Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Mar 1906, p. 4

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5K. 'I‘l‘TICITE”. N TARY PUBLIC. OOIMIBBIONXVJN THE Hum couar or jUSTlCE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. mu. ‘ Saigeon 8c McEwen's Sales â€"--*-=- i l 1 .«Iraosr isms Make a Fence of Strength The heaviest. strongest wires made can't make a strong fence unless the locks are as strong as the wires. A fence, like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest spot. The New Frost Lock and Frost \Veilge Lock are the most unyielding parts of 3 Frost Fence. ‘liey make the whole fence as strong as the strongest wire. List, of SHIPS to be conducted it)". ‘Messi's. Snigeon & i‘lcEwen. Auc- tinnin of York, Simcoe and Perl. Counties : ' FRIDAY, March 16â€"~Aiiction Sale of l ‘horsvs, vehicles and furniture, lot, 8, , .con. 4, Vaughan, near Edgloy,p1-(yp. i erty of Simon Shiink. i, Tunsnav. March 20- Auction sale of , Rtemuonn HILL. 0.2%., Mar. 15. 1006 fin-iii stock, iiiiploinents, etc.. pt‘tipi'i'ty ; of li. Bonko. lot 11, con. 4. \Vi-st Ymk, i MONDAY, March IOâ€"Aiiction Slllv of The Ontario Government did a commendable act in refusing to grant liquor licenses in Algonquin Park and the new mining town of Cobalt. The ;;;;;;;.;t;;+++++++++++++i Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? And rememberaâ€"shonlil linos‘r FENCES go wrong, from mechanical dcfeets or workmanship in buildinu, rm l f - . . . . - l ' - ‘ , arm st ick. mi li-inente, (to, piopii ty Grand- Truuk Rallway Company pro. they are repalrc'l' free 0f Chargc' a "3% of Mark Dav/edit. lot. H. con. 3, Etobiâ€" \ if??? WE), do ydmlcnnghllan (LEW? . . - ' _ - , k _ iite 'llltéuli ":ii in re icve pose bulldmgb blinds flntbAlcgogqlgn 8‘ Thornhi" cn'l‘bESD.tY, March 20â€"â€"Auction sziloof' ygu the {ii-st. day. 1It will stop Park alon t 0 me 0 e - - 'i / . v . _t .k' ' 1.” ems, pm” “1,101 :30Y t at coup: i in ii fow i :iys more. ' g r - C. A. ‘ ' LOSKOV km: ,ffnm q “lip ( $1,, ,|.. tho )m nil-1, v We know all about it because and the have asked the anuege 0f v ’ (on. 4. auglmn, ( i ). g i 3 I r A - “3' er. ‘ of s. a. Wood. so. at i. Forms, 7 we hmjr 501ditfuro'wu‘syamlwe selling liquor at those places, A1; ., Aurora months. know JillSll. whatisni i‘t. l‘tianot I ‘ ~ ' the sellin FRIDAY, March 23â€"Auction sale of 3‘ ‘3“1'9'” i ” SJ‘Wt'RU’UK‘ “H‘v Present the scazuteafOIbld ent Parkg _“'"' “’ ‘ ' “" ’ "#* ’ '" ’ "' farm stock, iinplmnyntfi, ot,c., pi‘iipi‘l ty and! “1 tg""‘1 “Hiâ€":rliwt .‘h ‘ti It 3 ' overnm - ' . - - . o ' 1‘ '_ mar e 0 cure. to i is w iy we of liquor at t 8 ’ s. s. No_ [2’ MARKHAM panied by his (,Dllflln, Miss Coombs, of Jos. Ileslop. lot. In, con. 15, Ptobi Hp” so much “f it” 11,5 not a pat. visited on Siiiidiiy at their uncle's. Mr. coke. and within five miles of any mining town or village, and it certainly would be a. mistake to loosen the liquor laws in the northern part of Ontario. It has always been found difficult enough to maintain order in sections where there are lumber camps, railway construction com 'panies or mining operations, but in- finitely more difficult when the work- men liave free access to intoxicating I-liquor. It is satisfactory to know that the present Government purpose carrying out the policy of their pre- decessors in keeping liquor out of New Ontario. we The last number of Saturday Night contains a sharp criticism of the Board of Directors elected for the Toronto Exhibition. The editor points out that while the Exhibition is supposed to be national in char- acter nearly all the directors, twenty- four in number, are residents of T0- ronto. The only non-resident elected to this year's board is Mr. W. II. I’ugsley of Richmond Hill. By the new method of electing the