Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1906, p. 8

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I am prepared to d eho ping every day. A feecfand chop on hand. Church of En mudâ€"Behea- at a . mm and 4th Bung". 'nmm Sunday a? 1?31:' Pxesbyterisn Clutchâ€"Benton M n s. m,nd 9 day School M 9.30. Prayer meeting V. to. un ednesday evening. Roman Catholic Church-Service: on 31m. “be Sunday. “.9 Lin. nné 10.30 a. m. Methodist Church-Bantam M: 10.30 a. m.,nnd 'l p. m. Sunday School u 2.80. Genera.) praye: meeting Thumday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A H â€"Meoca Hon. “v on or before mu moon CourtBicbmond, A 0 13â€"11053: second and cum Friday Ivy Lodge. A0 U W-Heeta thh‘i Wednesdsy 01 each month _. _ a n a -man necond and (out): Methodist. UlJurvuâ€"uw- .. V, V ’l p. 11:. Sunday School u 2.80. Genera.) prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A H â€"Msocs Ken. lav on or be! Court Richmond, cum Friday Ivy Lodge. A0 U W-Heets thh‘i Wednesdsy 01 each month Oump Emma 0 S â€"Meeh second and (out): Wadnasdny ounceâ€"Emu am Wednesday 0 Fâ€"Heau second and of each month Fina Brigadeâ€"Koo“ first Mondsy of "cry month Luxury and Bonding Roomâ€"Dyan Public (1 Saturday snnings. Tuesday. an Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets oven loudly Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour One of the best flours for home-made bread and general family use. Try it, and be convincepl. ‘ . ‘ L Gladstone Flour Also WI fact Food. The Next Sitting of Division Courtiox No. 3. County of York. will be held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL _oxfl_ TUESDA Y ,APR.. 3 , I909 f’fiIâ€"CHMOND HILL BIVISIUN - 0mm. N. B.â€"Begiamrod letters musLbo handed in at least Fitmn lmuua ouuer than an above mentioned hours to: closing. OFFICE 01.0an AT 130 P. H. II. TEBFY. Ponunnw. Residence immediately south of the High School. For information apply to JAMES NEW I‘ON, Elgin Mills. A Bell Organ in good condition, and 5 Square Piano, cheap. 0. ROLLIN. Instruction in thy Art of Piano Play- mg. Class“ in Rudiments, Harmony, 7 Bcratiwoorn Toronto um Humanist. «emu KOBTE have C P B Owning a“. 7.20.140. 11.” I. m.; 1.”. 110. 3.45. p. 11:. one Richmond 111119.10, 10.30. mm; 12.80 230, .330. 4.35.630. 850 'p. In. 001110 SOUTH Eutm-y, etc. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave Nowwkat a 130, 9.15. 11.15 t. 113.: 2. 3.16 6.15. 6.15.730 p.111. Leave Richmond Hm. 'I. 8.10, 9.55. 11.56 I. 111.: 510, 8.55. (.55. p. m. Until tux-that noun Mail; will bo closed at. tho Mahmoud flu] Post 012100 u tollovn :- MORNING .... 800 EVNNLNG MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing loner Orders:â€" MORNI‘NG EVENING .... About 600 UodgrPnsts. Apply tn ALBERT;th ES. ‘nvn J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist POST OFFICE NOTICE EMPEBE M I also keep the celebrated FOR SALE Village Directory. FOR SALE vuu V Allth-l Wheat Gems, a choice Break- FOR SALE )ommencimz at. 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAEON CI.qu For Sale SCHMIDT. Proprietor, Newton Brook. Richmond Street. do gxisting and All kinds of mill LLS Mine ROBE, GOAT AND BLANKET I To clenntvut balance of winter stock will sell at the following reduced pnceszâ€" Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, sizes and price?i Eew and second an . I Saskatchewan Robe, $9.00 for $7.50. I Brown Grizzly Bear, $xo 00 for $8 00. 2 Imitation Lamb Coats, $16.00 for $13.00.. Also Blankets and Mitts at similar reductions. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 y hH+H+NM+M++++W++++§ ++++++¢+++w+++e=+ IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. ivery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. METROPOLITAN GROCERY, T. B. IAUDFOIID. Proprietor UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES Best Brands of Canned Goods Jacob Eyer Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill Ceiling and bordering to match, and at remark- ably low prices. \Ve also have a stock of good remnants for small rooms, from 2c. per roll up. A great chance to select new. See 0m~ window next week. A complete stock of always on ha .1d at “The People’s Store." A Larger Stock Furniture, I’aints and (His Next Door North of \Vaiting Room. BARGAINS Than ever of the latest designs in Wall Papers & Son. CANDIES Choice variety of Fresh and Chan. ++M++<Hs The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The liberal and Waekiy The Liberal and Weekly Globe ‘ The iii-befall and Daily Globe (York County) 3 ' The Liberal and. Daily Mail 3 and Empire (York Co.) ‘ The Lieefal and Daily 2 Outside vil‘l'agcs and towns.) < The Liberal and Daily News The Liberal and The Farm- F’ ing Worl d 1 ' 3 0 The Liberal and Family Herald and Weekly Star with premium pic- ture,and Farmer’s Man-1 ual andVeterinary Guide a The Liberal and Farmer’s Advocate The Liberal and Daily Star TO RONTO To sell High Class Nursery Stock in Fruits and ornamentals. Largest list uf NEW SPECIALTIES ever offered. START NOW' AT THE BEST SELL- ING SEASON. Big inducements, liberal pay. handsome free outfit, ter- ritory reserved. Write fur terms and send 25C. for our ALUMINUM POCK- ET MICROSCOPE (magnifies 4k timps) and 50c. for our HANDY SAW. just the thing for trimming (rt-es (cuts iron as well as wood). STONE & WELLINGTON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Canada’s Greatest Nurseries and Home Magazine (New subscriptions, $2.25) W. HEWISON W. Mager Butter Paper 3.1 the Liberal Office. } RICHMOND HILL PEST OFFICE. Galvanized Hog Troughs 20-4 mos CLUB RATES 400. per Foot. RICHMOND HILL FONTHILL NURSERIES, Grain chopped at all times. \Vant a local adesnmn for Proprietor (Balance of the year free to new subscribers) World Made. to order at. (Balance of year iree to new Over 800 acres. (Balance of year free to new (Balance of year (Outside villages and towns.) ONTA RIO free to new subsribers) HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&:. Issuer of Marriage Licenses NOTA RY PU BLT (V, ++++++++++++++++o+++++++‘ Sixty acres grand clay loam situntml 2 miles {mm King CiLy; 35 acres; an ploughed. balance pastuxe and hay Mud, with 5 now-s: of hush. Over one hundred and fifty apple tree-9. seven-u) pear and cherry trees, abundance of berries and small fruits. Good hunk burn with stables. puul- try houses. driving abodfi‘ etc. Seven-roamed hnuwfi wells on pin re. _Fur price. and fux‘thgr wnieukars ap~ . ‘nnn ‘vnnn Brick cottage on lot 48. 15b COB. Vaughan, 1} miles West Richml-nd Hill High School. twu acrvs of land. a quantity of apple trees. plum he“. and other fruits. Apply Lu JAS. MCVVILLIAMS. 324 Richmond Hill 1’. O. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E 126 CALLS i We filled nine of the posititufl. and had no one else ready to send. If you want to get a position after graduation, come to (he schnnl that. Cdn help you. A large number of eat-students of other business r-ulleges are now in attendance. College is ope-n the entire yes 1-. Commence now. Circulars free. From Businem Firms for stenc- gm hers, bunk-kwpers, invoice tier 3, etc” have lately been re» ceived by the famous Farm for Sale (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) TORONTO. ONT. WW annuq‘n nfi'l' subscnbers.) COMMISSXONBBIN TUB For Sale subscribers) W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal $1.75 J‘A'M ES NESS. 1.75 2.5% Evvrsley P. U.

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