Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Mar 1906, p. 2

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{The , “My wife and myself have used Dodd’s fRidney Pills, apd have found them a big benefit to our heallh. We had In ,Crippe lwo winters and were exposed '10 much irost and cold. Our sleep was broken on account. of urinary troubles. -and pain in the kidneys. We each took :six boxes of Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and «fonjoy good health." _1 was able to resume xs onerous, as I not paper but also do a side‘ writing. “I find that [he ( phles me to .m'ite than ever before, nr ing of brain-fag with troubled. As to bodi “do walk miles ever: “Now. my dear sir,” said Dr. Fox, “I can’t cure you unless you promiso 10 lo everything I tell you.” “All right," suid Skinner. “I promise.” “Good! Now, first of all, pay me my last year's bill." Explains llow to Keep up Mental and Physical Vigor. A New Jersey editor writes: "A long.' indulgence in improper food brought on u condition of nervous Bys- pepsin, nearly three years ago. so severe that l had to quit work entirely. I put myself on a strict regimen of Grape- Nuts [OCR], with plenty of outdoor exer- else and in a few months to stomach so far restored that the of digestion gave me pleasure of dislress. “It also built up my strength 1 was able to resume my busines is onerous, as I not only edit. ‘ liguc here] One of the smartest pieces of work that a “property-jumper" has done for some time was at a large flat in Paris. Some weeks ago the owner, a wall known'lady music hall artiste. went away to Spain to talce up an engagement there. The porter of the building in which the flat was situated was told by the lady to admit no one to her rooms under any circumstances during her ab- sence. About. a week after she had gone the porter received a letter, purporting to come from the tenant, and informing him that. she was forwarding a large antique cabinet and would be glad it“ he would see it safely lodged in her flat. A few (lays later the cabinet arrived and was placed in the rooms. When the lady returned home she touml to her dismay that the better part of her port- able property. including jewellery :0 lhe'valuo of $2,500 had vanished. The thief had got into the flat in the old cabinet‘ which he himself had sent. and about which the tenant knew nothing whatever. ‘liurglar Who Gets into Houses [lid in Furniture. 0! all the criminals who make a living: by preying on their fe110\v-creatures,the “property-jumper” is the most success- ‘ful and the most scientific. He is not the connnnn or garden thief, but a smartly-dressed individual, with plenty of money in his pockets and an excellent supply of that admirable quality known as: “pluclL” V A “properly-jumper,” it should be ex- plained, is a man or woman who boldly takes possession of flats and houses, fur- nished and unfurnished, the owners of which have gone away and left the pre- mises under the charge of a caretaker. Stomach “Scowls.” â€" Ever notice ihe scams and furrows that steal into the face of the sufferer [mm indigestion, dyspepsia and chronic stomach nil- mcnls. Watch the sunshine break in nnd the lines vanish when Dr. Von Stan’s Pineapple Tablcis are given a chance to show their power. One lady. in writing of their efficacy in her case. calls them “A heaven-born healer.” 35 ~cenis.â€"â€"120 Mrs. Brown: “1 have such a lovely present for my husband!" Mrs. Smith: "What. is il?" Mrs. Brown: “A pair of slippers. Won't he be pleased?" Mrs. Smilh: “Yes. What do you expect to get from him?" Mrs. Brown: “Oh, no- thing muchâ€"41 diamond ring. I suppose. 51' a scalskin jacket.” Port. Arlhur, 0111.. Mar. Illâ€"(Special). â€"TliaL Dodd's Kidney l'ills cure the Kidney ills of men and women alike has been proved lime and again in this neighborhood, but it is only occasional- ,15 they get a chance 10 do double work in the sumo house. This has happened Jr the case of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sou- N‘ey, a farmer and his wife, living about seven miles from here. In an interview Mr. Souvcy said: little vinegar and placing it on the fore- head. It will but a few seconds till it can scarcely be borne, but apply it till it gels nearly unbearable. Renew or retain it as long as possible. ! Horse-radish has some medicinal qua- lities. A good salve is made from its leave; by (lmggisls. Anyone having a headache will find relief by grating a small piece of \horsc-radish. adding a Mr. Dick Souvey and Kidney Troubles and dian Kidney Remedy DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DOING GOOD “’ORK AROUND PORT ARTHUR. f HEY MADE THIS [he PROPERTY JUMPERS‘ TRICKS. Ron d 10 \Vclh to .m'ih‘ before. 