VOL. XXVIII. LIBERAL PRINTING (I PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILLONT. '1‘ . F . Mc- MAHON. “ (“We (gibzml †IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING DH. WM. ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚s, Dentist, Room 12, 12% Victoria St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at lowesb prices. Good work. Gulls by telephone from. Richmond Hill charged to me. DR. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, Will be $I per annum, in advance. Francis Bluck, THORNHILL, Ont. Ofï¬ce hours: Tuesday-s, 8â€"12 3.. m.; 1â€"8 p. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY Sr’JRGEJN RICHMOND HILL cflls by day and night, promptly at- tended to. Oflice Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m Richnlond Iiill Toronto Olï¬ce, 450 CHURCH ST. DR. \V. E. DEAN Cor. Carlton and Yunge Sts., Toronto ill be in Richmnud Hill on VVed- nesday of each Week. Oflice, next door nm-th of Stand- ard Bunk. BUSINESS CARDS. Safe (Successor to Dr. Lawl'ason) Proï¬table VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fllornhill. This Bank‘s large 1esuurces ensure safety. C - Interest, at highest, current rate, paid twice n onvenlent year makes an account proï¬table. Being \vithdrawuble without. notice makes it cunveuleu‘u. THE ONTARIO BAN K Emroa £5 Paomun'ron DENTIST, A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY 3%! mm. Werimzry AT THE geutal. INCORPORATED 1857. Ofï¬ce Open \Vcdnesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. oods GNTARIO BANK Savin gs Account A G S Lindsey.K C G G F Lawrence W flidout Wadsworth TORONTO OFFICE: No. 83 Rich- mnnd St. “'est.\Vesh-y Buildings, (MeLhodist Book Room,) To- umtn. Barristel Hufne Life Mr. Cook J AS. N EWTON Barristers and Solicitors. Money to loan on land audchsuel lowest rates Auroranfliceâ€"Removed to ch one door was: Ontuno Bunk Newmmket oflice~Threo doors south of the past olï¬ce T Hzmmm'x Laxnox, mortgages“ a old pout oï¬lca or the entrance to the G 8‘!" MORGAN ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIiGIN" MILLS LENS OX 7&5 ‘ MOEGXN. Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark Private and Trust Funds tu loan at luwest current. rules. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yoxk Goods sold on consignment Genera] sales atoc etc promptly attendodto at reueonnbh rages“ iftesylence Uuionville J '1‘ Saigeon, Maple G R Gouldmé; Nggt-ovli‘grookmxem for bhe above Licensed auctioneers {onhe County of York. Salesmtcoudedbo onshortemnotirelnd a tea-- onablerates Patronageaolicited Licanse Auctioneer for the County of 101'", ro- spectmlly solicits your patronage 3nd {riendly influence sales attrnded on the shortest nonu- and at ,easonaberates. P. O.uddress King Undertakers dc Embalmc-rs, RICHMOND HILL & THURNHILL A arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept, at but}: places. Barristers,Solicitors, Notaries, 8x. nine Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg). Uni. Adelaide 6L Victoria 318.. Toronto. LIBERAL Ofl‘ice. Richmond Hillon Szt-turdavs. Barristers. Soliciun'a, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, ‘v. “2 Corner King & Yunge Streets RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 15 1906 Lindsey. Lawrence W adsvvorth, MONEY TO LOAN AT 02 COOK & JOHstdN rok will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. larristers. Solicitors. etc. Saigeon a; fVlcEwcu. VVRIGHT BROS, IN THE J. II. P: entice. D. G. BLOUGH, TO RUN TO. Emil. Aurora. In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." 