Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1906, p. 1

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VETERINARY SURGEUI‘ l‘hornhill. Calls by telephone from Rich Hill charged to me. 61113 by day and night prompLIy at tended to. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, “ am gibmi ” 13 PUBLISH-EDEVEEY QHURSDAY MORNING Cur. Carlton and Ynnge Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill nesduy of each week Office, next door north of Â¥ ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"3.3:) a... m. M VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL est fit-ting teeth I) 1'. Office hnurs: ~S p. m. $1 per annum, in advance Toronto Offic Safe AT THE ERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHNG RICHMOND HILL.ONI‘. Profitable Interest. at highest; cun-vnt rate, paid twice a year makvs an account prufitalfle. Being Withdrawuble without notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K Convenient Riehmzond 11111 DH. W. E. DEAN )0 ancis (Successor low‘ n13,12LV V‘J‘JT? 63. w. fiflQERâ€"S USINESS CARDS. 1‘ . Mu MAHON. west prices. Good work Emma Block, THORNHILL, Ont L W. ANDERSON Dentist, I)en fist, EBth E. J. fiVoods DENTIST. wetm'iuury RADOLIFFE. MANAGER, KING CITY "g: 'dicztl. SANDERSUN. :9. 450 CHURCH STA Tuesdays, 8-12 flaunt. to Dr. Lawrason) 'ictoria Sb. Tovanto ’11, also qeplarting, ‘ INCORPORATED 1857. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE “'EE BOPRIETOR 1,. m. to 5 rth of Stand- This Bank’s large lesources ensure safety. mi A ‘Savings: Account 12 :1. 111.; (:3 HOUSE GETAREG BAEK .m lmond \Ved Licena e Auctioneer (0': the County of Yer", m- spentmlly solicits your patronage and lflendly influence sales mttpuded on the shortest notice and at ,ensonabcmtes. King Licensed Auctioneers forthe Co Saleatbsended Lo on shortosmoth onablerateu Patronagesolicite Mr. Cook will bé éi'i‘f afternoon of e Liceneeu Auct. Goods sold 0:14 stoc etc p101 nines Reside. JAS. N EVVT‘ON .uu: Auroraofiiceâ€"Remov one door west Ontano Bank Newmarket oflice-Jl' posnotiice ’1‘ HERBEETLENNOX Gr R above RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Barristers and 50! Money to loan on_1and andchab: Ba, TORON' ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EEJGVINJ NIIHJLS LEV N 0X15“ KOREAN. Private and Bazristers,301icitcrs. Notari Home Life Building (fonm hold Loan Bldg). 00:. Ade Victoria Sts.. Tax-01m Mules}: Ur G 1" Lawrence W Ridoun Wadsworth A GSLi A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. t’rivate and Trust Funds tn loan at lowest current rates. Undortakers & Embalmors. Barristers, Solicitors. etc. ORON’I‘O OFFICE: Nu. mnnd St. \Vest.\Vesley Buildi (Methodist; Book 1200111,) '1 ronto. LIBERAL Office DOMINION B Uook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of earth week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 0%. Salgaén Lindsey coax & Jam Gouldm IN TH E Snig WRIGH Barristers. Solicitm‘s, Etc Corner King- & -v-u lo; consignment General Hales promptly attended no at reasonable ‘SidfihuE Uniouville uldmg, Newton Breakage-1:110: the aple J. H. P: cach D. G. BLQHJGII, BHMOND HII tiggeer for thelpeunty of York eon & Nicflwe lowess}én emovad 1-0 TORONTO. Building (formerly Free Bldg-J, 00:. Adelaide & ria, Sts.. Toronto. Dice, Richmond Hill on Saturdavs. Aurora. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” fisworth, s and Solicitors. ~ Dvsd w the old post otfim It of the entrance to the Three doors south of the x . G STV Monmn K CHAMBERS awreme solicited Millikan M Yungc Streets, Notaries, ROS, Phone Main 2984 W mange-gent lountrof York. timand a. reg. B mild in gs, Newmarket R McEwen Weston 33 Rich- kc. L, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 29 1.906 L Mr. Jns. Gardner. Mr. Albert, Lines, md Mr. Jnhn Hadwvn and family 1E eave fur Manitoba nn Tuesday. There } are a lot of pmplp going in the North- ] Vest this spring. The farmers are ‘ ickng up thoir men fur the summer 5 10w and are giving very good wages. These quotations represth values that; are worthy of yum-careful con- sider-:Lbimnâ€"li lbs. of good sized prune-s f01'25c.; 5 lbs. smaller prunes for 25c.; 2 lbs of the largest California prunes for 250.; 5 lbs. host dates for 250.; 5 lbs. best figs for 250.; 5 