Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Mar 1906, p. 5

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gnml order, made. by t and warranted for :1 ya at Mnger’s foundry. Mr. Birrh, Heudfurd, has rents-d the: brick hunsu and 14 acres of land, part uf Int 43. lst, can. Vaughan, th. p1'wp- vrty of Mrs. Dnllpry. Mr. Birch Lakes pnssvssiuu the first of April. Save Mum-y. â€"â€"\\'9 can save you mnney in Bouts. Men’s English Kip “'orking Boots $2.50. Boys‘ and Girls” Boots. A snap in Men's Slippexs.â€"â€" Nullghtun 131-05., Elgin Mills. Mrs. Shuter, Thmnhill, will have a millinex'y display on Tuesday, the 3rd (If April and fulluwing days. She in- vites the ladies uf the village and sur- rounding neighborhoods to give her a cull. _ Mr. Henry Miller haul :1 sudden atâ€" tack two \vneks ugnnvhich affected his speech, and compelled him to take to his bed, hut- he has hovn imprm ing and tho. Dr. hopes to have him nut in a feW days. Do not forg Elltm'tnimnvnt this (Thursday; silver and Luke age uf good mu “'9 Want your Lynda. but. we want t.” fol-I that; we deserve it. That's why Wu give ynu tlw must and (he- hest fur th- least nmnvy.â€"Alkinsnn & Switzer. Glass Bx-us. have shipped from Maple and King during the pPSt \vvvk fifty fut. catllv, part (If which were fed at blue stable of Mr. John Patterson, and \Vcl'o of extra uhuice' qunlhy. Mr. Jnhn Michael will wear the Smith medal during the ensuing yvar. The last match in the sm‘ies was playâ€" ed Thursday evening when Michael and his trio of assistants (lcfouted the Uowie quartette by a score of 17 to 13. A mmpmtion nf price and unlity Combined: Two packages of range Meat for 250., 2 packages Shredded \Vheat for 25¢" 2 cans Rvd Salmon for 25m, 2 cans Regal Brand Salmon, the hast sockeye salmon packed, for 25¢.â€" Atkinson & Switzel. The Entrance Exmninutiun lasts ful- three days. brginning on LhoZ’Ttli of Juno. On June 30, the examination for District Teachers. Junior an ing Teachers and Senior Lvnving Teach- i-rs lit-gin' and finds on J My 6. M issAngnsm M. Fie: hPHI‘l', Tux-(min, spam, Sunday night with Mr. and Mus. S. M. Brown. \Vvs thrir ing Mr. H.F. Happen Lung meeting, A. In this week. as Lodge No. 11L \Vill make to your measnre a pur- fectly tnilom-d hlnck sprge suit, fur $13.50.â€"-At.kinsnn & Switzur. Miss Boll Mundio, A nurse at the Genvl‘al Hospital, Tmuntn, came up and spent (n'erSunduy with her pur- cuts. Revival services are being c:u-ri9d on nightly in the Methodist chm-uh under the munagmnent, of Evangulist John H. Hathaway of Toronto. Allure (-01“- dially invited to ilttt‘nd. A song ser- vice commoncos at 7.30, fallowed by a sermon at. 8 o’clock. The services close- with a prayer and fellowship meeting. Mr. Jamr-s ()nwiu. 'J‘urnntn. is spend- ing the week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uowiv. Mr. Alfred \Viley of ()wvn Sunnd, spvnt a night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank \Yilvy. Mr. Mntlhvw Mm-tsnn, Tux-onto. spent. (He-1' Sunday hen) with his father, sisLer and little dzunghLvr. The storeand Post; Office at Nash- ville. Vaughan township, was burned to the ground a few nights ago. The building. which is owned ay Mr. East. Kleinburg. was insured for $650. The culimnts were fully insured. The \Veekly Glnlm and Canada Fanwa will he sent to any address in )nnudu 01‘th United Slam-s for the balance of the year for 75 cents. Su‘ - scribe at THE LIBERAL Office. _ Sample The directnrs of the Agricultural Society '\\'ill meet in the Council Chamber. Sahudzly ufuwnonn. March 31. at 2.30. 