GIVES TWO REAL GOOD REASONS IOR BELIEVING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE ALL KIDNEY AIL- MENTS. Cured His Backaclie of Years Standing and Satisfied Every- Twenty-Five one He Recommended Them to. Economy Point, NS. March 10 â€"â€" [Speciahâ€"Jicorge S. i\'Icl.aughlin, of this: place, gives two splendid reasons for his belief that Dodd's Kidney Pills are. the one remedy for Kidney ailments. Here are the two reasons in his own words : . “I was troubled with lame back for 95 years or more, sometimes so severe. tnat I could not turn myself in bed. One box of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me, and I have had no return of the trouble smce. “I have recommended Dodd's Kidney Pills to a number of persons who had Kidney Trouble. All who have used them have been beneï¬ted or cured." Dodd‘s Kidney Pills not only relieve ah Kidney Diseases. from Backache to Bright‘s Disease, but they absolutely cure them‘. But sometimes where one or two boxes relieve it takes more to make a complete cure. +â€"-'â€"-â€" PARSON WILL NOT QUIT. Will Run Ilis Saloon and Resign llis Chaplaincy. The Rev. Dr. Samuel W. Thackeray, who recently acquired a public-liotisc license in London, has been asked by the Cambcrwell Board of Guardians to :-e‘ sign the Chaplaincy of the Gordon Road Workhouse on the ground that “the oc- cupation of a publican is incompatible with the proper performance of his du- ties in ministering to the spiritual ic- quirements of the inmates.†A letter oilicially conveying: this re- quest was forwarded to Dr. 'l'hackeray under date of February 15, with the fur- ther request that he submit his resigna- tion within seven days. Dr. Thackeray, in his reply, says: “1 have only to say that I decline to ie- atgn my ofï¬ce of chaplain of the Gordon Road \Vorkhouse." There the matter rests. omcially. at. present, but meantime Dr. Thackeray has written a letter to the newspapers. ii. which he defines and defends his at- titude. Ile speaks of his high esteem for the members of the Board of Guard- ians, but regards them as having no locus standi in the case. He believes that he will accomplish more for true temperance. in a few months than they in fifty yearsof a total abstinence crusade, and in a rather long parable he likens himself to a policeman ‘who warns thoughtless pmu sons from the edge of a precipice, while nften persons, at the base of the pre- cipice. who have gathered there to com- fort those who fall over, bellow at him to go away lest they have no victims to take care of. ‘ The parable concludes thus: “They shout. vociferoust for my resignation. l wave my red flag vigorously at. them in mockery and deï¬ance. and tell them Ihat so long as the head superintendent of police is satisfied that I am doing,' my duty 1 care not a jot for their opinion." Mo“..- SIIE COUNTED. “Bridget t" No answer. “Bridgett!†« Again no answer. "Bridget ! l 1†“Dim comin’. mum." "Well, why didn't you come when i first called you?†"Shure, an’ Oi only hurd ye call the' thurd toiine." .____.+__.__ GRAND TO LIVE And the Last Laugh is Always the Best “Six months ago I would have laughed at the idea that there could be anything better for a table beverage than coffee,†writes an Ohio WOI‘fltlIlâ€"“IIOW I laugh to know there is." “Since childhood I drank coffee as freely as any other member or the family. The result was a puny, sickly girl, and as I grew into womanhood I did not gain in health, but was ntilicted with heart trouble. :1 weak and disorder- cd stomach, wrecked nerves and a gen. eral breaking down, till last winter at the age of 38 I seemed to be on the verge of consumption. My friends greeted me . with ‘How bad you look! \\'hat a ter- lible color'.