Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1906, p. 4

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\‘z O l l d o Apriléfltltfi, RICHMOND HILL. 0n In the Legislature on Wednesday of last week Mr. W. K. MeNaught’s antitreating bill Came up for its second reading. Afterasympathetic discussion the measure was with- drawn at the suggestion of Mr. Whitney, who doubted the practic- ability of the measure. .____.._â€"â€"â€" The Honorary Degree of Doctor of ? Divinity was cOnferred on Rev. C. W. Gordon (“Ralph Connor,”) pastor of St. Stephen’s Church, Winnipeg, by Knox College, Toronto, on Thursday evening. The presentation was made by Hon. G. W. Ross. _â€"â€"â€"â€"- 0n the last Friday in March a township- ot‘ Mountain, county ofDund. as, bye majority of 139. The figures were as follows:â€"For the by-law 434, against the by-law 295. The result is looked upon as an encouraging victory for the temperance party, but if the new law as proposed, comes into force; a by-law carried by the same figures would be beaten. The Whitney government may claim to he in sympathy with those who are working for temperance and moral reform, but any person can see that the new law requiringa three-fifths majority will be a death blow to local option. .«- z“. 7 “xx” . 1‘. periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht .Adyenture if you are inâ€" terested in country life, __ ask your newsdealcr for f "FOREST AND = 0 STREAM,” or send us twentyâ€"five cents for four Weeks trial trip. A large illustrated weekly I: journal of shooting. Gun fishing, natural his- ; tory and yachting. A a: new depart- ‘ment has to *, do with the , C o u n t r y ' Home and its 5 surroundings. Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. ‘ We send free on re- 5 quest 0 u r scatulogue of t h e b e s t -.».-.:..;...<.~ :. ;. If you like to" read of» FOREST AND STREAM PUB. oo '5 346 Broadway, New York. ;, . t /'RICHMOND HILL. BIVISIUN - Milli. The Next; Sitting of Division Court 1'01 No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL _0N_ TUESDAY, JUNE. 9. 1906 Commencing at 1011. in. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK inlruRCH EDUSE PAINTER GLAZIER, GRAINER and' PAPEI’HANGER RESIDRVOE. MILL ROAD. SOUTH OI“ KIOHMOND HILL. RICHMOND IlILI. P. O. , B5 I 596317139 i The undersigned. lot W, 1st CHIL‘ Vaughan. Rirxhumnd llill. has for sorâ€" l vice it Yorkshire VVllltt‘ Hog. , It. STI‘II‘HENSOX, l l’chmond Hill P. (l. ‘ M 6m nu Vi. 4141 THE; ‘Lissnai. to January 1, for SEX‘E‘Y thoroughly galvanized 2200 pounds. LIVERY' COAL / wooo . Coal and Wood Dellvered. Prices Right. local option by-law was carried in the G 00 D L1 VE RY IN CONNECTION. Threshers' Coal on hand. l 3 > Michael Bros, The laterals of :1 Frost Fence are High Ca -â€"that can't be broken until the strain reaches from 19w to The stays are No. 7 or this some No «7 wire. And the two wires are lock-rd with the l’i’osl Locks, That braces the fence in ail directionsâ€"up down “'c are so sure that In»: I‘cur‘rs "re the. 5!: t0 rcpnir' frrc of charge, may fence 5': . . Frost \Viie l:CIl(C\ :12: iv! mlc’ lv,’ CLUBlNE 8. PEARSON, C. A. SINCLZXIR, JAMES WOODZSRD. Riclnnond Hill June 11, 1905 sass also In Your Leisure Time If you could start at once in a. busi- ness which would add a good round sum to your present earningsâ€"WITH- OL‘T INVESTING A DOLLARâ€"wouldn't '02: do it? “fell, we are willing to start you in n. profitable business and we don't ask you to put up any kind of adollar. Cur proposition is this: we will ship you the Cbatham Incubator and Breeder, freight prepaid, and You Pay No Cash Until After 1906 Harvest. Poultry raising pays. People who tell you that there is no money in raising chicks may have tried to money in the business by using setting hens as hoteliers, and they . ght as well have tried to locate a gold mine in the cabbage patch. The business ofo. lien isâ€"to lay eggs. As 2. butcher and brooder she is out- classed. That‘s the business of the Challmm Incubator and Broodcr, and they do it perfectly and successfully. The poultry business, properly con- ducted, prays far better than any other business for the amount of time and money invested. Thousands of poultry-raisersâ€"men and women all over Canada. and the United Statesâ€"have proved to their satisfaction that it is profitable to raise chicks with the .. - $13.