VOL. XXVIII. Best ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. 33115 by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. USERAL PRINTING a PUBUSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.ONI‘. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, 1‘ . F. Me M AHON, TH URSDAY MORNING DR. H. W Will be VETERINARY SURGE N RICHMOND HILL .dls by day and night promptly tended to. Room 12, 121 . H. SANDERSDN. })1'- 0 flice Hours â€".‘ Ofï¬ce hours: â€"8 p. m. Toronto Ofï¬ Safe Proï¬table C . Interest, at highest current rake, paid twice a onvenlent year makes an autumn. proï¬table. Being withdrawuble witlmut, notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K $1 per annum, in advance.] -. .. I'll vvl nesdny of each \vuek. Oï¬ice, next dnm- north of Stand- ard B'mk. (‘ lliehnnon d lâ€"Iili :mcis DR. W. E. DEAN VETERINARY SURGEON. "Phornhill. Miriam Mu“ " ’ ammch EM†9 Wm my ï¬eld fast to not a single fasten 7'“- ti; Vegetabia : £60953 falling grow, keeps For lha- whisk BUCSU‘NGHAM or A not: black, Cur. INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE \VEEK. D. A. RADOLIFF-E, MANAGER, KING CITY BUSINESS CARDS. (Successor to Dr. I ER. Wffl. ROGERS I)entist, Elie giheml IS PUBLISHEDEVERY EDITOR a PBOPRKETOR Carlton and Yang Torunm in Richmond Hill DENTIST, Block, THORNHILL, Ont Dentist, 313 s‘terizmry 2‘4}: ‘fliféfl. :e, 450 CHURCH STA Victoria. St. Toronto Tuesdays 319mm. AT THE .30 a In. to 5 p. m. Lawmson) 'nnge Sts oods This Bank’s large lesources ensure safety. A Savin gs xkcco unt ONTARIG BANK a. 111.; “7 ed - at- J T Smigeon. Maple License Auctioneer m:- theConnty of Yet", to- npentfully sl>liCits vour patronage and friendly influence sales attmded on the shortest notice 1nd at reasonaberates. P. 0.n.ddresa King A arge xtock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. Licenscm Auctioneer for the Ceunty of York Goods sold on cunsigum’ent Genera.) salsa stoc otc promptly a.t.tended no at reasonablu rates Residence Uniom'ille G R Gouldmg. Newton Brook,agent for the above Saigon“ (t fllcEwen .. Licensed iuctionaers for (h 9 County of Salesfttcendedbu on qhortentnnï¬r . mm a RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL one door west Ontario Bunk Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Jr pnscomce 'I' HERBERTLENNOX Barristers, Solicitors. etc TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 mnnd St. \VQSE.\V(‘SIP)' Buildi (Methodist, Book Room,) '1 rtmtn. JAS. N EWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES 1§14G1N MtILLs N 536 1%; MORGAN Aurora omegaâ€"1, Barristers and solicitors Money to loan ouland andchane] ulnrtnnc DOMINION BA NK CHAMBERS, S. W. Corner King& Ynngc Streets, TORONTO. Mr. Cook will bé on Thursday afternoon of each week. Mulock, Lee, 14111115 Clark enumerates, ‘1; A G S Lindseyli C G G F Luwreuce W llidout Wadsworth Burietersï¬olicitors. Notaries, 35c. Hump Life Building (farmer-1y Free hold Ltmu Bldg. ). 00:. Adelaide & Victul'iu. 1315.. Toronto. Hold fmt to all you have. There’s? act. a single hair too many. Then fasten it tightly in place. Ball’s ngmtabia Sicilian Hair Renewer C2035 fdiing hair, makes the hair grow, keeps the scalp healthy. or a soft, MM. {for ma whys’kma and mgnshche w; make BVUCi'x'gï¬QH-AM’S DY} _th polar: a rkh brown Undertakch at Emba Inn-rs rivate and Trust, Funds to laws: current rates. LIBERAL Ofl‘ice MONEY TO LOAN Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, THURSDAY, MARCH 22 1.906 COOK ’8; JOHNEE’N IN THE VVRI Barristers. Salicitm-s, Etc n. G. BLOUGH, awmmmm' a II. P: “nice. i , 7,, IGHT BROS, .iemovedy: phe old mean: for the County of York. J on ehortescnotire and a tea- ’atrouagesolieited ï¬â€˜ice, Richmond Hillon Suturdavs. ox . Aurora . (‘1 35mm. Three doors south of In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in allthings, Charity.