‘ and this was not very com- farting. The doctors and patent medicines did me absolutely no good. I was thorough- Iy discouraged. “Then I gave up coffee ‘and com- menced 539nm Food Coffee. At ï¬rst I didn't like it, but. after a few trials and [allowing the directions exactly", it was grand. It was refreshing and satisfy- ing. In a couple of weeks I noticed a great. change. I became Strongpr my main grew clearer, t was not troubled with forgetfulness as in coffee times, my power of endurance was more than doubled. The heart trouble and indiges. lion disappeared and my nerves became steady mid strong. “I began to take an interest in things about me. Irlousework and home-making became a pleasure. My friends haw marveled at the change and when thev enquire what brought it about. I answer .[\ostuni Food Coffee, and nothng else in the work.†Name given by postum Co., Ba tle Creek, Mich. There reasnn. Read the little book, “The R to Wellville," in pkgi l l CRE\\'LESS TORPEDO BOATS. Boat Is “'orked From Shore By Mys- terious Invention. An engine of death, the wireless torâ€" pedo boat, which will in all proi'ial'iility; world 1 revolutionize the na\ies of the and make the extended coast line of the United States inipregnahlc from attack: by a. foreign foe in time of war is the invention of Mr. Charles I). Alden, the well-known New York sculptor, but who 1‘ now cxi‘ierimcnting at his summer home, at Cottage (iity. Martha's Vin-yard. N. .I. A boat without a crew, handled from the shore. by a. mysterious apparatus, the work of the inventor. and doing ev- ‘ crytliina that the latest improved lpr_ of torpedo boat is capable of as‘ far as the eye, can see. from shore. has been succvsslully ol'mrated by Mr. Alden. Obedii-nt to tho llcrtzian waves used in the dil'fercnl systems of wireless tele- eraphy. this boat weighs its own an- chor. blows its wins-tie. starts its pro- peller. turns to starboard or port. or keeps on a straight. course ahead, turns on its scarchlight, fires a cannon in its bow. drops and hoists an anchor. stops. backs and goes ahead again, lights sig- nals. and discharges a torpedo from its tubes. Speaking of his great invention. Mr. Alden said: “The idea came to me while" standing on a pier at Cottage City dur- ing the summer of 1900. and I immedi- ately went to work to put this idea into reality. with what success the public can determine.’ The invontor was born in Boston on Sept. l’i. 186i. SinCe ï¬nishing schoolho has lived the life of an art student. trav- eller. and student of science. lie be- came a resident of New York city. which for years he made, his headquarters. At. the time when the invention was a remote, possibility. naval experts had the. utmost Conï¬dence and {jfl‘i't‘ their opinion as to the success of the boat. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"§â€"â€"â€".. The Happiness of Health. â€" Exhilara- tion is the ripple. and laughter of pure blood as it. Courses through the veins. South American Kidney Cure drives out all impurities and insures the ri..‘hncss and purity that is essential to perfect llCt’lllllASllC‘Ct‘SSlUl because it. merits itâ€" popular because it fulfils every promise â€"a Kidney medicine solely and purely. It never failsâ€"126 IIAD LAST \\‘(lilD. “Very well. sir.“ said Dr. Quack. aftrr his quarrel with the undertaker, “I'll make you sorry for this!†“what are, you going to do?" asked the undertaker: “retire from practice?" Put: out the fire in a not. itching. unhealthy skin with Weaver‘s Carat-3. L‘se it for eczema, nettle rash, tctter and salt zheum. TIIIZ SILENT T\\':\l.\l. “Miss Bloomer seems to keep youth still," remarked Miss Goode. V “\Vell," replied Miss Chellus, “she keeps her age quiet.†*â€" hcr Stomach “Scouts.†â€"- liver notice the seams and furrows that steal into the face of the sufferer from indigestion. dyspepsia and chronic stomach ail- ments? Watch the sunshine break in and the lines vanish when Dr. Von Stan‘s Pineapple Tablets are given a chance to show their power. One lady. lIi writing of their ellicacy in her case, calls them “A heaven-born healer." 25 centsâ€"120 .__._..+_-.