}. ‘ Na. 1â€" 60 Eggs No. 2â€"129 Eggs No. 3â€"243 Eggs GEATHAM INCUBA’E‘OR AND BROOM. “Yours is the first incubatorl have used, and I wish to state I had 5‘). chicks out of 52 eggs. This was my llrst lot; truly :1 1w per cent. hatch. Iain well pleased with my incubator and hroodcr. ’I‘nos. LICNAUGKTOH, C‘uilliwuek. 13.0." . 7 hutch came off. I got 170 line chinks from 150 eggs. “'110 can beat that for the lll‘bl’. trial. and so early in the spring. I am well pleased wit h incubator. and if I could not got another moor-y could not buyit from me. Every former should V0 2} No. 3 Cllfllllulfl lnruâ€" Bit .flh‘. \‘.. Bursar, I)u:.uvrlle, ,. “The incubator you furnished me ‘rorkst condinglywell. lt' usily 0;:1- ted, and only net-Ila about 10 minute “Lennon every day. It. LICUL'r. i.., Mooss JAW, Assn." The Chatham Incubator and Broader is honestly constructed. There is no humbug about it. Everyi-ncl;ofmatcrizil is thoroughly tested, the machine is built on right principles, the insulation is perfect, thermometer roliuolo, and the workmanship the best. The (,‘lzut'nam Incubator and Prooder is simnle as well as scientific in con- \lrl" onwa womanor girl can operate 1L1: muchine in their leisure nmmcuts. You pay us no cash until after iif¢6 ii‘irrc't. Send us your name and address on A p33: curd to-du)‘. or}: Iimn~ >llll!!l 'tor, . All: ' a" 3' n ! -a¢ n» ~. I.;allSC-‘. uudlp‘ Dept 276, CEIATESAL, CANALA {Manes at Cdxrrun. ONT" and Du'rnorr. W Le :23 quote you pr-fc on a good 1 aiming f3: _\ or éuozi Farm Scale. ;- wan lflfi-htfiz. . oil (19., Limited . I l I l l Frost. Fences Are Strong All Around rbon No. 9 Hard Steel Coiled \X'irc and diagonally. Wed. n 12'? h»: Tli..r1.'sf..1;', isn't it? goes at I. - Thornhill Laskav Aurora iii String lain now open In ‘rgcs into our Summer Sessin without any break for holidays. Students may enroll at. any time with equal advantage. In. spection invited. @eut ‘ill gestures @nilrgt Yonge & Gerrnrd Sts., Toronto. Twenty regular teachers. Fin- est equipment. Most successful graduates. w. n. SHAW, Principal l l §'%{‘é+++++é++-§‘%'PMM++++++++++++++++~F +++++++++++++++++++++++++i ‘Slili 0t Can ad a RICHMOND HILL mt we mmrautcc ,« lm‘l Wedge LOCI ++++++++++~b+++++++++‘l‘+++++ +++++++++++++++M++++++ .2 o +++s . ~l~ . .1. g. .g. . .X. J. A I itil Elli Capital fistoooooo Rest $1,000 000 DEPOSITS Received in Savings’ Bank Dcpar merit and interest allowed at snry. All deposits payable on demand. Money Lonncd on ' Sale Notes. Blank Note Forms Supplied Free. Transacted. BANK OPE;T FROM 10 to 3. H. H. LOOSEMORE. AGENT. ‘HEGHEST BllllREiiT HATES. Notice of withdrawal not neces- Farmers‘ General Bashing Business For other particulars call at the Bank Troughs Made to order at 400. per Foot. Grain chopped at all times. Proprietor .. 1 ., fl .mm. - v “’1 “Vangâ€"w " » I. My Stock of \Voolens for is now complete comprising Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Best quality. Low prices A. d. H ii iii E, Tailcr, Richmond liill Galvanized Hog 3eger .Black and Blue \‘i'msted Twills. Scotch 'I‘weeds, i razor. ‘ a. high carbon steel grams AND SUMMER -- . < 3; 1.0-kb; sr‘smemawm 31. ’i‘ E11 132. Ea‘fi’. N O'i‘A RY PU BLIC, domuxs‘is‘xonsnxnrnn HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. $300 T0 $666 The first year. .JFTLE/cm 6’ ++d'+'§'++Ԥ"i"§“l'+++-l"i"§“§"§'-§”i’+'§-'E~{‘ I . Paints nquire at once. . < _ f; Ml‘iefl "Points 2‘ R. A. Farquharson, BA. 1 CU , . 1n ~ Yonge & McGill Sts. :5. R0109”; tUOfl S Paints Unequallcd tor Purity 2 Durability Y.‘\i.t2.A. Bldg. There is nothing: as umfil and To rent by the year, small farm With i nu”)ng could he bat”. house. Addrass F. \V. RIDDELL. , Ill Dunn Ava, Toronto. “Imperial measure at. same price as others.” “Seed PotatOes A quantity of Set-d Potatoos for sale on lot 27, 2nd r-mi. Vaughan. HENRY \VII.SON, Elgin Mills, 1‘. 