M r. 6 Sunday Division next Tux S( SI and day w The W. C. 'I‘. [Jerry‘s un Fri n’cluck. ThL‘pl‘ last meeting w attendance x-k-qn Just, “‘1' “halt-you svn & Sw Misses Loretta and J smue of Toruntq, \vm Misses Stung at the D over Sunday. thing is n ALkiusun Customr i: no test 1 represents Atkinson « Mr. F1 Stunts-n! wvek fm probably Rev. \V. G. Smith will preach :u‘ :umi\'.i-1'sul'y sermon in connection with the \Vnmen's Missionary Society in the Methodist, Church on Suuda) evening, the 8th of April. A well-ï¬tting garment m: mzm feel cnmfm-lahle and at( Inade-tmâ€"meusmxe suit, always money back if not. satisï¬ed. sou & Switzer. Boots and Shoesâ€"You want gnud hunts; we have the prupex‘footwum- for this weather. A snap in Men's English. Kip \Vnrking Bouts; Boys’ and Girls‘ School Boots, strong and durable. Nzlughtou Brus.,E1gin Mills. Miss Jessie. M. “’ullaco, daughter of Mr. George F. \anluce of \Vnod- bridge. was married yesterday to Mr. Hem'yr’l‘hnmpson of Nobletun. The ceremony was perfuruwd by Rev. Mr. Kitchen. This stm-e is ready not for 0:19 taste1 but for all tnstt-S; ready not fur 0m pocket; but for all pockehr. Atkinson x Switzer. Mrs. J. Bruwnlve and Mr. T Sims left. Tuesday to attend the ‘ u] of their sister, Mrs. Richard \‘x' who died at her home at Stu-lift Monday. Before clusi: ist Chum-h Sn Campbell, I. ( and Mrs. D. delegutvs to convention in \Villimn Fisher of Thox-nhill. was at North Turnnm crossing Tuesday night when the stop of a passing Metrnpuli- tan cur struck him, breaking his leg at the ankle. He was taken to his ln-uther-inâ€"lznv‘s home at 43 Summm-- hill Ava. and aflewards to St. Michael’s Hnspital.â€"Glnlw. Mrs. Brownloe desires through this medium to express her thanks to the many fliE’HdS and neighbors who showed so mm-h kindness during the illness of her late husband. Death seems sad under any circumstances, but sorrowful hearts are gvenlly com- forted by kind words and deeds in the hour of trial. Ru .vur Slu‘ I Mr. E. G. Andrews has sold his store and dwelling at, Maple, and is gnlng to the Nm'Lh-‘Vest. Consequently he will sell his entire. stock of groceries, rubbers, gloves, ribbonstmlkerchiefs, laces, embroidery. etc... at greatly n»â€" duced rates. The stock must be clean-- ed out within 15 days. Look out for bargains, and remember the early \bird. I Mr. E. G. Andrews 1x and dwelling at Maple to the Nurth-‘Vest. ( will sell his ent‘iresu SPECIAL APRIL OFFER. In order to get the \K'cekly Globe and Canada Ful mm- into as many new homes as ossihlu during the next, few weeks, su scriptimxs will be accepted at THE LIBERAL Oflice fluln this date to the end of the year for 60 cents. The paper will be sent to any address in Cauadaxxn‘rreat Britain or the United States at, this rune. postage paid. Nu farmer should by without an nmvspaptr like the \V'eekly Globe. he \V L the *1)‘ Yt‘l'. .vitz‘ \V P 3'] i Icie tm‘ mumn HILL, 0N1 In (it l l’( Clnr with Lh at hi: ()1) End: The prng Ling will closing service in the Method- h Sundav evening, Rev. T. l, I. Crosby, J. H. Sanderson . D. Sloan were appointed Nightiv CLEARING SAI E. ng tm's this wee htingnlv, annntn, spent with Mr. Lloyd Souk-.3. t see what you want i: for it. Atkinson 111; will be held the 3rd of April. attend the tethbem nce Toronto. left? m-th- fzu' W . Tot-(unto, spent )uu- here. lay zaftvrnooon gramme. prepar l he tum-u up. sled nld note that A; it is what. lb; W the in tht Rm 'omn Ln Mvtcul Int he '0\' will meet \th Dmï¬in i( Josephine life Vln Mrs. W RE ll Ml LV They egiua. if every is know IN.j ns’e. Our ï¬ts Well; ht Atkin- _ jui mm H‘Ol ll) ()\'(' will stin the we- the 1r on ‘ICG m 1n one quit M r. g:- m 11);! IS Saturday. the 7th of April. A chnice pmgmnnne will be given consisting of Male vatettes, Female Heptettes, Mixed prtettos. rncitations by Miss Nixon and Master \V. Hoiles, and a lecture by Rev. J. E. Wilson. At, the close of th? programme seven kinds of cake and ice cream will be served. Seven minutes will be allcuWed for the ice crezun, and seven 101' the other re- freshments. Admission, 17 cents. Children under sevvnfl cents. Persons 7 feet high admitted free. Doors open at seven o’clock. Entertainment, to begin a 7.47. “God Save King Edward to N day, with visitx Thai ahly Met can In night TE M VII On Tuesday evening" the congregation of St Oak Ridges, met, at "I: residence of Mr. Alla ning was spent, in sm the close a chau‘ude wn um! 12 The onte l’eSk‘ Ieyne