Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Apr 1906, p. 3

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THERETSWW A MASS or rreor BY DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. __._ Quebec Man Cured his Kidneys with Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, and his Lumbago Vanished. Quebec, P. 0., April John Ball, 11 bricklayer, residing at 57 Little Champlain Street, this city, has added his statement to the great mass of proof that Lumbago is caused by dis- ordtred Kidneys, and conSequcntly easily cumd by Dodd‘s Kidney l’ills. Mr. Ball says: “I was troubled with Lumbago for two years. I could not work. I had to get. up at nights to urinate so often that my rest was broken. I read of cures by Dodd‘s"Kidney Pitts and made up my mind to try them. Aftct' the first box I could see and feel a change. Three boxes cured me completely.” Lumbago. like Rheumatism. is caused by uric acid in the blood. Uric acid can- not. stav in the blood if the Kidneys are working right. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys work right. â€"--â€"+ KAFFIRS AND SLAVES. Origin of Two Words is an Interesting Bit of History. Very curious has been the history .I the word “kaflir.” The French explor- ers who have been opening up the Sn- dan and Sahara find that they are called kars by the Mohammedans, while i Sir Henry Rawlinson once said that the love- liest Oriental lady he had ever seen was a. kaflir slave at Kabul. When she tiad loosened her golden hair she could cover herself completely as with a veil. This name of kalllr is as world-wide as is- lnmism. for it is the name of “unbeliev- er" applied by true Mohammedans to those that refuse the faith. The Portu- guese found it applied to the negroes of East Africa by their Arab predecessors, and handed it on to the Dutch and to the English. The kamr slave in Kabul belonged to one of those black-clad (iti'inany. the run LUMBAGO IS ALWAYS cum) 'stoss, a studan 22 years of 1‘89» 2.â€"tSpecial).â€"â€" i ‘jlnlgv‘, Stoss said that his taste for beau- ‘Spain arrived In ‘ the reply. A STUDENTS MANIA. An Extraordinary Case Aired in A Ber-i liu Court. I A most extraordinary story is told 'lif the Central Criminal Court of Berlin, other day. by Robert, who l was charged with causing bodily injuryq public violence and theft. 'l'hese thri-e‘ charges were represented by Stoss. hav- mg cut off the hair of sixteen young girls in the streets of Berlin. , lividence was given that Stoss hadi passed till his examinations with hon- wits and that he had Special talent as a mathematician. 110 was un iinlustrious, ~.\:'ll-lirlia\cd student. “hen ([llt.'F-ll0llt‘tl by the presiding tiful. long hair was so intense that be could not resist it. He began cutting off pirls’ hair the day the (Irown Princess made her public entrance into Berlin. “I cannot explain why i could not it?- sxst témptation to cut oil girls‘ hair.” he said. it. November last. when the. King of lerlin, and the, girl “I perpetrutml the second offence“ ’ whose hair was cut off did not notice what had been done." "What did you do with the hair?“ ask- ed the judge. “I took it. home and kept it in a box labeled 'l'lciuiuisrcnees.‘" replied Stoss. “if you were liberated would you pro- mise never again to cut off girls’ hair?” asked the judge. “I cannot promise: lher I could resist the temptation, I cannot say whe- " was Ellnss stated that he had tied each tiophy with a ribbon and lube led it with the date on which he obtained pos- Session of it. The court discharged Stoss. his rein- tives promising to place him under to- straint. __+____ Doctored Nine Years for Tetter.â€"l\rlr. James Gaston, merchant. of Wilkes- barre, Pa., writes: “For nine years I have been disfigured with Tetter on my hands and face. At last i have found a cure in Dr. Agnew‘s Ointment. it helped me from the first application, and now I am permanently cured."â€"135. "l’es.’ said the fair young girl, "every- body says I‘m just the picture of main. ma." "Well." replied the gallant youth, "you‘re certainly a flattering picture." .____ THE JAPS did it. They supplied the Menthol mum. u. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. After rubbing on the soap, roll up each piece, immerse in the water, and go away. ight Soap will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than iF washed in the old/Fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Equally good with hard or soft water. Lever Brother. Limited, Toronto APPLE TREES. Before, buying write us, or see om agent near you, for prices. We havle the largest stock of fruit trees to be found in Canada. We pay the freight. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen. Limited, Brown’s Nurseries. 