8!" Hanan: Phone Kain 2964 J x tic-Ewen Weston hewmarkot Vaughan (‘mmcil met, M. the Town- sb‘ip Hall, 13th inst. All the members pn-_s_ent, 1L9f\_e Boyle ill} Lhe cha‘ir. 1 - Minutes of ndpptrd. Cameron â€" Longhmlse ~ That the Treusurer be authorized m pay the fol- lmymg 110:}(1 accounts :~â€" n n it H Gaze] hauled on 2nd Con. from H. Rumble-'8 pit : Thus. Rumble, 30 yards at. 400.. . .$12 00 Chas. Rumble, Arthur \Vilsnn, H) Helwr Rumble, 30 Norman Rumble. 36 yards c§ It ul “'11:. Patterson. 30 “ " 40c. David Rumble, 24 “ “ 40c. John Kirkland, 45f “ “ 400. “’n). Rumble. 35) 1-3 “ “ 40c. Juhn Savage, 263 “ " 40c. \Villwert Bowen, 33 “ “ 40c. Jas. Magun, levelling mad . . . . . . \Vm. Blake. 11% days at, $1.25. .. Archie McLean, 4,} dain at $1.25 E. Irwin, 55 " " Hv. Rumble. 5 “ †“ \Vm. Kespie, l “ “ “ “’ilbm-t Bowen. dynamite and time... . John Kilkhlnd, lduy in pit... . \V. S. Rumble. day [Swellng Gravel hauled 2nd COIL. Uuuk's Arthur VVilsun. 2% yards at 625m$ \Vm. Rumble, 3 " “ " R. Jones, 9&- “ “ " David Rumble. 2§ “ “ “ Jas. Rumble. 2% “ " " R. Bussingwaite, 2§ “ “ “ John Savage, 2!; “ “ “ \Vilhert Bone. 2 2-3 “ “ “ BerL Mortson. 2; " " “ Frank Boyle. 6 “ †“ Heller Rumble, 2; " “ “ Thus. Rumble, 1 1-3 “ †" Gravel hauléd (m Rvaman’s on 3rd 001)., C(mk‘s piL : mad and Huber Rumble, 5 yards at 40c...$ 2 00 u u 201 u "300... 6 07 “ “ 42 “ “ 2.30... 10 50 “'ilhert Buwvu. 19 " “ 40c. .. ’7 60 u u 25; -- ‘~ 30c... 7 65 “ " )5 " " 26c... ’3 75 Frank Boyle», 6 Thos. Rumble, 9!, 400. “'m. Pultmson Jns. Baker, 13; u u 45’ .105. “'ingvr, 51 u u \Vln . Patterson AI'LUUY V“ “3Uâ€, lg It It II Stanley Tyndall, 1311; “ Bert MUI'LSOI), 7g “ Chas. Rumhlv. 43% “ Jnhn Kixkland, 42 “ Mark Helix-Hum, 8% days Arthur \Vilson, gnu oi . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 A. S. Russell, 6% dnyslevellingn U \Vm. Blake, overseer L‘vuuk‘s pit 6 Ynnge Street Account (Vaughan :Iy half) : Vm. Chatterley, 2 days . . . . . . . S 2 \Valtex- Chatterley, lday. horse and cart . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Blanchard Bros, blt’ilkiltéI-é$ tuise stone . . . . . . , . . . . . 37 J. Sixukiur‘, breaking 3 misc stone . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I8 ()0 G mvel hauled on 4th Com, opposite Lute 6 and 7: Gem Poole, 19; yards at 6256. . . .$12 18 J. N. \Vatson. 22;} yards at (VAC. 14 ()6 G. Manning, 165 “ “ " 10 3]. Oliveer-ulmxn,10$ “ “ “ 6 56 Thus. Oliver, 16$ “ “ “ 10 31 “'In. Blanchard, l6; “ “ “ 10 31 Richard \Villimns, 12 yards at 625C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hiram Kofl’ex', 6 yznds Percy \Vatsun. 15 “ Jacob Shunk, 10; †Tlms. Badger, 9 †\Vesley Gibbs, H ' Isnac \Vatsun, 6 " James Sherman, 6%, (1:1 Archie McLean, 5 du ling x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed. lrwm, 4; days shuvelliug R. Manning, (jaysilgvs‘fling vael hauled on 5th Com: P. Jones, 33 yards at, (57c. . . . . A. Line, 191; †“ “ 0. Line, 21 “ “ “ J. Shunk. 15 “ “ “ . J,Gihh.1§ †“ †4 .. T. V'Vatsun, 22; yards at 67 . . Geo. Puole, 1.3 " “ “ J. H. “'atsnn, 105 “ †" ‘ Chas. Manning, 13% yards atï¬â€™ic. 0. Graham. 1% “ “ “ F. Olin-1', 1J2 “ “ “ \Vm. Blanchard, 3 “ “ †G. Watson, 21 “ “ “ J. H. \Vatson. 168 yards at 7c... A. McLean, 55 days in pit, . . . . . . Ed. Irwin, 4 1â€"2 days in pit . . . . . Jas. Shannan, 6 1-2 days fore- man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rum. Jones, 4 days levelling Thm-nhill aideliue: Geu. Bowes. 