A petition is being circulated throughout the North York School Inspectorate to be presented to the Warden and members of the County Council, intiniating that in the opin- ion of the petitioners, the County CouneTl did not give due considera- tion relative to the retirement of Mr. A. B. Davidson, the School Inspector. The petitioners claim that the charges against the gentleman holding such a responsible position should be care fully investigated, and request that the matter be reopened, and charges formulated. The petitioners also ask that all persons concerned be given full opportunity of being heard for and against such charges, and that if the charges are not proven the Inspector be reinstated in his position. It is to be hoped in the interests of the farmers that the bill will pass. It is estimated that (mm 2,500 to 3,000 cans of milk are shipped to Toronto daily, and it is all sold at a certain price per can. A can at the present time is supposed to contain jJSt eight gallons, but as the cans are supplied by City dealers, it is claimed they are often made to hold 8}; and 81; gallons. This is a loss to the farmer who is docked if every can is not full. If Mr. Campbell‘s hill become law a standard will be ï¬xed and the present injustice over. come. liament providing that when milk is sold by the can eight gallons shall constitute a can, and four gallons :1 half can. In Parliament on Monday, Sir Wilfrid Laurier stated that the Gov- ernment of Newfoundland were aware that the Dominion Govern- ment were ready at any time. to take up the subject of the island colony coming into confederation, and Hon. Wm. Patterson stated that represent~ ations by an agent of the German lovernment, with a view to improv- ing trade relations between Canada and Germany, will be taken into consideration in revising the tariff. Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. P., has inâ€" troduced a bill in the Dominion Par- Mr. W. F. Maclean, M. P., has in- troduced a bill in Parliament to re‘ peal chapter 30 of the statutes of 1905, intituled an act respecting an nuities for certain Privy Councillors, and chapter 43 of the statutes of 1905, intituled an act to amend the act respecting the Senate and House of Commons. The bill is designed to repeal the ieglislation of last sea- son dealing with the indemnity and p :nsions. The new liquor law introduced by he Ontario Government gives a hard blow to Local Option. At present all that: is necessary is a bare majority vote. By the proposed law a muni- cipality casting 200 ballots would re- quire to have a majority of 40 before the by-lawwould be carried. Holders of worn Canadian silver currency. who have found difficulty in passing 4:, will, be glad to learn that. the Dominion Government con- template legislation providing for the redemption ofworn silver, the cost oi recoining which is small. RICHMOND HILL. 031:. Mm. We ‘gihmfl. B. 1906 Only Two Square-Gear Machines Made MELOTTE SEPARATOR Simplest in cunâ€" structiu n fol strength and dum- bility. Glennest skimmer. It is :1 spurâ€"gear machine luvchuui ‘lely perâ€" fe-ct, and not, a. Ml‘. E'. G. Andrews. merchant at Maple, hming dvcided to go tn the North-\Vesb this swing, wishes to dis- pose of his huuse and store, and diets his stock of gnnds at greatly reduced prices. The stool; includes prints, Shir-Ling. ï¬nnneletvto, table lim‘n. cotv tons, cashmere hose. hunts and shoes, dishvs and almost, everything kept in agenel‘al store. Mr. Andrews is dis- tributing circulars showing the reduc» tion of prices. Votes for local option by-laws to be taken on annual municipal election days, and to be compulsory on peti- Lion of 25 per cent. of voters. Tln‘ec-ï¬fahs of vote polled to carry local option by-law, and tln'ce~ï¬ths of vote necessary to repeal it. To be in force for two years, at least, if car- ried. Radical increase in license fee in all municipalities. In cities of over 100,000 to be $1,200 for tavern, and $1,000 for shop licenses ; towns, $350; villages, $250; townships, $120. worm truptinn :\ luw-du (: a n. pl a c (A d week‘s t Regulations to be uniform through- out the Province. Bartenders in cities and towns to be licensed. Third offence by licensee to cancel license. The Government's Liquor Act just introduced by Hon. Mr. Hanna makes a number of radical changes. W. C. PETHICK, Agent (c) If the municipality had more than 3.000 such names upon such list then by a ï¬rst deputy reevo, a second deputy reevc, and a third deputy recve. The following are some of the new provisions :â€" or village municipality, and, in ad- dition to the reeve, by a deputy reeve