Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1906, p. 1

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Gulls byvtelephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. VOL. XXVIII. Room 12, 12L Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good werk. AT THE UBERAL PRINTHiG is PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMONDHILL,ONT. 411.113 by day and night promptly at- tended to. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, '1‘. F. MoMAHON, IS PUBLISHEDEVEKZ ’EHURSDAY MORNING Ofl‘ice hours: Tuesdays, 1â€"8 p. m. Will be DR. H. w. ANDERSON; Dentist, L, H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY s 1ch Francis Block Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sts., Toronto Vill be in Richmond Hill on \VL-d nesday of each week. Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"8.30 3.. m. to 5 n. m. Toronto Office, 450 CHURCH ST. $1 per annum, in advance.] Safe Profitable . ' Interest. at highest current rate, paid twice :1. Convenlent year makes an account profitable. Being withdrawablc without notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K (‘ Ricinnond EIill DR. W. E. DEAN VETERINARY SURGEON Thornhill. RICHMOND HILL BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY (Successor to Dr. Lawrason) DR. WM. WEEKS, I)enti.~st, “@119 gibml Emu-on a Paormmon DENTIST, $eterinarg mama Oflicc open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. , THORNHILL, 0 genial. :1 3.. 111.; to 5 p. m. oods INCORPORATED 1857‘ This Bank’s large lesources ensure safety. A Savings Account IN THE ONTAREG BANK J T Saigenn, Maple License Aunt-fiance: {or the Cc‘nn'cy of Yor", re‘ specttully solicits your prztrcn'age and friendly influence sulos atwuded op the shortest notice and at reasonaberstss. P.'O.addrees King Licensed Auctioneer for the Goods sold on consignment stoc etc prompciy attendm mhes Kesidpuce Unionville "15",. G B. Gouldmg. Newto‘n above Licensed Auctioneers Balesmtsended 1.0 on sh onublemtes Patron Barristers, Solicitors. etc‘ TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 mund St. \Vesb.VV('sley Buildi (Methodist, Book Rmnu.) 'l JAS. NEWTGN EL_GIN_ MILLS fEfiN-OX (i5 MORGAN. Barristers and Money to loan onland and muue‘y' :0 loan on land andchatcel mortgagosat lowest rates Auroraofllceâ€"Removed to tho 01d pout (>ch one door was; or the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newman-kn ofiéceâ€"Three doors south of the pust <3ch '1‘ HERBERTLENNOX, a 8:1; Man-am RICHMOND HILL &THORNH1LL Mr. Cook A G S Lindseyli (j G F hawreuce W Ridou: “’66;th Mule-3k Barrieters,Solicitors. Notaries, Soc. Home Life Building (formerly Free buid me Bldg), Cor. Adelaide 6‘; Victoria Sm“ Tnmnto. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES TORONTO. ’rivate and Trust Func' Undertaken dc Embalmers, LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hil'lon Saturdavs. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS ax'ge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept. at both places. W. Cox-nor King MONEY TO LOAN AT 0‘2 Linds RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 8 1906 coo K & "'J‘OEN‘STE‘N WRIGHT BROS Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. N'L‘O OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- :1 St. \VesbJVvsley Buildings, ethodisb Book Ronny} To- mnto. to}; will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. and Trust Funds to loam at iuwest current rules. D. G. BLOUGEI, geon & McEwen. ‘sey. Lawrence & W adsworth, ~ H. P: entice. ‘aoers fort-be Connlyot York. non shortesmoticmnd 1 tea- atrouageaolicited Lee, Millikan & Clark Aurora 51.2mm er fox-the Ceunty of Yolk gnmeut Gamma) sales y attended to at reasonabh v..:..._:-: r and solicitors. In Essmtz'als, Unity,- in Nox-Essentéals, Liberty; in all things, Charity." SZ‘V Maison: Brook, agent for the 'onge Streets, Phone Main 2984 J K McEwen Wastun Nev/market Senior III.â€"â€"Edward Ridden. Eddie Clarke, Dessa Poole, Norman Buwes, Lloyd \Vbitmm-e, Bel-t Evans. L. Witty, P. Evans, Ida. Clarke. JuniornI.