lbs. good rive for 1.50.; 3 lbs. best tzlplucu fw- 25m; 2 pkg. Orange Meat for 2-50.; 1 quart, tin maple syrup for 250.; :1 51b. pail of golden syrup for 250.; 2 cans red Salmon for 25¢; 1 box Infants Delight tuilet sonp for 250.; 1 lmX Silk Skin toilet; Snap flll 2.50.; 1 box \rViLch Hazel toilet soup for 250.; 4 cams good peas, L5c.: 3 cans good vornn fox-25s.; lqt. toilet soup for 2-50.; 4 cans 25c.; 3 cans gund corn fu‘ hotble fomutn catsup for 1‘ son & Switzer. To the Editor of Tm: LIBERAL: “ DEAR Simâ€"The Bill in‘m the Hnnso of Commnnslas Mr. Arch.'Cnmphell. M. P. 1 York, and referred to in th( “'9 regret tn hear of tho grth loss that Mr. F. Gmdiner L-f the Tuwnship of Gavan came tn by the burning hf his dwelling house and nearly all the Contents in the sumo. Having pur- chase (1 the Brown farm ndjnining his (a short time. ago) with gnml buildings on it, he had a good dwelling house ready to move into, which was fox-tun- ate for him. There was a small insur~ ance on the house and contents. The discourse hy the pastor of the Methodist Church here was on that part of the parable of the sewer when! "the seeds fell by the wayside.” The first verse of the fifth chaptm‘ (if Gala.- tions was chase-n by the pnstor of the Presbyterian Chm-rh as his text. It was very suitable for the time we are now living in. The secand sabbath in April Service will coxmnmwe in the Presbyterian Church in Mount, Pleasant. nf your papm impm-tance tr Ym'k County rounding Tm- Ln :1 half can. As nearly all the milk which Fumes intoTomntoâ€"amiamtng to between two thousand and three Lhnusand carn- per (lilyâ€"lSSUlLl by thumnfihis Bill will apply to them. The complaint is, that while originally eight gallons was sold as a can, yet, there being no law to fix the quantity, the dealers who furnish- ed the cams have been gradually makâ€" ing the cans lm'gm' and larger until now every can will hold eightand a half to nine gallons. and unless the farmer fills the can he is (locked when the can is delivered. Farmers as a. rule, are not small in those matters, and would not ohjrct to give a few gallons away, bur. when it comes to losing half a gallon (m away can (worth twelve vents pPr gallon) for 365 days per year, he very naturally objects to being imposed on in this wav. farmer delivers he pays It profid by [he can, equivalent, The Bill introduced by Mr. Tamp- beli willreumve that, injustice by es- tablishing what is a. can. and Um: no injustice is done to anyone, as the farmer will get paid for all thuthe farmer will get paid for all that he delivers and the dealer will get all that he pays for. ' “’0 hope this Bill will become law. Mr. Campbell certainly (lPSPl‘VOS the gratitude of the farming community fax-the cnmmvmlublo interest; he has shown on their behalf. Thomhil], March Mr. Isanc Vunderhurgh has resigned his positiun as sou-lion foreman with the G. T. R., and gone to Seek his fortune in the Great North \Vest. His familyhus not, gone yet, but, expect to fullmv him in a couple. of weeks. Mr. A. McNaughton m-z-iwd home from the hospital on Monday nf this week. after spending tln-r-n weka there. He lmnks well and said he got; along fine. He was pretty sick ihe- h‘st fum- days :Lftvx' the operation, but after that he did splendidly. T119 nurses told him that, he was the Due-st. pmienn they had for some time. and that he was not hard to wait on. Mr. Jns. Gardner. Mr. Albert, Lines, gmd Mr. Jnhn Hadwvn and family eave fur Manitoba (m Tuesday. There are a lot of pvoplo going to the North- VPSt this spring. The farmers are Mr. Frank Hughes H.150 has resigned his position as station ngvut furthe- same company having been ufi’ered a hatter pnsitinn hy the C. P. R. He also leaves in a few days. Theirdeâ€" partm-P will be much regretted by the many friends the-y have made while here who are wishing them every suc- cess in their new lines. A FAIR PROPOSITION. THORNHiLL STATION. Mount Pleasan to the y but )l'onto 'S tlmb that v Vellore m Bill introduced in 9 Mn ummhns last work by an: hell, M. P. fur Centre all ed to in the lust isme wu one of Cunn‘idt‘l‘nble I dw / who fight 1 m :m 21, 1906. il'lllt th 4H( 'S nut only 0 counties sm FARMER. “I Shall he gallons Atkih The \Vinnipog Evi’ning Telegram of the 19th inst.. has on its first