directors eight are appointed by the City Council, and sixteen are elected at the annual meeting of the Exhibition Association. Of the last sixteen eight are from the Manufacturers‘ Section, and eight from the Agricul- tural Section. What Saturday Night draws attention to is the fact that for the last named section Mr. Pugsley is the only active farmer selected. To elect a farmer for the Manufacturers’ Section would not look much more absurd than to elect a King street tailor as a representative in the Agri- cultural Section. __-â€"â€"__â€"__._’-â€"I Mr. T. Herbert Lcnnox, M.P.P. for North York, has given notice that he will introduce a bill in the Local Legislature which will enlarge the jurisdiction of the Division Court. At present suit can be entered in Division Courts for $60 for damages, $100 for open accounts, and up to $200 for notes or other signed documents. Mr. Lennox proposes to extend the juris- diction up to $100 in suits for dam- ages, 3200 in open accounts, and $1.00 where the amount is ascer- tained. Whether the suits are en- tered in the County Court or the Division Court, both classes of cases are tried by the same judges, or by a jury if desired. Mr. Lennox’s bill will certainly be popular outside of cities in all parts of the county. In many cases the costs or a suit tried in a Division Court are not more than quarter as much as a similar suit in the County Court. Heretofore the question of extending the jurisdiction has been opposed by city lawyers, but in the hands of the member for North York such a reasonable bill will be likely to pass. Langstaif. Following is the school repmt for February 2â€"â€" Senior IV. â€" Lavinia Rankin, Hun- nzih Chapman. Herbie Luesby. Junior IV.â€"â€"Emily Riiiikin, Myrtle “'oldrick. Garland Langstatf. Senior [ILâ€"Robbie Lowery, Gladys Ball, Emma. Chapman. Junior {ILâ€"Georgie Robinsoiidieue l Chapman. Senior H. â€"â€" Nellie Page, Chapman. Junior ILâ€"Aiiiy Bull. \Vellington The following is the report for Febâ€" ruary. \Vhere the students have full- en short of perfect by only one point, the name is followed by a star:â€" Senior IV. Present every day â€"- Bernice Must- ard, Stuart Duncon, Graham Jacob \Videman. Never lat.eâ€"-Bernice Mustard, Mabel \Viird, Stuart Duncan, Roy Uoitnian, Graham Mustard, Jacob \Videmun, Bruce Stanley. No mistakes in spelling â€" Bernice Mustard, Mabel \Vard. Fewer than 10 mistakes in spelling»â€" Stuart Duncan. Roy Coltman, Graham Mustard, Jacob \Videmiin, Bruce Staley. Senior 111. Present every dayâ€"Eliza Smith, \Villis V‘Videma‘n‘, Medfoi-d Thomson, Robert Smith. Never late â€"â€" Edna Smith, \Villis gVideilman, Medford Thompson, Robert. init . 1\o mistakes in spelling â€" Elizal Smith, Robert Smith. Junior III. Presont every dayâ€"Iihoderick Dunc- an, Clara Smith", May Grove, Maggie Grove, Mabel Hisey, Hilda HiSey“, Joseph Smith“. Alvin Fi'isby. Never lateâ€"Rhoderick Duncan, May Grove, Maggie Grove, Mabel Hisey. Hilda Hisey, Joseph Smith, Alvin Frisby. No mistakes in spelling â€" Clara Smith", Mabel Hisey, Joseph Smith”. Fewer than 10 mistakes in spellingâ€" Clara. Smith, May Grove. Maggie Grove. Hilda. Hisey, Joseph Smith, Dorothy Lister. Senior II. Present every dayâ€"Avinei- Thom- son. . Never lateâ€"Belle Fiisby, Marguer- ite. Brown. Murray Duncan, Roy \Videmau. Deloss Hisey. Avinchhom- SOI’). No mistakes in spellingâ€"Belle Fris- by", Marguerite Brow ii’. Fewei than 10 mistakes in spellingâ€" Belle Frisby, Marguerite Brown. Junior Il. Present every dayâ€"Clarence Sand- erson. Never late â€" Clarence Sanderson. Fewar than 10 mistakes in spellingâ€" Claronce Sanderson. Part II. Never la teâ€"Lily Smith, Bruce Dunc- an. No mistakes in spelling â€" Myrtle \Vilson". 