Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1906, p. 3

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“My work puts me out in '11] 1" ' t In 1‘ weather‘ SIIDJCCL Lo ix'rogulur 1181,1318:- mcals and Compelled lo eat. all kinds of Good. ptomach indigesu Name gwm Dy meek, Mich. There's a reacon 'fho Rona to We Women sailors are employed in Den- mark, Norway and ‘I’inland, and' are often found to be eXCcllenl mariners. In Denmark several women are employ- ed as State ’Omciuls at Sta, and particu- larly in the pilot service. They go out to meet the incoming ships; they climb nimbly out of their boa'ls; Ule show their official diplomas, and, they bltt‘l‘ the newcomer safely into the harbor. at is the same in Finland. Ion [.1 as works a enginvel Bronhles HI. was hard for me to dis duties properly. “This Iaslod till about a when my nltanlon was mu Nuts [nod by a nowspnymr concluded to try it. Since "For 7 years I was consianlly trnu bled with indigestion, caused by eating heavy, fully, starchy, greasy, pom-I5 cooked food, such as are most accos ,sible to men in my business. General ‘iy each men] or lunch was followed h) distressing pains and burning sensation: in my stomach, which destroyed in; sleep and almost unfilled me for work :My brain was so muddy and rnggy lha says Trouble Feared on the Borderland ot the Zulus Country. There is much irritation and impati- ence at Durban, Natal, at the disposi‘ .tion 01 certain home politicians, as shown by the rublegrains. to intervene in regard to the preventive measures :against a possible spread of native di- tuttrtion in the colony. The press is voicing strenuous com- t{laints against homo intertnrcnce, and ‘a grave crisis unquestionably confronts «Natal, and, with Natal, South Africa, ,generolly, unless those symptoms 0! re- ihellion are checked with a strong hand. t'l‘he whites are outnumbered by ten to tone in Natal, and there is no Geneva Convention among the natives, who would yield to the first savage inipluse ior rape, murder and wholesale destruc- lion. rMr. S. A. Cassidy, oi Ottawa. Perman- "my Curvd Mlor Years of Sullcring ’47 "De Great Canadian Kidney lh-mody â€" I! the disease lhe Kidneys, ] burc it. “Some lime ago a friend told me Dodd’s Kidney Pills would cm-n me. As n last resort I tried them, and they have lured me. I Mr. A. S. Cassidy, the man mired, is the well-known proprietor of the BiI'Ou 2110101 on A'ietcaii Street, and in an inter- 'view he ‘suys: “My friends all know that I have been a martyr to Stone in the Kidneys {or years. They know that besides consulting the bud, doctors in the (3in and trying (Ivory medicine I fould think of, i was unable Lo get bei- er. “I could not imagine more severe suf- iex’ing than one em‘lm'vs who has Slouc In the Kidneys, and I feel the. greatest gratitude (.0 Dodd‘s Kidney Pills.” I! the disease is or the Kidneys or from )he Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills will Ottawa, Ont, March 26.â€"(S While all Cmmda knows Hm Kidney Pills are the standard 1-0 all Kidney Compmints, it may some people to know “my cure heme cases as Stone in the Yet (his is what they have (R here in Ottawa. :STONE IN Tm: RIBNEYH CANNOT STAND BEFORE DODDS KIDNEY PILLS. CURE THE MOST Speaking of food a railroad man cooked make has ma no mm- NATIVE RISING 1N NATAL. MANY \VOMEN SAILORS. In Management of a R. cal. Gr FOOD HELPS. Well‘vule EXTREME GASES t the Iiltle book, In pkgs. I Vs follower ing sensal destroyed me for \ml foggy ischarge â€" (Spemal).