Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Apr 1906, p. 1

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W». i "a, 3‘ ‘) is 1L5" ‘3” a Y or ,-....«<,..,._.. . Ust rid of first Arrest old age! I'ength, youthfl 'vuslsclzo wo make . . u v-olom n rlrh lnown i .l‘ (‘1)..Nanl2un, ‘.\‘.EI. _ :.;.,-;\,.~,.-,.,..» A. u. -_.. a“! one IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LlBEfiAL PRINTING (I; PUBLISHING HOUSEi RICHMOND HILL,0NI‘. 1‘. F. McMAHON, E DITOB i.- Paormsron. > » rwrw UW_ nm-firâ€"nâ€"h iiual ” (i (l 17' Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth , Lindsey, Lawrence £2 W adsworth, Barri:ters,Soiicitors, Notaries, 8.1:. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold LuuuBldg.), Cor. Adelaide & V ictorm Sis, Toronto. LIBERAL Ollicc, Richmond Hillon Phone Main 3984 Patterson Following is the school report for l Jessie Rumble, Slum-t (llmrlcs, Iioslic . Mz-Nziir. Rn) mond lluinblo. Vern Bussingthwuitc, Leila Vundcr~ burgh. . Charles. I Senior I.â€"~l‘..lyrllc Kelli). ‘-â€"-v..â€" S. S. No. 3, Markham. Following is the: rx-port for the- niouth of March:â€" IV. (dusS-â€"~Ulldlll(‘ Horncr, Froomun Bnrkor, Arthur (luinI'. Horvic Ncss. Senior III.â€"I(I;L Burkcr, Norman Brodie. _ Junior III.~â€" Elliott. (llollmnl Senior Ill. - M'H'y Vundm'hurgh,‘ Tho Vnuchuh Ministerial Associat- tho subject “What Constitutes u. Truc Itovivnl.” Rov. Mr. \Yright gnvo :m nddross in lho Prosbytorinn church on Sunday Morning in tho interest. of Queen's an olliro for the Stundnrd l3:1nk.uud the Pubic Library bus boon romovod to Thomson’s Hulkovcr the Post Of‘iloc. l\lr. \Vui. Knight was in Allislin nvPr Sunday, attending the luneral of ill] undo. Lust work Mrs. (Din) Loan rm‘oivnd tho sud news that hor father, Mr. MC« Kay of Tivoiton, llud pnssod away. It; is not. two months Sinco Mrs. Logan won called to :iltr-nd the funorul of hor mother, and ovoryono symprll lll7.(~'S with hor in hcr twofold bereavemcnt. 7 Nature’s Way ls Bestfl The function strengthening and tissue m ‘ March:_ tion will moot at the Moose, \Vood- buildin plan of treating chronic, lingerâ€"i - - m. “*“"‘5Yf{g§““m,Ԥ SeniorlV.â€".IosioRumble.Alim-Mc- Midm- on Tuesday. April 10. Its-v. 0. ing an ohfiting’tie casesozfdlilseageasggew 1-15” hula?“ V“ 0 ‘1 T ‘. Y. '. . . .v ‘, - - u L. “'isswuersor will rmd :1 :i 3r on Sued b 1'- el‘ce l3 0 owmg 3' 1' ~ id for 0722‘: i.;1iacent'.1ry. ’ I‘m" I“ m" Humid“ M'” l ( h’nh 5‘ N 1 p pl Naturels plan of res ring health. He uses natural remedies, that is: extracts from native medicinal roots, prepared by processes wrought out. by the expenditure of much time and money, Without the use of alcohol, and g): . I Sonior ll. â€" \Viiltcr Vundorburgh, l.llli\‘cl'~‘ity ondowmont. by skillful combination in just the right C ’ “Id . ,EHHKMHL ’ Mr. L. Richardson has rontrd the proportions. . i G é'l’il’l';;l;oy}( C ‘-â€"' â€"«~ ‘ Junim. IL .1, Mary Rummc‘ Joan building: usod m; :1. llrudinu’ Room for USPd 113 ingredients Of Dr- Pierce 5 Golden Medical Discover . Black Cherryâ€" bark. Queen‘s root, Go den Seal root, Bloodroot and Stone root. specially exert their influence in cases of lung. bronchial and throat troubles, and this "Discoy- ERY" is. therefore, a sovereign remedy for bronchitis, laryngitis. chronic coughs, catarrh and kindred ailments. The above native roots also have the Stronth possible endorsement from tho, leading medical writers, of all the several Schools of practice. for the cure not only of the diseases named above but also for indigostion, torpor of liver, or bilionsâ€". ncss, obstinate constipation, kidney and‘ >:;'rt:-_::_:::x.