2 in-Ing wi As to be nilcs evc aw squm‘ SIMPLE REMEDY. THE EDITOR. squm n to lime me with greater ‘ z, and without ihc with which I used.1 bodily vigorâ€"l can every day \villlout lares used to wean COUPLE HAPPY live on 11111 Co.‘ only‘ edit my own great deal of ‘out ape-Nuts diet it!) m‘caler‘ mths found that the prc '1 the littk ’ in pkcs “'iie Both “all the Great Cana- Curcd Thom. HI [11 per food T 'ous 3315- u: so severe n 'C])’. I n] of Grape- E aor cxer- ,i‘ sot Lto my 11) Attention is called to the fact am the project, which seemed somewhat wild a few years ago, of obtaining nitrogen in large quantites direct from the atmos. phere is now taking a commercial shape. The Atmospheric Products Company is using the power of Niagara to make nitric acid and nitrates by means of electric discharges through air; the F.‘chwciler-Woltereek process. for pro- ducing sulphate of ammonia from peat, about to be employed on a commeréial scale among the Irish bogs, draws nit- rogen from the air; and in Sweden a prnress is in practical operation at No- todden whereby about a ton and a half Cf nitric acid is produced every day. The chief object in view is to furnish fertilizers for the soil. but to most of the processes heretofore in use it has been objected that they supply a mixture 3! nitrites and nitrates. and nitrites are as they used to be about triflcs. The clher day a newly-mode friend said to an awfully fetching: girl: “What lovely teeth you have. dear!” “Yes,” replied the other, without turning a hair; “they were a birlhduy present." Itching, Burning Skin Diseases reliev- ed in a day. Eczema, Salt Rheum. Bnr- Let‘s Ileh, and all eruption of the_skin cuielily relieved and speedily cured by Dr. Agnew‘s Ointment. H will give in‘i slant comfort in cases of Itching, Bleedd ing or Blind Piles. and will cure inl from three to six nights. 35 cents.â€"119i Girls now-a-days are not so p as they used to be about trifles in Contraltoâ€"â€""Only think of it! I was oncored three times in my last song." Soprano (spiteftnllyyâ€"“ch; the audience recognized .thut you needed practice." 1lny tuberclcl on the skin of acrofulous poo- (lle produce the hideous diseuo called lupus. 'emer’s Comte, used in time, will save the skin {nun destruction. Agply to all aflcctcd pan-b5. Cleanse the blood wit Weaver's Syrup After Wasting Powers hasten recovery to health by the use of “Fen-ovim.,’ It is the best tonic. It builds, strengthens and has new vitality. Try it, it will make you tool a ronfl. Mr. Counlry Life (reading)â€"“‘lf you desire a safe horse always pick a grey 01 white one, as that color is sure indi- cation '0! gentleness and tragiabilily.‘ Now, I wonder if that’s true?" Mrs. C. I..â€"“Perlect1y absurd, William! Why you’re quite grey yourself.” A handsome illustrated treatise, glv- mg full deacrmtion c?‘ Rheumatism nnd Paralysis, with instructions (or a com- plete home cure. describing the most auocessful treatment in the world, reâ€" commended by the Ministry and endors- ed by medical men. This highly in- structive book was written by W. .H. Veno, a. gentleman who has made‘ a study of these diseases. The preface is by a graduate of- the University 0! Wurtzburg. Send postal to-day and on will receive the book {rec by re- turnâ€"Address. The Veno Drug 00., 24 King 51.. Wet, 'l‘cwnto vitrites mrmful The Demon 0! all Diseasc.â€"Kidney dis- eases are rightly so-calledâ€"thcy’re in- explninable, unaccountable and insidi- ous. It is the lunction of the kidneys to filter out all impurities. If they‘re clogged South American Kidney Cure will put them to rights and defy ' the ravages of so grim a visitant as diabetes or other kidney complications. It. re- lieves in six hours.~â€"118 Magistrateâ€"“You say you didn't steal the watch. Then, where did you get it?" Prisonerâ€"“Bought it, your worship." Magistrateâ€" “Where?” Prisoner â€" “In King Street." Magistrateâ€""What did it cost?” Prisonerâ€"“Ronny, your worship I quite forgot to ask." RHEO‘MATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home care. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsome irllusuntgd treatise, (iv: Sheâ€"“’Tis over woman’s lot to suffer in silence.” Ilaâ€""Yes; and if they'd only let us suffer in the same way how happy we'd be." Bdrl<§â€"\\fh_v. 0 young m g Ihe )ighthouse keep 1d they absent-mindemy ht low. BOWL, QUE. 071A", ONT. TORONTO. ONT. LOBDOI, IIT. mumnc, VANCOUVER. I 0. 