page the photngnu‘curs of the General \Vestem A ent, and the Assistant General estcx‘n Agent of Allan Line Steam- ship Company. The former is Mr. W. R. Allan, the latter Mr. Harry Brown. an old Richmmid Hill High School boy, and youngmt sun of Mr. S. M. Bruwu. An article (in the same page states that Mr. Brown will he in charge at \Vinnipug where for years the in- terests 0f the Allan Steamship (‘mn‘ puny were looked after by the Canad- ian Pacific Railway, with which cum- pany Mr. Brown was emplovvd. The article ends as f(‘nll0Ws:â€"â€"“MI‘. Brnwn, formerly of the Canadian Pacific, is very well known throughout. tho West. having been directly connected With thv public fur the past snvon years (H) thy Pacific coast and at \Viunipv". Guests were present from Hamilwn, Aux-om. Nublvtm) and ’I‘m'uutn. Al: though the lmsu-ss is English. she celebrated in 21 most- filting and enjny- ahle manner the day devuted to “The \Veul‘ing of the Green.” upticlm views \vvru cruiimblo, and the lecturer gave an intolligent descriptinn nf an illn<trnted trip to and frum Eng- land: Irklemd Scotland and' VVlees, which could not fail t0 ho pr'nfitnhlP. thably the most; novel par-t pf the entertainment, was the moving p’c- mums, especially to those Whn had nv t soon anything (if the kind hvfm'e. The fire some where ponple Were hving tnkr‘n out (If a burning building, Brit.~ ish tramps bathing in the son, a visit, fmm Santa. Claus, and many utho-rs, were very realistic. and brought forth much applause. A number of humor- ous pictures were also exhibited, and the lecturer: proved com-lusively that. “it, is hard to kill an Irishman.” Mr. Stubbs’ hem-tisin his work, and he does his best, and sm‘cePds in givirg everybody value for his money. Dur- ing the evening auctioneer Nicholls disposed of :1. large number of old mnguzinc-s, and by a glib tongue and persuasive mannormmnugvd to obtain some fancy prices from the excited huyms, the average being about, 124; cents a volume of six numbers. Irish games were indulged in and Irish prizes were presented to the snu- ce-ssful ones. Miss Frauu-s Umst de- lightvd the company wiLh u number of songs suitable fm' thr- festival of the Irish saint. AL eight o’clock 2|. Sham~ ruck tea was sex-Vud at which every- thing was in keeping with the day. rm. A . .. -- .‘ Another of our respected fellow townsmen passed away last, Thursday in the peison of James Brmvnlee, for many years a resident of this place. Deceased hud been in declining health for four years, and during the last two years was scarcely able to do any mamml labor. For it number of yen rs he held the position of village inspect- or and caretaker of the. schools, a posi- tion which he was obliged to resign owing to failing health. He also held the position of county constable. Un- til the seeds of disease began to de- velop, he. was a man of more than ordinary physical strength, and he was an intelligent, conscientious and trusted servant. Many men of less determination might have been indur- ed \Vt‘CkS before to have taken to their beds. No so with deceased. He made a brave lightmnd just one week before he died he went to bed, after which he never closed his eyes in sleep till he was released Thursday, shortly before noon. The funeral to the village cem- etery was largely attended, nfteruu impI'OSSive service had been held at the residence by Rev. Mr. Umupbell and Rev. Mr. Grant. There were manv beautiful floral tributes from relutivesund friends.includingapillmv, bearing the word “brother” fiom the members of the Ancient Order of For- In response to dainty, Sha lwllishod invitations abo guests nssmuhlr‘d at “l’llllt hnme (if MIN. Hurry Imgze, ten-noon of St. Patrick’s Dav esters. ThepuIl-hvarvrs wnre \V. H. Pugwley, J. Pulmm', \V. Hewison. “I. I“. \Viley. 1’. Duckan and County Constable Lawrence. Th0 widow, who tenderly cared for hm‘ husband during his long illnesa has Lhe sympathy of many friends in hi'l' and bereavement. {DEV The ll |"S intH e the DIED IN HIS 50TH YEAR 1’. L. ENTERTAINMENT. 1 Drug , but ENT FOR. ALLAN LINE ponse to dainty, Shamrock-om- i1 invitations {ibput t‘hn-LV mortuinment given in the Hall Thursday evening by .uhhs of Peterbm'n, under the of the Public Library. was u ;. and phonogra «ted nudinnce hour-s gliding: h “AT-HOME.” unme lusting nparly txw lS the lecture was vzu-ivc' >Licnn views. moving: pic‘ wired talks, 1-vcit.:1tions 1d phonograph Se-lectimm :1 audinnce did not, per “Hillcx'esb,” thé ' by. The fit-(’1'?