â€"â€"Rnss Fisher. Willie-Rudd, Leigh Page, Chm-lie Blong. Chm-lie Bowes. Edna. Fisher, Eustun Harrison. Il.â€"â€"Lyle Murphy, Ernie Poole, Lily Evans, Percy Harrison. Part II.â€"Gladys Fisher, Hazel Page. Arthur Bowes, Gertie Evans, Howard BakL-r, Austin Baker, Helen \Vhlte. Three weeks ago about twenty young people, pupils at Maple Hall School while Miss 1“. Crosby was teacher, on- joyed a. very pleasant afternoon and evening at her home in Unionville. On Saturday evening last they had a second reunion at the home of Mr. \Valter Scott. This evening also was exceedingly enjoyable. Oysters were, provided by the boys. who with the ladies present, owe their thanks to Mrs. Scott for the excellent manner in which they were cooked, and for the other bountiful provision at the table. The balance of the evening’s entertain- ment was exceedingly profitable, and the former pupils of Miss Crosby proved to her that their education was still pwgmssiug. At the table toasts to the number of about twenty-live Were uhly responded to. The speeches brought afresh to the memories of all resent the. good old school days at o. 6, with their sports, their mis- deeds, with their consequent wounds, their merits, with their consequent re- wards, and all the other varied associ- ations of school life. An exoiting game of progressive crokinole kept the party engaged for some time, then all sang old school songs or listened to the. excellent solos rendered by the guest of the evening. \Vith the near ap- proach of Sunday all prepared for the return home amid expressions of thankfulness to the host and hostess stud of good wishes to Miss Crosby for he};futliie hgippinSSS and prosperity. "Methodism in Canada." After the address an interesting progrnunxw was rendered. The music was grundund thoroughly enjnyud by all, especially the selection, “Rock of Ages,” with gestures. The recitations were in- stx'uct'iyr, and the dialogue had its mum} as well as its humor. The ladies of the home League, assisted by Hm young nobility, served refreshments. Mr. Russ Klinck moved the visitorsa vote of thanks before closing, and judging by the applause, everyone had been right myuliy entertained. Junior' IV. -â€" Irene Gordon, Hem-y ques. Vera Reaumn, \mee Rudd. The following is the report of the upils of Cnncmd Public School for elu-um-y. Names stand in under of merit: Senior IV.â€"Jesse Bowes, Vv'ilfrod Keffer, Ella Batman, Estella. ‘Witty. Mary Gollzmd, Allan Fisher, Maud Poolv, Opal Stewart. Mr. and fills T. Klinck, who are abuut, to leave our midst to resule in Stoul‘fville. were recently banqueth in a right, royal nmnncr by Mr. and Mrs. T. Fi-ishy. Over twunly of the neighbors and friends were present, to honor the guests of the evening. A number of suitable toasts were pro- posed and responded to by the gentle- men present, after which music, social chat and games of various kinds wvre indulng in. All these married fulk, like the young of this community, seemed to prefer the "early" hours for adjournment. House-furnishing for future cumfort is in order along the line at present. (From Anuthel Correspondent.) Mr. Cecil Klinck of Guelph 0. A. C. attended his father’s sulw last week. Mr. Geo. Johnston of Sandal-son‘s Corners muved on Monday into the house recently occupied by Mr. R. Nichuls, who on the same day shifted his property to the m:th farm. 0n W'ednesday evening of last week a. cnmpuny of about thirty young people were entertained at the home (If Mr. J. Lumul. A number of young folk attended ‘he oyster supper at Mr. Walter Scan/5 9n $41L91duy eyening._ Mr. Louis Stnuicuhux-g "of York is spending a few days in uur midtat: ' Dr. Give-ail {0012 a holiday on Thurs- dnl lust. _ The sale of farm stock. implements, eta, belonging tn Mr. Thus. Klinck on Tim-sqny was we” :ttgended. Bidding Two bus loads of the young people of the chdfm'd Epwurth League visited the League here and enter- tained us last Tuesday evening. The chair was ably occupiod by the presi- dent, Mrs. C. Glzu-k. Rev. Mr. Smith gave u §horb and pointrd addressou Mr. George Frishjv of Tmonto has been visiting relatives