â€"â€" that Dodd’s l remedy for my surprise are such ex- 10 Kidneys. L done right, 1F fll rap at ! lhan nub u. IVIJI4 .4V...‘.._,, V. . . _ . . . . . . v r y V u . . .. interest which have aroused. Never be- fore was it needlul for the Speaker’s secretary lo hang outside his office pla- cards “th11 warn members that all orders for the gallery have been already issued, and that further application will issued, and null lul'LilBl' appllcuuon “’1” be in vain. Neither for the public nor for the members is the llouse oi“ Commons large enough, and the idea of building a new one, on the space now ocupied by ihe Commons court, is being revived. The full and regular attendance of members makes the rooms which they occupy in common, outside the House proper, crowded and uneomi‘ortable to a most. unpleasant degree, and ihe First Com- missioner of Works is continually being bulimiholml by complaining members. He is understood to contemplate plac< ing one of the rooms in the library at the disposal of the many members who want a plane in which to write and smoke in silence, and cannot at present find one. There is an unprecedented demand this session of the British Parliament for seats in the strangers gallery. This is an indication of the political awaken- ing in the (mummy, and the hopes and H105 and son “'(LV \VIIERB MAN'S INFLUE GM instant Relief from Piles.â€" This most irritating disease relieved in ten minutes by using Dr. Agnew‘s Ointment, and a cure in from three 10 six nights. Thousands testify of its goodness. Good for Eczema, Salt Rheum and all skin diseases. It you are without faith, one aplication will convince. 35 centsâ€"127 The Idea of Buikding a New One Is Be ing Rmivcd. 01‘ Mr. Andrew Lang once wroLe {0 Isme} Zungwill to ask him if he would take part in a certain function. He received the following reply: “If A. Lang will, I. Zangwill.” Lord Lansdowne, the Duke of Aber- corn, and Lord Verulam, are the only persons who hold at once English, Scottish, and Irish pocrages. "PICRROVIM" IS A GENTLE S 'IMULAN'I‘ to the stomach, thereby axding‘ digestion. As a, tonic for patients rmro‘rcring from fevers and all diseases lmuu‘ing the viLality, it is Softlyâ€" round.” equal to “500 People Badly Bent” have in effect used these words in speaking of the curative qualities 0! South American Rheumatic Cureâ€""My legs were crip- pled”â€"“My hands were distorle(l"â€""I\r!y joints were swollen”-â€""My back was bent double”â€"“I\Iy pain was excruciat- ing”~“Bedridden for years.” This great remedy has been the heaven-sent. agent that worked a permanent cumâ€"430 "I would wade through blood for you Lucy.” my Kubclik I‘PCf‘iVCd 85500000 for his flour through Russia recently. ing mcn F100, va1 ing the « crlvy 51( pieces. from u DO um M a inn {\n Alarming State of Affairs in South Wales. )U( uf )w jthout 111 51.0 The Rhynm m of Snuth BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS. “LIVING ON AN EARTHQUAKI That's no reason you should slap on m [IOI'C 1nd (he’host of infehti do the lower animals. sum: or angs men who hav acquired their the experience acquired their own houses, are hav- (he experience of seeing their propâ€" slowly but surely crumbling to is. Whelher the mischief arises ‘ the extensive coilicry workings .v remains to be proved. um ing NEEDLESS SACRIFICE in H1 xbsidc -“Love makes Snowyâ€"“Yes; orlunatc ; of things [C on] npani ll 7.111;: in 1 has in Valle the 1116 At all lakes the work] go Yes; there‘s no crank animal by di in the d s creal: mm S In; 1L rd] VI) an 1at many much self- 11f vnamy, it is drug and gen- ht in ml Lies aled h {empel in IS F ATAI M as the Jre’s laws colliery dis- ; on whit} which semr of a con ~i nous town ppearec the ( rlh m: troublc damage. vacated inf [Sf arm orlc ch'i 11 in Wheat lands on Saskatchewan Plains at $7.10 per acre, easy terms till June 151‘ 10 make selections, the finest wheat lands in the world. Homesteads located. Selections made. Write or call for any infommu'on de- sired. P. 0. BOX 33‘ Gmyce â€"â€" “What‘s the matter deal‘?’ Gladysâ€"“Oh, my home life is not hap Dy}: Grayceâ€"“But your husband seems tc think you are an angel.” Gladysâ€"libs, but think that I ought u an angel’s wardrobe “cr- is 1hr; 50 acres in the Danna miles from Rodney; stables. hog pen, good namental shrubbery; Apply "AGENT." Box Western Banada Land 80 is called a skin disease may be but u. symptom of had blood. In that case. Weaver‘s Cuato. externally applied, should be supplemented with Weaver's Syrup, taken daily. ll There’s a "in! 01 Catarrh Taint ap- ply Dr. Agnew’s (Zaim‘rhal Powder with- out delay. It will save you suffering, heal you quickly whether you have been '1 slave one month or fifty years. It relieves cold in the head and caiarrhnl headaches in ten ininulm. The Hon. David Mills, lilinistqr of Justice for the Dominion of Canada endorses il. 50 cenls.â€"~120 Improved fa wheat and ran retail, in Maui berm and fruit nagon Valley, Wheat lands Montsealfl‘oronto, Ouawa, Quiet; RHEU MATSM many form and cold perspirng teat positiver :ured within 30 days, by our newly patented )iagnotic Discs or mouea prom tly refunded. muted anywhere SLUU. 'nte or descriptive nooklet. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC 111an- uATlSM CURE (10., Shun-brooks, Quebec, Canada One Fact ls Benev- then Ten Heaysnya â€"â€" Aak Dr. Burgess‘ Supt. HosPital for Insane. Mon- treal. {or his opinion of ‘ The!) ALL" Menthol Plaster. Yard r0115 31. also 25c. tins. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsome illustrated treatise, giv- Ing full descr. Ilion 4-,! Rheumatism and paralysis. Wit instructions for a com- pk-lc home cure. descril-Ing the most successful treatment in the world, re. commended _hy 11m Ministry and endors- ed by mcdlcnl men. 'Ahls highly in. strucLive book was written by W. H. Venn, a gentimnan who has made a sway of these diseases. The prcmce 3,: W a graduate or the University at urtzhprg. Send poxtnl toâ€"day and you ml] risceive the book Free by re gumsâ€"Address, The Veno Drug (30., 2-1 lung bi... West. Toronto Six-Ycar-Old: "I say, granny, I think you‘d better stop making my trousers! Lot’s of times (0â€"day I wasn’t sure who- ther I was going to school or coming home!” Willie (aged five} up in Heaven that Mammaâ€""Why 5 VViIlic~â€"“Cos I a for a week." RHEEMATNM A!!!) PARALYSB. nalurc (k Balsafim, a blc, highly earlier 51a; the friend PLEASE REAR TN MIND that What Egafis‘ag E meaning! @2533 I umamm for thu vary but lend yon: work Io sh. "My husband is an WE rep. lerâ€"“My only objectionI to Mrs Pryor that she‘s a business woman.” mm Indeed] What business is she en- ;ed in?” l-Ierâ€"“Everybody’s!” One Tablet After I “BRITISH AMERICA" DYEING 89." an )m he: (or “out In your town. or und din“. M k In 5nd 1p} .v him that m d askc acause dress HEM] UFFIBE, 38 NINTH STREET. Iced. What 11 re excuses for than any one ( DOMESTIC BOOKKEBPING. hoarse yard C1 Pineapple Tablcm cu in, distress after eating, V mach, wind on the stem Mile, dizziness. nausea, HIS A DD BESS, PLI ARE what »“But your husband seems to are an angel.” -“ch, but he also seems to I ought to be satisfied with FOR SALE. NAUGHTY \‘JlLLIE the banner county of Elgin, about 3 Rodney; has dwelling. burn and pen, good orchard, fruit garden, or- rubbery; price $900; easy harms. ‘ '1‘." Box 100, West; Lorne, Ont. gcd five}-â€""I guess they “mm :01] that I'm dead.” â€""Why so?” Cos I ain‘t said my prayer‘a Iarms and unimproved ranch lands, wholesale and laniloba, Saskatchewan, A1- ruit lands 111 Southern Oka- [iv '5 your va nt’s ENOUGH. xusband m illine1 ark Branden, Man. 