++++++++++++++++++++++++ é Spring Term Opens April 2 Instruction in the Art of Piano Playâ€" mg. Classes in Rudiments, Harmony, Hxstm'y, etc. _ TRADE MARKS . DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS 8L0. Anyone sending a sketch and descrirtlnn may quickly ascertain our opluion free w lether nn invenciqn is prohablylpatentshle. Communion- tions SLHK‘HY conï¬dent nl. Hnn®ook on Patents [Gilt free. 019155: agencyfog's cunLng patents. p- _..,.,.u.... run» “we. “mu. uuu -v. ., Patents fake; :ï¬rouéb Munn &"CZ>:Vx-bcelve mega! notwe. without cllxggo in the A handsomely illustrated weekly oulaï¬on 0f nny scientmc journal 1_u' pogths. $1. Sold by a] ï¬ne f the best, flmu's for home-made bread and general family use. Try it and be convinced. "Also \Vheett Gems, a choice Break- fast Food. ' MU‘HH & Cflï¬mmdwï¬v- NEH Brunch (mice. 625 F St. “'Iibhluxlo Gladstone Flour I am prepared to do g1 isting and chopping every day. All kinds of mill feed and chop on hand. Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour "Rw’lfgfufempemnceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst; Monday of every month Pubh’c Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday Roman Catholic Church-Services on alter- nate Sundays M9 3.. 111.5116 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services “$10.30 a. 111., and 7 p. to. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- day on or before full moon CourtRicbmoud. A O Fâ€"Meats second and curb]: Friday Ivy Lodge. A0 U Wâ€"-Moets thhâ€˜ï¬ Wednesday of each month Comp Elam. S O 8 â€"Meots second and fouxth Wedgesï¬aj __ ‘ "r m z ‘ S‘t'ilésisiï¬c Emerican. ' Presijéerian Chu'rchâ€"Servicea Bill a. m..aud 'I p. 111. Sunday School “2‘30. Prayer meeting Wednesday “smug.†Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3p. m. lat. 2nd and 4th Suqtjlay. _Thjrd $unday_g.t 11 a. m_. This school stands to-day be- fore the public with a clean-cut, l‘ecnrd fm- work done. and suc- cess achieved. It has surpassed all previous records in attend- ance. pracng graduates in pnsi- tinns and dnmg good work. En- ter 110W and be ready to “crept a. good positiun in the fall. Cni- lege open entire year. Our cir- culars free. Hours for issuing Money Order - MORNING . .. EVENING N. B.â€"I{egistered letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than ma above mentioned hours for closing. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond am Post Officu as follows :â€" MORNLNG....... ....800 EVENING. .. .....6.15 Leave Newmarketat 7.3 .9.‘.5. 11.15 a. m.; ‘2. 3.15 -1,15. 6.15. 7.30 p.111. Leave Richmond Hill. . 8.10, 9.55, 11.55 a. 111.: 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6.55,,8JO p. In. Lone C? R Crossing 196.720.9113. 11.80 a. m.; 1.30, 2.40. 3.45. 5.40, 8.00 p. m. cave Richmond Hill 8.10, 10410, a. m.; 12.20 220. [3.30, 4.35.630, 8.50 9. Eu. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist POST OFFICE NOTICE (Cor. Yong TORONTO. ONT. EMPIRE Mi I also keep the celebrated OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Between Toronto and Newmurket. Village Directory. H. B. SCHMIDT, W. J. ELLI :6 MA Alexaud MONEY ORDERS G OING NORTH GOING SOUTH Newton Brook. ad weekly. Lamest Cir: 11: journal. Terms. 33 a Gold by uleewsdï¬-ncrg. Proprietor, Néwyark L [S Tn clean out balance of winter stock will sell at pI-ices:~ I Saskatchewan Robe, $9.00 for $7.50. I Brown Giizzly Bear, $10 00 for $8 00. 2 Imitation Lamb Coats, $16.00 for $1300. Also Blankets and Mitts at similar reductions. ROBE, COAT AND BLANKET +++++ Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, sizes and prices. New and second hand. IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. B‘urnitlu'e, Paints and ()ils always on haad at “The People's Store.†CF. B. LUDF()I.{D. I’roprietor Ceiling and bordering to match, and at ably low prices. We also have a stock remnants for small rooms, from 2c. per A great chance to select new. See our next week. A complete stock, of METROPOLITAN GROCERY, UPâ€"TO-DATE GROOERIE‘S Best Brands of Canned Goods Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill J ac ob ye r ‘++++++++++++++++++%+++++++++ A Larger Stack ++-§-+>HA+‘3~+++++++++ +++ Than ever of the latest designs in Next Door North of Waiting Room. BAR S Wall Papers & Son. CANDIES Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. P+++++++++++++++++++ the fullowing reduced ++++++++« remark- of good roll up. window is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices For other particulars call at the Bunk Ewen}. Banking Business Transacted. Money ‘Loanod on Fnrmers‘ Sale holes. Blank Note I’m-ms Suppaivd [“rco. Received in Savings’ Bank Dopur ment and interest allowed at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. STAï¬MD BMK ()t Canada RICHMOND HILL The Liberal and The Farm- 6 “3 ing World $0 The Liberal and Family Herald and. Weekly Star With premium pio- ture,and Farmer’s Man- ual and Veterinary Guide a The Liberal and Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine (New subscriptions, $2.25) FALL AND WINTER The Liberal and Daily News My Stock of \Voolens for The Liberal and Weekiy Globe The Liberal and Weekly Mail and Empire The Liberal and Weekly Sun The Liberal and Eaily Globe (York County) The Liberal and Daily Mail 5 and Empire {York Co.) The Liberal and Daily World The Liberal and. Daily Star Notice of withdrva not neces- sary. All depusits payable on demand. Capital Rest; BANK OPEN FROM 10 t0 3. . J. HUME. ailor, Richmond Hill H. H. LOOSEMORE. a1 $1,000,000 $1,0001000 DEPFSITS (Outside villages and towns) (Outside villages and towns.) AG} ENT. TORONTO A Son-(21 Colt, rising three nerfocth' sound. Will ma] START N0\V AT TH E BEST SE ING SEASON. Big inducetm liberal pay, handsome free outï¬t. ritory reserved. White for tel-ms send 250. for our ALUMINUM PO ET MICROSCOPE (magniï¬es 4k til and 50c. fur our HANDY SA\V. the thing for trimming trees (cuts as well as wood). and 50c. fur our HANjJY SAiV. juin the thing for trimming trees (cuts iron as well as wood). STONE & WELLINGTON T0591] High Class Nursery Stock in Fruits and urnnmentak. Largest list; QQNEW' SPECIALTIES ever ofl'en-d. Canada’s Greatest Nurseries HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND ‘HILL W. HEWESQN 20-4 mos. Galvanized Hog Troughs RICHMOND 400. per Feet. FONTHILL NURSERIES, \Vant a local salesman ful‘ Grain chopped at all times Propriemr For Sale age? Over 800 acres. Madv to order at r 3.50 56.50 V 3.25 r 2.90 2m '- M5 TH E BEST SELI $3.275 Iguiï¬es 4L timvs) 2.50 ONTARIO. the fin“ )‘(H‘ll é) nts, ter. and