96} yards at 40c “ “ half day in pit . . . . “ “ 1 1-2 days With team VAUGHAN COUNCEL LLSL 30 yards at. 40c. . .$12 00 ll) “ " 256. . , 2 50 10 " “ 400.. . 4 00 10 “ †25¢. . . 2 50 19 '1-3 22;» 243'a1-ds at ineeting H‘ud and l7 “ †300. . . 2â€"3 yards at, days in pit, . days shnvel- at 62%. 250. . . at 40c. 25c. 40c. 400. 260. 40c. 400. " 25c. ï¬lling 400. 40C. 400. 400.. 40c. 406. 30c. 406. 300. 25c. 300. 300. 30c. 7 :30 14 40 9 60 18 20 l4 13 10 50 13 20 4 00 2 ()0 5 (,0 $22 11 12 90 14 07 10 05 l 00 15 U7 1 (0 7 (3 7 20 5 40 13 50 2 10 6 37 12 08 2 25 5 93 4 d5 2 25 10 87 10 50 8 63 240 502 MW mm“ 91126. 1. (K) 63 57 57 to 50 John Page, 932 yards at 40c . . . . . “ “ half day in pit. . . . . . “ “ 1 12 days with team Thus. Bowes, 80 yards at 40c. . . . " " 1 day in pit with team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Lewis Page, 90 yards at 40c. . . .. 36 00 " " 1 day in pit, . . . . . . . . 1 00 " “ half day with team 1 25 By. anes, 82 1-2 yards at 4012.. 33 00 \Vu). Rankin, 771-2 yards at 400. 31 00 Mrs. L. Clark, 37 1-2 †“ " 15 00 John Simpkins, 8-2 “ “ “ 3 50 Isaac Chapman, 21-2 " " “ 1 00 \Vlu. PcLH'S, 161-2 days in pit. . 16 50 Jnn. Shearen. 141â€"2 “ †“ . . 14 50 B. Mussulman. 1 1-2 " “ “ .. 1 50 Jas. (Elm-y, 16 1-2days’ road work 16 50 Jun. Ellis, 17 days overseer. .. . 21 25 '1‘. Lueahy, 1 1-2_ day§ . . . . . . . . . . l 25 '1‘. Lueahy, l l-Z'days . . . . . . . . . . l 25 Gravel hauled on 2nd Cum, opposite Lot, 8 : Geo. Bowes, 5'2 yards at 280.. . . .$ 2 43 John Page, 71-2 " “ “ N) ... C Thus. Bowes, 7 1â€"2 yards at 28c“ 2 10 Lewis Page, 82 “ “ “ 2 45 \Vm. Rankin, 82 “ “ “ . 2 45 \Vlu. Peters, 1 day in pit, . . ... 1 00 Jun. Shoaren, 1 day in pit . . . . . . 1 00 H. Bowes, 82 yards at. 28c. .. .. 2 45 Jus. Clary, 1 day levelling . . . . . . l 00 l 25 Jun. Ellis. over-sew .. . Lewis Page, 50 yards gravel at 7c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. H. “'atsun. 168 yards gravel at, 7c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mls. \Varrr-n, 4 lnads stone for breakwater, gravel road . . . . . . \Vm. Bowen, dynamite and work in Plunkett’s pit, etc . . . . . . . . . . \Vilhei-t Bono, dynamite and work, Rumble's pit . . . . . . . . . . . Chris. Stong. dynamite and work, Robb’s pit. .. .. .... John \Vhitmm'e, trip to Can-- ville and work in Piunkett’s Jus. Stevenson, 2 day’s work. .. . P. Mitchell, 4 days, man and from \Voodbridgé: etc. . . .h . 3 00 \Vm. Malloy, drawing gravel to Murray’s swamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 J. Lovette, 2 days‘ work in Rubb‘s pit . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 2 00 L. Maynard, 4 duys' work in Rubb’s pit; . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 J. Ringlaud. 4 1-2 days’ work in Robb's pit, . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . 5 62 Gun. 7, Lot 28. drawing gravel at 50¢. per yard : Chas. Kerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . $19 37 John See-d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . 19 37 G. Brownlee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . 15 (10 G. Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . 13 12 Jas. \Vatsun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 F. To )per . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 75 .1. MC ean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 87 S. Hilliard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 87 L. Fan-r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3 12 S. Hilliuid . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 14 38 A. Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 W. Kerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ()0 \Vm. Seed . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 D. McIntyre, 11 days in pit y . . . . . 13 75 J. McGillivmy, 10 days . . . . . . . . . 10 ()0 D. Seed, 305 yards at 7c. . 21 :55 1). Seed. pick handles, sledge, etc. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 15 .‘ Oowan, sharpening picks l 25 Cameronâ€"Devinsâ€"That a by-law be introduced at this meeting of the Coun- cil repealing By-Iaws Nos. 802 and 803. passed on November 14, 1905, closing up pal-L of the road known as the Shaver Road, and that the said by-luw. if assed, be registered in the Registry 0 £9 for the County of Yorkâ€"Unr- rie . team . . . . . . . . _ . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. MiLcheXl. 2days, 1 man . . . . . . RKHarvey. d_1“a.§v‘ing sewer pipe Yeasâ€"Longhouse. Cameron. Devins. Naysâ€"Boyle, McNair. MCNair â€"â€" Longhouse â€" That, this Council do not, proceed to pass the by-, lauv tu close up that portion nf the highway through the east, 11qu of lot 11, in lhe b‘th cum, known as them- closed pol-Linn of the Sham er Road.â€" Curried. By-law No. 812, to rapt 802 and 803, was read (LI and third time and passgjfl. Devinsâ€"Lunghouseâ€"That the Trens. ‘ urur he and is hereby authorized to pay the following general accuuutsy To Ed. Brown. use (if Public Library, Woodhridge, for Division Court, sit- tings, $15.00; to Secretary Richmond Hill and Yonge Street, Agriculturall Society, $15.â€"§Jarried. w > | Canwmu â€"- Dex ins â€" That W118! (-st 1 Mr. T. Herbert Leunox has issued a. writ 0n behalf of \‘Vm. Abbott against the Township of Vaughan ful- daun- uges sustained by alleged noun-pair of l highway on the 2nd conceSsiou, np-‘ pusite lot 8, therefore be it resolved! that am- solicitor be instructed to de- fend the actiuu.â€"Czu-ried. The Council adjourned. THE RIFLE. The Toronto Olf-Hztnd Rifle Club paid a visit to Victoria Square on Sat- urduy afternoon, fora. friendly shoot. They were defeated by the home club by 7 pomtd. Scores: Toronto Club, 281; Square Club, 288. The second match ended in a tie. The following are some of the leading scores: Cap. Elliott, 90; Mr. Hughes, 74; Mr. Jord- an, 78; Mr. R. Agar, 80; Mr. G. For- ester, 79; Mr. T. Read, 83; Mix A. Quantzi 94; Mr, Uapell, 83; Elliott, 90; Mr. an, 78; Mr. R. ester, 79; Mr. Quantz, 94; Mr, 'opeal By~laws a. ï¬rst, second 32 $19 37 19 37 15 ()0 13 12 15 00 1200 14 38 1100 10 00 1100 13 75 10 ()0 140 341 Pauline Johnson and Mr. McRne gave an entutaimuent in Crossley’s hall on Tuesday evening, March 6. The audience was not large. but those present, Were thoroughly pleased with mg prpgmmme. Din-irTg the past, week Mr. Kennedy, who has been station master here for aZgreaL_nmnx yeaxr-Vs. yemoved to Stay» ner. where he will he station master. Their many friends regret. their de- parture. 