fixed. On motion of Mr. McMul-chy. Counâ€" cil adjnurnvd to meet at McCartel‘s Hotel. Nobletun. on Saturday. March 3lst, 1906. f1 Dencnuâ€"Bm-nsâ€"Than the Reeve and Mr. McMurchy be a. committee to pur- chase the necessu-y moulds for the manufacturing of concrete sewer pipes fog this township. Mchu-chyâ€"IMuconâ€"That the fol- lowing pm-sons he refunde their dog tax zâ€"Frzmk Egan $2.,G. Ghnppclle $2, R. H. Armstrong $11â€. Dcacnnâ€"McMurchyâ€"Tlmt the ten- dev of S. H. Lund for the tuwnship yrinting he acce-pbe . _' McMGrchyâ€"D'encnnâ€"Thnt the ten- der of Wm. Williams fm the manu- maturing of_tile be ggcepted.‘ McMurChy â€"â€" Deacon Qâ€"I’l‘hut [M 8. Shaw be paid balance of $3 for services as shegp “pluntpr for 190;), Dbncmiâ€" Normanâ€"That :1 grant of twenty dullurs be made to King Agri- cultural Snciely for 1905. MOMm-chyâ€"Dezmm-That the ful- Iuwinp; sheep claims he paid. being two-thirds value of samP:â€"\Vm. H. Boys. $8; Luke Gibbons, $6.35. Settlers travelling without live stock should use 1.45 p.111. train from Toronto daily. on Tuesdays. “'odncsdnys. Fridays and Satâ€" urdays. Cost of sleeping berths as follows:â€" \Viunipcg - 84.00 Ro~inn - $5.00 Moose Jaw ~ 5.00 Cnf'ary - 6.00 “Settlers' Guide" and “ \Vostern Canada" booklets of practical use and interest to set- Elcl‘S. with rates and full information. free upon application to now-est Canadian Paciï¬c Avont; or write to L‘. 8. Fusion D.P._A, UfP‘ 3.. Toronto. _ b , Normanâ€"Bm-nsâ€"That the Auditors. Report. of the Treasurer's Accounts fur the year ending 3151‘, Dec., 1905, be adopted. SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLE-IRS “’ith live stock and effecta. from Toronto at 9.00 pm. unclvyu JJIAIIAISF, luUULll a only“ v, Ynnge street . . . . . . . . . » . . . . . $33 33 James Kitchen, bhuksmith hill, 2 60 “’11). H. Buys, repairs to culvert: 75 Thmnas Grav. plank . . . . , . , . . . . 2 95 Hint†& R‘iddell, Assessment The Council- in committee of the whole on bills, Mm Norman in the drain when the following were 01'- dl‘l't‘d to 1w paid :â€" Jnsoph Billings, month's salary, Rolls. etc. . . . . . . . . ‘ . ‘ . . . John T. Curtis. road work. . . Robb. Kelly. road wm‘k . . . . . ’l‘hos. Ellison, hauling gravel Rohtv. \‘Vhite, gravel . . . . . . . . A. B. \Vells. grave}. . . . . . . . . John Cook, mud work . . . . . . Juninr First-Percy Elam), Preston Elson. Beckie Fountain, Tommie Foul - Kain, Hectur Patterson.\’iola Caldwell. (h‘urge Findlay. Hnnm- Rollâ€"Ida Barker. Peal-l Hns- lie-1, Hector Pawn-gun Senior Secmxaâ€"Mary Findlay, Hut- tie Brodie, (ihtdys Helmkay. Ira Find- ln 5’, Bortha Harrison. Junior Secondâ€"Howard Ness. Cecil Findlay. Part Secnudâ€"Bessie Findlay, \Valter “£51011. Soniur Fust â€"â€" Elsie Hurt, Rhoda Rurki’r. Prélsent Everi'y Dayâ€"Norman Brodie. Hattie Brodiv, Howard Ncss, Tommie Fnuutnin, Beckie Fountain. J. K. McInnes, editor of The Be- gina Standard, was found guilty of criminally libciling Premier Scott, in charging that Mr. Scott had at: tempted to bribe him. At the re- quest of the prosecution a nominal ï¬ne of a. hundred dollars was im- posed. 