Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1906, p. 5

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Five more infm'mations \vvre laid inst week by Inspector Mackenzie 0f \Vest York for illegal liquor selling in the Local Option districts of Nul‘tlen. mnto and Toronto Junction. 01) Sat- urday Magistrate Ellis heard the. cases preferred against the rupriotnr of the Davisville Hotel and t )0 Bedford Park Hotel. Each of the defendants was fined $50 and costs, the same as was inflicted on the proprietor of the Eg- linlun Hotel at week before. It. looks as though this (invermnont were de- termined to punish persons who are habitually breaking the law. The entertaimuent committee of the Public Librmy have made arrange- ments with Mr. J. Stuhbs of Peter- lmrough for an entertainment, in be given In the Masonic Hall on the own. lug of the 22nd inst. The entertain. ment will cnmist of moving pictures, stm'eopticun views, illustrath recita- Lious, 21ml selvr:tiuns on the phono- graph. The programme will be varied and interesting and cunnnb fail to he bnjuyable. The admission will be 25 and 15 cents. Mr. I). 0. Steele, has: sold his im- pm'tod Clydesdale stallion. Laird of Argo, which was a general favorite in this section of enuntry. Mr. Jnhn Bell nf Lloydtmvn was the buyer, to whose stable the horse was shipped on Tues- day. Mr. Steele on Monday evening gave an oyster supper at, his residence tn a. number of his friends, and a very pleasant time was spent. “’0. under- stand Mr. Steele purposes buying an- other stallion. At 10.30 last Thursday, while Dr. .lakewuy of Stayner was feeding his lmrse, his lantern exploded, igniting the hay and straw and smutheringliim in the luft. The body was recovered shortly after. the hands and face being onlv slightly burned. The barn. \x hicli was brick. was damaged to the extent. nf $250. Deceased was a cousin of Mrs. Flank Wiley (if this village. LAIRD 0F ARGUSBZD A‘lmrvvst of valucs:-4 flint glass lump chimneys, large size, for 250. 01' 7c. each; medium and small sizes do. 5c. each; 5 lbs. clmire figs, 250.; 5 lbs. clmice pmnes for 250.; 6 lbs. golden dates for 25c.; a. 5 lb. pail gnlden syrup I'm-25c.: 4 tins choice British Culum- hi2). Salmon for 25c.: 4 tins r-hnice pens for 256.; 3 cans chnice rm n for 250.: 5 lbs. of rice for 2.30. Atkinson & Swit- zcr. The startling intelhgencc Rl'live‘d .1 fmv days ago that Dr. Atwood, hus- band of Mrs. A. C. Lawâ€"Sillence, died at. the family rs-‘sidence, 339‘ VVPst Adams street. Chicago, on Thursday lust. Decmlsml was a hmlher-inâ€"lnw of Mrs. J. Grant and Mrs. A. J. \Vright. \Ve have been shown a draft of the new James Bin Railway depnc for Richmond Hill, to he CIECU‘d in the early summer. Judging by the design, tihe new station will be quite up-to- (:xtv. “'0’” make to 5mm measure a genâ€" uine Scotch TWeed Suit. stylish over» (-hm'k gonds for $15.90 and save you $3.00 on the suit. VVuuld be pleased to nwnsure you. Money back if not sut- isfii‘d. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Alex. Duff of Lug-mt Hill has been appointed lmiliif of the Soonnd Division Cuurt. York. in place of Mr. J. J. Lunzw. resigned. (lnurts for the above division are held alternately at Markham and Stoutfville. Mr. Arthur Tucker, who fm‘ the past two years has bevn emplnyvd as har- nessmnkm- hv Mr. Geo. Mchnnld, left on “'edm-sduy for Lvnnoxvine, P. Q.. whnre he has accepted a similar posi- tion. The Markham Village Public School building was burned \Vednesday morn- ing of lusc week. The loss will be nearly $6,000. lnsm-am-e. $3,800. The fire was caused by a defective furnace pipe. Mr. H. F. Hopper has bet-u np- Eminbcd dehgace (0 represent Ivy mng. A.O.U.