College, Guelph, for at least ï¬ve wars in sumssion. These consist "of nearly all the Canadian sorts and several hundred new varieties, some of which have done exceedingly well in the carefully conducted experi- ments at the College, and are now being distributed free of charge for co operative experiments throughout Ontario. The Government gives a Lat of thirty experiments ot grain, grasses, etc., for the present year. Each pawn in Ontario who wish- 0; to join in the work may choose any ONE of the experiments for LNG, and apply for the same. The We are in full sympathy with an editorial in last Week’s Christian Guardian which points out that a re- sponsibility rests upon the shoulders of temperance advocates where bars are to be cloéed on the ï¬rst of May by the passing of local option hy-laws. We quote the article in full:â€" “The resolution of the Cmmnercial 'l‘raveliers' Club of the‘ City of Lon don calls atLention to a matter that must. be faced, seriously and prompt- ly. by temperance advocates and organizations throughout the country. The cutting oï¬â€˜ of over one hundred and ï¬fty licenses at; the ï¬rst of May within the bounds of this province fl‘iVCS cause for tlmnkf‘ulness, bu: such a reform brings with it a responsibil- ity that temperance people should be ready and willing to meet. In many of the smaller places the hotels hither- to received most of their support from the sale of liquor. They gave aceevmmtrda tion to travellers some w h at as as side line, but in the main such accommodation was fairly satisfac- torys With the cutting ofl‘ of the revenue from liquor sales many of these houses cannot live, and yet the .travelling public must be fed and housed. The problem may not be as serious as some would have us be» leave, and we doubt not that the Lquor interests will throw as many slbstucles in the way as possible. But in all these localities where local option is coming into force the tem- perance people have a duty to see that the wants of the travelling pub- Le are provided for, even though it may take a sacriï¬ce to do it. And toe entertainment should not only be as good as, but better than, under the old conditions. This means thor- oughly organized and well-planned “'Ul‘k in some localities, but it will pay many times over.†The members of the Ontario Ag. riculturul and Experimental Union are pleased to state that for 190:3 they are prepared to distribute into every township of Ontario material for experiments with fodder crops, mots, grains. grasses, clovers, and fertilizers. Upwards of 1,600 varieties of farm crops have been tested in the Experimental Depart- ment of the Ontario Agricultural LOCAL OPTION AND THE TRAVA ELLING PUBLIC. any ONE. of the experiments for 1306, and apply for the same. The liizitci‘ial will be furnished iii the order in which the applications are rdwivcd until thckupply is exhaust~ Ld. 11. might he well [Of each ap- plicant to make a second choice, tor l‘cai‘ she first Could not be granted. All material will be furnished entire l_v free uf Charge to each applicant, uni the produce of the plots will, ul‘ course, become the property of the Pcl'gull who conducts the experiment. Bauwell wno pleaded guilcg than, of $40,000 {mm the Crow 1le been wuc to Kingston f: years, and his young wife w lunowlcdgud receiving the knowing allowed max. Bunwcll's sentence 1 Aul _\ cc Liluzu are Me RICHMOND HILL. ONT I) Lencc t or ins Icscurc S SUGCQab'E U friend of young men 116 305 idi' $0 Vic-1' that the The case is a sad pleaded guilty to the Cl'l‘lu ll iii'semé. erty , M ,um on suspc the detective )d {'1 1i fl]. 