'Juninr Third â€" Clellnnd Caldwell, Elias Ellintt, David Hislnp. Emma Barker, Ethel Caldwell, Charlie Hos- hvl. Senior Fourth â€"â€" Freeman Barker. I’ezu'l Hnshel. J unior Fnux thâ€"Chm-lie Homer. Har- \ ie N 953. Senior Thirdâ€"Norman Brodie, Ida Barker. RICHMOND HILL. ONT†Mar. MARCH AND APRI L February Report of S. S. No. 3, Markham 3h: flibcml. COLONISJ: CARS ATTACHED EVERY TUESDnY DURING TOURIST CARS IEEXTRA CHARGE King Council E. G. HARRIS, Teacher. To Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan 8, 1906 14 80 3 00 30 10 ()0 1195 lgj -+++~2-aux-a-:-;-++++++~z~+++++++++++++++++ v v -:+ VJ H) And exnmil logue if yo taking .1 pl 9 Good P‘ “'9 helim equal to nm “055 (mini! suits. \Ve and cumsz time. Nov a: i‘i‘anï¬im ‘3 Ynnge & G! W. H. S f+§+++++>++++++++++++++++§ ( Farmers W. H. SHAW, Principal é++++++++++++++++++++++++ A + h'dl are turn. hut {hope wno write Sunann & (10 J’erth “smearâ€! rcccive I e, fun Informhm about won: which thew (lb do. Ind bve u bomcnlml will pay \ham from S» to $25 pot day. Same hm. nnrm-ul man '5 4‘ In a may Either lax. ymlnz or old (Tnpilnl nM rmvl'cd. You Me flirted (roe Thme who alnn ll unto In nbaoluloa; aura of mu: little Ibmmu. AM l mu. 01 course. ifyou have lots of room, so much the better. but many a 2mm and warns): are carrying on a successful and proï¬table poultry business in a small city or town lot. Anyone with a fair sized stable or shed and 3 51111111 yul-dpqn raiqe poultry proï¬t-alpha The hen sets when she is ready. The Chat ham Incubator is alwa ’8 ready, By planning to take oï¬'a batch at t 1e right time. you may have plenty of broilers to sell when broilers are scarce and prices at tho top notch. If you depend on tho lmn, your chicks will grow to bx-oilersjust when evcry other hen's chicks am bgifgg max-1:64.851. and. when the price is 1201250 sx . But to make money uiulgly, you must get away from the 01d idea 0 try-n {to do busineda with setting hens as batchcxs. ou must get a Chathnm Incubator and Broader. Thérenarer inany VbtheF'reasons why the Chutham Incubator and Broodcr outclasscs thgpetping hen. The? Chat-hadrBromlor beï¬m’esuitself. in a perfecb mother and vow rarely loses a. chick, 8.11st not infested with iico. To enable everybody to [1% a fair start in the right; way in the poultry business, we make a. very special offer which in is worth your while to investigate. 0121' No. 3 Incubator will hutch as many 922:: as twenty setting hens. and do it better. how, here is a question in urithmetic :â€" It you keep 20 hens from laglng for 8 weeks, how much can do you lose it each hen would have laid 3 dozen eggs. and eggs are worth 15 cents per dozen! Ana-80$). Therefore, when the Chutham Incubngox- is hatching the number of eggs that twenty hens would habch. It is really earnng in cash for you film. besides producinï¬tor yourlproï¬t chicks )y the wholesalo. nml cing rum y to do the gun}? tshing over again tho moment, each batch :80 . “Doh't you think. therefore. that it nys to keep the hens la in; and let tha C ntham qupbator do the awning? The hen ia a careless mother. often lenflin her chicks amongst, wet grass. bushes, nnd m p aces where 1;th (gem cogflscqto hen-young.“ Altogether. there is absolutely no reasonable reason for continuing tho use of a hen as a hatchcr and every reason why you should have a. Chathum Incubator and Broader. Small Premises Sufficient For Poultry Raising. The MANSGN CAMPBELL (30., Eimited, Dept. No.276, CEATEAM, CANADA 7 W’Veflai-é’ mrakih; u. very special bï¬â€˜cr. which it: will pay you to mvcstigato. ..,._, u...