'l‘lw xepurl (if the execu- ln'e committee will be cnnsidered and final arrangements made fur Fail-tn be held on May 24th. MiSSvs Annie- and Luum I rout”. \vvre guests of Mrs. ago for a few days. Mr. James Brown has been up from the GiLy spending a fmv “‘t‘l'kS with Mrs. \V’. Glass and other relatives. Elm gamma. Rxcammn HILL, 0x12, M il)‘ A sterling silvm in was lust. in th :Iy night. Finder lg it at. this office. Ml pies will 1w smrt. on appliuution 140(3 svcnnd-lmud Grain Grindm' in . and Mrs. Vantel- Nets; of EVOIS» left ycslendny for the Nm-‘dâ€" . “hm-e Hwy purpose making future home. made by the J()liettv( FOR SALE silver heart-shaped B( It inithe village} lust, satur- at the Public Library in the Masonic “all evening. Bx ing a little home with you a pack- zazines. is attending Gland 0. U. \V. in Tumu- delegate from Ivy will “Bible by {l 1'. ill'. 'm‘tm Price $1 1906 ‘lll' â€" H'- MR. BRO\\‘NLEE SINKING \VP legret to state that. Mr. James Brnwnlw, who has been in failing health fur some Linw past. now lies at, the point of demth. Fur nearly a week it has her!) :I struggle lwtwwn life and death, during which time he has not, r-lnsvd his eyes nor {alum I‘vfreshmcnt. His many friends will hope thutvulll‘ esteemed fvlluw citizen may soon find precious rust. Last, wvek‘s Newnmi'ket Em is a Special Number. and it; certainly is a (il't’dib m the proprietor and his work- men. Ton uf the pages are illustrn {(11, containing photngmveurs (if the lead- ing lnusinvss men. churches. hanks, schuuls, vtc.. with sen-ml old land- marks which some as u cmnpmiam betwe‘vu Ll'e Lmvn tu-day and wth it was 30 yPal‘s ago. The edition is print- ed on good pupm; Lhe illustmtiuns me clear. and the leading matter shows Newmzu'ket just us it isâ€"a \‘ery pru- gressive and pi-usperous town. Noble H. A. Nicholls. a inemhei-uf Rum-59$ Temple of the' A. A. O. N. M. 8., attended the bunquebnnd pre- sentation g'ven in’hnnm' uf th Imper- ial Pnlvntate of British North Amerâ€" ica, H. A. Collins. in theTeniple Build- ing. Toronto, (in \Yednesduy night, of Inst, week. Over one thousand were present, and the Imperial Putvntate was presented with :1 purse of $1,000 for Services rendered Runnesvs Temple during the past nineteen years, for which period he acted as Illusuinus PHtVHtAIEP. It was one of lhe most Inillizmt functions ever held in the city. Rnht. H. Hewitt. “’9” known as n. fm-nwr hntvel kevper in Newmarkct. die-d suddenly Sunday morning at the H ewitL House, Queen and Soho streets. Tnmntu, kept» by his son Geurge. He- wns taken ill during Satmday night Dl'S. called in Lhnught death was due to heart failure. Deceased was '72 years uf :Igp, and loaves five snm :md uneduughber. Intm-nu-nt took place in Newmarket on Tuesday. Yestm-Ilny E. St. George Bnnwell ud- mittml the, charge of stealing $40.0“) fx'nm the Crown Bank. and will be sen- : termed nn Saturday. His wife. “110 flvd with him tn Jamaica, will stand I 1191' tl'iill. dvnying th‘ accusation that she was the réceiver of stolen goals, knowing them to he stolen. A drama entitled “Tompkins llired Man" will In! givrn mule-r the :unspim-s of ’l‘hmuhill Divisiun Sons of Tmnpt-r- ance in Victoria Hall. on Saturday evening, 315E inst. OLher its-Ins on the prugrumme will he a. dialogue. 