WW- NT., RICHMOND HILL. 0 NEW CO. COUNCIL ACT. The ï¬rst division of the session took place in the Legislature Wed- nesday night of last week on the Government's measure providing for a return to the old system of electing County Councils, consisting of rcevcs and deputy-reeves from the different municipalities within the county, in- stead of representatives of electoral divisions as at present. The Opposi- tion made a stand for the present Act, as passed by the Liberal Gov- ernment, but the Conservatives stood ï¬rm for Hon. Mr. Whitney, and car- 'ried the second reading of the new bill by a majority of 38, a straight party vote. . It was perhaps natural that the ‘Liberals stood by the measure passed under their regime. We believe, howovcr, it was a mistake on their part, as the proposed bill seems to be ‘an improvement on the present act. We believe that in the county of York the present measure has work- red smoothly, and that none of the rdistricts have any reason to com- plain. Nevertheless there is a feel- i-ing that men who are competent to '- sirvc in a village, township or town council should also be competent to =do good work in a county council. Men" who faithfully serve in town- ship councils in adjusting claims for sheep killed by dogs, repairing cross- ings, building culverts, looking after the hauling of gravel, etc., should surely have the privilege of attendâ€" ing County Council three or four times a year, where questions of a broader nature are discussed and settled. It is true the new act will considerably increase the member- ship, but the County Council isâ€"er at least should beâ€"a good training school, and the extra expense to the county should be money well spent. NEW RAILWAY BILL. The new Railway bill to be known as “The Ontario Railway Act, 1906," introduced by Mr. Ilendrie, will, if pissed, make some sweeping changes. action 179 relating to passenger fares on electric roads, reads as fol~ lows:â€" (1) Notwithstanding anything con- tained in any agreement with any municipal or other corporation or person in any provision contained in any special Act to the contrary, the fares to be taken by a company on a railway operated by electricity for each passenger shall not exceed ï¬ve cents for any distance not exceeding three miles, and where the distance exceeds three miles then not exceed- ing two cents per mile or fraction thereof for the distance actually trav- elled. Children under ten years of age shall be carried for three miles or less for three cents and for any additional distance for half fare, but children in arms shall in all cases be carried i'ree._ V l (2)' Pupils under seventeen years of age actually attending school shall . be entitled to purchase eight tickets for twenty-five cents, such tickets to , be used only between the hours of eight o'clock and half-past nine in the forcnoon, and between halfâ€"past , three and five o’clock in the after- noon, and then only for the purpose of attending and returning from school, provided that no such tickets shall entitle any pupil to ride a gealer distance than ï¬ve miles. l A special despatch from Ottawa, in , Tuesday's World, revives the rumori that Mr. Arch Campbell, M.1’.fcr7 Centre York, is about to be taken iii-i to the Dominion Cabinet. The article states that Hon. \l'm. Patterson will be promoted to the senate as a Gov- ernment leader there, and “This would let Arch. Campbell of Centre York into the cabinet as the minister for Ontario.†ll '3 \T Hon. Wm. Patterson's estimate that the customs revenue for the cur- rent ï¬scal year would excetd $44; it’s 6682,? to ban; FROST Elm e... in“; l Our miccs for frost Fame are only as mush as the best icmc in the world is honestly war-ill. And we make the terms so easy that eveiy farmer and Stock- man can take advantage of them. Ilcrc‘s the way we will let you buy all the Frost Fe'ncc \':;u need tâ€"One third cash on delivery. 0,.e third liy note, due Oct. ist, ‘06. One thir} by note due lifll'zh Isl, 'u7. - ' ' Five per (tut. discount for cash if puzd Within so . days how (late of invoice ill-F? And rcmemlmrâ€"~5houl.l FROST I’itxcrts go wrong. from mechanical defects or \\()‘.