“ WV w. w-.. v. "J .. ““““““““ with setting hens as batchcis. ï¬'ou must g Chathnm Incubator and Broader. _To enable everybody to mm a fair start in the right; way in the poultry business, we make a. v_ery special offer which it is worth your while to investigate. ct; Genticmcmâ€"I had. never seen an incubatrx- until I received yours. I was plemexi and. sur- prist to get over 80 per cent... and the chickens are all strong and healthy. A child could operate mu chino successtully. JAB. DAY. Rath- wal, Man." “'0 can squly you quickly from our distributing warehouses at Calgary, Brandon. Regina 1 Halifax, Chat am. Factories at UHATIIAM. 0x12, and DETROIT. Mien. ‘1! on allow a. hen to set. you lose at, lesut elgh weeks of laying (three weeks hatcth nnd‘flvs weeks takin care of the chickens). or snym the eight woe '3 she would lay at least, three dozen eggs. mt; the Chntbnm Incubator on the hatching. w He the hen goes on laying eggs. Users of the Chathnm Incubator and Broodcr have All made money. If you will cling tolho old idea that? you can successfully run in poultry business using the hen as a butcher. WU would like to roa§on wjth you. 1n the ï¬rst place. we can prove to you that your actual cash loss in eggs. which the 20 hon»; should lay during the Limo you keep them habchinganr! brooding. will be enough to pay for a Incubator nnd Broodm- in ï¬ve or six hatches. to say nothing whatever of the larger and better results mtalned by tho use of the Chuthum Incubator and Broader. llot us quote you prices on a good Fanning Miil or good Farm Scale. No one doubts that there is money in raising chickens with a good Incubator and Broader. You can make money raising! chicks in the flight wayâ€"lots of It. THE SETTIA'G IlENâ€"Her failmzs have discouraged many a ponllry raiser. \Ve believe them is m- school equal to nurs fur metliodic busi- ness training and {01' good reâ€" sults. \Ve solicit investigation and cmnpnrisnn. Enter any time. Nuvacutions. And examinn :1 copy of our cata- logue if you have any ids-a 0f takmg .1 p1 opal-am! y course for a Good Paying Position Ynge 66 Gerrard Sts., Tuwntw. @wt ‘31 Ignï¬imra @nlh‘ï¬'? 7&0)! thorough ?y gal 2200 pou CLUBINE & PEARSON, a Thornhili C. A. SINCLNR, - - Laskay JZSMES WOODZXRD, - Aurora The intends of 2 Frost Fence r-rQ High Carbon No. 9 Hard Steel C are 50 “HT: the two. wires E SURE Knees the fa Frast Fences Are ï¬treng All Around RHIZC Wed V)’ l ate/'31 cd â€"that ca mt 1"r‘ I". he 'mo‘ I; Sh the {u Vunzant. & \Vm-ing. Veterinary Surâ€" geons. twenty-ï¬ve yours 0f plastical exporwncv. A m-upon in even-y package entitling {hp huldnr to F1139 Veterinary Advice. 1" w Sale Rr'sitlencv immodiutely smith of the High School. Fur infm'mntiun apply- Lo JAMES NEWTON, E’lgin Mills. Have just arranged with the Voter- inary Specialty Cu. to 5011 the follow- ing remedies: Stuck Tunic and Blond Puriï¬er. Indigestion and Colic Uni-0, Speu‘in C-uro, “'nrm Powders. Cough Remedy, Puultry Tunic, Lullse nenlh AnLiSCL-ptic Hauling Oil, Sprain Emul- sinn. Black Oil. Hmu'n Relief. Lump Jaw Cut-9, Aphmdisiuc and Anti-Stern ilu Powders, Diarrhnva ()m'e fur Cults and Culvos, Leaking Naval & Juint Dismso. Take N otiee "Gcntlcmon.â€"-Yaur No. l Incubator is all right. 