--.. _-n--___.s Saturdays. llbl“l”ml‘“l Ci‘ld“"'”' Mr. w. WMKL Mr. any" and Mr. blflddel‘l tlgotugles and catarrhmo matte? BUSIN SS CARDS- ~â€"- II. Glassâ€"Gladys Hrlniknyy Huttio . WSW“ Kn‘hy Wt ‘hm week fm'tlm “ “e 0“ ‘3 ' - - 500K _ & JIJHNSTON 99st ‘itirzti. Barristers, Solicitors. ctc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mond St. \‘VcstJVoslcy Buildings, (Methodist, Book Room,) To- runtn. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursd afternoon of each week. - 310V 4 ‘ a Riclnnond Eiill ~~~LITE~1~O l‘QAN AT °/°' lAS. NEWTON lSSUERMARRlAGE LICENSES, _ sarcasm MILLS on. W. EFDEAN (Successor to Dr. Lawruson) fly fiction. as w. tests. Brodio, i‘ison. Senior I’m t Il.â€"â€".\Iurr;iv \Vollmnn. Junior Part. II. -â€"~ “'ultrr Hislop, \Viliio \Vrvliniim. Scuiur l.â€"}1‘.lsie IInrt.Rhodu Bukor. Junior I.â€"I’roston Elson, Pcrcy El- . sou, Beckie Fountain, Tommie Foun- ‘tuin, Hrcior Patterson, Viola Colds \Vt'll. Honor Rollâ€"Ida Bax kcr, David His- lop, Mur)‘ Cooper, lurruy \Ve-llumn, “'illic \Velhnuu, Buckio Fountain, Viola Culdwedl. I’rcsont every duyâ€"Frccumn Burk- m‘, Ida Burkor, Emma Barker, Elias ; Barker. Mary Cooper, Bt'l'lllil Hur- E. G. HARRIS, Teacher. North-W’cst, and a number of others intend lcuvmg in ll. few weeks. «oohâ€"~â€" CGURT CASES. Mr. B. N. Dnvis, barrister, Toronto, prosidod at the Division Court here (in Tucsduy, in tho :IllSC‘l’ll‘P of Judge Moi-gran. ' Only four cases came up for hearing. Stung vs. Powr-ll and MCKcllar. and the Campbell Co. vs. Mngor were ud- journod to nr-xt court as neither sides w‘cro re-proscntod. \Vilson vs. ankr-tt was also ud- jourrn-d as defendant, through illness, was unable to attend. In Trench vs. Hoopcr plaintiff was You don‘t have to take Dr. Pierce’s say-so done as to this; What he claims for his "Discovery" is backed up by the writings of the most eminent men in tho medical profession. A request by [Ems card or letter, addressed to Dr. . V.. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.. for a. little book of extracts from eminent medical an- thorities endorsing the ingredients of his medicines, will bring a. little book free that is worthy of your attention if needing a. good, safe, reliable remedy of known composition for the cure of almost any old chronic, or lingering malady. , Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con- stipution. One little "Pellet" is p. gentle laxative, and two a, mild cathartic. . The most valuable book for both men and women is Dr. Picrce’s‘ Common Sense Medical Adâ€"v Visor. A splendid loos-page " ‘ ,3 s ' â€"* «~~ « râ€"r- - _.__ . _- . . . - , volume, with engravings . (s v , j “m givn-n Judgment, for the amount of his ‘ and colored mates. A on L, Di) Iltis L N ’ MaDHStafi- account. $4l.34 and costs. m’pelucovgrad1 Wm be sgm‘. 