767 Gnu “- ‘23 8M 6!. fl comm-n9 s: .9 Dumb: as. 10 Lombard St. 815 Vendor IL Head Ofllce and Works, PEDLAE’S STEEE. GEM..le ’arks- Designs suilable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools, Stores Halls. Also special designs for Houses, Kitchens, Dining-Rooms, etc. No‘ thing has ever been devised to equal Pedlar's Steel Ceilings for farm houses Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crawl: or face off. Made to in any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Ship- ped Irom our warehouses painted all ready to appiy. Our Catalogue. No. He describes many designs. “him [or it. It costs you nothing. Write 10-day. Accéflems Amid NITROGEN FROM THE AIR. â€"Hmv I linst ll TEE PBDLAR P30 P“, veg LIG did HTS OUT lation s are not so particular the man “’08 ( p come erx You; haunts? Dunc: turned P. 0. BOX 38. Western Canada Land 60 Before buying write us, or see om agent near you, for prices. We havle the larggst, stock of fruit trees to be found in Canada. We pay the freight. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen. Limited, Brown‘s Nurseries, Ont. Improved farms and unimproved wheat and ranch lands, wholesale and retail, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Al- berta and fruit lands In Southern Olm- nagon Valley, B. C., Wheat lands on Saskatchewan Plains at $7.10 per acre. easy terms till June 15L to make selections. the finest wheat lands in the world. Homesteads located. Selections made. Write or call for any information de- sired. bottle at Yongo st. Greatest Trucking District of the chup and climate idsal. Sam! 1 mg 1:, fretâ€"F. L. MBRRI’IVI‘V 4' and Mid Buil- vruid loo: hound 04. If an nun u! whim: Lovn. rm. duvet. onmu Bu l5! nau'lorm and cold penplring loot, positive], :un within 80 days, by our new], puxlnmted Magnetic Discs or mone{ prom tly rolundod. “mind anywhero 81.00. Vnto or descriptive Duokht. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC BULU' MATLSM CUBE C0.. Slurbrouko, Quebec, Canada RHEUMATISM “I know. old chappie,” said Dobbs, “she has her faults, and a temper, and ah that; but 1â€"! love her and can’t live without her.” “Just so." calmly replied his friend; “but the question isn‘t that. Can you live with her?" "I am afraid you are one of those people who look down on toil." “Not at all," answered the luxurious youth. “My great-great»gmndfather worked hard and invested his money, and we are quite pleased with him for doing so.’ , _ ,___-._ w"- ... runwmm, “WU-u, including consumption, with Allen's Lung Bal- sam. It will loosen the cough and phlegm. Cum soon follows. OF. SALE â€" JUST ARRIVED AND FOR 53.10 24 imparted Clydevdaze stalli '11; and a dackne a: farm 2;- miles from end of street car linkâ€"O. 'ORBY, Guelph, Ont. Calarrhal Headaches.â€"Thal dull, wret- ched pain in the head just over lhe eyes is one of the surest signs that the seeds of cal‘urrh have been sown, and it’s your warning to ndminisler hhe quickest and surest treatment to prevent the seating 0! this dreaded malady. Dr. Agnew's Calm'rhal Powder will stop all pain in ten minutes and cure. 5_0 cents. For Venn Canadians have been using " The 1). ct L" Menthol Plastoru and the sale for than $5 greater than all other lastem combined; a spe- cific for backache. he who, aciatic pains. Daiughterâ€"“Don‘t invite our country cousin to see us again." Motherâ€"J'Did he maks any bad blunders before the company, dear?" Daughterâ€"“l shomd say so. When I showed him 0 Louis MV. chair. he asked if Louis was a good chairmakcrl" Mr. Tyte-Phistâ€"Jagway was trying to borrow money from me a little while ago. He seemed to be drunk. â€"Mr. Ardfax*lf he row money from you He was crazy. STARB’S MAcac RHEUMATI Lu m ba CURE #‘r'o’m‘fifi‘miyléaéf' fiarfily Where Fortu nes Grow. 831le Aflaachfl DVFING an VGUR OVERGGATS UNMISTAKABLE SYMPTOMS APPLE TREES. HERO BPFIOE, 38 NINTH OTIIEEY, Y uraelf against pql‘rpoqary: troubles, . ".04: 7,“. flammator 9r Chropic; ‘ alsu Nauru. gm, salabca Lumbago, and a}! Kid- ney troubles; removes Uric Acid from the system, gives immediate reliaf, Dam; suffer, but send for a once. Osborne Remedy Cu.. 176 Toronto. Canada. 