0n VV'ednesduy evening the EpWOI‘th League tendered a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Luella Kennedy. During the evening addresses were read, while Mrs. Kenâ€" nedy was presented with a handsome silver fruit dish, and Miss Kennedy with a. Bible and hymn bookâ€"n marl; of apprecincinn for her services as or- ganist. On Thursday evening Miss Verna Winter gave a fur-mull party for Miss Lllellu Kennedy. Piugressive mâ€"nkinole was the order of the evening, and :L jvlly time was spvnt. The Epwurth LeaguAe intend holding their annual Iris-h Cnncm-L and Supp: 1' un thv evening of March 10. Miss Kate Lee, elucutionist. of Tumutu. has been secured fun-Llwnccasiun. There will ulsu be music by the Glee Club. The bluer trail in a woman’s llle ls to be chlldless. Who can tell how hard the struggle may have been ere she learnt to resign horse]! to her lonely lot? The abâ€" sence of this link to hrlnd marital llfe together. the absence of this one pledge to mutual aflectlon is a common disap- lntment. Many unlonunate (songs: me estranged thereby. Even if t. y do not drift apart, one may read the whole extent of then dlsappolntment ln the eyes of such a chlldless couple when they rest on me children of others. To them the laggest family does 130} seem too numerqgg. ._-.,-_.v ._.__..‘ ‘,4_ _ In many cases of barrenness or child- lessnesa the obstacle to childâ€"bearing in easlly removed by the cure of weakness on the an of the woman. Dr. Pierce’s F3- vofl APrgscrlijon Fags the means of restoring health and fmltfulnes to maally a barren woman, to the great. joy of a household. In other. but rare cases. the obstruction to the bearing of children has been found to be of a surgical character, but easily removable bfgalnless operative treatment. at. the Inva i 5’ Hotel and Surâ€" gal Institute. Buffalo, N. Y., over whlch . Pierce of the “ Favorite Préscriptlon †lame presides. In all casese'where chil- dren are desired and are abseng‘an effort. should be made to ï¬nd out the real cause, since it is generally so easily removed by proper‘treutment. . . u \, r-rr'- --~â€"'7~"' In all the various weaknesses, displace- ments. prolapsus. inflammationand de- bilitating. catarrhal drains and in all cases of nervousness and debility. Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription is the most. efï¬cient remedy tliatcan possibl be used. It has to its credit hundreds of t onsands of euros â€"more in fact than any other remedy lit up for sale throu kdmggists, especial y for woman’s use. he ingredi- ents of w hid-1 the " Favorite Prescription " is composed have received the most. positive endorsement from the leading medical writers on Materia Medica of all the several schools of practice. All the ingredients are printed in plain English on the wrapper enclosing the bottle. so that any woman making use of this famous medicine may know exactl what she is taking. Dr. Pierce takes is pa- tients into his full conï¬dence, which he can afford to do as the formula after which the “Favorite Prescri tion“ is made will bear the most. care ul exam~ ination. ’ SPECIAL NOTICE done such as sidewalks, flours. found- ations, walls. or other cement wmk ' DH Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the best. and sexiest. laxative for women. would do well to write us for prices before April 15:, as We will be build- ing the Richmond Hill Creamery about then, and could do any extm work while in town with our machine mixer, us we may not get back in the vicinity again this season after bridge such work done can have it dune work starts. So anyone wishing any short notice, as We can work so nlUL'il faster and better with the machines JESSE WINGER Anyone wishing any cement wm-k Address all communications to [Single copies, 3 cts. Woman’s Trials. CA 99ԠLLF ONT. King" CiLy