'Fewer than 10 mistakes in spellingâ€" Lily Smith. Myrtle \Vilson. Senior I. Present every dayâ€"Eva Smith, Isa- dore VVideman‘, Charles Hisey". Never late â€" Isadore \Videman, Charles Hisey. Fewer- than 10 mistakes in spellingâ€" Eva. Smith. Junior I. Present every dayâ€"Alex. Bruce'. No mistakes in spelling â€" Alex. Bruce'. Fewer than 10 mistakes in spellingâ€" Alex. Bruce. Girls’ average of errors in spelling for month was 2: boys‘ average was 15. H. O. KLINCK, Teacher. ._-___ Vellore Mr. A. McNaughton went to Toronto General Hospital on Monday, March 5. to be operated on for appendicitis. The operation was performed success- fully. and he is doing as well as could be expected. Elmer Darker, youngest son of Mr. John Darker, was taken to St. Mich- ael's Hospital. Toronto. with aswell- ing on his left arm. The doctors proâ€" nounced it tarcomn. That, is consump- tion of the bone. He hiid his arm ani- putated on Monday of this week and is doing well. Our school concert comes ofi Thurs- day evening, when a large crowd is ex- pected. It is believed the little ones will acquit themselves with the usual success. o Carrvi lle Mrs. \V. Cook of the “ Elms" visited friends in Toronto recently. Miss A. Wood has returned home after visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. G. Drui-y of Toronto spent a week with his sister. Mrs. I-lunt. Miss Shl’lll‘lllfln, Toronto, visited zit the “Elms” over Sunday. Miss Lucy Reunion has gone to the city. Miss “'illis of Newmarket returned home last Saturday after spending a N“t-h“u l few wot-ks with llt'l' uncle. Mr. J. Tyn- i dull. “Pine View." Mr. and Mrs. G. Wood visited Sun- Monkniiiu. Stewart Page, Violet Uase- . day with fripnds in Murkhmn. lv. Miss L. Smith attended the funeral . P‘U‘t IRâ€"(C) Dom‘is “'hlm- Kan“ l of hernunt. Mrs. Crawford, at Emery Icon Rankin. (A) Lornie “'cldiick, Dudley \Vliite. (8) Russell Monkiiiun. I lust Sunday. Mr. E. Ough of Toronto. accom- \lll Mustard. ' come. James Baker, “Mom-Wood Farm." Mr. and Mrs. A. McMillan spentn few days at King. How does buching ' go. Ait.? Sorry to learn thiit. Mr. G. Bonc‘s recovery is very slow, but hope him a speedy one now the warm weiitherhns Mr. W. Baker and Miss E. Patterson visited friends on Sunday at Maple. Mr. \Vells of Victoria College as- sisted Rev. Mr. Silby last. Sunday ni ht. Vlierc is the cat? ‘0.â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€" LETTER FROM NlPlSSlNG The following information in ii pii- \':ite letter dated March 8 from Mr. J03. S. Biirnhiim, who removed from Victoria Square to Charlton, near New Liskeard, in Decciiibci', will be inter- esting to many of our readers :â€" We arrived :it. Charlton about the middle of December. There was good sleighing here then, and We havi- been getting a little more now and then ever since until we have zit present two feet on the level. Have not seen any bare ground since we came heroâ€"have had a nice winter. The thei-iiioineter has registered forty below zero fora day or tivo :it a time. but, tlieaii is very dry. \Ve do not fecl the Cold any more here when it. is forty than wedid in Markham when at zero. Charlton is a nice little village about forty lIlllt‘S northwest; of Liskcnrd. with it popula- tion of about two hundred, situated at the font of Long Lake. which is about thirtyâ€"live miles long and ii. iiiile wide. . There are three grocer-y stori-s, a hard- ware store, blacksmith shop, bake shop. “'0 also have .