0m. WELL DRILLING MACHINES and DRILLERS' SUPPLIES. ‘Vrite for prices. W. H. HODGSGII, London Ont. COULD CU RE. Tl IAT. Dr. Youngerâ€""You‘re a little bit un- der weight. You don‘t eat enough." Mr. Musselâ€"“Nonsense! if I were to eat more I'd have dyspepsiaw" Dr. Youngerâ€""I know, but that‘s my specialty. you know.” Iii western Banana- Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.B. a G,T.P. Strung soil, Duper cent. plough land, spring creek, no slough; About. 41) miles NE. of In'llflll Head. Pnce $0.50 par m Write for map and full particulars. Two cornering sectionsJehcb ed lands In I! PAR 0N8. 9| Wcllcslcy Street. Toronto, canndn. We Own The largest Stock Food Factory In The World. It covers over a cityblock, contains over 18 acres of floor space. can! 3 8500.000. Size of our office 360x120, 300 office people, ISO typewriter- nnd we use fifty million lcttcr heads and envelopes every year. A car- load every 30 days. Our chemical laboratory IS one of the best. Our office it one of the great sights pftbc husinns world. Man small concerns advertise large buildings. We invite you to ‘ factory and see that we have everything we claim. Manufactured and Guaranteed by International Stock Fund CO. "International Stock Food“ “lnternlfiml [leave Cure" "International Worm Powlu’ "International Gall Cure" "Silver Pine Heating Oil" "International Poul! I " "Intonation-thus: llu" "International Distemper C “International loot Remedy" "International Cnlic Cure" "International Shccp Dip" mountain tribes in the heart of Afghan- istan who till 1895 defied their Moslem neighbors, and on their dizzy precipiees "Internatloul Compound Absorbent" “luternnflonnl Pheno Chloro" “Don Patch Stable Disinfectant" ltl'ound in the “ I) (IL L " Month )1 Plaster, which re- Eflieves inst-nutty backache, headache, neuralgia, ' rheumatism and caution. "International flool Ointment? "International Harness Soap‘ DO NOT ALLOW out-self to become alarmed gioatcd on their idoldlry. These Afghan kaflirs claim to be descended from the Greeks who came with Alexander in his conquest of the east. A remarkable instance of verbal deg- radation is the word "slave." lts ori- ginal,‘the Russian “slava.” meant glori- ous, being etymologically akin to the English word "glory," and was proudly taken as their name by the Slavonic people. But when the Germans reduced hosts of the Stays to servitude their name, from malice or accident. as Gih- bon says, became synonymous with "servile." it retains no more sugges- tion of its racial origin now than does “ogre.” which is really “Hungarian.” from a confusion of the Magyars with the Huns. and of both with the terrible Tux-tars. ____.+__ Cure the Nerves and you will control almost every disease that flesh is heir to. The foundation of health is a perfect stomach and good digestionâ€"these right and you are insured plenty of nerve force, perfect circulation and pure blood. South American , Nervine is a wonder- workcrâ€"gives nerve forceâ€"makes rich blood. It’s a veritable “Elixir of Life." '32. The Lady: “Pa wants us to wait. ten years before we marry; but that will not matter, dear George. You will still be young then.” The Escort: “Yes, my door; but it was not of myself I was thinking.” A SKIN THAT BURNS with eczema. and Is .covered with eruptions that. discharge a. thin tiuid, I ay be nude smooth and sightly with Weaver's 'erate. But. this external remedy should be used I'm conjunction with Weaver's Syrup. MAKING PAYMENT. “All I have in the world I owe to my wife,” murmured the millionaire, who was about to fail. “and i guess I better square up with her right now." And he preoceded to put his posses- sions in his wife‘s name. “Why, Clara. you look radiantlSVIiat has happened?" “I‘ve just received an invitation to a wedding." “Well. there's nothing particular in that to go into ruptures over." “Yes. but it happens to be my own," and she showed the new engagement-ring. lie (on his kueeslâ€""Dnrling. I love you with all my heart. with all my soul, and with all the strength of my being.” Sheâ€"“Are you in earnest. Clarence?" lle frenroaelifullylâ€"“ln earnest? Do you think I am bagging my trousers in this way for fun?" ihand still, adding with a glance at the, lstrained. lle: “I'd consider it a great pleasure to talk to a woman like Miss Gasse- way." She: “What! “by, she’d talk you to death." lie: “I said I‘d consider it a pleasure to talk to her, not to listen.- to her." Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. , Peach: "Mr. ltiche says very bitter things about those lazy sons of his. but his wife is always making excuses for them.