'k, grimly called "a. " Take Allen’s Lung 7 for pulmonary tron- mcnded even m the Consumption. FA MYLTA R. with the ver dreamt as hc reason for increas- wages, pray?” her W I} b. 01] mpla Me to s insta nt cur: :nts.â€"'1 V (51’ vefiled they think ; cqu: 1 war ch, mt that ‘7” N Illa Catarrh is not only dangerous, but it causes bad breath, nlcemtion. death and decay of bones, loss of thinking and reawnin" power, kills ambition uid energy, often causes l’oss of appetite, indigesv :ion, dyspepsia, raw throat and reaches to general iehility, idiocy and lunacy. It needs attention Lt once. Cure it with Gauss’ Catarrh Cure. It is uquick, radical, permanent cure, because it rids Ilie system of the puison erms that came catarrh. In order to prove to al who are smfaring from this dangerous and loathsome disenw that Gauss Uatarrh Cure will actually cure any use of catarrh quickly, no matter how longstanding or lww bad; I will send a trial package by mail free of all cost. Send us your name and address to-day and the treatment will be sent you by return mail. Try it! It will positively cure so that you will be welcomed instead of shunned by your friends. I). E. GA USS, 6608 Main St., Marshall Mich. FilJ out coupon below. Gives Instant Relief K0 more Bad Breath FOR SALE ~ JUST ARRIVED AND FOR 5MB 24 imported Clydesdale stalliuns and dackueys: farm 24 miles from end of street cm Unaâ€"0. SORBY, Guelph, ()nt. Free This coupon is good fol-one trial ackage n! Gauss’ Cumbined puma-h Cure, mailed flee in plain package. Supply fill in your name and address on floated lmes below and mail to C. E. GAUSS. 6608 Main Street, Marshall. fllch. “ My Sz‘crel Remedy Quickly Calarh.”â€"C. E. Gauss. MONTREAL. QUE. OTTAWA, ONT. Tonchc. ONT. LONDON, GMT, WIMNWEO. VAEMWEB, 3.0. 167 Graig 8:. 423 Susan st. 1! Comorns a: 69 9am?“ 3:. 70 Lombard St. SIS Ponder It. \VIUTE YOUR lefléfl‘ OFFICE. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE Head Office and Works, Made to m. any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Ship- ped from our warehouses painted all ready 1.9 apply. Our Catalogue. No. Me describes many dvsigns. Write tor it. It costs Designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches. Schools, Stores, llalls. Also spacial designs for Houses, Kitchens, Dmingâ€"HoomsV etc. No- thing has ever been devised to equal Pedlar's Steel Ceilings for farm houses. Cheap as lutli and plaster and will never crack or face off. Our Catalogx you nothing. 8amth figmafiy It covets over a citybloek. containq over 18 acres of floor space. cos. $500,000. Size of our ofiicc 360x120. 300 oflice people. 150 typewrltm and we nae fifty million letter heads and envelopes every year. A car- load every wdayl. Our chemical laboratory is one of the best. Our oflice is one or the great sights of the business world. Many very small cancerns advertise large buildings. We invite you to visit our factory and see that we have everything we cldm. Manufactured and Guaranteed by Inkflnlélnal Slack Food 84. "Internafisml Slack Food” "International Poultry You!" "lniarnnlienll fleave Cure" ‘ ~"lntmational Lone Billet” "Inlemaflonnl Worm Powder" 1 "lulemxional Males»..