‘l free libraiy, :i loiiservative Association, also a Lib- eral Association. Our post office is :1 money order office, and we have iiiiiil three times a. week. \Vc are only six miles from a railway at present, but. expect to have one right into Charlton inside of three years. There are also going to be two or three plotisurc boats on Long Lake nextsuniiiier. \Ve have been working in the bush evcrsiuce we came here. Have taken out a fine lot of timber. \Vood is so plentiful here that they almost try to see how much they can burn. Hay is $14 per-ton. outs (SOC. per bushel, ripples $5 a barrel, butter 300. per pound, and you can have all the [noose meat you want. for the shootiii of it. \Vc have three hundred and twenty ncres. only half a mile from Charlton. The land is good clay soil, etc. etc. -’â€"~____. Mame The Standard Bank,wliicli was open Monday, \Vednesdey and Friday of each week. will hereafter be open daily between 10 and 4. ___â€"â€"¢o~’â€"â€"â€"- The tailoring we do will satisfy the most particular man in both smart- ness of style and perfection of fit. Then the money saved by having us do the Work will be gratifying too careful man; will be pleased to meas- ure you: money back if not suited. Atkinson & Switzer. ++++++++++++++++H++++++++ BE SURE And examine ii copy of our catii- logue if you have any idea of taking 8. pi eparntory course for a Good Paying Position We believe there is no school equal to ours for iiicthodic busi- ness training and for good re- sults. \Ve solicit investigation and comparison. Enter any time. No vacations. dentist Qualities (college Yonge dc Gerrard Ste... Toronto. W. H. SHAW, Principal i i i + i i t i ++++++++M++H+M+++++++++M+*+++M+ v PLEASANT VIEW Fifiiil E i The proprietor of Pleasant View i Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester \Vhite Hogs. Lot 1 29. lst Com, Vaughan (Thoriihill) has l for sale some good young stock. I Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for service on the premises. ‘ D. G. GOODERHAM, i Proprietor. l 1-3 I. [W venue; omn ha! m an! .‘MWI up nun 11 um: o'la “mu. Dex) pound in! no; 'plqnlru we: [who ‘No no Int-mi 1n mung up u uh,“ mo pan... oauq semis 11m ion «:3 m 1.3 UNI) meqi ind min iuqi‘cmoq u can pil- ‘op in: [am union ‘1‘“! worn noticuuo‘ui um} ‘9“) on)»: “ga'auiufi ‘pisc;iiii,1‘ c_. g uownfi up: on. unit; |nq ‘nnau an ugly J- triide. “SATURDAY. March 24â€"Anction sale of horses, colts, fresh milk cows, springers, and young cattle, HI. the Palmer House Yards. Richmond Hill. Stile. at. 2. Terms, 3 and 6 mos. . iii-Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stock and effects, from Toronto at 9.00 p.m. EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRI L COLONIST CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE +++++++++++++++++HW++ +++++~r+++++++w+++++++++++ Settlers travelling without live stock should use 1.45 pm. train from Toronto daily. TOURIST CARS on Tuesdays, chnesdays. Fridays arrl Sot- urdn ys. Co «t of sleeping berths as follows:â€" ‘Vlnn ipcg - $4.00 Region - $5.00 Moo \c Jaw - 5.00 ('ulgal‘y - 6.00 IA'V Settlcrs‘ Guide" and “\Vestcrn Conrado." booklets. of practical use and interest. timot- ;lehi. Willi rates and full informatum, i‘i-iio apt)“ applicutlon to nearest Canadian l'ai-itio . ire-n U P or “rite to U. B. Foster, 111’. A.. .. Toronto $300 TO $600 The first year. ”â€""‘/7 v E. fies-is Inquire at once. R. A. Farquharson, BA. Yonge & Nchlli Sts. Y.M.tI.A. Bldg. TORONTO FOB. SALE Residence immediately south of the High School. For information apply to JAMES NEW I‘ON, Elgin Mills. For Sale First-class seed peas. lot 23, con. 3, Vaughan. Apply GEO. & ALFRED “'RIGHT. 36.3 Tlioriiliill. â€"Farm to Rent Eiist half of lot 28. 2nd concession, i Min-khan), containing 100 acres, more or less. Possession given first. of April, 1906. Apply to D. BOYLE. within TU RENT Seven acres of land on Richmoud' street in the village of Richmond Hill, the property of Patrick Moylan. Apply to 31-37 M. TEEFY, Postmaster. F7 RSALEâ€"UR TU RENT In Richmond Hill The ilWelling, butcher shop, driving ‘ shed and stables. Doing a guild retail \Vill be sold cheap. lfnot sold before the first of April, will be to rent. Excellent chance for a good man. Ap- ply BOX 476, if Richmond Hill P. 0. Sale Register. \Vnnxnsnav, Mar. 21 Auction sale of farm stock. llllplt‘ult‘llts. etc" on lot. It. con. 3, East York, the prop- erty of Timothy Rntcliford. Sale at lo‘clock. Terms, 7 mos. F. \V. Sil- ver-sides, :iiii-tionorr. To 231).