“ Bloom: “Yes, she makes excuses, but he has to make allowances for them; that’s what angers him.” No Heart too Bad to be Curedâ€"Tes- timony could be piled high in commen- dation of the wonderful cures wrought by Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart. No case stands against this great remedy where it did not relieve the most acute heart sufferings inside of thirty minutes. It attacks the disease in an instant after being takenâ€"131. Dentist (to troublesome creditor) â€"- “If you must bring your bill every day, atl least ybu might come with your face‘ tied up. so that people will think you are a patient.” A 330.4.” STATEMENT This announcement is made without any qualifications. Hem-Raid is the one_ pre- paration in the world that guarantees it. Dr. Leonhardth Hem-Reid will cure any case of Files. It is in the form of a tablet. It is the only pile remedy used internally. It. is im ible to cure an established case of Piles with ointmentn, suppositories, injections, or outward appliances. A guarantee is issued with every package of Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Reid, which con- tains a month’s treatment. Go and talk to your druggisb about. it. The Wilson-Fyle Co. , Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. I TRY SINGING. An cighLyear-old girl, with a cut in her hand, was brought to a physician. it was necessary for the best results toi take a few stitches with a surgeons needle. While the physician was making preparations the little girl swung hei foot nervously against the chair, and was gently admonished by her mother. “That will do no harm," said the doc- tor. kindly, “as long as you hold your? anxious face of the child, “You may cry as much as you like.” “i would rather sing," roping the child. “All right. that would be better. What can you sing?" “I can sing, ‘Give. Give, Said the Little Strcam.’ Do you know that?” “I am not sure." responded the doc- tor. Ilow does it. begin?" The little patient proceeded to illus- irate. “That‘s beautiful,” said the. doctor. want to hear the. whole of it.” All the while the skilled fingers were. sewing up the wound. the sweet. childish voice sounded braxely through the mom. and the only tears shed on the “I occasion came from the eyes of the mother. It is. I believe. a physiological fuel that some expression of one‘s feelingsl tends to lessen pain. Sinre weepingl and groaning are distressing to one‘s friends. how would it do for us all tel try singing instead? because you have 105 your appetite and are lining fiosh, but. commence taking " Ferrovim ” the best tonic. It. will build you up quickly. â€"â€" REFLECTION. The photographer was thoughtfully surveying a row of pictures he had taken of a number of patrons. “There is no denying the fact,” he muttered, "there are some ugly features in this business.” How long have your Kidneys been sick?â€"llere‘s South American Kidney Cure evidence that‘s convincing: “I am a new manâ€"three bottles cured me.“ “Five bottles cured me of Diabetes." “t never expected to be cured of Bright's Disease, but half a dozen bottles did it.” “I thought my days were num- bered. but this great remedy cured me.” It never failsâ€"137i. __ “My dear Miss l<empton;” remarked Mr. Clifftonville, meeting the young lady by chance. “your new hot is simply (li- vine. I crossed the street especially to get a better view. However, I shouldn't like to sit behind it at the theatre." “But. then, you needn’t," retorted Miss Keinpton. with an arch smile; “for you are welcome to sit beside it." What could the poor boy do ‘I MONTH AFTER MONTH a. cold sticks, aha ,seems to tear holes in your throat. Are y-iu aware lthat even a. stubborn and long-neglected cold is pared with Allen’s Lung Balsam 't’ Cough and worry no longer. To avoid “catching” cold keep your room at an even temperature, don't sit with your back to a warm fire, and avoid droughts. Mrs. Green {who thinks of engaging)â€" "But is the girl honest? Can she be trusted?” Mrs. Brown (the girl’s former mistress)â€"â€"“You need not be in the lenstifi nlnrmed. She is perfectly honest. All the time she was with me i never knew her to take a thingâ€"not even my advice as to how things should be done.” for 33 Years Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, has been before the public. and this, together with the fact that its sales have steadily increased year by year, is the best proof of the Incin ol Shiloh as a cute for Coughs, Colds, and all diseases of the lungs and air passages. Those who have Shiloh would not bewithoutit. Those who have never used it should know that every bottle I: sold with a positive guarantee that, it it doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund what you paid for it. Shiloh Has Cured thousands of the most obstinate use. oI Coughs, Cold: and Lung troubles. Let It cure you. "Last winter [couched for three month» and [bought I was going lilo nnunption. I took I" non. of medians; but nothing .did me any good untill used Shilchl _Con-.umpuon Cure. Four bottles cured me. This winter I had nvery bad cold. was no! lbIe to speak. my on lbcfiid: and 51:! bottle! of Shiliih merge the we again. ave given it to seven