29. 1906 :1 Bank M) V G )ods tour l V Government through Lo coua, High Commissioner ada in London. The c will likely be expected study of agricultural 0 Ireland, and report to t authorities. Mr. Dryd< We are pleased to notice that Mr. Arch. Campbell, M.. P. for Centre York, has been elected Chairman of the Committee; on Ra‘lwavs, Can: Is and Telegraph Lines. This commit tee consishs of 170 mex‘nburs, the largest and most impouzmt of L116 Whole House. The Guelph Municipal Council and the Guelph Board of Trade have pasged resolutions calling upon the Ontario Government to establish a power plant at Niagara Falls, or to secure power from existing franchises for distribution to the reachable municipalities of the Province. We observe by an evening paper that; Mr. A. E. Keffer of Lethbridge, Alberta, was a few days ago made the choice of the Conservative eon- vcntlon to contest the constituency, rendered vacant by the appointment of Mr. Deveber to the Senate. The nominee is well known in York County, having for many years been a prominent and progressive farmer Hon. John Dryden, for: tor of Agriculture for 0 been appointed a member mission to inquire into ti: tux‘al condition of Il‘elan accepted the appointment the [DOSE progressive ada, and has been prominently co: nectcd with agricultu‘al socicLies in many years. and we are sure no he ter appointment; could be made. near Concord, Vaughan Township Take Notice Have- just arranged with the Vt-ter- inury Specially Co. to sell the follow- mg remedies: SLUCk Tunic and Blood Puriï¬er. Indigpsbinm and Colic Cure, szuin Cure. “'0an Puwders. Cough Remedy. Puultry Tonic, Luusu ULth AnLisce-ptic Healing OIL Sprain Emul- sion. Black Oil, Hmu'e Relief, Lump Jaw Cure. Aphmdisiuc and AnLi~SL91= ile Puwdprs, Diarrhoea (lure fx-r Cults and Calves, Leaking Naval & Joint 3-35 70 :914-ron940 MW genus. t expel-ien Dis A (rt-up llw baht 5le .i Sn pigeon & McEwen's Sales Butter Page: at the L VEDNESDAY. April [nurses and cattle. mm isb HZ ent W ( ichlnum )l) in E tn sales C. A. SiNCLRi JEMES $17805) ‘. .1. PETER The Live Gr CLUBENE Frost th {IS ma e fcncc co Dryden, former M ulture for Ontario, HIS \Yuriu Vâ€"fivc Free Vém appc G uarant may be DHVL é$ .ntmens. T 0 bv the 1m FRQST fliNCE is flue cheapest yea: Can hm} it he OOH V0 tmi h( Eben-a! Cf m 1181‘s 111 mum make AER )f wry St? pxactic nd Peel npel‘ia.‘ Surat!) nd 11 ntirlin; Advice EARS! S in outs LIE 1 Hi 011 111 DUI has Lil] of RSGN, - Thomhiii tm' (leepemng and Imprw channel way frnm a point Buyâ€"Luke Simcoc, 'Ontzu-i Inuuth of and up the 113†and tho East Brunch tht‘l‘l BHIdfm-d l’mad at Holland I Plans and Sf)k‘ulï¬L‘illl()US n can l:(‘ sewn on and after N11 2(S1hFeln-uary. 1306, at, tln the Chief Engineer of the D of Railways and Canals, k which place furan uf Luné nlrtzaim-(l. In the case of ï¬rms then attached the aciuul signab full name, the nature of U n .' H H l _.’l .A ..L' ‘EALED L the 11 “Tender f1 cviwd at t1 (rim 1m Buyâ€" “mutt full name, the Lion and place member of the full name, the nature of the occupaâ€" tion and place nf residence of each member of the same, and further. an accepted hank cheque for the sum of $1,000, must accompany 1h:- tender for the Work; this accepted cthue must be endorsed over to the Minister of Railwayszmd Canals, and wâ€! he fut" feited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for wnrk at the rates and terms stats-d in the offer sub- mitted. The accepted cheque thus sent in will be returan to the respectâ€" ive put-Lies whose tenders are not ac‘ sarin accepted M on 101' Department of Railways and ()nuuls, Ottawa, 23nd Fehmary 1906. Newspapers inserting this ad vm'tise- ment without authority from the Dc- parhncnt. will not Le paid for it. 