- Can" f'lrnlermfironarlfiall Curqff " :jlatcraatéenl ho! BM“ We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our @hampion Pacer. Dan Patch 155%. size 16x24. Free of advertising; fine picture for framing. gives all the records made by our pacing wonder. We will mail you one free. postage prepaid. i! you will write us how much stock you own and name this paper. Write at once to Avoid Accidents by Using FEET-’5 Steel Ceilings. - “iii-3512.533 Léiiéfiliér” "Inlemafionnl Worm Powder ‘ 1 "Intemxional Mama».- Cm‘ "Imerufional Gall Cm" " "lama-13:525.! hot I " “Silva! Fine Healing Oil" "inlmfianal Colic Clre' "lnlernaacaal Compound Madam" "lamina! Slurp Btu" "intatnzilanl Phcno Chino" "lnleruflwal loo! mums!" "Dan Patch Shth Disinfectant" "laierntlional Baraeu Sup" Also "Jewel Incubators" and Braden. and Jewel Chick Ind In feed. We Gwn The Largest Stock food Factory In The World. FREE. DAN PATCH 155% MAILED FREE. \Vrile (0â€"day. Cures ONLY 5200.000. The company has no bouaéd debts and no preferred stock. The owner of the mine accepted stock in full payment. for ' higpropenies. We want a man in all small town in Canada, to show and sell lawns and other properties to our customers, who we send; good salary, good position. Honesty more necessary than experi- ence. If you want n good position and are willing to learn the moi-estate busi- ness and work faithfullv {or us, we can offer you a line position. Write immediately. Address:â€" NORTH AMERICAN LAND (70., Andrus Bldg, Minneapolis, Minn. Before buying write us, or see our agnnt near you, for prices. We havb the Im'ggst stock of fruit trees to be found in Canada. We pay the freight. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown‘s Nurseries, Ont. fi+33€+fi+§3§+fi+§f+§+§+mflmf E STARH’S Mame Ruaumnc Gun: 1) v 31 Guaranteed to CURE RHEUMATISMâ€" + Acute, Inflammatory, or Chronic: also . Neuralgia. Sciatica. Lumbago and all Kn]- fi ney troubles. Removes uric acid from the 4- system ; gives immediate relief. Don‘t suffer, but send for a bottle at once. Hun- dmds have been cured. The Osborne w Remedy 00., Toronto. Ont. 81.00perbottle. +mmacs+ace+3zt+ww ' 3.534% W. A. MARSH The company will commence work at the mines by April lst. This sSock will shortly be withdrawn from the market For prospectus and applications for stock address “18 GOIGOH UGBG_H_§[I}.{8_I Hifllfifl 09mm Experts consider the GORDON COBALT PBOPERTXES one of Lhebest prospects in the district, and many home invested in the Com- pany’s shares. The property is within 40 chains of the famous Hudsuu Bay Mines and properties. COMO” GODUII 81W HIRING 60., lilflllfifl are ofl‘erin to the public for the PURPOSE OF DEVE OPMENT of the Company's pro- perties, a limited number of shares of the Treasury STOUK AT $1.00 PER SHARE, PAY- ABLE A'l‘ TIME OF SUBSCRIPTION. THE CAPITAL bF ONLY szoacoo. The r THE GORDON COBALT MINE consists of 80 acresiu the heart of the COBALT MINING DIS'I'RICT, and 0N E MILE FROM THE TOWN OF COBALT, and in the famous Cole- man township. Our title has been granted by the premnt government. Tne property has been opened and a hole of four feet; in depth made. and the assay shows from 90 to 260 ounces of silver to the tan. The assay may be seen at {.119 campgny's oflice. MAN WANTED. APPLE TREES. VICTORIA STREET, TORONTO. Suite 40-41. l’reéidon ISSUE NO. 13â€"06 The direcfiors of the Oshawa. Ont., Canada Limitca, JNO. F. LENNOX COMPANY IS

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