read an address to Miss Alexina Mortson who was seated in :l. chum andï¬uppqyted on elther Vside by Mr. :XI‘UIUI: Alleyne and Mr. Hurry Legge, wan-dens of the church. Miss Gladys G._ ngge prqswted Miss Mortsou with the end a basket of fluwers, and among the flowers arranged as cornucopias were bank notes to the amnunt of nearly thirty-ï¬ve dollars, being a slight; rec- ognition of Miss Mortson’s services as organist. Miss Mm tson was complete: ly taken by surprise but, replied suitâ€" ably. Refreshments were daintily Served by [he Misses Alleyne,;md Miss Mm-Lson favored thnse present with a. number-of songs. The company dis- persed after singing “Auld Lang: MCLEAN â€"- WATSON â€" At the resi- dence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. \V. G. Back, on Wednesday. March 28, Mr. James McLean of Richmond Hill, to Miss Flora Isabel \Vutsun of Sherwood. RK Alt} BROWNLEI ibodisf nt 111': H M lO‘YNLEE-Ou Thursday, March It: Richmond Hill, James Brown- J his 50th year. th many it h thr rlainmel d paLx-(m 9 use of IND HILL PRESENTATION llHI] ANCE HOUSE AT MAPLE pent in social games. At Charade was acted to rep- wnrd “Presentation.†At this Charade Miss Mary A1- an address to Miss Alexina hon lck, the hutpl-kooper at sum-d that, he purposes ace as a hotel on the ï¬lst m lucul option goes into Iempc-runce adx-ouates at ve their word before the (PH that uccommndation \‘idt‘d for lhe travelling mmittee of temperance xght the store and dwelh G.Andrews. Alterations :0 and every effort will be suitable uccmnmndntiou. in the right direction. I'IHH' MARRIAGE HI 1K md plu) Hill rim 8 poian the Curling Club went on the noon car Mon- ud the “return†mat-Ch DEATHS R N MATCH It, \vil] lean luuked upzm as 1*. Sunday Schools L, and that, is p1~o’- day School at Hope 1 purpose giving a the evening before tited the : SOCIAI ing. 20ch of March, f St. Juhu’s church, :‘ “Dunscombe,†the Alleyne. The eve- V. Howard ‘. H. Brmmm \V. BL-un‘um, SHOTS. G. Szu'ngc NEWMARKET Robertson M m-mw Stewart, E.Chnppin, 31:. Y. Broughton CHMOND HlLL Barker . Sanderson 3UVIC. sk. . beg? u ‘ut town. The by one point mes:â€" ? l’unge street alte Saturday Tcmpémnc 'l‘he harm The follow ,x. here iondly home 8 0’- street ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +4»?++++++++++++++++++++++’1' THE LIBERAL January 1, 1907 A quantity of Seed Potatoes on lot 30, can. 3, Vaughan. SIXTY GENTS Time to tone up the Horses, COWS and Sheep For animals off their feed or out of conditlon there is nothing equal to the Old Reliable EERBAGEEM time to u Nothing but ‘Herbnge- um will do. Now is the Mrs. §. 853mg? COME EARLYA ND OFTEN AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS. Tuegday, Am“. 3 And Following Days £9 Eï¬ï¬‚ For Sale for PETER JONES. Richmond Hill, P. O @ï¬wmwgm % m mite: m1 Business transacted daily between 10 and 4 Money advanced on sale notes. wings Bank Department. When it comesto merchandising of every day necessities, the purchaser must feel sat- isï¬ed that not alone is style found here but the quality is to be found in the goods them- selves. In every grade of merchandise we handle, from the popular price: up to the ex: elusive line, we absolutely assure you that no one can give you better value at the same price. 365$ wéueg BM Vï¬mes 365E vaéaaes Below are quotations that fully conï¬rm the above statement:â€" Navy Drills, 15c. yd.; Maple Lelaf G-cnrd, ZOO-yd. Spools, 8 for 25m; “The Designer," the has: fashion zmd home mu.ng zine, 500. a year, monthly; stylish Genuine Scotch Tweed Suit. made to your memsme for $15.50, Regent Style; no suit quite comes up to the Regent. The Concrete Store is doing its best to ï¬rst, build up a big Con- crete store, and second, to increase Richmond Hill’s business as much as p0531b1e. We are just selï¬sh enough to want all the trade we can possibly get, but if for any reason we Happy Thought and Imperial Oxford Ranges, our leaders, which have won for themselves over 40,000 homes in Canada. ï¬ichmamï¬ m; ï¬amware We \Ve have second-hand heaters, nearly new. Also wood and coal stoves at low ï¬gures. don’t ge't it, thÃ©ï¬ we are here {0 ï¬ght for Richmond Hill in preference to all the out- side wofld. Aflgmggï¬ & Swééze? iug. 13aints and Hardware. X--Cut saws. Axes. urnace V‘Vork. Tinsnnith- (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) {I ngoon Rice 2:3c.; best ‘ s, 4 tins for names. 10c. ii $5. iï¬ï¬SEiï¬ï¬‚ï¬E. ma. Eagle ($21313: 97$ @mméa