81.00 per bottle. ISSUE NO. 11â€"06 mg District of the South. Lands Lo idsal. Semi for de‘criptivo MBRRITT. Citizens' Bank a. Oshawa. Ont., Canada If he was trying to bor- Brandan, Man. Steel Peélar’s sailings he Wasn‘t. drunk Guarmrteed to cpre Rheuma- tism. Acute. In- The = Diror Lieu! _ I would here remark in explanation of the last item that these additional privileges and benefits are increased privileges of travel, residence, occupa- tion and continuance of policy, the same becoming non-forfeitablc after three years. until the reserve thereon is exhausted in payment of premiums. It will be readily understood that some of tiie causes which I have mentioned have tended to increase the cost of assurance, and others to impair the sources from which profits formerly accrued. The shareholders who provided the paid-up and additional guarantee cap- "nl vior security to policy-holders when such a provision was necessary have in no way encroachcd upon the profits to policy-homers, but have much less in return for their cash investment than the average rate of interest earned uy the Company on investments. Your Directors have always endeavored to the best of their ability to se- lect safe as well as profitable investments for the funds entrusted to their care and -the securities held will bear the most. rigid inspection. Your Directors decided to erect a first-class office building on the very desirable site owned by the Company and situated on the north-west comer cf James and Main Streets, to meet the Company’s requirements. Competitive plans were obtained for a steel frame fireproof building of eight storeys. Ten- ders were received and a contract let for the construction ofâ€" such a building, to be completed in August next. We are confident that the building will prove to be a satisfactory investment, affording a reasonable return in office rentals as well as desirable offices for the headquarters of the Company. Lieut.-Col. Kerns seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried. The retiring Directors were reelected. and at a subsequent meeting of the Directors Mr. David Devter \\'.":- rte-elected President and Managing Director.. Lieut.-Col Kerns and Her. he. :1: ea: re-clected Vice-Presidents. The profits to the policy-holders l‘au been maintained in so far as it was possible to do SO‘in the race or the inioads thereon from various sources, which may be sumarmed as follows: The increased cost of new business ow- ing to the methods adopted by competitors. particularly some of the American companies; the toes and taxes charged and levied by Provincial Governments; the greater privileges and advantages granted to the policy-holder under the modern policy contract. Tot/9.1 Security. . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Policies were Issued A'Isuring.. Total Insurance in Farce“ . . .. excesses” ..... $3,329,537.03 ............ 317,224,136Jl Mr. David Dexter, President and Managing Director, in moving the adopâ€" l'On 0’ the report. said1â€"l beg leave to submit for your constderahon and adoption the report of the Company for the year ending 3lst December, n05. ln domg so I am pleased to say that it is the most satisfactory your Directors have had the privilege of placing hetero you. As compared With the preceding year it showse gain of seven per cent. in premium income, thirteen per cent. in interest earned. twelve per cent, in total income, ten per cent. ($319,038) 'n amount of new assurances placed. '7 per cent in amount of assurances in torch 12 per cent. in assets. 14 per cent. In reserves held to prowde for the pay- ment of Policy contracts now in force, and 43 per cent. in the surplus over an, liabilities. The profits paid to policy-holders {Nu show an increase of 16 per cent. and the payments made. to policy-holders 13 per cent. in excess of the prevmus year. The reserves now held to meet Assurance obligations as theyvmature are in excess of the present requirements of the insurance Act. additions being made from year to year to meet the higher standard of reserves on assurances written prior to the year 1900. which the Act requires that we shall hold at the expiration of a term or years. All policies of assurance written Since the year 1809 and many previous thereto are secured by reserves on 8}; per cent. and 3 per cent. basis. ' Reserve Fund“ Death Lassa»: awaiting Prouis. Other Liabihtiw . . . ‘ A . . . . . . A . Surplus on Yancy-holder’s Account. Tot/3,1 Security Mr. David Dexter, President and Managing Director lion 0! the report. snid1â€"I bog leave 10 submit for your udoplion the report of the Company fnr the year ending _In doing‘so I am pleased to say that it is the most sntisf anj Ju Paliciea. Bonds, Stuck; AU uther Ass¢bs........ Assets . , Guarantee Capital Premium and Annuity Iucnmouu . . . . , . , . , , . Int-crest, Rents and mum on Salo’s and” Securities Paid to Policy-hnlders All ather Payments . . . . . Balance ' ' ‘ ' ‘ Dehentures and Bonds M nrt ygei Expenses have been confined to a reasonable limit, consistent with due efforts {or new business. The results of the year indinnie‘a most gralifying progress. Compared with the preceding year, the figures submitted by the Directors 101‘ your approval show an advance of nearly thirteen per cent. in assets. The assurances carried by 1he Company now amount to $7,294,136.11, upon which the Company holds reserves to lhe full amount required by law, am), in nrldition thereto, a considerable surplus. The field officers and agents of the'Company are intelligent and loyal, and are entitled to much credit for their able representation 0! the Companiy's he interests. The members of the office staff have also proved faithful 60 Company's service. Your Directors are pleased to be able to sinte that the business of, the Company for the past two months of the curernt year has been better than in the corresponding months of last year, and ihat the outlook for the Suture is mosl encouraging. ‘ As in previous years, the income of the Company shows a gratifying in- crease. and the assets of the Company have been increased by $275.1m56‘ and have nmy reached A._$2.4_23,_9_13.93.>ex‘c1qgivc of guarantee capital. The security for Policy-holders, including guaranl‘ gcapital. amounted at the close of the year to $193,913.93, and the liabiliu for reserves and all outstanding claims. $2,213,698.75, showing a surplus of $1,080,215.18. Eleusive of uncalled guarantee capital, the surplus to Policy-holders was $210,215.28. Your Directors have the honor to present the Report and Financial Slate. ment of the Company for the year which closed on the Blst December, 1905, dulygvouched for by the Auditors. Policies 6n sevenly-eight'lives belcame claims dihi‘bii‘éhwde-éih.1331;533:1311!“ of $15&896.00, of which $8,911 was re-insured in other companies. including Cash Dividends and Dividends applied to the reduction of prr-miums, with annuities. the total payment to Policy-holders amounted lo- 3236.42535. Careful attention has been given to the investment of the funds in first-class bonds. mortgage stem-mes and loans on the policies. amply secured by reserves. Our investments have yielded tsraclory rate of interest. 'The new businéss of the year consisted of two thousand four hundred and fifteen applications for insurance, aggregating 83.532.579. of which two thousand three hundred and twenty-eight. applications tor 33.329.537.08 were accepted. 5 Road omce or'me Company, at Hamiitoh} Mightâ€"1776175,"iiE-fifiia'Dexter, Pres~ ident, in the chair, Mr. W. 11. Davis, Acting Secretary. when the following Report was submitted: CLIFTON SPRINGS SANITARIUM FEERM UFE ASSWWQE 89. OF CANADA. CLIFTON STRENGS, N. Y. Th9»Twenfy-fourf.h Annual Meeting of the Shareholders was held at the 1850 - 1906 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR 1905. RECEIPTS. ASSETS, DECEMBER 3315!, 1005. etc DISBURSEMENTS. DIRECTORS’ REPORT. LIABILITIES. paid-up and additional guar such a provision was neces lo policy-holders, but have the average rate of interest a world-wide reputation for its‘EJHiéIikérgnix’h' forts and the excollency of the service rendered t9 segkers afth hqalth or reap, l_:y igs qtafi o! physicians, _tra.ined nurses nnd‘atéendau and the increasing patronage from Canada an the l’rpvince; is very appreciative in its commend~ anon of our work. WIIH FIFTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE in the Electrk and the that. to th extend special fen'éures that; \i‘illrhoé‘beiuufid elsewhere. and we invite your cox-reg nndcnce and inspection. Our mtes are most 11 61311113 our service is unequalled. N0 tuberculu or insane cues received. THIS FAMOUS HEALTH RESORT enjoys worldâ€"wide reputation for its home-like com- To th Write for buckle: President use of the best in Medical. Surgical, :11 and Hydrotherapeutic Treatments 1 finest treatment rooms in the country assure our patrons of the selection of llCh will prove most; helpful and suited individual needs. use $91;ng A HAVEN 0F REST W0 DAVID DEXTER, and Managing Director. 93,179, 425.45 31, we. 00 11,w7.3o 210,246.18 $2, 423,913.95 870,009. 00 $583,279 747‘ 831 037. 59 437,234.33 358,951.62 236,423.35 215, 31317 121,197 790.37 737.98 Company’s Companys a very sab- ‘antee cap- :sary have much less earned uy $3,423,919.93 s mama 3 Wills.“ 3,423.913.93

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