p a, at) every one 0 than have been medial). I idmi'iiori' 35:. with made: I! III drunks. lung. was late v Alto "Jewvl Incubators" and Broaden, and Jewel Chick Ind lien Feed. DAN PATCH 1:555; MAILED FREE. We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer, Dun Patch 1 55%, size 16x24. Free of advertising, the records made by our pncmg woude postage prepaid, if you will write us Write at once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK F000 00., flinneapolis, Ilium, gives all one free. ' own and name this paper. tn : "ZW‘ fine picture for training, r. We will mail you how much stock you U. 8. A. till 4 , , . I I 12"21’):illl 1 ,i' iii/Monk: . CLIFTON SPRIN CLIFTON SPRINGS, N. Y. I850 - 1906 GS SANITARIUM THIS FAMOUS HEALTH RESORT enjoys a. world-wide reputation for in home-like com- forts and the excelleney of the service rendered to seekers after lieu. th or rat, by its staff of phy icians, trained nurse; and attendants and the increasing patronage from Canada and the Priviuem is very appreciative in its commend- nti ll) of our Work. Wll rl FiFTV-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE in the no of the best: in Medical. Surgical, EIBCIIICatI and llydmtherapeutic Treatments and the finest tieatuient ruum i in the country, we can ammo nu: patrons of the solution of that which will prove most helpful and suited to their individual needs. ’l‘othose seeking A HAVEN 0P REST we extend special features that will not. be found asuwbec. and we invite your curreipondenco and in ~pectiun. Our rates are most. liberal and our se.vice is unequalled. No tuberoular or insane cages received. Write for b.0klct X and partlculnrn. FORTY BOOKS AND PAMPHIETS FOR 8M) _ by express, published price abiut Stu Including in paint. Lilo of William Wallace and Stray Leaves from En tish and 50.130“ llistiry. no pages, cloth, publuhed at. 82.50; mailed Int 3') cents; Eugene Sue‘s Mysteries of Paris. '20 cents; Paine; Am of Reason, 20 cents; Inger- aoll's Mistakes u Moses (abridged), lac; Adven- tures of nhorlock Holmes, by Conan Doyle, 20c. magazines and novels, four bound n ivels in each parcel; 200 songs, the; lustrated Londm News, Murray‘s Broadsides, etc, etc. Books specified mailed. ustpaid, at pri'es quoted, anywhere in Postal uion, or the w ole lot together by express fol 81, Canada. only. Catalogues free is customers only, others mutt enclose stamps. Mention this , aper. Norman Murray, 210 st. James street ] Montreal. '1‘“ Bits, FOR SALE.»â€" JUST ARRIVED AND FOR sale 24 unp irted Clydexdmle SIiLllI Ins and i ilackueys: farm 2} miles hum GULI of street cu) linerâ€"0. SORRY, Guelph, Out. yelng t Blessing! For tho In] My! rend you: work to the 1 “ BRITISH AMERICA“ DYEIII'G 00.” l boon for “out. In your mwu. or and and. Montreal.Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec. RHEUMATESQA in any form and cold perspiring feet. positively :ured within so days, by our newly patented Magnetic Discs or money promptly iefuuded. Named anywhere $1.00. Vino for 4le.eripstvo booklet. Agents wanted. MAGNETIC RUI‘.U~ UA’I‘ISM CUB-E 00., fiberbruoke, Quebec, Canada ,â€" We will shortly offer for subscription ;a limited number of Founder's Shares a Company recently incorporated. this is your opportunity. tTake Russell Sage‘s advice and “buy when stocks are cheap." Act quickly. Write for particulars without delay. THE S. S. NESBIT’I‘ COMPANY, Brokers, Etc... Confederation Life Building, Toronto. ‘ in l Investors, “Boyle's Games," 230;, Popular Snitch Songs, words and music, 100- It- ‘ Guaranteed to cure Rheuma- tism, Acute, Inâ€" flammatory or Chronic; i also Neura. via. Sctatica, I'AHR’S MAUI Lumbagmzifnd a,“ gidd CURE i...u‘{§§htԤ~iée.§.‘f‘“gi‘v%§ llt‘éeaiite relief, Dont, suffer, but send for a. bottle at once. Osborne Remedy (30., 175 Yange Sb, Toronto, Canada. SLW per bottle. nay American Poultry Farm. We Bread for Color, Vigor, and Heavy Egg Production. Our Leghorns and Wyandotto hen. have records ufover zoo « ggs per year, Egvs for Hatching from forty Breeding I’ens OI Haired and White Plymouth R cks, White and Silver \Vyandlittes, White and Brown Leghorns, i Eugs $3.00 per 15, $1.00 par 30, 815.00 per 100. l iii-time Turkeys and Jersey Cattle. 80 yeups' on pericnce in Bree ting. Circular and Prices Frag F. n. MUNGBR & SONS. UcKalb, Ill Plenty of Land ‘ Southwest along the In Land plenty Not as much unoccupied land as there was five years ago, but enough for your needs anyhow. Tell me what section you are most interested inweither Kansas, Okla- homa, 'i‘cxas, Colorado, New Mexi- co, Arizona or California. I willmail descriptive literature that wit interest, you. Gen. Colonization Ag}, A. T a. S. F. By, Railway Exebazige, Chicago. ___â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -n ISSUE NO. I248.

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