in and out of the town. “ME 1 izcd. M rs. V ’nltcr Brumwcll and her little nephew. of Toronto, are visiting fx-i‘gndsju this lqufly. The Misses Lunzlu entertained a number of their friends on Wednesday evening lust. spitited and good prices were real- Victoria Square SCHGOL REPGRT “Free Burn Sunsoof Levi,” would be their slaves. The names of those great reformers should be revered by future. generations for the great privileges we enjoy. Each per5un can purchase and hold his real estate without begging for a lease from those would-be land- lords. “'e in Canada, have no state church, nor can anv person Seize our properly for church rates. \Ve have freedom from ecclesiastical rule. \Ve cwv all our freedom to the Hofornwrs of the past, age, who purchased tlmxn for us not, Without; the shedding nf blood. Let us hold fast the glmiuus privileges so dearly purchased for us. "Unittd we stand, divided we fall.” ,_, Wm“- Rpm]. John Besmml. Gordon Read, Ross Baker. Number on ml] fm- month, 43. Average attendance, The fnllowinr: \vv-re present every day: Harold Smith, John Cnsgmve, Jimmie Uosgrme, VVuslI-y Hoover, Nettie Stone, Tommy Smith. Douglas Read, Roy Smith. Hurry Madill, George Road, Gordon Read. Names in order nf merit. IV. Classâ€"Glam Cnsgrove, Harold Smith. Gel-tie Nelson, Charles Hoover, Jnhn Cusgrove, Ex nvst Hurvoy, Charles Connor, Georgina Alleyne, Eddie Smith. \V. J. Johnson & Sons of Fishervine have purchnsz-d the property behmg- ing to Mr. \V. \Voznd und intend to carry on the butcher. ng husinese. Thcy will move here in May. but 1n the meantime will be here every \Vednes- day and Sntludny from 8 a. 11:. till 6 pm. They purpose keoping a good stock of meats on hand to supply their customers. The hunse occupied by Mr. Geo. LGvr and famin was burned inst, Fri- day night, with all its contents, includ- ing a large sum (If limney. Mr. and Mrs. Lmvr and their daughter. who Were sleeping upstairs. barely escaped with Lheiriives, and were badly burned nbaut the face, head and hands. The hired man, whn was also upstairs; had tp jump from the winan t0 save himself. It is not known how the file originated. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson enter- tained a. large number of their young friends at; their home last Friday even- mg. Miss L. Rumhle and Miss Dui Suigeun \veru delegates at thv S. Cunvention at \Veston last, week. The monthly [Homing of the \Vo- men‘s Institute will he lu~ld( n \Vedues- day, 14th inst” at. the home of Mrs. T. Cousins. sy s. Senior 11L~Gongs (Max. 75)â€"â€"Elsie Hnnvo‘r 67, {olph \Villimns 64. Ralph Baker 60, Maggie Baker 57. Carrie \Villingls 39, Frank Harvey (absent) Juniur III.-~-Geog. (Max. 75)â€"Jimmie Cosguwe 73, “’09le Hoover 62. Pvnrl Hunt 52, Nettie Stone 50, Gertie Gus- grove 49. Senim ILâ€"Isanc Nigh. Emilv pnnfl Ida Sch Smith. Juuim' ILâ€"(Ervio Hunt, Elsie Dmmr equal), (Hem-r Mchguu. Ray Smith equal). Ethel Scholl, Eu; Conner, VVil- lip Humor. Douglas Road. / Those who cnum hex-e from the Nor-{Invest to spend the winter are re- turnng home. Mrs. Argue, with her children and her sister, Miss Victoria, Argue, left, for North Dakota on the 5th ult. Mrs. Evans and child left for Ianitoba on the 26th ult. 11'. H. Maush of Richmond Hill, after u flylng \ isiL to his gI-andpmenrs and other relatives here, bus xctm‘ncd to his home. Part II. -â€" John McCuguo, Ruth Hoover, Alvin Smith, Fred Cosgx‘uve‘, Hurry Mndill. 1. Class â€" “'eslev Helm". Gnnro‘n Mrs. Wm. Grico passed away on Saunday mumng after :1 few dzlys’ illness nf numlysis. The funeull took place on Monday ufternoun. M 1-. Grice and family have the sympathy of ull in their bereavement, ‘ M r. Joseph Fee has purchased the farm owned by the late S. J. Best. The p1-_i(;-e paid fox; it. was $3,5(F3â€"50 acres. February Report of S. S. No. 4 ass â€" “'esley Schvll, George J‘nhn Besuud. Gordon Read, n.â€"â€"Isa:ic Nigh. Emily Pond, all, Reuben Homer, Tommy Mount Pleasant Mame H mcn luv, 3Uc. per foot, or 75c. each. 12 u u 400. u u u $1.00 u 16 u u 600- u u u n 20 u u 800' u u n I. 24 ll 11 u lo I: u Tile measure, 2 ft. 6 in. 0\'(.