“: March 27â€"- Auction Sale of farm stock llllllll‘lllt‘nis, 9th., on lot. 9, 3rd mu. Mai khziiii, the property of out. medicine either. We keep patent iiiedlcines, but we do not. recoimin-iid them. \Vc do re- commend \Vliite Pine and Tar, and We believe in it so much that. we say “Your Money hack it You Want It.‘ After you use it. once you will believe in it too. It will cost you Zbi-ents to try it. Al't‘ yourlnngs worth 25 cents '2 issuer Marriage Licenses it. i. Stilton Druggist, Richmond Hill ++++++ ++M+++®H++++++++H ++H++M++++M+++M§H++H ++++++++rt+++++++++++++++++ J. H. Prentice's Sale Reglster The following Auction Sales will lm conducted by Mr. J. 1i. Prentice of Uiiioiiville :â€" - MoNiiA v, Mari-h 10»#.diirrtion sale of farm stock. implements. etc” on lot 47. con. 1, Vaughan (Riibnioinl Hill). the property of (7. ll. Boynton. No re- serve. Sale at 1. Terms, eight months. TUESDAY. March Wisâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc, on lot. 9, con. 4, SC:II'1)(‘I'(‘, the property of \V. F. Scott. Sale at 12 o'clock. \VEDNESDAY, Mai-ch Zlit‘redit sale of turn) stock. implements, etc., (ill lot. 21, con. 1, \Vest York. Newton Brook the property of Henry Gould- iiig. Sale at 11 o‘clin-k. Eight months' credit. TUESDAY, Mai-ch i57~Credit sale of farm stock. impleiiir-iits, otc., on lot 19, con. 2, \Vest York. the pioperty of Isaac Harrison. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Eight lllOllIrhsv credit. \vVEDNESD.\Y. Mari-h ZSâ€"Ci-edit sale of farm stock, implements, etc.. on lot. 14, con. 4, East Yoik. the property of M. Ilcilly. Sale at 1 o’clock. Eight nix-.nths‘ credit. THURSDAY, March 29â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements. etc., on lot 245'. con. 2. Scarboro. the propertyot' \Villiam Miilconi. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Eight montlis’ credit. FRIDAY, March FEDâ€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements, etc., on lot 4, Own. 3, Vaughan (Concord), the prop- erty of George Fisher. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Eight months" credit. LIVERY COAL WOOD Coal and Wood Delivered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Thresher-3’ Coal on hand. Michael Bros. Riclunond Hill June 11. 1905 Farmers Take Notice Have just arranged with the Veter- inai-y Specialty Co. to sell the follow- ing remedies: Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier, Indigestion and Colic Cure, Spavin Cure, \Voi-in Powders. Cough Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Loiise Death A‘htiscvptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sion, Black Oil, Heave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphoi-ilisiac and Anti-Stew ile. Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Colts and Calves, Leaking Naval k Joint Disr-nse. Vanzant 8r. \Vnriiig. Veterinary Sur- geons, twenty-five years of piactical ex ,i-icnce. coupon in every package entitling the holder to Free Veterinary Advice. For Siilc I“. J. PETHICK 8: SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' To Rent Tenders for iciitiiig 13 acres of bind, the property of Mrs. L. Gaby, Rich- mond Strut-t. with or without born and stiihli‘s, will be. receiied by the undersigned. up to the 24th March. l 37-2 \V. H. PUGSLEY . ...__. l Sill)sé;ilic tor '. F. \Villiiiriii. Hali- :it 1 o'clock. Toi'iiis, 7 mos. N. E. Smith, auction €“1'. mvr 11 1 my LIBERAL

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