4 g -- urristcrs and solicllors. Room 12, [24 Victoria St. Toronto. lowest rates Auroraoflicoâ€"Remored to the old post oflic.’ one door west. of the e n C 011mm" Bank txan e to the Newmarkotufiice~ f post 0 rfme 4"? Humans L." A DR. H. w. ANDERSON, ‘ “Kiting... Bust; fitting teeth, also rcpt-sting, at loxvest prices. Good work. Three doors south of the Money to loan on land andchsltel mortgagesat ' Among those who spent Sunday :It “Obsorvatm y Farm" were MiSs Idu . Korfoot, Miss Edna (lrillctt, Miss PHlll ! Clubin and Miss Nellie Jacobs of To- i ionto: also Miss Cluru Homing. Rich- mond Hill. Mls. Hendrick is the guest of Mrs. ' R. Thompson for in few days. Mr. H. Little and wife have movcd Tho nsxt court will be held on the 0th of June. â€"â€"‘o.~â€"_â€" i s. s. No. 4,‘MARKHAM. Roport for March:â€" I". Class (.‘dux. Milliâ€"Harold Smith 77, Charles Hoover 74, (lint-a Cosgrove 73, Gertie Nelson (.90, John Oosgrovci to anyone sending 31 cents in one-cent stamps, to pay, the cost of mailing (mby, to , Dr. R.V. Pierce Bufialo,N. " Y. Cloth-bound, metamps.‘ I b ' V T- -. A .' - into the house recently occu ie-d by 38, Eddie Smith 38, ()hu-los Conner â€" tantra-9t, film-110V}; Lee; & l‘dr. IIord. . p (absent). 1 Cor. Carl-It ; 7 . Miss Holly laldwcll, Edgar, Ont, Scnior III. (Max. MIDâ€"Elsie Hoover' (vigorzfiohmge Stb'“ is visiting at the home of J. rs. \V. H. 96, Maggie Baker-£0, Rolph Bukor 72, ‘ Will be in Richmond Hill on \Ved- ncsday of ouch Week. Ofiice, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. ' Office Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. I)r- E. J. .VVoods DENTIST, Francis Block, THORNHILL, Out. IBSEEISenh-ours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 21. in Toronto Office, 450 CHURCH ST. ‘ p _ w _ m- Barristers. Solicitms, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, b. \V. Comer Kingdc Yongc Streets, TORONTO. Private and Trust Funds to loan at lowest current rates. J. Ill. Pie-It Licensed Auctioneer Goods sold on consignment .; stoc etc nronipt'v tttendoo no ‘ _ ._ at renso 1 rates ltcsidence Unionville nab t Mg}; Gouldmg, Newton Brook,agent {or the ice, General sales for the County of Yolk . L‘rlubiur. \\'o are very glad to hear thut Miss .I. Brown is recovering after her Very sow-rt full. Mr. (‘lniencc Clubinc. Neu'mmkct, visited at “Observatory Farm” on Sat- urduy lust. Miss Nollie Drnry, Toronto, is visit- ing at hwr home for a few days. l‘iissll. Boll, L’Amoroux. and Miss i A. Boylo, Richmond Hill, spent Sun- day zit the home of Mrs. I). Boyle. \Ve :ma vcry glad to \Vt‘iCOlnC the robins once more. \Vc urn very sorry to hear that. Mr. RV. H. Ciubinc has been ill with La Grippo. Tc hope he may soon re- _ covm'. Holph \Villimns 71, Currie \Villiums (il. Phyllis Clark 55. , Junior III. (Max. I‘JO)~~Jimmic Cos- ‘ grove 87, \Vcsley IIoovcr 80, Nettie Stone 70, Gertie Cosgrovc (55, Pearl Hunt 56. Senior II. (Max. 100)~Emily Pond 75, Reuben Hornet- 70, Ismic Nigh 7t), ‘ Tommy Smith 60, Ida Subs-ll 50. l Junior II. (Arithmctic, nntx. 100‘; Ervic Hunt 100. Ethel Schell 100, Roy‘ Smith 