__. LORD STRATIICONA‘S TITLE. “'as Anxious to be Styled Lord Giencoe, But Protest “as Raised. When Sir Donald Alexander Smith was created a peer he was anxious to assume the title of Lord tilcncoe, in the reign of King William III. lut no soon- Cl' ,had he intimated his intention than not only all the klacdonalds, but even the very tiainpbells, and, indeed, all Scotland, raised up their voices in such angry protest at the idea of a man of the name of Smith, in no way connected with either of the clans Concerned in the massacre, assuming the name of the Glen of Weeping (which is the meaning of Glencoe) that Sir Donald was coni- pellcd to withdraw his application to the Crown, and to content. himself in- stead with the title of Lord Strathcona. Apropos of the massacre. of Glenco, an ancient practice is still ’invoguc to this day in Scotland. Whenever a Mac- (ionald meets a Campbell at table. in ‘he Old Country, he is in the habit of either passing, a knife, blade forcm ~-t. that ‘s to say. pointing,, the blade at him. by way of indicating that the treacherous mas- sacre by the (Triniphells of the Macdon- nlds. whose hospitality they were en- joying and by whom they had been most kindly received. at Glcncce in 1902, has never been forgotten or ft’irpivcn. On yonder side of the Atlantic every (Tamp- hell and every Mat-dwin‘rl inn’lerstant‘ls the. customs and aprcciatcs its meaning. Lord Strathconn. bv the way. indig- nantly denies the story so constantly printed to the. effect that he began life, as an errand boy in a village dry goods store in Scotland. that he came. to Ani- crica in the steerage. and that after a short stay in New York he wandered on to Canada. where he made his way up, step by step, in the service of the Hudson Bay Coirpany irom the lowest rung of the ladder until he became its president. He wishes it to be known that his origin was far from being as humble as intimated by his biograplim‘s. lie declares that his people were among the county familes of Moravshire. and that his mother was a daughter of the sainie l-luc-ldimded house to which the late Field Marshal Fir Donald Stewart belonged. lie further claims kinsmaii- ship with the. Grants of Manchester, who were the originals of the “(thumb 51!]? Brothers†in Charles Dickens‘ “Nicholas Nickleliy." Instead of earning his Iivinp.‘ in his youth as an errand boy in a village store, he studied law at Edinburgh, and. He on the island of} FOR SALEâ€" JUST ARRIVED AND FOR sale 24 imported Clydesdale st-aJlioiii and i liackneys: farm 2.} miles from end of street. cal tine.#0. SORBY, Guelph, Ont. l Rheumatism Cured. , 7 “'hde' on Sufferâ€"Starr's Ma'zii: Rheumatism (‘uro _WII relieve the worst. cases of acute. chronic, or inflammatory rheumatism In 2‘4 hours. Itvery bottle ha.) a. positive guarantee to cure. Hundreds of marvelous cure+ have been nude in all parts of Canada. If your , druggist cannot give you Starr's. take no other, send direct to III. slit) per bottle. Osbornoflamedy 60., HS Vonga St ,Toronfo, 0.11 OHENIL’LE’I cua'rAiNsH ! Qnd all kind: of house Hangings. also ‘ tau GURTAINS "Ear; use?" Write to us about yours. IIITIN! AHIIHMI DYEINB 00.. Box 158. Monk-"J RHEUMATISMl in any form and cold perspii-ing foot positivelyi :ured within 80 days, by our newly patcntedl Magnetic Disc; or money promptly i-ofiiiiiled.l . Ilailod anywhere $1.00. Write for iIeJcriptivo‘ booklet. Agents wanted. MAGNET“) RHEU- uA'I‘Ib‘M CUBE (10., Sherbrooko, Quebec. Canada I ‘ AFPLE TREES. l Before buying write us, or see out agent near you. for prices. We have injure the surface. oilclotl'is and linoleums. injure either clothes or hands. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (Follow directions). Equally good with hard or soft water. 152 lEVER BROTHERS UMITED. Toronto lthe largfst stock of fruit trees to be found in Canada. We. pay the freight. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown's Nurseries, Ont. Western Canada Land flu HEAD OFFICE, 38 NINTH STREET, Brandon, titan. lmproved farms and unimproved wheat and ranch lands. wholesale and ,retail, in Manitoba. Saskatchewan, Al- ‘berta and ll‘uit lands in Southern Oka- nagon \‘atley, B. C., \\'heat lands on Saskatchewan Plains at $7.10 per acre. easy terms till June lst to make selections, the finest wheat lands in the world. llomesteads located. Selections made. Write or call for any information do- aired. » P. 0. I9! 38. worst. of all, he never came. over in the stem-ape, but on the contrary. as a first. Eclass passenger. with a commission as an oflicer of the. powerful lludson Bay Company. _______+_._.___ Bad IIeart â€" Could Not Lie Down for Eighteen MonthmA‘d was unable to lie down in my bed for eighteen months, (giving to smothering spells caused fly Heart Disease. One bottle of Dr. Au- nevfs Cure for the Heart rcinovcd the trouble. and today I am as well as ever i 3s."â€"L. \\'. Law, Toronto Junction. __ -)' \\'F..\'T BY THE BOOK. Mr. Newwedâ€"This soup that you made tastes awful. Mrs. Ncwwcdâ€"Tlial's strange. The cook book says that it. tastes delicious. Regain Your Strniglh by taking “Ferrovim.†It‘s the best tonic evercmnpuunded. It. nourishes and strengthens the whole system. Ilenry returned in triumph from an examination. “How did you get along. my son?†his dotingf parent inquired. “Firstâ€"rate." answered Henry; “I an- swcred all the questions.“ “Good! How did you answer them?†“I said I didn't know.†._.._. Thomas Iloskin's Nerves,~3\lr. llos- kins. a resident of Durham, Onl.. for a score of years, was a martyr to stomach and nerve disorders. Schooled to preiu- dice against “patent medicines,†he start- cd using South American Nervine he says, “a last resort,†but six bottles of this great remedy proved to be his Silllxitllol] physically. It can be yours. -â€" Li. 90 DO \\’E. “i think.†said little Elizabeth. who was studying her geography lesson , . . “that if ‘Woi-eestii†must be called '\\'00. sler,’ then ‘Rochcster’ should be called ‘lloostcr.’ " A, Pleasant Feeling of relief from pain I: ex- penenced the minute you put: “ The D ii: L" Mon- thol Plaster on a. lame back, a rheumatic joint neuralgia, emotion, or pain in the side. ’ “There‘s no danger,†said the doctor. “it‘s only a carhuncle coming on the bark or _\'rillt‘ neck. But you must keep iyour eye on it!†Sunlight Soap in better than other soaps, but is best: when need in the Sunlight strum Buy 81111th 8031 miolloszdirocuom. ALIENS IN ENGLAND. The number of aliens going from Hamburg. Bremen. Libau. Rotterdam, Antwerp and other ports to remain "n linuland. increased from 411.422 in 18‘in to 93.708 last year. During a recent month the arrivals from the Continent numbered 20,115, as against ltix‘ZS in the coresponding month of last year. TIIF. NIHV SILKS. The colors of the new silks and other 1.‘nrr1-1nd-â€"â€"f01ll' per cent. . - ‘ b‘ the lionuhave reached the gown materials are delightful. ,ple and permanent cure. Wash oilclotlis and linoleums With warm water and Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe dry. and the surface unharmed. : Common soaps fade the colors and Sunlight Soap cleans, freshens and preserves The colors will be preserved Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without iniury to the most delicate fabrics, or to the hands, For it contains nothing that can Ilalls. you nothing. Write to-day. 167 Oralg Stâ€" 423 Sussex at. Head Office and Works, - .".,_-;e,,x . .. .. Farms and Our Catalogue. No. He describes many designs. MetITBEAL,QUE. OTTAWA,ONT. TORCIIYO. ONT. LONDBN, DNT, WIHMIPEG. 11 Cola-3mg 8: Warn: Yovn Numnsr Orrtca. as ' FOR SALE In Sizes to Suit purchasers. from 180 acres upwards, sltuatod on or near railways In the famous wheat growing districts of MANITIIBA, SASKATGHEWAN and ALBERTA Designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches, Schools. Stores, Also special designs for Houses. Kitchens, ‘ thing: has ever been devised to equal Pedlar‘s Steel Ceilings for farm houses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or face off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar’s Steel Made to ï¬t any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Ship- pcd from our warehouses painted all ieady to apply; Dimng-Rooms,etc. No- Ceilings. Wrile for it. It costs THE PEDLAR PEOPLE VANOGUVER, 3.0. 