†m to the old pest omca o! the entrance to the E: No. 33 RR sley Buildings R()om,) To- STV Manon: Phone Main2984 J K MoEn-en Weston Newmnxket 33 Rich- loan at the Last Friday evenng between 40 and 50'uf Mr. \Vu). Ness, sr.'s old friends at Headfm-d gave him a pleasant surprise by paying himself and family a visit in thvir new home. The evening was agreeably Spent, in games and othrr zzmu'st-meuts. Mr. Albert Finley hns snld his store tn Mr. G. Brnoks and has moved to Mr. D. Boyle’s fax-m. Our stouk now is a must varied and complete- sr-lectim) sure to llH'Pt every taste and every pursu-vAlkiusou & Switzer. Tutu} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8384 90 Showing a deï¬cit, [If $1711.63. The bunks of the treasurer Were said (0 he kept in good form and correct, the minute lumk showing authority for all payments. Umnicil' udjnm'hed to Saturday April 7. The :mditurs’ report for 1905 was re- crivml and adopted. and the auditors were paid $8 each fur their serviCes. The Treasurer was instructed to col- iect for use of grader and road slmvcl fur the past year. ' It was decided to discontinue grant. in Mrs. Bnmks of $1.25 per week, and she was granted $12 fur care nf child during sicknvSS, and the time befme grunt) commenced. The ailditm‘s’ rt-pm-t total amount of money the township from all $32,411.28. The-re was standing in the credit of the township in [119 Sovereign Bank the sum of $2,644.18. Uncullected taxes, $3,608.09. Making the tutu! available sum $6,253.27 to meet the fullowing liabilities:â€" Uunnty tux . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . , $6948 41 Sclnml dehunlurr-s . . .. . . . . ‘ . 308 30 Ar'cnunt Hannlton Bridge 00.. 5'18 3 Vaughan tp.. Yunge St. zlcc.. 293 19 Other liabilities (nppmxiumtc) 700 ()0 v Mr. \Valtel- Scott called the atten- tion of the council tn tin-dangerous condition ()f a bridge betwuevn 1013 24 :md 9", can. 3. Mr. Nigh was appuintvd a commitâ€" Ll-e to (-xun’line the bridge and make whatever N’DHiIS he dwmcd necessary. A grant uf $50 was given to he e-x- pended U!) the sidcruud between lots [U and 11, cons. 5 and (5. Municipal \Vru-ld,6 511? J. O. Herity, printing SuwyequL-nsey (30., u. unnma. aruwmg grave-l . . . . l 57 The following road accounts were ordered to he paid:â€" Div. 2, Josh. Burner . . . . , . . . . . . $53 05 Div.2, “ “ . 900 Henry LON-h, 61 yds. gravel .. . . G 10 Fruncey Bros.. 21 yds. gran-1 H. 2 10 The fullmving cummnnicutinhs were rpudzâ€"Frmn \V. I’. Hubbard, Presi- dent of the Ontariu Municipal Assâ€- cintiun, asking the Cnnncil to petition the legislature to when! from heavy l'PSpUIlSlhiliLiE‘S impuscd by See. 0'06 for the nun-repair nf highways. From J. S. Robertson. Sec. Nntinnnl Sunitm ium Association, asking for a. grant for Free Hospital for V:unsumptives. Finn) SnWC-r-Mussey 00., explaining that, $8.50 charged, was for n. road grader blade and asking fur :1 prompt 1‘9111it-tal1ce. Fi-mn Dmmld Benton, Clerk 1 1‘ Pickering Township, enclos- ing a, stalenwnt, of Pickvi-ing‘s expend- iture on tnwnline next to Markham. grader . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . I'Im-t & Ridden.stntinnel-y . . . . . Lud. Hom‘ei‘, repairing culvert G. Diznma. drawing grave-l Div. 2, Josh. Burner . . . . , . . . . . . $53 05 Div.2, “ “ . 900 Henry LON-h, 61 yds. gravel .. . . G 10 Fruncey Bros.. 21 yds. gran-1 H. 2 10 J. Rngm-s was paid $10 for use of bull fur the past year, and the resolu- tion of Dvc. 15 granting him $5 was rescindvd. All the members were present at, the lust regular meeting of [he menci! uf Markham tuwnship. held at, Union- ville on Tuesday (If last week. $11.00. MARKHAM TOWNSHlP COUNCIL. \Vru-l-dï¬subscriptions 00 Dollar blade for showed the I'cnkived by sources was 53 00 26 (55 41 30 ; 30 | 19 l 50 40 ()0 I Some people profess to he shockcd over the act of u. couple of \Vm'lcl re- ! porters who it few duysugo were found guilty and (-mnmitted for trinl on the . charge- nf stealing the ofï¬cial report of the University Commission for inser- ‘ tinn in that paper. But why hot-nine excitvd over the simple act of ï¬lching a. single slwet of paper which might. he termed by some people “journalistic enterprise 1‘" And only last week. in order to embellish one of the pages of a. “spvcinl edition," the Newmnrket Em. pnrloinod the Richmond Hill Metropolitan \Vuiting Room, calling it the Newnmrkvt station. “locuth opâ€" posite the market square.