97, Llcbcr MCngue 93, Elsie, Donor 85, Eva. Connor Si), \Villie Horn-g er 8?, Douglas Road 46. ’ Senior Part II. (Arithmetic max. Minâ€"John McCaguc 100, Ruth Hoovcr 100, Alvin Smith 83, Fred ()osgiovc 250, Harry Madill 30. These tile are made specially for cul- " vex-t put poses. Being mode from the bust portlund commit and gravel selected or scrccn- od to be spooiully suitable for tile mak- ing, and strongly proportioned with J T Snigeon, a K M E MISS Loom Jumcs, Newton Brook, I. Uluss â€"â€" George Read, W’csley CHUPMU Th“, mnv 1“, mid to he mm weteriuaru Maple Wessonwen spcnt Sunday with Mrs. D. Junics. Schcll, Gordon Road, John Bastard, ‘ “Cally indesuilctihicmsthy). setalgmst Saigcon ck McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyo! York. salesttteudodto on shortastnoticrund a ren- enabler-ates JtTHii R. CAMPBEE, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. L J. H. SANDERSDNI VETERINARY SURGEIN RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL RICHMOND HILL cxlls by day and night promptly at- tended to. Pntroncgcsolicited D. G. EELOUGH, Licens e Auctioneer i'oz‘ theCounty of Yor , re- Spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly infinouco sales nttonded on the sLortest notice and at rousonnberates. P.0.n.dd.resa King A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. A Savings Account IN THE ONTAREQ BANK Profitable This Bank‘s largo resources ensure safety. â€"â€"â€"4. Victoria Square The formers are getting in good shape for svediug. Missfiprung spool; a. few days lust Wool; with Miss Olive Jennings. Mr. F. Graham of No. 7 is looking for both-r roads ll] the near future. He hopes to deal his “ponies” for :1 hi- cyclo when the mud dries up, liomstown for the \Vost a few days aao. g\Vc are looking forward to having a musiml professor in Sinhtnwn one long. The neighbors have music at any hour of tho day. A Mr. R. Sliver has moved into the house until lately occupied by Mr. B. Carver. Mr. C. Boynton of Richmond Hill has leased Mr. House for this summer. Mr. Edward Stone and family mov- ed their houuchold effects to Headford during the first of the week. Mr. \Vcslcy Boyntou accompanied l by Miss F. Nicholls and Miss N. Jen- nings spent last Sunday at. Aurora. A surprise party and oyster supper was given at Mr. Stone‘s on Monday evening lust. ext-client too. which all enjoyed. After thc Lou u few tonsts were given to Mr. | \Vilmot Brumwcll’s ' l . ' . . ' i i . . 1h" hams PmVlde‘l "'1 I line he patronized, lll’ll'l whenever he ' five cents. Ross Baker. No. on roll for month, 41; nverugc‘ uttonduncr, The following were prosrnt every day: Harold Smith, ChurlieHoovcr. John Cosgrovc, Gertrude Nelson, ‘ Ilolph Baker. Jimmie Cosgrovo, \Ves‘» ley Hoover, Reuben Horne-r. Douglas Read, “'illic Horner, I’It‘liel‘ Alt-(Jaimie, ; Roy Smith, Ho.