5011's, instrunu-ntul music. and rocita- t-inns |i_v l\lis.s(ll:ni-:1 Hurning. Admis- Sinn 25 and 15 cents. Everybody in- \‘iled. Last Sunday afternoon a gang of men wore busily engaged trimming the trees along Yonge street through tho village, presumably that; they would not interfere with the Metro- politan wires. This mutilation of maples may he Necessary from an electric pnintof View. but it certainly does not add to appenranre. \Ve uhâ€" servvd a number of angry lnnking citi- zens as the branches wvre being cut, opposite their residences, hut, thny seemed nuttu give vent to their in- ward fw‘lingSâ€"pmlmhly because it was Sunday. Mr. Lorenzo Jnhnstun, who left here uhnut a you: and sun'vn mnnthsag”. has returned tn Canada with his wife and two sons. Mr. Johnston isnlso uncmnpnnivd h:le by a snn-in-Inw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. \Vigmur. The new arrivals have been staying for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. \V. Max-Lin. Tho Ellintt (Fullnge and l'esult-pmdm'ing pils fl't“ Hun-ungth “Hive of Industry." Mondny’s Globe contained a pala- graph dated from Indian Head. $215k, in which it was stated that John F. Stanley had been arrestvd at Monso- min on chmges of stealing a horse from Thomas Livingstmw. and forging the name uf \V. H. Pugsley to two cheques, one f(_)r $76. and the uther for $65. The prisoner was committed for trial on each charge. Mr. Pugsh-y nf this Village received it telegram ask- ing if he had given the above Cheques, and replied in the nogutivv. Mr. Pugs- ley. huwevei', remembers giving Stan- 1137 a _$10 cheque for a fefi'lduyg’ work dune m harvest on the. Pugsley farm at Indian Head. A young lady working in a stocking fuctnx-y, fearing that her chances for matrimony wexe small. wrutve the ful- luwing and slipp.‘d it in the toe ofu. Tho Spring Term in the \Vvllâ€"bnllt Ellit-Lt Bllsists College of Toronto upons April 2nd, and mnnynowstu- (lvnls will he enrolled on that day. “’9 must thank our (rid friend. DI. Hnlchisun for a neat little souvenir in Imok fnrin showing the growth of \Vinnipeg frmn 1870 to 1906, and giv- ing a large number of farm scenes in \Vestern Uulmdrl. Among the il- lnstl'ntionsin \Vinnipog are the new Post Ofi‘lcv. \Vesloy Cullvgr‘, The Law Courts, The Union Bank. The Domin~ inn Bank, and Manitoba College. The pnpnlution has increased from 21.") in 1370 t0 119,337 in 1905. On lhv back cover is the advertisement (nf Grunt & SlllllllPI’S, resz estate hrukers, \Vinni- peg. the senior member of which firm is Mr. Marshall Grant. youngest son of Mr. Jesse Grant uf this village. HAD NEVER ADVERTISED. \V INNIPEG ILLUSTRATED. A CREDITABLE NUMBER. COMMITTED FOR TR [AI SUDDEN DEATH. TREE EDI’CATIONA L A 1) RA M A. TRIMMING. is a wide-awake schnnl. and pu- at home in this gentlenmn‘s sock: “A young lady, gnud lm-kiug and (If some means. would like to crux-respond with the wearer of this souk,ifhe is single, with a view to nmu-inmny.” A young man lmught the. sock, and said: Thereha my chance." He wrote to the’ young lady. offering himself as a suitable party. and to his surprise got this reply: “I have been married eight years." The man from whom he bought, the socks had never advertised. and consequent- ly they had lain on the shelves for eight years. The young mzm referred tn above is now wondering 1f the huv of the land will give him dmnages against the man who didn't udverlise. SIMSâ€"~At Richmond Hill. on Satm- day. March 17. to M 1'. and Mrs. G00. S. Sims. a daughter. Chi-is. Stung nf Woodhridge, who had gained considerable notoriety throughout, the county as a coon hunter, met inst-nut death in a. fall from a tree, the latter part of last, Week. Accompanied by a young fellow named Roy \Vntson, he left the. Forsyth House about, 8 o‘clock in the morning and proceeded to a bush on the, nut- skii'ts (If the town. He ascended a tree in quest of his favorite game. and when about 50 feet from the ground it. is suppused the rope slipde from his waist belt. and he. came to the ground with :1 thud. Cunmer “'esley was summoned. but he decided there was no need of an inquest as it, was clearly a c:13e of accident. The body was re- moved to his home. and a large con- course of people fullowed the remains to the cmnetery :1. couple 01 days after the terrible accident. Don’t Scold the Cook if the bread is poor, until you are certain it is not the fault of the flour. If you Will order only Five Roses Flour you can de- pend upon the reâ€" sult every baking day, as the qual- ity of this brand is a guarantee of good results if used properly. One frequem cause of bad blood in a aiuggiah liver. Thu pwducee constipauon. Poisonous substances are then absorbed into the blood. Keep the bowels open with Ayer’s Pills. Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad bloodâ€"Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Millinery Display at Tharnhill Mrs. S. Shuter Tuesday, Apr. 3 And Following Days COMEEARLYANDOFTEN AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS. We have no secrets! We pubnsh the formulas or all our meanings. CHRIS. STONG KILLED blade I: J. O. Ayor 00., Lowell, Man. A no manquLIu-eu or .HALL qeré BIRTHS MR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. {figwwww ' 4g fitmtfiard ghuk sf (Efimuula Maple Business transacted daily between 10 and «l. Savings Bank Department. Mum‘y advanced on sale notes. Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges, our leaders, which have won for themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. We have second-hand heaters, nearly new. Also wood and coal stoves at low figures. When it comes to merchandising oievery day necessities, the purchaser must feel sat- isfied that not alone is style found here but the quality is to be found in the goods them- selves. In every grade of merchandise we handle, from the popular prices up to the ex: elusive line, we absolutely assure you that no one can give you better value at the same price. Below are quotations that fully confirm the above statement:â€" Best Rangoon Rice, 5 lbs. for 250.: best Japan Rico. 3:} lbs. for 25c.; best Carolina Rico, 25 lbs. for 250.; good Canned Peas, 4 (ins for- 250.; good Corn, 3 tins for 250.; Quaker Tomatoes, 10c. tin: Primes, Slhs. for25c.; Figs. 5 lbs. for 25c.; Datos. 5 lbs. for 250.; special Japnn Tea, 1 1h] for 25c.; best Flint Lamp Chimneys, large size, 4 for 253.; best 32 inch Canada Prints, 106. y(l.: heavy 36 inch Striped Navy Drills. 150. y(l.; Maple Leaf 6-cm-d. 200-yd. Spools. 8 for 25s.; “The Designer,“ the host fashion and home maga- zine, 50c. a. your, monthly; stylish Genuine Scotch Tweed Suit. made to your meensme for $15.50, Regent Style; no suit quite comes up to the Regent. Richmond Hill Hardware stare I<‘l11'llace ‘Vork. ’Pinsnlith- Best vaiues Best values Best values ing'. I’aints and IIardxvare. The Concrete Store is doing its best to first, build up a big Con- crete store, and second, to increase Richmond Hill's business as much as possxble. We are just selfish enough to want all the trade we can possibly get, but if for any reason we don't get it, then we are here to fight for Richmond Hill in preference to all the out- side world. Atkinsen & Switzer X-Cut saws. Axes. G. SOULES (In conn'ection with Richmond Hill Office.) H. H. LDIESEéfiRE. Agent. Mzu . 22, 1906.

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