or deputy reeves as follows: (b) If the municipality had more than 2,000 and not more than 3,000 such names upon such list, then by a ï¬rst deputy reeve and a second dep- uty reeve, and (a) If the municipality had the names of more than 1,000 and not more than 2,000 persons on the last, 1 revised votei‘s’ list: of the municipal- ity as qualiï¬ed to vote at municipal e‘ections, then by a ï¬rst deputy reeve, ~+++~z~+~z~+++++4 Also agent fur G ‘numphonos and New “'illiams' Sewulg Machines. The strong features of Frost k'cncc axc combined in the 021:; Asptcial feuluxeis the frame of continuous steel tubing. This is vastly strong" than a frame with elbow cor- ners and nzal‘vcnblc castings. The heavy . wire ï¬lling Insures u .- ,.. -hv *â€" _ ‘z’ against sagging The public is warncd against buving gates that infringe against Frost Wire Fenc: Co.‘a Data“; as purchaser: as wv'l as users are laying thenuelve: liah1e_ For sale by sfost running 5 trial fleL dmvn MEI Over l25,000 in fully use. TWO GOOD ONES M IHUHMOND HILL. 1‘ con- IL has- suppr achim‘s 11 one GOING \“ EST. CLUBINE a PEARSON, - Thornhill C. A. SINCLAIR, - - Laskav JAMES WOODZXRD. - Aurora MAGNET SEPARATOR Only ma- chinu with self-balancing howl. Freer action and few hall-hearâ€" ings than :my n t h e 1' m u- chine on the market. Me- lntte bowl is shallow and w i d e :1 n (1 opens in the centre so that every purL (If it can he easâ€" iiy cleaned. Department Of Railways and Canals, Ottawa. 22nd February 1906. Newspapers insm-Ling this ndvertism ment, without authority from the De- palï¬pygut, will not he paid for it. NEALED TENDERS addressed tn the undersigned and endnrsed “Tender for 'l‘irnt Uanal." will be It - ceived 'it this Mike until 16 o’clock on Monday. the 2nd day of April, 1906, fur deepening and iinprnving of a channel way {ruin a point, in Cunk's BuyHLalce Sinicne, Ontario. to the mouth (If and up the Holland River, and the East Branch thereof to the Bradfnrd Road at lIulland Landing. Plans and Speciï¬cations of the work Can be seen on and after Monday. the 26th Felix-nary. 1906, at the ofï¬ce (if the Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Canals. Ottawa, at which place forms of tender may be uhtaini-(l. In the case of ï¬rms there must be attached the actual signatures of the full name. the nature of the occupa- tion and place of residence (if each Iueinlier of the same. and further. an accepted hank cheque fur the sum of $1.000, must accompany the tender for the Work; this accepted cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister Of Railways and Canals, and will he. fur~ feited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for wurk at the rates and terms stated in the ()lfer sub- mitted. The accapted cheque thus sent. in will he returned to the respect- ive parties whose tenders are not ac- cepleil. The lowest 01- any tender not neces- sarily accepted. ++++++++++++++++++++++++£4- W. H. SHAW, Principal . .3. ++++++++++Hé+++++++++++++ Department of Railways and Canals, Canada Trent Canal ' ' ing; or ï¬dvenmm gigï¬g terestcd in count?! life, 9 ask your newsdm er {or “FOREST AND 9 STREAM,†or send us twe.‘.ty~ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial trip. A large illustrated rweerkly periences ofangh as and campers. 9Q STREAM,†or send us twe.‘.ty-ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial trip. A large iiluslmted weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natuni his- tory and yachting. A FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. HOLLAND RIVER. TO NEW MARKET “'9 believe there is no 5011001 equal tn UllI’S for methodic busi- ness training and fur good re- sults. \Ve solicit investigation and comparison. Enter any time. No vacations. And examine :1 copy of our cata- lugue If you have any idwt of taking :l. preparatory com-se- for n Yongo & Gerrard Sts., Tut-Unto Good Paying Position (mum agguï¬ium ($1911ch Notice to Contractors periences ofanglors, shoot- ers and campers, or yachtâ€" By order. L. K. J ONES, F5205? STEEL GATES Secretary. [Frau \mg: FRIDAY. March 23Aâ€"Aluzti0n sale of fann stock and implements, lot 16, con. 4, Vaughan. 111'! pruperty of John hadwin. Sth- at 1 o'clock. Tums. 8 mos. D. G. Blough. auct. TUESDAY, March 27â€" Auction sale of farm stock implements, etc.. on lot, 29, 3rd ('nn. Markham, the property of J. F. “'vllmnn. Sal» at l n‘clock. Tex-ms, 7 mos. N. IE. Smith, auction The pruprivtm‘ of Pleasant View Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester \Vhite Hogs. Lot 29. lst Gum, Vaughan (Thm'nhill) has for sale some good young stuck. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for set-vice on the pl‘t‘llliSPS. Bl'ii'k cottage 011 IN: ~19, 1517 con. Vaughan, 1;} miles wr-st of Rirhmund Hill High Schunl, two acres of land, :1 quantity of apple tree“. plum trees. and other fruits. Apply Lu JAS. MUW’ILIJAMS, Terms, T 061'. PLEASANT VIEW FARM ‘1 Saigeon 8c McEwen's List of sales to he conductc Messrs. Saigeun & McEwon, tinneers of York, Simone and Counties : FRIDAY, MRI'Ch 23â€".Anctinn sak- of farm stuck, ixnplmnvnls, Mm, prnperty of .105. Hvslop. lot, 2.3,- cnn. B, Etubl- coke. An Upright Piano, Mason & I Will be sch} at a bargain. E. BIRCH. Eggs fur hatching from pure bred Buried Plymouth Rocks and “finite \V' ya n d 0! ts. A p.pr SATURDAY, March Ztâ€"Auctinn sult‘ of horses, colts. l'rvsh milk cnws, Springers, and young cattle. at, the Palmer House Ynn‘h, Richmond Hill. Sula Ht, 2.. Towns, 3 and (3 mus. A Mal-o. rising six 5 will exchangv fm- mttlr- Tho dwelling, lymclwr shop; driving slwd and stahlvs. Doing :1 grand l'l‘tnll trade. \Vill he snld Che-up. If not snld hefm't- the ï¬rst of April. will be to rent. Excellent chance for u good man. Ap- ply “ AAAAA East half of Int ‘23. 2nd concession, Markham. containing 104) :u-n-s. man M' Ipss. Pussnssiun given ï¬rst of Ame 1906. Apply to Residence imuwdizltely south (If the High Schunl. For infm-mnlinn apply to JAMES NEW’l‘ON, Elgin Mills. FOR SALE OR TO RENT FOR SERVIGE R. A. Farquharson, B.A. 35-33 35-38 Farm to Rent Yonge & McGill Sts. Y.M.(§.A. Bldg. TORONTO Inquire at once. FOR. SALE FOR SALE 111 Bi chmond Hill Sale Register. For Sale For Sale F01" Sale For Sale ‘J. 0. HARVE y; D. G. GOODERHAM, R. STEPH ENSON. 'A'R'CHIE MCLEAN, Richmond Hill I’. 0. Richmond Hill 1? Richmond Hill 1‘. O Richmond Hill years old. 01' 9- Apply D. BOYLE. Richmond Hill Kleinburg. BOX 476. Houdt’urd. Proprietor. I‘hm-nhill & Risch. ales llC H; I “.1 commaswsnnm'rnz f HIGH COURT OFJUSTiCE,&c. H w I Issuer of Marriage Licenses. m" RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. v' The Next Sitting 0f Division Cmu'tlox N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, Tenders for rent.ng 13:101'93 of lnml, thepx-nportynf Mrs. L. Gaby. Rich- mmul Street, with or without barn :mdstnblvs, will be- l'PC(‘l\'(’d by the undersigned, up to the 24th March. TUESDAY, APR†RICHMOND HILL WISEQH - BBURT. experience. A coupon in (Ivory package entitling the holder to Free Veterinary Advice. Fur sale Have just arranged with the Vi-ter- innry Sppcialty (In. to sell the follow- ing remedies: Stuck Tunic and Blood Puriï¬er, Imligpstion and Colic Cure. Spavin Cure, \Vonn Powders. Cough Remedy. Poultry Tunic, Lmzse Death Antisceptic Hemlng Oil, Sprain EmuL siun, Black Oil, Heavo Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphmdisiac and Antiâ€"Ster- ile Powders, Dian-[linen Cure fur Cults and Calves, Leaking Naval 65 Joint DlSleSO. Vanzant & \Vzn-ing. Veterinary Sub genus, twenty-ï¬ve years of pinctical Threshets’ Coal .on hand. June 11. 1905 Farmers Take Notice GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. RI. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, +++++++++++ The funnwing Auction Sales Wili (:nndllctvd hy Mr. J. H. Prentice Uniunvillc :â€" TUESDAY, Max-ch 27â€"Uredil: Silli farm stock, implements, etc†on ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LEVERY Satisfaction Guaranteed Coal and \Vood Dehvered. Prices Right. Butter Paper at the Liberal Office. Michael Bros., Are Your Lungs Worth 25c? The-n why do you cough all day? \Vhile l'ilw and Tm will reï¬t-u,- you the ï¬rst day. It, will stup that cough in a fmv days more. \Ve knmv all uhmxt it, because we have sold it fm- years, and we knnw just wb-M is in it. It is not :1. cu: e-lel ; iL‘sjust a Cough Gum, and a gum] «me at that. It 5 made. to cure. That is why we- 991150 much uf itfl It‘s not a_p.-xt - “ Your Money Back if You Want lt.’ and a gum] (Inc at that. It; made to cure. That is why “'9 Hell so much uf it. H's not. a put - ent medicine Pithvr. \VP ks-op patent, lll(-*(]iCil]FS, but we do nut. n-cnmnwlid them. “'e do wâ€" commnld \Vhite Pine and Tar, and we believe in it. so much that. Issuer Marriage Aftex helien 2509M W'OI‘Lh we say W. Ea. Saaï¬arsan RICHMOND HILL lliolunond {Jill Commencing (It 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Druggist, Richmond Hill H. Prentice‘s Sale Register r ynn use it once you will ‘ in i'vtnn. It \Villcnst ynll sultry it. Are yum-lungs To Rent ‘. J. PETH [CK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill COAL. try i 'ents ++$++++++++++++++ _O Nâ€" \V. H. PUGSLEY. Licenses WOOD I-pdib sak- vt‘c†(m ] pxupm-Iy 1 o'clm in} '30