\V.. at [hemmqu meet- ing which opens in Tornntu (m the 20th inst. Elizabeth Lloyd, widow of the late John Fetch. (lied at, her homo in Aur- um rm “'ednnsday, March 7, aged 77 yeum. Fum-ml to the Aumm ceum- tor'y Friday at 2.30. Nigel-1:1. Glass sang at :m entertain- mom. in connection with {he Epworth League. Aurora, Monday evening. Nrw print‘s, new ginghams, now x-il». hrms, now minty lustres, just to hand. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Mr. J. T. Be-ynnn and Mr. J. KPI‘S‘ will of Tmnpemnceville nre notinu ns jurymeu at the Court of General ges- Sinus. Mrs. \V. Proswr. accompanied by Mustrr Cecil. spent a few dayg lust, wcvk with her mehol" Mr. Chas. Smiles. A mI-eting of the executive of the R. H. & Y. 8. Agricultural Society will iw held in the Lm'ne Hall on Saturday next, the 10th inst, at 2.30 o‘clock. The Local OpLion hy-Imv voted on in "(Alton Monday Curried by a. majority 11. The vote pulled for the hy-luw was 1”), against, the hy-law 90. Elm gum; memzw HILL. Own, Mar. 8, 1906 HOTEL KEEPERS FINED 140(7 A1436. SMOTHERED IN BARN MOVING PICTURES D. Atkinson 0. Humng .. F. Jackvs ... J. Morgan H. Smith .... L. Richardson A. \\'inck. . .. F. )ampbell . E. Boyle . . . . « M. Byam U . N. McMahon M. Bnyle . . ‘ . . ‘ M. Klinck . . .. A. Clubine . . E. Palmer G. Brown. ‘ . . U. Kimwe. . . . A. Milncr..... G. Dickinson.. E. Remnzm A. fiichnaghy L. Perkins \V. .Fx'ishy H. Francis H. Switzel- The report of t he Ins ector of Liquor Licenses for 1905 has een issued and Contains statistics of interest. There were 2,495 tavern licenses issued in 1904-5 as compared with 2.548 for 1903-4, and 2,593 for 1902-3. The amount of revenue collected by the Provincial Government was $297,825.44 in 1904-5 as compared with $394,789.59 in 1902-3. The municipalities received $248.422.60 in 1904-5 and $250,229.76in 19023. The fines collected amounted to $20,665 in 1904-5. The number of commitments for drunkenness in 1905 was 567 in ex- cess of 1904, and the average yearly counnitments from 1901 to 1905 3,186, as against 1,920 in 1896 to 190“. and 3,- 812 in 1876 to 1880. In East York the amount imposed by the municipalities by hy~luw in excess of statutory duLiL-s in 1901-5 was as follows : Searhoro . . . . . i . , . . . . . . . . . . . $300 00 Markham Township . . . . . . . . . . 100 01) York. east of Yonge Street. . . . 160 00 Markham Village . . . . . . . . .. 40 00 Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 00 Scarboro it will be seen imposes the highest fee of the townships. and Mark- hum the luwest, while Richmond Hill received $95 more than Markham Vi}- Ingo. In East, York $60 was collected in fines last your. as compared with L‘IIL'A :., ‘nnn n V V.._.r."-v. ... $160 in 19023. ' HIGHâ€"SCHOOL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY Fourteen scholarships to the value of $75 for male teachers and $50 for female toacherswill he granted by the Minister of Educatinn to teachers hold‘ ing at least :1 Secund Ulztss Professional Certificate. There is also granted from the Mncdunuld School Rural Fund five cunts per mile for travelling expenses. The. Nature Study CHUZ‘SG commences ml the 5th of April and extends over a period (if three months. It, is desir- ahle that; the difi‘erent portions of the Province he. iepxesented, and that not more than one teacher should come from any one county. Ap licntions should he received at the Educa tiun Department; not later than the 10th of Mulch. 