†\Ve admit ' that the stations hero and at Newmnr- krt are very much alike, but we defy puny artist to place so perfectly Lud- ford’s grocery on the north. Trench’s a lumber shed in the rear, with the mag- niï¬cent maple tree and other pictur- esque scenery in the foreground by merely drawing upon his imagination. However, as the illustrated (‘ditiun would not be complete without our ;station, we are pleased to assist u. neighboring town out of a difï¬cult-y. ' But it is natural to ask the questionâ€"â€" Eif two \Vorld rpporters should gut , thirty days for stealing a. Government paper. What should the editor of The Em get for stealing a Whole station ? No.1.- No persun shall ride or drive at an inunudemte rate on any of the llig}1\vay§pr streets of said village. No. 5. No person shall bent in an ex- cessive or violent manner, 01' other- wise abuse or ill-Lx-eut any animal in the sand \‘illngv. N0. (5. No person shall mjure or de- stroy any true plantvd m- presm-vvd for shade or ornament, in the said \i!- N0. 7. No person shall engage or as- sist in any clmrivali or other like dis- tui-lmnce. No. 8. Nupersnn shall ring :1. lN'll, blow :1 harm. or shout, or umkeany OlllPl‘ unusual nuise. ï¬re a gun or other firearms, or let ufl’ lireballsquih. cruel-(0r. or other ï¬l'k‘WOlkï¬ in any of the streets of the said viilugr‘. N0. 9. Nu per-sun shall lead. ride m- dx'ive any hurse, horses, cu t-tlo, or nt hw- nninmls (-n any of the sidewalks "uf sniil village. N0. 10. Any person committing any breach of Lliis By-luw, 11pm] cmivic- tion. shall be. subject, In a ï¬ne Hf not; mm-e than twenty dollars, or 12 «lays in the County Jail, with or without hard labor. By-lnw No. 5 of Richmond Hill V“- lnge, passed 7th of April, 1873zâ€"Every occupant, owner, or trustee, 01- other person shall not deposit any dirt, ï¬lth, carcass. rubbish, wood. lumber, or any other nuisance or incumbI-ance on the streets, gutters, alley, watercourse or side walk in any part of the said vil- lage. No. 3. Nu dead caucus: or other pu« trid mutter slmll he allowed to rmnuin on any prmniscs after sum-is». A number of the ministers of Vaughan vanship met at the mnuse on Mundny, March 12th, to talk over the advisability of forming themselves into n. Ministerial Association. The following were present: Revs. \V. G. Buck, U. L. \Visswaesser, Jos. E. \Vil- son, lelculm McKenzie and Jns. II. Lemon. Others were unuvoid‘ahly ab- smty. After sunw discussion an Assn- cintirm was fut-mod. with Rev. \V. G. Beck as presidvnt. and Rev. .103. E. \Vilsmi, secretnry-treasux'vr. They will meet the second Tuesday of each month Vtht, we hope will prove “The En- tei-tuimnent of the season" is expected [0 he held on Friday (evening, Mmch 30th, under the auspice-s of Maple Mis- siunm-y Auxiliary and Epwm-Lh League, when they hope to secure the (-ele- hinted Indian eh‘lcutionist. Miss Pitui- ine Juhnmn, and her colleague, Mr. McRayP. the humoristand entertainer, to provide 11 unique programme. Look out, for further announcements. L i read papers and discuss various t \pics nf intervst to them and their \VUlk. The Rev. C. L. \Visswaesser ï¬ves the ï¬rst papm' at VVoodhridge on ' ‘uesdny, April 18th. The ministers’ wives are invited to attend the various SPSSiOHS nf the Association. A very enjnynhlv nfternnnn was spent talking over various matters, after which Mrs. Back serve-d ten. Each minister went hume feeling that it was at good way to shake ntf blue Monday. On Sunday afternoon the Methodist Suiilmth School was addressed by Rev. U. L. \Visswnessm'. va. A. Redford of Aurora preacth here on Sunday morning in place of Raw. Jus. E. \Vilsun, who was preach- ing in Barrie. A. B. Dm idsun, P.S.I.. paid his semi- :mmmJ visit, to the public school and reported everything in a. fluurishing conditinn. Mr. Russel Kit-by returned on Sutur- day