68 Dun-Jag sz. 70 Lombard St. 615 Ponder St. Oshawa, Ont. , Canada so GENERFU! and HELPFUL TERMS that every Induotrlous man may own: PROFITABLE and .‘iOHFQIITAmI Farm Home The character and Purpose of our Gunman], which Is organized UNDER Tu! Manon OF THE IRMPIIIMIIT ORDER OF NaESI‘Eits, may be described as ammo. HELIABLI. HELPFUL, PATRIOTIC. For Information and Prion, apply to F. w. AGENTS WANTiD EVER‘IWHERE. MANAGER. LAND Damn-mum, The Union Trust company. Limited, TEMPLE BUILDING, TORONTO- When Writing Mention This Paper .............._ -m...â€..._.â€".........‘._ a.â€" l’liilanthrophy is said to relieve men occassionally who are troubled with dyspepsia of the conscience. Common Sense and Modern Medical Science have reversed the almost univer- sal belief that Rheumatism cannot be Cured. The great South American ltheu- inatic Cure has turned the tables and has given to sufferers a tried, safe, sini- Thousands have testitied that it has cured them in three daysâ€"1‘22. HEALTHY PLACE TO LIVE IN. .No fewer than ï¬fteen persons in the village of Thorncombc. near Shel-borne, of the popula- age of ninety. “31"†SII‘IdDS‘ I†mmm'le: (“‘9 "Nltlllb‘ The oldest is Mrs. llunt, who has passed ité. There is a red without a suggesâ€" 1181. ninetv.scc0nd birthday, and five gen. tion of brilliant-y. yet rich and Sftljsfv- millions of hei- family are living in the ing, Other lwautifut shades are lilac, yum.“ mauve. miunoncttc. soft pray. " flower-like pinks and yellows, silks are especially alluring. as are also the silks and chiltons with flower.)mum]i borders. The lat'cr come in sixtyuineh widths. and the finest are $s‘ .11 NHL They make the loveliest of evening and dancing g0wns. A thin material known as gaze marquisc. is another airy fabric which delights the eye. Moussclinc de sole and tulle chiffon in Shaded effects with flower borders are also lovely, These materials combine excellently with lace. and are the better for girdles and decorations of the gold and silver gauze anything. ribbon so popular just 'IOW. and' one is eighty-seven years of age, Rainbow. eiulily-Six, three eiulityhvc, one eighty. lfour. three eighty-two, three eightyâ€"one, Of the fourteen octogcnarians, one and two eighty; while there are twenty scptuagcnarians, two of whom are only a few months short of eighty years .if age. HELEN “HAS NOT KIND. Hazelâ€""Young Banker seemed to be greatly taken with me at the ball last night. He danced with me four times." Helenâ€"“0h! Well, that doesn’t prove It was 'a charity ball, you | must remember.†UNPARDONABLIS PRESUMPTION. “The impudencc of that woman lec- turer astounded ine,’ indignantly ex- claimed Mrs. Struckoyle. “She called us ‘fellow-workers,’ and she isn’t in our set at alll" I “ A thtle Cold, You Know," will becomo a great danger if it. be allowed to reach the lungs. Nip the peril inthe bud with. Allen’s Lung £3.1- som, a. sure remedy containing no opiates. Mrs. De Blank (bride of a year)â€"“I don‘t see what has changed you so. George." Georgeâ€"“l have not changed.’ “You have. You treat me now as an ordinary man treats his wife. There was a time when l was not. a mere com- panion. l was a pet." “Yes. dear; but then you never got in t1 pet.“ Cash or Care If Shiloh': Comuiuption Cure fails to cure your Cold or Cough, you get back all you paid for it. You are sure of a Cure or the Call. "it wasn't a sure cure. this 03:: would not be made. Can anything Inc fairer P If you have a Cold, Co v (Ii OI the Throat, Lungs omopszagcrt; SHILOH 3'3 25¢. per bottle. All tie-Ian (tux-awe it. Mâ€" . ISSUE NO. 12â€"06