5‘ Mr. Casper \Vidonian. (me of'tho oldest, and most highly respected citi- zvns of that soctinn nf country. died at his home. near Gnrmley. on \Vedncsâ€" day, the 2151: February. in his 85th year. He was born in the your 1822 on the 4th concession (if \Vhilchuz-cl). and had lived (in the farm on which he divd for upwards of 60 years. The, fnnm'al took place to the Dunkard ceinvtei'y (in the following Friday. when the sonice was conducted b Rev. Mr. Fidler and Rev. J. G. Huovfl' of the Mennnnile faith. Deceased was twice married, and both wives prede- ceasvd their husband. Mr. \Videman had 10 children, ’7 of whom are living. He also leaves 40 grandchildren. De- ceasodlwill be missed in the nvighhnr- hood, as notwithstanding his years h9 was active and always had a word (if gvnd advice for thnse with whom he mingled. “70rd was rocr‘ived on Thursday that; Mis. Rust‘nlhal. daughter of Mrs. Alex. Scutt. had dim! at Knlgom-lie. VVeatex-n Australia, on New Year’s day. and that her husband had :nlso died the day after attending his wife‘s funeral. Mr. Rusenllml had been un- well for some weeks, and it; is sup- pusud that. his illness. cmnliim-d with the intenso summer heat of that coun- try, prnducvd the illness which causs-d Mrs. Rmenthnl's death. Buth were cnmpzu'ativoly young people, and lhcir unexpected dmthS created the greatest surprise and rvgrut. Dr. Cnulter, D9pilty Postmaster Gvneral. and Mm. Cnullm‘ left Ottawa. yestelrluy on a trip to the crmtinent. Tbe 'will sail from New York Friday. The Doctor is Canadian rcpn-sentative at thr convention of the Universal Postal Uninn which mmehs this year in the City (if Rome. The representatives nf (.119 Various trunntx ies assembled rog- ulute the I‘Mes and discuss different plmsvs (If the pnstul service through- out the world. The convention mouts every seven years. though on account of the Russo-Japanese war the meet- ing was postponed fur qu years. Their lUillly friends heal-e will wish Dr. and Mrs‘ (‘rmllter a pleasant trip and at safe return. We clip the following death notice from last. \vak'x Harrie Gazette. The Scutt. fumin funneer resided in Rich- mond Hill : The prices and the values are no lnnger on speaking terms here. At. kinson & Switzm. ANOTHER PIONEER GONE LIQUOR LICENSES SUDINCN DEATH A TRIP TO ROME T0 TEACHERS FORM III. A. II. U. COLQUROUN, Deputy Ministe) FORM 1". Total 365 313 315 550 526 494 479 449 4 i8 414 19% 183 180 171 107 230 209 20'.) . $300 00. . . 100 01) . 160 00 40 00 56 ’77 70 70 61 60 54 Afip! -’ to 34-37 y Soven acres of land on Richmond street in the. village of Richmond Hill, the? prqperty of Patrick Maylan. A spcnnd-hnnd Grain Grinder in good order made by the Jullette 00,, warranted fur :l year. Price $12.00, at Mager’s_Foundry, Richmond Hill. FRIDAY. March 9â€"Auction sale of falm stock. implements, etc., atHar- per's Hntel, Victoria Square. Nu re- serve. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 7 mnnths.â€"D. G. Blough. Auctioneer. ‘VEDNESDAY, Mar. 21 -â€" Auct'on sale nf farm stock. implements. can, on lot 14, mm. 3. East York, the propâ€" erty of Timothy Rutchford. Saleat lo‘clnck. Tm-ms, 7 mos. F. \V. Sil- versides, auctioneer. TUESDAY, March 27-» Auction sale of fill‘lll stock imploments. etc” on lot 29. 3rd mn. Markham. the property of J. F. \Vellumu. Sulv at 1 o’clock. Terms, Tums. N. E. Smith, auction- FOR SALE OR TO RENT BRITNELLâ€"At 20!) Davenport Road. Toronto, on Thursday, Mulch 1st. 3 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edwald Brimell. HENRICKâ€"At Hmldfmld, (m the 23rd of February. 