ried to Mm. Elizabeth Smallconm, daughter of George Mnmbliu Yellund, Emu Una-chant, of Jersey, Uhanm-l Islands. The Ceremony was port‘nrm- ed in Tumnto by Rev. E. Cxumy, D. D. There was a great. display of Massvy- Hands machiurry here on Monday, Ibo largest- ever set-n in this plum“. Had Hw teams been in prouessiun the numâ€" hvr would have. bee-n ï¬fty-six. The machinery was all suld under Lhi' man- :xumm-nt of Mr. J. 11. Prentice. the company's agent. The Oï¬-hund Rifle Club of Victoria Square held their regular weekly shunt on Saturday afternoon. The fulluw- ing are some. 01' the acorns :â€" R. Agzn- gzl.‘ :l‘. Allio'ad _ \Y: Capt-ll 82, R. Mr. J. rifml _(-f (-f the In I'gc A number of friends bud dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Skeelelust Iinu vice. 1 1h. fur 10« lmnutnos. 1 tin for 10 lIlIIhLSSk'S. 1 tin furl Mr. D. M. Mallny. farmer] of Tes- ton, and an ex~Councillor 0f aughan township. who is now residing in To- ronto Junction, was in the village Fri- day and called on some old friends. Mr. Marshall Brown. 0. P. R. ofï¬cv. Tux'onto, visited his parents here last Saturday. and called at. THE LIBERAL “flee, where he formerly worked as a compositor. Mudvl Fine Scotch Tweed Suitin 8. special patterns and qualities. Wil make to ynur measure everythin in ï¬rst order. a stylish suit for $15. . If not satisfactory your money back. At- kinson & Switzel‘. In Richmond Hill a few days ago a lax a tail of! sable scarf. The ï¬nder wil be rewarded by leaving the same :3 TE: LIBERAL oflice. The WV. M. S. will hold their March meeting at the home of M18. Hume this week. Thursdesy. at 3 p. m. A good attendance requested. It. will cost, you nothing to look here unless you buy: and if you buy it will met. you less than if vou [my else- whew. Atkinson &Switzer. County Councillor W. H. Pugslcy was on Tuesday elected a director of the Ontario Exhibition Association for the agricultural section. W. O. '1‘. U. will meet a! Mrs. P. L. Grant's Lo-mormw (Friday) afternoon at. 8 o‘clock. Full attendance is re- qursted. Wood's Boston‘Cofloes: ï¬nest of the world's product in stock. at, 45, 40 and 3k. per lb. Try this coflee. Atkin- son & Switzer. The Whist Club will meet at. Mrs. A. G. Suva u's Friday ensuing of this week. full attendance of the mm 111-. Harry Innea has purchased from Mr. 0. Rnllen a brick house on Rich- mond street. Hrs. Glass and Mn. Pugaley re- turned yesterday from Sutton Wen after A few days‘ wait. with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pugsley. Mr. N. Beck, K.C.. Edmonton. made a short, stay with Mr. and Mrs. Teefy Chi: week. on a business trip to Mont- rea . Br. and Mrs. J ease Morton of "Sunnysido." Roach‘s Point. spent [at week with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sonics. hora requested. Hist Mary Mulcahy. Oriflia. is mak- ing 5 visit. with her grandparents. Mr. and} H13. Teefy. 35112 gamma. 'x-ishy 66, \V. Manama) HILL, On, Mar. 1. 1906 '. J. \V. Furlmn, a fm-mm' Prin- (~f the Richmond Hill Public (vi, afterwards Principal of the ‘1 SchnuL Ncwmnz-kvt. and whn \ leaving [[10 luttcr phre ucceptvd milzu' position M, Khan, has red the appuintment uf Prinui-pul ‘ new John M. King .8 pcg at a salary of SW31). *gin onthe ï¬rst of Apri) L‘m-d ZOOâ€"yard spnolsï¬ fur 10:3; hing soda, ’7 lbs. fnr10c..; host, ml“. 3 lbs. fur 100.: best 0mm ‘. 1 1h. for 100.: Quaker Brand ;. 1 tin for Ilka; ginger hrvud . 1 tin fur 100.; sputinl tuhlc tin for We. Atkiuwn «‘1' Swit- h<t w d u. UNIONVILLE PATTERSON. :amling the had r‘ H'n Friday ew-uin l at m-ndcd Lhe con Suntan 6L LOST Principal Schnu! at ). Dutivs IN Muplv MCDONALDâ€"MITCHELL On “’vdncsday. the gist. inst... at Cedar Grove Farm. near Kleinhur . Miss Grave McDonald, second dnugg- tcr Of Mr. S. McDonald, was united in marriage to Mr. R. Brysnn Mitchell of the Province of Assiniboiu. After the ceremony. which was pen-farmed by the Rev. Mr. Back of Maple. assisted by the Row. Mr. Laughlin of Bolton. about, seventy guequ sat duwu tn din- ner. The gifts to the bride ware very numm'mw, the groom's gift being :huautiful fur-lined dunk trimmed with Alaska sable. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchvll le-ft nn the evening train fur Toronto. and aft/01' spvndiug a flux: wot-ks visit- ing I'CiutiH-S in Ontario will take up their x'osidem'e at, leluw Grass. MARK OF APPRECIATION. Afewduye-xgo Messrs. G. A. Mc~ Dona-E and J. A. E. Switzer. chair- man and secretary nf the Board of Education rmpecLively. presenm'd Mrs. G. “'iley with a cheque. On making the presentation they explained that dnnutiom had been received through the Bum-d from Mrs. “'Hoy’s ex-pupils and frum parents whose children had received from her thi-ir primary edu- catinn. On behalf of the Bum-d the chairman and secretary tendered her their thanks for many yeals of ef- ï¬cientnnd faithful services. conclud- ing with her resignation in December last. Mrs. \Viley acknowledged with thanks the token of appreciation. You wiH hasten rebovery by tak- lng one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. An interesting programme was iv- eu at the Epworth League Mon ay evening of this week. Several favor- ite hymns were sun by the anflience. Miss lda Glass presi in at the organ. Prayer was offered by ev. T. Camp- bell, after which the chairman as a scripture lesson read the 19th Psalm. The minutes of last meeting were read by the secretary. Miss Mabel Smith. after which they were adopted. Mr. Ashford \Vright gave a. vocal solo. ac- companied by Mrs. Amos Wright. and an excellent paper on "Canadian Poets" was given by Miss Trench. The chair was occupied by Mr. T. F. McMahon. There is now direct mail communi- cation between Richmond Hill and Aurora. Formerly letters posted here for Aurora. Were fllst carried to To~ ronto. and then taken to theirdestina- tion. Now we have two mails daily between the two places by Metropoli- tan Railway. The morning mail leaves here at 8.10. and the evening at 6.30. We receive the mail bag from Aurora at 8.10 in the morning, and in the even- ing at 7 o'clock. People here much appreciate the new arrangement. an by Mr. Bunting in the Patterson School. The programme was comâ€" plete as advertizedâ€"songs. recitations, ventriloquiam. guitar music and imi- tations. Many expressed themselves as highly pleased with the engertain- ment in spite of the i‘hteiruptiuna 70! some. whose convivial spirits got the better of them. . Hero axe prices that. indicate a sav- mg to every buyer: -â€" Tke best. flint glass lamp chimneys, large size. 7c. each, or4for 25c.: medium and smnll sizes do.. 5c. each. orï¬fur 250.; best Commit-u ï¬gs. 5 lbs. for 25c.; special runes. Blhs. for 25c.: rice. 5 lbs. {or "c.; chuice cunnvd peas. 4 tins for 250.: choice corn. 3 tins for 250.; choice red salmon. 2 tins for 25c.: special cleaned cut-rants. 3!. lbs. for 25¢: 5 lb. pail choice table syrup. 25c.; quart tins chnice maple syrup. 25c. Atkin- son & Switzer. Aycr’s Cherry Pcctorai is not a simp‘ie cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor’s medicine. It cures hard cases, scvcrc and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu- risy, bronchitis, consumpiion. Ask your doctor about this. ADoctor’s Medicme The best kind 0! a testimonialâ€"- “ Sold for over sixty years.†TW’O MAILS TO AURORA We hum no “one†We publish the founqu or all our medicines. PAST MASTERS’ NIGHT EPWORTH LEAGUE. m b J. C. Aycr 00.. Loan“, Mm. A In mmnfutunn or qerfs 49 Iv. wem‘ bu? that: Ian ‘Y’N T. Newton. J. D. J. Elliott. D. of C. P. G. Savage. S. S. I. Crosby. J. S. Gm. Leek, I. G. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAKR W. about work '9! Nuticc is here-by given that the Municipal Uuuncil uf the Cnrporatiou of (he I‘nwnsbip of Van ban. under the provisions of the ‘onsoliduted Municipal Act, 1903, intend ata reg~ uan meeting (If the said Municipal (‘nuncil to be held at the Town Hall. V0 lure. on Tuesday. the ma. day of March, 1906. cmnnwncing at 10 o‘clock in the fun-noun, to pass a. by law for the purpose of shipping up that por- tion (if the public highway running (WM and across the cast, half of Lot .Numln-r 11. in we 8th Concession of ’ the said annahip nf Vaughan,’ being the remaining [inclusle puxtion of l what was knnwn as the Shaver Road. All persons interested are hereby re- ! quilrd to take noticeumlguvcx-n them- ! solves :u‘x‘mrdingly. i Hy Hider (-f the Count-i1. : J. B. MCLEAN. Tuwnsliip Clerk. ' Ilntml at Ballplt‘ this 8th day of Feb- ruary. 13W}. 5 E'F’GR SERVES“ *JUST ‘A LITTLE General Banking Business Transacted. Have just arranged with the Veter- inary Specialty Go. to sell the follow- ing remedies : Stuck Tonic and Blood Puriï¬er, Indigestion and Colic Cure. Spavin Cure. Worm Powders. Cough Remedy. Poultry Tonic. Louse Death Antiscp tic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sion, Back Oil. Heave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure. Aphordisiuc and Anti-Ster- ile Powders. Diarrhoea Cure for Colts and Calves, Leaking Naval & Joint Disease. Received in Savings‘ Bank Depar mcnt and interest, allowed at HIGHEST CURRENT BATES. floney Loancd on Farmen’ Sale moles. Blnuk Note Forms Supplied Free. STANDARD BANK 01 Can adn RICHMOND HILL For other particulars call at the Bank Seven acres of land on Richmond street in the village of Richmond Hill. the property of Patrick Moylan. - AEP'Y ‘0 Vanzant & Waring. Veterinary Sur- geons. twenty-ï¬ve years of practical experience. A cnupon in every package entitling the holder to Free Veterinary Advice. For sale Fr}. BETHICK & SON. Farmers Take Notice w mic m FOR SALE OR TO RENT Notice of wixhdrawal not neces« sary. All deposits payable on demand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. humour:er mumma weekly. Lune! eh- euiatkm of any scientiï¬c mumnl. Terms. 33 l 9!}: 3:09:11). 81. So'ld by ul_ pewadgglorg. "Patents isken {EX-57'}: Mum: & ‘ mogul,th wltpoucc 3â€"119 In thq MERE/{0&5}91°KE'399ZNéWXQ’rR Anyone sending a sketch and descriguon may autokly ascertain our opinion has w other an invention is pmbnbly suntaqu Commnnlctr tions strictly conï¬den Handbook on Patent: mgcfrep. ngeet gancyjoyyocuri‘ng’pmau: Capital Rest H!!! 0F VAUGHAN Stiéiitiï¬Ã© 'Hme'i‘ican. PUBLIS NOTICE ‘B‘riï¬'ci: 6h€ef625 F EL. Wuhu'ait‘ohl DIE Cox-purution of the Township Five Roses Flour. some yeast, plenty of water, an oven and common sense will give you a better and sweeter loaf, with less lab- or, than any ordinary brand on the market. -. undt-raig Inm, has f( H. H. LOOSEMORE. J. HALL 3.]. 91,000,000 $1,000.000 BEBE-suns The Live General Ageï¬ts of Richmond Hill. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. R. STE 10“ It. 43. lst com, ice a Yorkshire [’HENSON. uund Hill P. O AGENT. (la y §taudard (‘iihmk 13f (mm Businoss transacted between 10 and t on Monday W'eduesday and FM of each week. Savings Bank D9pm-tmeut. Money advanced op sale notes 1%ï¬MW3WwEMM £9 :%§&%§%§%ï¬ï¬Â§%%%2 Richmond Hill Hardware Store Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges, our ieaders, which have won {or themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. We have second-hand heaters, nearly new. Also wood and coal stoves at low ï¬gures. 17‘111-11 ace ‘Vork. ’I‘insmith- ing, Paints and IIardware. Our usual stock of the essential is kept well on hand and best value given. Crum's best prints just to hand at 12k. yd. A-variety of Fabrics, patterns and weights adapted to weather, we must now expect at reaily one half their original price. Items in Trimmings A choice assortment of the prevailing modes. These goods must be sold; you know what that means to prices. Items in Standard Goods Items in Dress Goods The Special Sale At ATKINSON& swnzan's X-Cut saws. Axes. C. SOULES (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) aple After Stock Taking Feb. 22, 1906.