1 am perfectly satisï¬ed with in. Will get a. larger one from you next year. H. M. Lucxwoom Lindsay, 0m," “Gentlgmcn,â€"I think boih Incubator and Hroodcrls all right. I got 75 per cent. out of three hatches. IL 5. FLEMING, Plat-tunic, Ont." A’a/f Sign gem-ted with" lull-11(3); xï¬iégiving only to _b'o rum prised by the ease and rapidity with which the proï¬ts came to them. Of course. success depends on getting 1) right start. You must begin right. You can never make any considerable money us a. poultry fills??? with hcns as lmtchcrs. You must. have a. good Incubator and Broader. but this means in the ordinary way an investment, which, perhaps you are M prepared to make just, now, and this is just whom our special ofl‘er comes in. If you are in earnest. we will get you up in the poultry husinem Without, 5 cont of cash down. If we were not sure that the Chatham Incubator and Broader is the host and that with it and a reasonable amount, of effort, on your met you are sure to make money, we would not make the special. offer below. Many women are today making an indo- pcndent living and putting by money every gmnth raising poultry with a. (‘lmtham Incu- Mar. Any woman with a little hier time at her disposal can, without. any previous experience or without. a. cent of cash. begin the poultry business and. make money right from the start. A Light, Pleasant and Profit- “5:0; ’85n‘zfx'v‘tv/{Izvr'z7/Ev (7:375; thong/1f able Business for Women possibly out ofdtzr/xs. Mun" women are {0â€"day making an inï¬rm pcndmit living and putting by money every Every Farmer Should ygqxï¬h raising poultry with a ('hntlmm Incu- Raise Poulgry Perhaps you have 9. friend who is doin It notgvc 9.1m givqyou'thg )jmmcs of many The Chatham Incubator and Broader has created a New Era in Poultry Raising. The sgtting Hen as a Hatcher has been proven a Commercial Failure. The Chatham Incubator and Broader has always proved a Money Maker. Satisfaction Guaranteed You Pay us :20 Cash Till Afler 1905 Harvest A €HATHAM ENQUBATQR mm ERï¬ï¬Eï¬R up down and diagonally I foal Loc FOR SALE Jtil the strain reaches VIE WILL SHIP NOW TO YOUR STATION FREIGHT PREPAED F. J. PETHICK & SON. The Live Gt-nm'ul Agents of Richmond HilL t and best that That's fair, is Mr: l Incubator and 3 put cent. out of Plat-Lavina, Ont." zen an incubator pleMed and. sur- and the chickens A child could J A5. DAY. Rath- This really means that we will set you up in the poultry business so that; you cam make money right from the start. without asking for a single cent from you until after 1906 harvest. If we know of a. fairer oii’or. we wouldmake it. Write us a. post. card with your name and addrega, and we will send you full m-Liculms. as well as our beautifully illustrate book. “ How to make money out of chicks." \Vrito to-day to Chatham. Brandon. Regina, \Vinnipcg, New “'estminster, 13.0., Montran 512 we‘guamntec .1't It? from moo to €ox‘1cd \h‘rc mass Loch 'frc n who I FRIDAY. Max-ch Ziâ€"Anctinn sale of , farm stuck. implmnents, etc. property of Jo& Heslup. Inc 2.5, cw. B, Etchi- l cake. Perhaps you think that it, quui deal of time ora great deal of tech: ledge tn misc chxckena with 3 (,‘ha bunor and Breeder. If so, you are ; taken. Your wife or daughter can the machine and look after the 0.1m out innerfcring with their regular duties. “'9 know that we made a. similar offer last your and that-in envy maths payments were met cheerfully and promptly. and that in many cases money was accompanied by letters ex- pxg: ’ 1g satisfucï¬nn. «'1‘ .