- dimblv, and the (m the (If- P West. «1 wzth ’EU‘S m) Brick cottage nn lab 48, lst con. Vaughan, 1; miles wvst of Richmond Hill High School. twu acres of land, a quantity of upple trees. plum trees, and other fruits. Apply Lu JAS. MCWILLIAMS, 38-4 Richmond Hill P. 0. ft. 6 i6). . Address all communications to 9 inch tile, 300. per foot, (m 750. each 12 “ “ 40c. “ “ “ $1.00 ‘- ‘ 16 At .3 I5 I‘ I; IA 2‘ u u 80C. u H u a. u u u n u u Tile measure, 2 ft. 6 in. ovor all, and will lay 2 ft. 4 in. of [>1 idgp 01' (‘111\ err, Work, 2 in. being taken off by flanges passing over each other. Six lengths of tile lay a cuEvm-t 1-! ft. long (1 he average culvert width). All prices Computed over all (viz 2 Winger’s Concrete Culvert Tiic Price List I These tile are made specially for cul- vort pm poses. Beng made from the best pul'tlnnd Ct'lnk‘llt and gmva selevtvd 01‘ screen- ed m lw spmxinlly suitable fur bile mak- ing, and strongly propnx-tionpd with umnent. They may hr- said to he pram tECuIly inc‘lvstructihle (as they setalmovt as hard as stone itself). and as thpy cosh uhuut the same price asa \vmul culvert. and will outlast any numhpr of them. it is plainly apparent that there must be an hnmvnse saving in the long run in buying an artiolv that dqu not require to be constantly re~ m-wc-d. PLEASANT VIEW FARM That Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the only medicine sold through druggism for woman’s weaknesses and peculiar ail- ments that. does not contain large nauti- ties of alcohol? It is also the ON] 1n icine‘ es cinlly prepared for the cure of the de icate diseases peculiar to women, tho maker of which is not afraid to take him patients into his full cofifidence‘ by prim- mg upon each bottle wrapper all the in?» dients entering into the medicine. sk you; druggisfi if this is_ not pruet , n A -ALA “Favorite Prescription," too, is the only medicine for women,a.11 the ingredient» of which have the an Iialified endorseâ€" ment of the leading medical writers of the several schools of practice, recommend- ing them for the cure of the diseases for which the " Prescription " ls advised. Write to Dr. IL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N; 12. for a. free booklet. and read the numer- ous extracts from standard medical an- thorities raising the several ingredients of which r. Pierce‘s medicines are made, and don’t forget that no other medicinm put up for sale through druggists for do- mestic use can show any such gyrofessiomnl endorsament. This, of itsel , is of far The "Favorite Prescription” cures a‘l woman’s peculiar weaknesses and de- rangelnents,thus banishing the Priodicnl headaches, backaches. hearing own dis- tress, tenderness and draging-down sen- sations in lower abdomen, accompanied by weakening and disagreeable catm’rhal, pelvic'gyains am} Mndredflypptoms. L-n,; -__ more weight and importance than any amount. of so-called "testimonials" so conspicuously fimmted before the public, inwfa‘vorgf the alcgholic pompounds. Dr. Pierce and his shafl of skilled spo- clalists may be consulted free by address. ing as above. All correspondence is treated as sacredly confidentml. By con- sulting in this way the disagreeable questionlnvs and personal “examinations " are avoirle . The People’s Common Sense Medics] Adviser contains some very Interesting and valuable chapters on the diseases peculiar to women. It contains over one thousand paces. It is sent post. paid, on receipt. of Sllfiicient in oneâ€"cent stamps to pay cost, of customs and mailing only, or 31 cents for a copy in flexible paper covers, or 50 cents for a. cloth-bound copy. Ad- dress Dr. R.V. Pierce as above. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets regulate and invig» orate stomach, liver and bowels. 0125 a. laxative, two or three cathartic. DO YOU KNOW IE ‘,b\ r. fis‘r‘J Ill-“.139 ll [Single copies, 3 cts. CARRVILLE. ONT. PRICES OF TILE For Sake D. G. GOODERHAM u u u u ft. 6 in. over all, and of bling m- ouhers {ta_kv1:ufihy flange; roprictor

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