'pted. _ The lowest 01' any tender not neces- ++++é++++++++++++++%+%+++ Pl 5] +++++%++é+++++++++++++++ 11th 0 1 tlu‘ 16 fun] My Stock of Woolens for FALL ANE WENTER Notic OLLAND RI MAE is now complete comprising ,ck and Blue VVoxsted l‘wills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. as: quality. Low prices 3 llildr‘l‘a gnvd :mll (‘ndm-sr x- fnr Tran Canal," will he 1' 1t this ofï¬ce until 10' u’ntluck L y, the 2nd day uf Aprâ€, 190‘ Jpeuing and imprnving of 1 way frnm a p01n$iu®mk mke Simcoe, Ontario. tn [1’ of and up the Htrilund Rive §Im1906 To a Bu t H. SHAW, Pri i1 0 i3 mine a copy of 0111' you have any id Aura: to contra By order, L. K. JONES. x" :u m ‘$DI Secretary. Railways and Cnuuls, 1d Fehmary 1906. the: {lions um: skav R K1 H} tnry [US 25 yearsâ€"at osts y [hm-e auntur 0X} ‘Ei'ib‘liâ€˜ï¬ 11 a cost 'd t0 Lei: the he the ()1) house. 0 9-4 High Schlm‘. F to JAMES NE“ A quzm un lot 27, An Upright Piano, “7i†be sold at at bar: FUR SALE URTU RENT ‘Nith live stock and effects. from Toronto at 9.00 p.111. Settlers travelling without live stock should use 1.15 p.m. train from Toronto daily. MONDAY hm'ses, mu; Hotel, Kin 0n Tuesdays, W'ednesdavs. Fridays a.) ardnys. Cost of sleeping‘bcrths as folk \Vinnipog - $4.00 Regina. - 5 Moose Jaw - 5.00 Calgary - “Settlers‘ Guide" and “\Ves'zern C booklets of practical use and interesi ï¬lms, with mites and fun informatic upon lapplicaiiqii t9 negreit gkllildifll‘)‘ (511315 SPECIAL TRAINS FOR 38-2 333% T0 $699 MARCH AND APR“. To Manitaba COLONIST CARS ATTACHQ OD 111 Richmond Hill nt hy the Address 88% :mtityy nf See-d; 57. 2nd can. Vun EVERY TUESDAY DURING ence im TOUREST CARS NO EXTRA CHARGE and ing For Sale [HUS Sale Register. HENRY WILSON. Elgin Mi} he ï¬rst year ï¬. §Gï¬zames re at F. \V My \ril to C. B. F C‘ L‘ON Alberta and Saskatchewz BOX 476, Richmond Hill P. O. m‘ga m in'l DCE 3. etc†at Sale at one RIDDEL 1-11 Dunn Mason 6‘: smaii BIRCH, Headford. :Itflt nu. 1t T1 m awa: 1111 \V for ill Risch. flan rm)! He hill sale ENOTARY PU at- Iskimmer. It is a spur-gear machine [mechanically per- fect, and not. a. worm gear con- traption. It has- a low-down suppr (3 a n. Machines Threshers‘ GOOD LIVE RICHMOND HILL _QN_ TUESDAY, APR†3, 1906 1453 3 @3153? " SUM†The Next Sitting of Division Court 1*( No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. Only Two Square-Gear Machines Made Easiest running. Simplest in con- strucuon fox strenth and dum- bility. Ole-anest skimmer. It is a \VCPK RICHMOND HILL POST OFFH MELOTTE SE E’ï¬uii} 1.1 '03.; ï¬ï¬â€™Ã©nl ,WERY £10318 Rife} 11. 1965 agent for Gmumphnnes and New y'iuiams’ï¬ewing Machines. C. PETHECK, Agent mm; Commencing at 10 Over 125,030 in daily use. gear con- I). It has- own supplY Machines d on one trial free. COMMISEI-O‘SER IN THE TWO GOOD ONES RICHMOND HILL. XCCS al on PARATOR 31101111 iii“ MCMAEON CLERK MAGNET SEPARATOR nts WGGB NECTION. Only ma- chine with self-balancing buwl. Freer action and few bull-bear- ings than any other ma- chine on the market. Me- lntte bowl is shfllmv and w i d e a n (1 opens in the con! re so that; every part. (if it 0an be eas- ily cleaned. +4-é++++-§' hvered. CE,&¢ pl‘t )I