‘l(illansblp in building, they are repaired, free of chalge. , ' CLUBINE 3. PEARSON, - Thornhill y l“) ,/ l i , c. A. SlNCLAin, - - Laskev , JAMES WOODZXRD. - Aurora ++++Mth++++++++++++++++++ I L“ , 000,000, bids fair to he realized. ,For the nine months ending March 31, the receipts for the customs were 1 $34,046,030, an increase of $3,129,-‘850 over the same period of the pre« vious year. For the month of March the revenue amounted to $4,422,667, 1 a gain of $728,505. For the whole of 1835-96 the customs revenue was $20,219,037, and for 1904 0.3 $12,- 024,339. ‘ a}. -. 4. f2 And examine a copy of our cata- logue If you have any idea of taking :1 preparatory course fora. Good Paying Position “'9 believe there is no school equal to ours for Inelhodic husi- uess training, and for good re- sulls. \Ve solicit, investigation and comparison. Enter any time. No vacations. (339m at éï¬usiutï¬a $311959 Yonge & Gerrard 818., Toronto. John Beasley. aged 63 years, died at his home at \Veston, Friday, March 30. Interment in Riverdale Cemetery the following day at 2 o’clock. lmrn : I tsoe a teen The ï¬rst year. I ‘j 1%! fl Inquire at once. i R. A. Farquharson, DA. Yonge 8; McGiil Sts. Y.l\l.(2.A. Bldg To rent, by the your, small farm with Addri-ss F. \V. IllDlll‘ILL, Hi Dunn Ave. Toronto. house. ‘ ' S l. E or ~ 3. e CHILI year old,th Attraction. Iirriorl mm o, 10 yrs. old, in Fv-nl lo Altiwlrlion. Apply to DB. DEAN, Richmond Hill. 40-1 é405*++¢+~bé’?‘§‘+++++d~+++¢++~i°++$°§a+°2~++++ v *+'I~‘§“Z-+++'§i «l-l++++é++++d-d'é-d'd'M’ï¬'M-ki'd'd-é- 4 . W. ii. SHAW, Principal +++++++$M++d‘+€°$é+%+é+%++ AgiiiiaiidL a"? l- assâ€"is case In Your Leisure Time Ifyeu could start at once in a. busi- ness which would add a good round sum to your present earningsâ€"WITH- our INVESTING A DOLLAR~wouldn't lyou do it? \Ve‘l, we are willing to start you in n proï¬table business and we don’t ask - A â€"_ you to put up any kind of avdollar. caplta‘l 0111‘ proposition is this: We will ROSE $.L,OOO ship you the Chatham Incubator and â€"_ , Breeder, freight prepaid, and Received in Savings’ Bank Depar ment and mtervst allowud at lillllifé‘sl' ï¬lliiliEil'i' RATES. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. lYou Fay No Cash Until After 1-906 Harvest. l Poultry raising pays. People who tell you that there is no moz‘. I in raising chicks may have tried to to me ey in the business by using setting hens as butchers, and they ' i as well have tried to locate a ‘ :11 the cabbage patch. The cfa hen isâ€"lo lay eggs. .As a hate};ch and broader she is out- Clil'lnï¬d. That’s the business of the Chaliiam Incubator and Breeder, and they do it perfectly and successfu ly. The pnuitry business, properly con- ducted, p:in f.~.r better than any other "less for the amount of time and ' invest-2d. icosauds of poultry-raisersâ€"mcn and women all over Canada and the H ' ed Statesâ€"have proved to their 53 .ctioo that it. is proï¬table to raise chicks with the ilVleney Lean“! on Farmers’ Sflic News. Blank Role Forms §flppif€d Free. iEeaszsl Bashing Business Transacted. i BANK OPEN FROM 10 to 3. e For other particulars call at the Bank H. H. LGOSEMORE. AGENT. Galvanized Hogâ€" Troughs Made to order at 400. per Foot. No. 1â€" ea Eggs No. 2â€"120 Eggs ! , to. 3â€"249 Eggs __ Grain chopped at all times. Alli} BROOM. “Yours: is the first incubator-I have used. and 1 wish to slated had 6?. chicks out of This was my first, lot; uly a 1‘1â€) per cent. hatch. I run \vi red with my incubator and um 'i'noe. Mchuenrox, Chilliwac... "' latch came off. I get 5 from 1H0 eggs. \I he for the ï¬rst trial, and. he spring. I am well NC: with incubator, and if I could no: Ire: another money could not buy it rom me. Every farmer {hould huvo it No. 3 (‘haLham Int-u- . incubator you furnished me ccedingly well. his 0' 'ily and only needs abou l!) attention every day. R. r s, Moo-3.1: Jaw, Assa." The Clinthzim Incubator and Broader is honestly constructed. There is no huniliug aboutit. liveryirichofmatcrial is thoroughly tested, the machine is huxlt on right principles, the insulation 1 I l a perfect, thermometer reliable, and he workmanship the best. The Challmm Incubator and Breeder is simple as Well as scientiï¬c. in Con- struction~a woman or girl can operate inc umthlne in 2’ ‘ leisure moments. l l l I l My Stock oi \Voolens for SPRli‘lG AND SUMMER is now complete comprising 2 Black and Blue \Voxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoming, etc. Best quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, Tailor, Richmond Hill i am. You pay us no cash until after 1906 harvest. , Send us your name and address on :1 post card tin-day. . ('hathaui. .de :- p.i...lt.ico to L Latnaui. ï¬ll 123;: Campbell 80., Limited DC ‘.L.L,"E!.S.Tiiï¬s.'vl, CANADA I .J. Canaan, ONL, and Demon. Let 115 quote your prices (:12 a éaodir'anniné M'll 3 or éood Farm Scale. The 33 Seed .L statues A quantity of Al:;l“â€"P«itai,zms for sole on 10127, 2nd mm. Vaughan. ll ENRY \V MASON, 39-4 “If “FOY I Two Thuaand Cedar Rails for sale at $20 a thousand. cedar stakes. Apply to as. ’1‘ E1. 