-. ‘ é‘i'éu éan bcgiu hatching on a. large smile at any tune. You can only gnt one crop oï¬â€™ your flc'zdï¬ in 0. year, but wi ,n n (‘lmtham Incubator and Brooder and ordinary attention, youpan misc chickens from surly Springruutil W inter and hajera crop evexjy mcxzth: hi9}; of it 1 ‘ ALA; The market is always good and prices are never low. The demand is always in excess of the supply and at, uextain times of the year you mm tactically at any price you care to as}; for broilers. iith a Lthathmn Incubator and .roodcr You can start hatching at the right time to bring the chickens to marketable br9ilex-s when the supply is vexy low and the prices accordineg high. This you could never do with hens as hatchcrs. We know that there i-a money in the poultry business for every farmer who will go about it right. All you have to do is to got. a. Chutham Incubntor and Broodcr and start, it. But. per- haps you are not prepared Just now to spend the money. This la why we make the special "6â€" IS THIS mm ? We know that, \u h any reasonable effort on your pnrb. you cannon but make money out of the Cimjhnm Incubator and Breeder. “'9 know that we made a. similar offer last your and that-in envy mettle payments were met cheerfully and promptly. aml tbgt in many fore. we have no hesitation in making this proposition to every honest. earnest man or wommi who may wish to add to their year] proï¬ts with a small expenditure of time an 11121.39)“ .. v.vrv.w, “a†-... w prw a few farm ‘3 have discovered that there is money in tho oultry businesa and Inn-’0 found this branch of arming so proï¬table that they have influUcd several (Tthlezn lumbar torn andliroodm after trying the ï¬rst. “:5 know there is money in raisin chickens. \\ 6 know the Chath an lncu am): and ijopdpr has no equgl: The setï¬ng hen as commercial sum-ens. eggs and she should way to misc chickfl f1 lyiqsmlling a Uhggh: AImns; every {am‘m- “lumps; hens." but,whilo he knows that there is u amount 01' proï¬t in the business, even when ching it take cure of itself. {cw farmers are swan: of how much they are losing every year by not getting into the poultry busims in such a. way us to make real money out of it The semng hen as u. hatohcr will never be a commercial xxx-cons. Her business 35 to lay FRIDAY. Mal-ch Qâ€"Auctiom sale of farm stm-k. implements. etc. [)mpmty uf M. Middleton. Int‘J, con. 5. Vaughan. FRIDAY. March 9â€"Anctiun sale (\f farm stock. implenwnts, etc, pmpurty of James Dmvney, lot 20. con. 8, Al- hiun. List of sales to be conducted by Mes-Ts. Suigoon & McEwan, Auc- tinnvers of York, Simcoe and Peel “lounties : DIONDAY, \larch 12â€"â€"Auctvinn sale of farm stuck, implmnents, etc-u pmpm‘ty of John Harrison, lot 8. con. 9, The Game. Saigeon 8c McEwen‘s Sales TUESDAY, Murcli 13~Auction 3:119 of farm stock. implenwnts. etc., property of Mr. Kaiser, lot 25. con. 6, \Vest Ynl'k. SATURDAY. Max-ch 17â€"Auctinn/ sale of stock. implmmnts. ate“ at Steele’s Hotel. Nrwtun Brnuk, the prnpm-ry of Chats. Fishrl'. Sale at 2 o'clock. Terms, 7 mos. MONDAY. March 19~Auction sale of horses. vehicles and furniture, lot 8, (run. 4‘ Vaughan, near Edgloy. px‘op‘ may of Simon Shlmk. Vaughan. THURSDAY. Maroh 15â€"Auctiun sale of farm stuck. implr'ments. pm. prop ex'ty of Ew. Smith. (ix-M'el Road, near Kivinhm-g. Fumn’, March 16â€"Anotion sale of farm stuck, implmnents, etc.. property ni B. Bonke, Inc 1;. con. 4, \Vvst York. \\’1£[).\'ESD.\Y,March14â€"Auctionsale of farm stm-k. implements. etc†prop- erty of It. Goodall. lot 17, con. 10, Vaughan. TUESDAY, Mm-vh 20â€"Aucti0n sale of farm stat-k, imph-monts. 