0. Our stock of oils, paints, var- lllsllt‘SJVlllllllg, zinc white. glues, putty. :ilalmstin stainsâ€"full. and prices right. it. t. Saarinen Richmond liill 39.: For so. Two Thnsnud Cedar Rails for sale at. $20 a thousand. Also :1 quantity of cedar stake-s. Apply to GNU. FORESTER. Gorlnlt-y,’ or E. J. CABLE. Richmond liill.1i 40-2 +++++++~i~++~s~+++++s~++++++++-r ~H‘«Hut-+-§-§»{«2-2~++~M0§~++++~e+ is {"E-i'dfli"?d”?§'Â¥++‘l'+"b‘$’++°!"§'+'l‘~!'+i‘+ +++ +'i"§"5“l"§"l'+'i‘+ t‘ ++++++++++++++++++++ee++n r in noon ones m lthSALE urn on In Richmond Hill .llELOTTE SEPARATOR Only rhino with In.“ I. Frm-I‘ action and tow hall-hoar- lllgfl than any (i t. h p r m .‘I.~- chine on the The dwelling. lllllClli‘l‘Sllhp, driving shed and stables. Doing it gum] retail trade. “'ill be sold cheap. Ifnot sold , before the first of April, will he to rent. I Excellent chance for a good man. Ap- ply V _ nmrkot. Moâ€" BOX416~ lHlLt' bowl I? if {ichuiond lllll l). O. slmilriw and w i d u :r n (I opens in the centre so that every part of it can be ens~ ily cleaned. Over l25,000 in daily use. listless TAKE NOTECE Have just arranged with the Voter. inary Specialty Go. to sell the followâ€" ing remedies: Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier, Indigestion and Colic Cure, Spuvin Cure, \Vorm Powders. Cough l’iL‘lllCtly. Poultry Tonic, Loose Death Antiseoptic Healing Oil, Sprain I‘Jniul- Easiest; running. Simplest in con- struction for sl’rvnglh and duru- bility. Gleanest skinnm-r. It is .‘l. - spur-gear machine mechanically per- sion, Black Oil, Ileave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure. Aphoidisiao and Anti-Ster- ile Powders, Diarrhoea (lure for Units and Calves, Leaking Naval 5.: Joint Disease. Vanzant S; “Hiring. Veterinary Sur- ffi't. Emil DUE a goons, twenty-five years of practical “‘OI‘H} gear COH- expcrienco. traption. It has- A coupon in every package entitling :1 IO\V-'~lU‘VIl SUQPIV (t a n. Machines the holder to Free Veterinary Advice. For sole F. J. PE'I‘HICK & SON. The Live General Agents of Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Guaranteed. placed on one Week's trial tree. W. C. PETlllflli, Agent RICHMOND HILL. Also agent for Gramophmies and New “'illinms' Sewing Machines. w. “Hera/isms HO U SE PAINTER, Hanger. Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL A quantity of Seed Potatoes on lot 30, con. 3, Vaughan. PETER JONES. 39â€"4 Richmond Hill, P. O. 4 is o i o. BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Besides the extra strength and superior workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip- ped in a special white paintnvhich on top ofthe best ofgalvanizing, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, this white coating makes wire much more sightly. Owing to the great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing, one~ third less posts are re- quired, thus reducing the cost of the fencinrr. As you get in PAGE FENCES one-half more fence strength. greater protection against rust, better workmanship, better appearance, use less posts, can you afford to use other fences. even though you could buy them for oneâ€"half the price of the All PAGE wire is "COILED," not PAGE? But, really ours cost you crimpe‘l- llittle. if any more. 403 GM prices bebre placing your order for Fence Gums 0r Lawn Ponce. A. LOWERY, Thornhill 5’. G. ROBEESON, hiarkliam { ‘ (. HE When you buy a knife for instance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife is not necessarily the best. Now there is just as much difference in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or The Page Co. use wire, which though it costs you but little more, is fifty per cent. (50%) stronger than wire in other fences. The lightest PAG E fence is as strong as the heaviest of other makes. Notice the lock in PAGE “EMPIRE” FENCE. You may have noticed also that others are imitating it. That is a good recommend for it. \thrc we lead others follow. THE LOCK IN PAGE "EMPIRE" FENCES. E43. t}. AEBREW Maple Only Two Square-Grow Machines Made [llflâ€" self-balancing )/ i / l

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