“ A Torontonian Keeps a Record of the : Fares He Never Paid. A small account book was picked up in the street recently showing it sys- tematic record of the number of times ‘ its owner got ahead of the street rail. way company. The blank pages of this book are- rulcd off in ledger form i and ouch account, headed with thei name of a street car route in Toronto. For instance the-re was "Church. Street” with a. debit on the left hand side and u credit; on the right. “Bloorl and McCuul” the sameâ€"nod so onl over the entire system. E\idently1 when the owner of this book aid a. fibre hc churgcd it. up against t c car suvcd a. fare be credited himself with ‘ u u HSllill‘d as stone itsolf), and as they : cost. about the some price as a wood culvert, and will outlast any number of them. it is plainly apparent that; tlwre must be an immense saving in the long run in buying an article that (loss notlrequiie to be constantly re- ncwul. PRICES OF TILE .0 inch lilo, 306. per foot, or 750. ench- Dr. Cure-all used his skill in fittin r - u m 0:, “ ‘- " 1.00 “ 5 ' ‘03"; =3 ~ ' up his r-urringo last week. 13 H ,, 30:. .. i. M $1.50 as IGHT Mr. Chester Stoutenburgh loft VVil- 1 20 “ “ 80c. “ “ “ $2.00 “ u n n u ’1‘ilc measure, 2 ft. 6 in. over all, and will lay 2 ft. 4 in. of bridge or culvert 3 work, 2 in. being taken off by flanges passing over each other. Six lengths of tile lay a culvert 14 ft. longr (the average culvert Width). All prices computed over all (viz 2 ft. 6 in). Address all communications to Jesse VV inger CARRVILLE, ONT. For Sale Brick cottage on lot 48, lst con. Vuughun, ll: miles west of Richmond Hill High School, two acres of land, :L quantity of apple trees, plum trees. Intcrest, :it highs-st current rate, paid twice a year muka no account profituhlc. Being withdrawuble without notice makes it convenient. THE ONTARIO BAN K INCORPORATED 1857. , At. first glance it might appear that: and other fmits‘ 38-4 ' ~ ‘ ' MS the owner of this account book was m JAS- MPVVILLIA: . the habit of dodging the conductor-’3 ‘__ Richmond Hill P. O, , box but this was not thecuso. Thai 7 7 W: V A" Mm and Mrs. Stone every success in i fuct’is the fares were saved by riding, Vlhvv “1911‘ “9W “0'1'9- . , i ll bicycle instead of paying the streoti . _ One of our young men Visits the ofâ€" , 0,“. company for coming... and goings l The [\l‘lipl'lt’tni‘ of Pleasant View 3 fit-c rog’u‘lurly {it-present. ‘ land the fares were cunnibutpd (m l Herd Holstein Cutth and Brccder of All?” “ms' Frlihy hils he?" Sl‘l‘ll‘l'llg l'uinv day's when the wheelino was un-i Inipl'm’f‘d ClN-‘SU’T “mile 1109- LOt n tow wee-ks With her Sister In the ,,i,.,,;,am, On August 6, 1i»)05?he made; 29, Ist Con., Vuuglluu ('l‘hornhill) has Stone and family. A plcusunt even- in;r was spent in games and conversa- tion. "be merry company separated ‘ ‘ shortly after midnight, lifter wishing . '1 Convenient Apply .. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. D. A. RADCLIFFE, MANAGER, KING CITY ,1 States. 0. Got a Canadinn Almanac, a diction- ary of information, at THE Llnsrcu. UflJCt‘. . I _ I. ' _,,, â€"â€"â€"_â€"__.â€"___i - I an entry against, “Blnor and Mcfluul” us followszâ€"“Onc fareâ€"lust of :1 quartâ€"1 (-r's worth of tickets bought Juno 2." The total of turns unpuid amounted to nearly thirty dollars in sown months. i for sale some good young stock. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for sci-Vice on the promises. 3,1, GOODERHAM, Proprietor.

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