4?; FY. N OTA RY PUBLIC, OOMMISBIOHEB IN THE VHXGH COURT or jUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage LlCGi’lSES. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . +++++d~+++$++++++d~++¢id+§+ Points + ' Robertso ’s Paints Uncquallst Purity 2 Da ' ’ . ' I 'n 'o .34 ‘as-‘en'lo “."r'l*+'rn‘*-sï¬'i . . I j y 5 far a I l‘ï¬Jl rm l'ty There is nothing as good and nothing could he llt'llel'. “Imperial lllt‘nSlll‘O at same price as others.†(hirstm-k of oils. paints, var- nislu‘snvhii log. zinc Whit e, glues, putty, :1la‘umljnsluinsvfull, and prices right. Elgin Mills, 1’. O. t Also a (“nullity of ++¢$++++++H+H+tt +++++++++~ .8. it. a tail tittll Richmond Hill §+++dvéi 4'44"?++¢+++++++$§+®¥+ +++é++d~++++4'+*€~+é’++++++~§"1‘+ +'§"§9'§“3'+++ +++++++++ +++++++e+++e+++++ truest GOAL Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices Right. Gl<1t).I<‘Oltl«jH’l‘EH, (iniquity-J or GOOD LIVERY E. J. CABLE, liicllunill’d llill.g§ 40-3 multimiloiill The dwelling. hulrher shop, driving shed and slahlcs. Doing a good retail trade. \Viil he sold cheap. If notsolll before the ï¬rst of April, will be to rent. Excellent chance for a good man. Ap- )I I y BOX 1.76, if Richmond Hill P. O. realises TaKE no Have just arranged with the Voter- inary Specialty (lo. to sell the follow- ing remedies: Stock Tonic and Blood Puriï¬er, Indigestion and Colic Cure, Spavin Cure, \Vonn Powders. (Tough Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Louse Death Antisceptie Healing Oil, Sprain limul~ sion, Black Oil, Heave Belief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphoidisiac and Anti-Slur- ile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Colts and Calves, Leaking Naval St Joint Disease. Vanzant & VVai-ing. Veterinary Sui-â€" geons, twenty-five years of piactical experience. A coupon in every package entitling the holder to Free Veterinary Advice. For sale F. J. PETHIOK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. H EW i 80 N HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, drainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Sale Register. FRIDAY. Apiil Gâ€"Auction sale of horse. vehicles, furniture. etc., at Maple,th property of Mr. E. G, Andrews. Sale at 1. No reserve. Terms cash. Saigeon SI. McEiven, nut-ts. THURSDAY, April lZâ€"Cash sale of farm stock and iniph-ments, on lot 15, con. 3 from hay, Gust York, property of Mr. M. Silver. Sale at 1. Terms rash. F. \V. SllYl‘l‘SldL‘S, auct. vaughan Council. ___¢__ The next mestinsol‘the Council of the Munici- pality of V lughan Will he held In the Town Hall, \‘ellore, on TUESDAY, APR. 10, 1908 at 10 a. m. J. B. McLEAN. Clerk Butter Paper at the Liberal Office. I IN CONNECTION. Threshers‘ Coal on hand. ; liliehael Bros, 1?.ichnsond Eiill June 11, 1005 7' RICHMOND HILL Eillglï¬ll will. he Next Sitting of Division Court for No. 3, County of York. will he held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL â€"()Nâ€" TUESDAY, JUNE. 9, 1906 Commencing at 10:1. m. '1‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK TWO GOOD ONES Only Two Squareâ€"G car Machines Made MELGTTE SEPARATOR Only ma- chine with self-balancing howl. Freei- action and few hall-heur- ings than any o t h e 1- 111 zo- chine on the market. Me- lolte bowl is shallow and Wide and opens in the centre so that every part of it can be eas- ily cleaned. Over 125,000 in daily use. MAGNET SEPARATOR Easiest running. Simplest- in con- structio n for strength and dum- liility. Clorox-st skimmer. It is it, spurâ€"gear machine mechanically perâ€" fect, and not a. worm gear con- traption. It has- a. louudown suppr c a n. Machines placed on one week‘s trial free. W. c. Perl-lies, Agent RICHMOND HILL. Also agent for Gramophones and New \Villiams‘ Se“ mg Maclnurs. For Sale u A quantin of Seed Potatoes on lot 30, con. 3, Vaughan. PETER .I ONES. Richmond liill, P. O. 39-1