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hem-ink, a. son. SMITHâ€"At Richm ‘md Hill. on Thurs- day, March 1, James ’1‘. Smith of Buf- faln, N. Y, E. Gordon .. P. Silver . . . . . L. Jnhnaton . H. Naughtml 0. Smith . . . . . M. Blnin .. . . C. McDonald. M. Smith .... H. Murphy .. I. Marsh . . . . . M. Bnyle. . . . A. Bmwock . . P. Bl'wtkoy .. A. VVilIizuns. B. \Vulkm- . .. \V. Rvdditb . . 0. Hill M. P. Hill. . . . F. Rumble M. Gibson , H. \Volsh. . E. Gibsou.. W. Lawson Ur. Legge . . . A. Palmer . . S. Road . . . . . I. Perry . . . F. Page . . . . . F. Hickson . J. Elliott .. J. Forster. . . W. Ground . A. Bull . . . . 0. James F. James . . H. Cmsby . . M. Helmkey M. Brydml. . W. Scott W'. Carleton . . . _D_. Cooper .. .. N. Brown. . . u L. Smiles .xx|tu J. Topper. . . . ., S. Murphy . . . . . R. Page. . . . . . E. QIanughtun This is the first question your doctor would alk: "Arc your bowels regular ‘P" He knows that dully action of tho bowels la absolutely essential to recovery. Kae your liver sctlve and your bowel: regular y taking lanuve doses of Ayer’a P1111. Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take itâ€"Ayer’s Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Interment in Newmarket Saturday. Pale, 272m, Boucock . _ . . . Morgan. . . . . Y_;_x_uderburgh Kolly . . . . . \Vntaon . Buyntvnn . )ulhmm . Hagen-mun Uusgrove . Flank . . , . . \Vutsr-n .. Hislnp . . . . Morgan . McNuir We have no nerds! W3 publish the formulas of all our landmines. FOR SALE m9 b J. O. Aye: Co. Lowell Mus. AYIO mnthm-Bn of ' yer’s QFQOUS: Sale Register. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. DEATHS FORM BIRTHS FORM L BAIR V1002. AOUE CURB. CHERRY PECTORAL 1h 514- 506 491 483 479 354 301 gm 413 407 393 407 407 407 394 393 329 705 763 738 678 675 646 594 582 579 559 51’)? 497 484 460 360 522 670 539 317 3t )9 305 30L 8! K) 50 72 5‘3 44 53 58 58 65 53 58 71 89 71 Business transacted between 10 and 4 on Monday VVeduesdnv and Fri day of each week. ' $5131 mi ml E21111: sf {332: 3:31:33: Maple Savings Bank Department. Monry advanced on sale notes. A We have second-hand heaters, nearly new. Also wood and coal stoves at low figures. . 13aintss and Elardvvare. Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges, our leaders, which have won for themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. Richmond Hill Hardware Store 38 inch Black Lustre, regular 30c. yd. for 15c. yd. 40 inch Blnrzk Serge, regular 50c. yd. for 250. yd. 42 inch Black Fancy Dress Goods, regular 50c. yd., for 200. yd. 36 inch Fancy Dress Tweed, regular 502. yd. for 20c.yd. A lot of Ashton’s Prints, regular 125C. yd. for EC. yd. 36 inch Check tweed, regular 30c. yd. for 210. yd., Made to your measure in first order, a. Genuine Heavy Scotch Tweed Suit for $11.50, regular $18.00 suit. It there’s a thing you need in winter goods, you can't afford to miss this saleâ€"â€" buying elsewhere will mean paying higher prices. We couldn’t tell the story more briefly or plainly than that, could we, or put the truth more strongly? That’s allâ€"the prices quoted below will talk better than we can: On a Strike These and other goods in this store are on a strike. They declare they must be sold. Say they never intended to spend the summer with us. \Vc agree with them, and the prices ought to convince you that we are both in earnest. Atkinsen & Switzer Our advertisements are not literary gems is because we are plain business folk, not gifted in penning fine phrases or cute sayings; there- fore what we say to you from time to time we express briefly; this time it’s the news of our March Clearing Sale The Reason Why ? urn ace VVox-k. 'Ein smithâ€" X-Cut saws. Axes. G. SMILES (In connection with Richmond Hill Office. Max. 8. 1903. V‘fi

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