+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Instruction in Eh? Art of Piano Play- mg. Classes in Rudiments, Harmony. History, etc. “{hVe-aiiï¬Ã©Ã©rms, a. choice Break- fast Food. 3++++++++++++++++++++++++i E Spring Term Opens April 2 3 @315me ‘ 3m TGRON’EO. ONT. cu l nnno EXPERKENCE TRADE MARKS » DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Gladstone Flour One f the best flours for home-made Euread und~gvneml family use. Try it. .tud be convinced. I am prepared to do glisting and chopping (‘vex'y day. All kinds of mill feed and chop on hand. Anyone sending a sketch and descri flan may quickly ascertain our opinion free w etheiï¬au I ventinn is probably lamentable. Communica- nn strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents vent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents ‘mken throu )1 Mum: & Co. xecelva :peajal names, without. 0 urge in the ._-_ r _V_ A handsomer Xllustrsted weekly. oulatlon of any sclcnuflc journal. year: four months. $1. Sold by ullJ “WWW. . y. __ W, Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer 7 p. :11. meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- day on 01‘ before full moon ConrtRichmoud, A 0 Fâ€"Meots Second and ourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A of each month Camp Elmnï¬ 0 Wednesday R. T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every mouuh Public Llhrary and Ran-Hug Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth League-Meets everv Monday 0 U Wâ€"-Meets third Wednesday 8 -â€"Meebs second and fomth Church of Englandâ€"Services at 8p. m. lat, 2nd and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday an H a. m. Presbyheriuu Churchâ€"Services an 11 n. m., and 7 p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evomng. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays at!) 5. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services “10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- dav on my before full moon ' "‘ ' ~ A n ‘c‘u- nAnAnA -nA Manitoba. Patent and Pastry Flour MEN? Until turthor notice Mails wlll be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Oï¬ics 8.8 follows :â€" MORNING 800 EVmNJNG ..... .. .....6.15 MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Monoy Orders:â€" MORNING EVENING .. N. B.-Regiatered letcers must be handed in as least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mantioneu hours for closing. Leave Newmarket at 7.30. 9.15. 11.15 a. m.; ‘2. 3.15 4.15. 0.15. 7.30 p.nl. Leave Richmond Hill.7. 8.10. 9.55. 11.55 a. m.: Leave Richmond Hill. 7. 2.40, 3.55. 455. 6. LoaveC P R C METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE '§&§3§§:§ï¬Ã©ï¬m§ï¬caa. a. good positinn in Lhé fall. C(31- lege open entire year. Our cir- culars free. This school stands 10-day be- fore the public with a. clean-cut, rocn‘rd fur work done. and suc- ces< achieved. It, has surpassed all pl‘PviuuS records in attend- ance. phncing graduates in pnsi- tiuna and doing good work. En- ter now and he rmgdy t9.“ p_t .vn {Ewen {Shoverélï¬ F St“ Wuhlugtun J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist onve mom POST OFFICE NOTICE EWRE WE N 898m?“Bimï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬fk (Cot. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) I also keep the celebrated OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.80 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster Between Toronto and Newmarket. Village Directory. W. J. ELLXOTT. Principal. . B. SCHMIDT, 2.40.335. 540.8110 11. m nrl Hill 3.:0, 10.:10, a. m. 10, 4.35, 6.30. 3.50 p. m. ‘ossing at 6. 7.20. 9.40, 11 GOING NORTH GOING SOUTH Newton Broox. 50 YEARS’ Proprietor, 9.55. 11 10 p. m. L LS Largest cir- Tcrms. $3 a :ewedprnlcrg. .4‘ 20, . Toclcanuub balance of winter ston-k will sell at the following reduced prlceszâ€" ' I Saskatchewan Robe, $9.00 for $7.50. I Brown Grizzly Bear, $10 00 for $38 00. 2 Imitation Lamb Coats, $16.00 for $13.00. Also Blankets and Mitts at similar reductions. RUBE, COAT AND BLANKET f+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, Slzes and prloes. New and second hand. IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. ivery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. T. B. LUDFOIRI}. Proprietor METROPOLETAN GRGCERY, UPâ€"‘TOâ€"DATE GROCERIES always on haad at “The People’s Store.†Ceiling and bordering to match, and at remark- ably low prices. \Ve also have a stock of good remnants for small rooms, from 2c. per roll up. A great chance to select new. See our window next week. A complete stock of Best Brands of Canned Goods Geo. fflcDanald, Richmond Hill A Larger Stack lwurniuu'e, Paints and ()ils Next Door North of \Naiting Room. Than ever of the latest designs in Eï¬Vï¬ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i -++++4 l x 1 Calls from a. distance promptly amendedto. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Wall Papers 55 80:1. CANDIES Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. +'§‘+'§'+Ԥ W. H EW I 80 N HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hang-er. The The Libeml and Eafly Globe (Yam Quanï¬y) The Liberal and; Daily Mail am Emmre (York 60.} The Libera! and The Farm- 7‘" ing Word 30 The Liberal and Family Herald and Weekly Star with premium pic- ture,and Farmer’s Manâ€"E uai and Veterinary Guide - The Liberal and Farmer’s Advocate 7 and Home Magazine 2 (New subscriptions, 5552,25) . ° The All PAGE wire is csimpcd. 'i'ne 3,3196%; saw many Warm The Liberal and Ba,in Vv'hen you buy a knife for instance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviestknife is not necessarily the best. Now there is just as much difference in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or razor. The Page Co. use a high carbon steel f The Liberal and “V Globe The Libs m1 am wire, which though it costs you but little more, is ï¬fty per cent. (50%) strongerthan wire in other fences. The lightest PAGE fence is as strong as the heaviest of other makes. may have noticed also that others are imitating it. That is a good rem Where we lead others fo Notice the lock in PAGE “EMPIRE†FENCE. You The Liberal anal Baily News Galvanized Hog Troughs 400. per Foot. Grain chopped at all times. Get prices before placing your or‘ Proprietor A. LQWERY, Thomhill J. G. ROBENSQN, ï¬arkham T. G. ANBREWS, Biaple Liberal and W 38313 Mail and Empire Made to order at Liberal and Sun Star THE BEST ES THE CHEAPEST §&geE (Outside Vflla (Outsi reéommend for it. s follcw. " COILED." 3,1 am THE LOCK IN PAGE "EMPIRE" FENCES. villages and towns not Hes Geneml Banking Business Transacted. Money Lonan on Farmers‘ Sale Notes. Blank Note Forms Suppaicd Free. For other particulars call at the Bax HEGHEST EUREENT BATES. Receivvd in Savings’ Bank Dep‘ mth and interest allowed at BesEdes the extra. strength and superbr workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip- ped in a special white palntnvhich on top ofthe best ofgalvanizing, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, this white coating makes wire much more sightly. > Owing to the great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing, one- ' _ third less posts are re- As you get inVPAGE FENCES one-half more fence strength. greater protection against IN PAGE rust, better workmanship, FENCES. I better appearance, use, â€"â€"â€"â€"- less posts, can you afford to use other fences, even though yau could buy them for oneâ€"half the prica of the PAGE? But, really ours cost you listie, if any more. 408 Notice of withdrawal not nPces- sen-y. All deposits payable on demand. Capital Rest and towus ()1 Canad a RICHMON D HILL BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. d buys}; H. H. LOOSEMORE. 'en ce ail: $1 $1,000,000 $1,000 000 DEPTDâ€"SITS :tes or Lawn Fence. third less posts are re- quired, thus reducing the cost of the fencing. .éï¬ï¬ AGENT. {in}? QE ‘ill‘