9t(r., propel ty‘ of Max-k szwwn, Int 14, con. 3, Emm- coke. TUESDAY. Mm ch 20~Auction sale of farm stuck, implements, etc†at, lot 20, cm). 4. Vaughan, (Maple). thv property of (3‘. \‘v'mxj. Sale at I. Terms. 1" months. “'m. L months. Ho. 1â€" an Eggs 813 He. 2â€"120 Egg- No. 3â€"24!) Eggs T11]? (71:1 'l’l/Afll l/VCUB/I 705‘qu \VEDNESDAY. March 14 â€" Auction :10 of stack. implements, etc†10643, at 001).. Vaughan. the prupm'ty of Vm. Lowery. Sale at 1. Terms. 6 sucrzss 1m: (urourag rd many {0 make um b0 kc 1t equlres a {treat technical know- Chatbanx Incu- are groutiy mis- ‘r can attend to r chickan with- :ular household t. it. The to be - oran Bro 011 MONDAY, March 19â€"Auctiaa sale of farm stuck, implements. 9%., cm km 47, lst con., Vaughan (Richmond Hill}, the property of (3. H. Boynton. Sale at 1. Terms, 8 months. MONDAY, March 19â€"Anction sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot #7, con. 1. Vaughan (Richmond Hill), the property of U. H. Bnymon. N0 re- svrve. Sale at. 1. Terms, eight months. TUESDAY, March ‘20-â€"Cr9dit 5-1ch of farm stock, implements, etc, on lot 9. con. 4. Scm-brm. the property of \V'. F. Scott. Sale at 12 O’clock. MONDAY, March Etaâ€"Credit sale of farm stuvkrimplements,fnmitm~<-, etc" on lot 30. mm. 1. Vaughan, Thm'nhill. thv pruperty of Thomas Lune. Sale at; 12 u‘clock. Eight months‘ cre-dit. TUESDAY, Max-ch 13â€"â€"Cl'edit sale (If fur-m stor-k. implements, etc†on Int 8. con. 1), Scan-horn, the property of James Neilsnn. Sale at 12 u’clnck. \VEDNESDAY. March 14â€",Cl-edit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on 1th 3. can. 4, Markham, the propt-rty of David Duncan. Sale at 12 o'clock. THURSDAY. Max-ch 15â€"C1-edib sale 05 fan-m stock. implements. etc., the prup- m-ty of Jas. F. Smith, on lot 4. con. 3, East York. Sale at 12. \VEDNESDAY, March 21~Uredit safe of farm stock, irnplemonls. etc. on lot 241, can. 1, \Vest York. Newton Brook. the property of Henry Gould- ing‘.i Sale at 11 o’clock. Eight mnnths' cw it. TUESDAY, March 27â€"0redit sale of farm stock, implements, etc†on lot 19, con. 2, “’est Yul-k. the property of Isaac Harrison. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Eight mouths“ cx-Pdit. \VRDNESDAY. March 23â€"Cl‘edit Side of farm stuck, implmnents, etc.. on 10's 14, con. 4. East Xm-k. the property of M. Reilly. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Eight umntlls’ credit. THURSDAY, March 29â€"Oredit sale of farm stock. implements, (it/0., on lot 26. cnn. 2, Scal'bm-O. the property of \Villinm Malcnm. Sale at. 1 o‘clock‘ Eight months†credit. J U ST A LITTLE FRIDAY. March 9â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc.. on lot, 2. mm. 2, East Yurk. the property- of Chris. Tumor. Sale at 12 (folds-k. Swen months’ crvdit. The following Am conducted by Mr. . Unionville :â€" FRIDAY. Mar-ch S ++++%++++%++%§%%é+é%++++ ++++++++é+++++++++é++++++¢ “Your Money Back if You Want It.’ Issuer Marriage Licenses we say After you 'use it- ormP yuu will believe in itton. It will cost you 25 cents t0 try it. Are your lungs worth 25 Cents ? Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? $5. A Sanderssn J. H. Prentice's Sale Register Five Roses Flour. some yeast, plenty of water, an oven and common sense will give you a better and! sweeter 1011f", with less lat» 01', than any ordinary brand on the market. Druggist, Richmond Hill J. HALL wing Auction Sales wil} be by Mr. .3. H. Prentice of 700 nugh that is W 's not