One f the best flours for home-made bread and general family use. Try it and be convinced. v. I uuAlso Gems, a. choice Break- fast Food. I am prepared to do gristing and chopping every day. All kinds of mill feed and chop on hand. Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3p. in. 1st, 2nd and 4111 Sunday. Third Sunday at 11 a. m Presbyterian Church-Services at. 11 a. 111,, and 7 p. 111. Sunday School at. 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter. ate Sundays M9 a..m. and 10.30 9.. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services M1030 1.1. m.. and 7 p. m. Sunda School H.130. General prayer meeting Thurs ay.evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- day on or before full moon Court Richmond. A O F ourth Friday 0 U Wâ€"-Meets third Wednesday Ivy Lodge. A of each month â€"Meebs second and fourth Camp Elmnfl O S n ~Meets second and Wearing-15y R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every munch Open Public Lxhrary and Kenning Room-â€" Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday Gladstone Flour Instruction in t1)? Art of Piano Play- mg. Classes in Rudiments, Harmony, History, etc. 8' Manitoba Patent and Pastry Flour +++++++ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a. sketch and descri tlon may quickly asccrmin our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents gent free. Oldest money for securing patents. Patents faker: Lï¬rough Mum: It Co. receive mega! notzcs. without. charge In the - urn ,..A. ‘_‘.AA†Evmmï¬Ã© I...‘..‘......,V.........6oo N. B.â€"Rogiatered letters must be haudefl in at leass Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioneu hours for closmg. A handsomely illnsl-mtéd woekh Largest cir- culation of any scienuflc ourna}. Terms. $3 a year: mgr moguls. $1. So (I by all-pewsdffleri. : ()ur mu . on uulu .4, Mm &fï¬3}_€:Etmsriiiflémik METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave C P R Crossing ut6. 11.30 a. m.; 1.30, 2.40. 3,45. 5.40, 8.00 p. 111. save Richmond 111116.10, 10.30. a. 111.; 12.20 2.20, .330, 4.35, 6.30. 3.50 D. m. GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket at 7.30. 9.15, 11.15 a. m.; 2. 3.15 4.15. 6.15. 7.30 p.111. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows :â€" MORNING .. 800 EVleNG. .....6.15 Leave Richmond Hill. 7. 8.11), 9.55. 1 91.40.355.455. 6.55, 8.10 p. m §Eiéï¬iï¬iï¬Ã© ‘ï¬â€™merican, Hours im' issuing Money Orders:â€" MOHNING ......... EVENING- J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist iUHH uuu. uvn Brunch 0mm. 6% F 8L. Washington. $++M+H++W++++++++++ Spring Term Opens April 2 M) ELI-15W ,//)’ fl/ This school stands tn-duy be- fore the public with a. clean-cut record fur work done. and suc- cess achieved. It has surpassed all previous records in attend ance. placing graduates in pnsi- tiuns and doing good work. En- ter now and be ready to accept a good position in the full. ‘ Cul- lege open entire year. Our cir- culars free. POST OFFICE NOTICE [I nylon; 7ZZMMM'% EE‘EPHRE PM: I also keep the celebrutw Between Toronto and Newmm‘ket. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster W. J. ELMO?!) Principal. (001-. Yonge and Alexander Sta.) "GRONTO. ONT. "image Directory. MONEY ORDERS GOING NORTH SUEMID Newton BI'OOK. Proprietor: L LS 11.55 11.. m I Saskatchewan Robe, $9 00 for $7.50. I Brown Grizzly Bear, $10 00 for $8 00. 2 Imitation Lamb Coats, $16.00 for $13.00. Also Blankets and Mitts at similar reductions. To clean out balance of winter stock will sell at L' prices:â€" ROBE, COAT AND BLANKET Heaters, and ranges of all kinds, sizes and prices. New and second hand. +++++++++++++++++++++++4ï¬~+ ++~Â¥-++++-§‘+++++++++++++++++é IN STOCK. ‘ ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS - A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. ivery in connection. Good horses and rigs. Rubber- tired buggies. METROPOLITAN GROCERY, T. B. LUDB‘OBE). Proprietor Best Brands of Canned Goods Ceiling and bordering to match, and at ably low prices. We also have a stock remnants for small rooms, from 2c. per A great chance to select now. See our next week. A complete stock of Geo. McDonald. Richmond Hill always on hand at “The People’s Store.†A Larger Stack Furniture, 13aints and ()ils â€"TOâ€"DATE GROCERIE‘S Next Door North oi Waiting Room. Than ever of the latest designs in Wall Papers £5 San. CANDIES Choice variety of Fresh and Clean. he following reduced remark- of good roll up. window CLUB RATEg The Liberal and Weekly 5v Globe The Liberal and Weekly E r7 p; Mail and Empire II'he Libeml am! Weekly Sun The Liberal ami Baily Globe (York Gouaty) The Liberal aml Baily Mai}. and Empire (York Go.) The Libeml and Daily World The Liberal and. Baily Star GM; Time Emmmgmsm The Liberal and The Farm- ‘ ing Werï¬Ã©. The Liberal and Family Herald and Weekly Star With premium pie- ture,and Farmer’s Man- ual and Veterinary Guide a The Liberal and Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine (New subscriptions, $2.25) The Liberal and News Canada Cycle & DIotor (30., Limited “Makers of the V\ orld’s Best Bicycles†General Ofï¬ces and Works, Toronto Junction, Canada has been renewed With hosts of riders by the use of the Cushion Frame. 'I'hat disagreeable jar- ring and jolting experienced in riding the ordinary bicycle over rough roads and streets is taken up by the Cushion Frame device, and does not reach the rider Who glides along as smoothly as though riding on asphalt. THE CUSHION FRAME and SILLS HYGIENEC HANDLE BARS are the upâ€"to-date features of our highest priced wheeels. There are many other argu- ments in its favor. Ask the man Who owns one. For RICHMOND HILL AND VICINITY T. F. MGMAHGN, Agent assay Pï¬ï¬Ã©cï¬ (Outside (Outside vil llages and towns j The Farm llages and tom 1d towns.) Baily 1' E85 325 QM) .E N