‘l' all, and will lay 2 ft. 4 in. of bridge or culvert work, 2 in. being taken off by flanges passing over each other. Six lengths of tile lay a culvert 14 ft. long (the average culvert width). All prices computed over all (viz 2 ft. 6 in). Address all communications to These tile m'e made specially for Cle vcx't purposes. Being made frum the hash pm-tlunrl Cement and gun's-l selected at screen» ed to be specially suitable for tile mak- ing, and strongly propurtioned with cenwnt. They may he said to he pl'iui- ticnlly indestructible (as they setulmow as hard as stone itself). and as they cost about. the same price as a wood culvert. and will outlast any number of them. it is plainly apparent that thei-cmust be an immense saving in the long run in buying an article that, does not i-eqniic to be constantly inâ€" newed. The old Zion Luther-1m church of Vaughan township had a. good time in the rectmy Friday, the 23rd ult. lb was donntmn day. Everybody had a. basketful tn throw in. The tables were spread and about, 100 people took part at the meals. and W119!) Lhev nun-nu} Winger’s Cancrete Cuivert Tile Price List :{t the meals, and wlwn they pail/ed left many useful things in the pantry. collar and ham of the rvctor. Tlu‘ people enjoyed their time in cunvexsn- Lion and mirth, as well as social games, till nearly midnight. Thenldvr members of the chm-ch forgot, that they bvgun to he grey, and feltliku the young among thmnsvh'es. Gud bless them all, and let all scemzmy such times in happiness and friend- ship. Hm Only Do We Get Inspirtflan Pm Nnture, But. Health as Well. For ople who are runâ€"down and nerv- ous, w o sufler from indigestion ordys- psia, headache. biliousness, or torpld ivcr, coated ton no with bitter taste in the morning an poor appetite, it be- comes necessary to turn to some tonic or stren thener which will assist. Nature and elp them to get. On their feet. and put the body into its proper condition. It. is becoming more and more ap rent that Nature‘s most. valuable hea th-givlng agents are to be found in forest, plants and roots. N. Y., diacovered that by scientifically extracting and combining certain medici- nal principles from native roots. taken from our American forests, he could proâ€" duce a. medicine which was marvelously efficient in curing cases oi blood disorder and liver and stomach trouble as well as many other chronic, or lingering ail- ments. This concentrated extract of Nature’s vitality he named “Golden Med- ical Discovery.“ It purifies the blood by utting the stomach and liver into ealthy condition, thereby helping the digestion and aSimilation of food which leads the blood. Thereby it cures weak stomach, indioestion torpid liver, or bil- iousness, and Trindr _ deraiigements:_ A Auuoucoo, nun nun... Lu u». w" nu”...- by If you have coated tongue, with bitter or bad taste in the morning, frequent. headaches, feel weakensin tired, stitches or pain in side. back gives out easily and aches, belching of gas, constlfation, or Irregular bowels, feel flashes 0 heat. al- ternating with chilly sensations or kinâ€" dred symptoms, meg Swim. to derm1ge~ man: of our stomac , iver and kidneys. which t (3 “Golden Medical Discovery" will correct. more speedin and perms.- nently than any other known agent. Con- tains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients primed ln plain Eng- lish on wrapper. wufiegzfifiorty years ago, Dr. R.V. Pierce. now consulting Iphysician to the Invalids’ flotg} an}; Surg cg] Insfiitzute! gt 1}};figt'l‘0. The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make a. little mom profit. lie gains; you lose. Accept no sub» stltnte for “Golden Medical Discovery.” Constipation causes and aggravates many serious dlseases. It. Is moron My cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel eta. One a laxative; two or three am «Ma 9 inch tile, (395850 fACTS IN NATURE. [Single copies, 3 cts CARR VILL'E, ONT: PRICES OF TILE 30c. 400. 600. 800. $1. 00 Sherwc o 1 ONE “7110 W AS THERE. per foot, or No, 36

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