from Chicago. where he spent the winter. His cousin, Mr. Leonard Lnnd, came with him, and they intend leav- ing for the l\m-thwest shurbly. agr- J. H. SANDERSON, L 7â€"-»m‘ ‘ o . u~â€"~~ METROPOLITAN STATION WORTH REMEMBERING. Mame JESSE WINGER done such utions, walls, or other cement wmk would do about then, and could do any extra short, notice, as We can work so mm faster and better with the machines before Apt i1 ls: ing the Richmond Hill such work dune cau"b:u‘e SEECEAE EQTICE work \vhlle in town with our mat-him mixor, “‘01 k starts E. is being built through southt-I-n British Columbia. “The Search for the Loon†is a story from the “'Ufldr‘d lakes of Ontario, with photograph-i that are rare and of universal interest. From Canada. the contents marry the reader across the Atlantic in an illne- tinted article entitled “A Canadian Vie-w of European Affairs,†hy VVil- liam H. Ingram, n Canadian now in journalistic work in Paris. From here another Canadian carrie-s' the reader to Venezuelaâ€"Lth South American R9- pnhlic which is so much im-linvd to Cause war among the greater nations intereated in that continent. The incredients of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical biscovery are just such as best serve to correct and cure all such deâ€" rangements. It is made up without a dro of alcohol in its composition; chem- ical y pure, triple-reï¬ned glycerine beini used instead of the commonly employed alcohol. Now this glycerine is of itself a valuable medicine, instead of a deleteri- ous agent like alcohol, especially in the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia and the various forms of indigestion. Prof. Finlev Ellingwood, M. D., of Bennett Medical College, Chicago, says of it: "In dyspepsia it serves an excellent pur- pose. ‘ ‘ “ It is one of the best manufactâ€" ured products of the present time in its action upon enteebled. disordered stomachs: especially if there is ulceration or catarrhal €astritis(catarrhal inflammation of stomach). it is a most efficient preparation. Glycerin» will relieve many cases of pyrosis (heartburn) and excessive gastric acidity. It is useful in chronic intestinal dyspepsia. especially the flatulan variety. and in certain forms of chronic constipation. stimulating the secre- torygnd excretory functions of the intestinal e an s.‘ \\ hen combined. in just the right propor- tions. with Golden Seal root. Stone root. Black Cherrybark. Queen‘s root, Blood~ root and Mandrake root. or the extracts of these. as in Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. there can be no doubt of in great, efï¬cacy in the cure of all stomach. liver and intestinal disorders and deru nge nients. These several ingredients have the strongest endorsement in all such cases of such eminent medical leaders as l‘x‘of. R. Bartholow. M. D.. of Jeï¬erson Med- lea] College. Chicago; Prof. Hobart, A. Hare. M. of Medical Department. University of Pa.: Prot. Laurence Johnson. M. 1).. Medical Department. University of New York: Prof. Edwin M. Hale. M. 1).. Hahnemann Medical C‘olicge,(.‘hicago: Prof. John M. Scudder. M. I). and Prof. John King. M. D.. Authors of the American Dispensntory. and scores of others among the leading medical men of our land. Who can doubt the curative virtues 01 a medicine the ingredients of which have sugh a professional endorsement ?__ You can not make sweet butter in a foul, unclean churn. The stomach senes as a. churn in which to agitate, work up and disinte rate our to as it. is being digested. f it. be weak, sluggish and foul the result. will be torpid, sluggish liygi- arid bag, impur_el)lotJ£l_. Cnnsï¬ipaï¬bion cured by Doctor Piercc‘l Pleasant. Pellets. Om or two a dose. Bad Stomach Makes Bad Blood. MARCH CANADIAN MAGAZINE Address nll communications to Anyone wishing any cement work HS [Single copies, 3 cts CARRYILI gain this season after brith we may not get back in t1: as sidewalks, floors, found wall to write us for price So anyone wishing an RS we will he build» 5', ENT‘ Creamery No. 35. dune. (