~. A special Metropolitan car went to iiii gamma Ricnmono Apr. 12, 190d Never fear for trading here. Atkin- son 6.: Su itzm‘. _Mi'. \\'. Green and Mr. J. Evans» Lewis made a business tiip here on Saturday. A saving to every buyer in this store. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mason will spendi Easter with their daughtci‘, Mrs. A. J. . Paul in Elmvalc. ‘ Mr. Recsor of the Standard Bank, Maple. spent Sunday with his friends of the Standard Bank hcrc. \Vc sell for your satisfaction. Atkinson and Switzer. ‘ Miss Preston, assistant teacher in the High School, will spend Easier Holidays at her home in Napanee. Parties using Portland Cement thisi season will find it to their advantage to call on II. A. Nicholls before purâ€" chasing. Try one of our made to measure first class suits and be convinced. Atkinson dz. Sivitzcr. Mr. Campbell will preach an Easter Sci-moo on Sunday morning (D. V.), in tlic Mctliodist. Church, on the “Un- avoidable Christ.†M rs. \V. R. Proctor, Toronto, ac- companied by Miss Kathleen Proctor, made a visit with hm mother, Mrs. Stoi ey, last Saturday. Try our Special Japan Tea at 25c. 111.. and a special Cotter at 30c. lb; they are good. Atkinson 8: Switzer. The editor had been feeling not too well for a day or two this week, which accounts in a measure for a lack of local news items in THE LIBERAL. Mr. Grant Cooper, a teacher in St. Andrew’s College for Boys, Toronto, The High and Public Schools of the Village wxll close to-day for the Easter made a. short visit with friends hero on Saturday. holidays and rc-opcn on Monday, April 23rd. ' Our only Chinanian has changed his place of washing from the Lox no Block to immediater south of Trench‘s Cari iage Works. Mr. Jas. McW'illiams has sold his property on the 2nd concession of aughan. and is moving into the house on Arnold St. lately occupied by Mr. R. Kinnee, which he recently pur- chased. On Monday next, the. household ef- fects belonging to Mrs. I. O’Brieii, Richmond St... will he sold by public auction, by Saigeon 8.0 McEwen, auc- [longer-s. Cash. Sale at. one o’clock. Terms, vâ€" FOR SALE Colt, 1 year old, by Attraction: brood mare, IO years old, in foal to Attraction. Apply to Dr. Dean. Rich- mond Hill. 41-tf. The first instalment of this season’s ' maple syrup came to town last Friday from Baker’s sugar bush. Those who were ertun'ato enouin to get their pitchers ï¬lled pronounce it excellent as usual. Rev. Mr. Campbell was called to Cookstown last Week to bury Mr. Christopher H. W'illoughhy, whose calmness as death approached was re markahle. He made all ari-:u1genients before. his dcatll for the funeral, select- ing the preacher, the text, the hymns and the bearers. Mrs. Arthur Armstrong, late of Glinockie, Lluydtown, died at the r051- (leiice of a daughter in Virginia. on, Tuesday of last weck. Deceased was the eldest daughter of the late. Richard Lippincott, Denison, of Dovercoiirt, on Dundas St. Ilcr husband (lied ini March of last ycar, the result of an accident. Newniarket last evvning.r under the care of Bro. \Vilson, Trafï¬c manager, i having on boa rd Ii. \V. Bro. Harcourt, , D.D.G. M. of Toronto East Di:t.No. 11a. 1 and a number of other distinguished ‘ brethren from Toronto. Ii. \V. Bro. , Harcourt was paying an official visitf Io 'l‘usaii Lodge A.1“. & Add. of that town. ' l ‘ His many friends will regret to know i that Mr. David Lyncti. suffered a paralytic stiokc last Thursday even- ing. Mr. Lynett has lim-n conï¬ned to his house for scveial months past principally by a \i‘l‘z:l;l‘.l‘>j> of the licait, but. for Sonic [him before Thursday he had been improving. and he hoped to attend a meeting: of the Board of Education the followingr day. The members of his family away from home wcrc swat for, and lzis casc is considered Sci-ions. RIFLE I’RAi,‘ i‘ltfi-J. 'I‘lic niemlicis of the Victoria Square Iiiilc Club met at the i:lilffi’ on Satu 1'< day afternoon for practice. Councillor Nigli pi'esvntod to (h:- t‘liib a pound of nwdcr to be shot for as a prize. .\lr. . . Lever and Mr R. Frisby were the \Vilinei‘softlicpi lie. The following are some of the loading Sl'(ii‘i’>: 2; Mr. “K Hcoii. ~43; .\[r. it. Agar. 70: Mr. T. llci-I. 7": Mr. .-\. Quantz. 77; Mr. J. Lever. 7H; m C. 1’. HEAD SECY. ‘ing. MRS. JOHNSTON’S DEATH. The town emptied itself en mussel yesterduy,â€"to pay its respects to one whom We all loved,â€"as we followed hi i: , to her long rest. Mrs. Johnston, after more than a year’s suffering, finished the struggle on the evening of Sittlli" (Iin the 7th, at. her home in Toronto Junction, and thc funeral took place yesterday. Rev. Dr. Hazelwood. lici minister, assisted by Rev. Mr. Camp- bell and Itcv,:\1r. Sandcrsonmonducted the service at her lato home, which was attended by a host. of friends of both Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, (many of them from a distance), after which the. Cor-tcge drove across the city to North Toronto where a private car was wait- A nice feature, of respect was the. marching of the. High School boys to the Junction border. 0n arriving at the Hill an opportunity was given to all who so desired to pass through the car and lotik upon the face of the departed. The tear-stained faces and hearty expressions of sympathy every- where. showed the public respect: for the family bereaved. Banks of flowers rusted on the. cofï¬n. Rev. Drs. VV"~ son and Hazelwood and Rev. Mi. Campbell conducted the closing ser- vice at the grave. The family will with this receive. our tendcrest cx- pi-essions of condolence. The floral tributes were as follows:â€"Boys of the Collegiate, wreath; Girls of the Col- legiate, wreath; Form I. (a) and Form 1. (h) of the Collegiate, spray; Literary, splay; Mr. and Mrs. Baines, spray o1 roses; the Teaching Staff of the Collegiate, spray of lilies; Miss Charlcs, spray of white and pink roses; Mr. Johnston‘s Sunday School Class, spray of roses and tulips; Mrs. Proc- tor, spray of lilies; Anson and Harry ‘rarrol, white roses; Rev. Alfred John- ston, white roses; Mis. N. Cliifoid Mai-shall, wreath; \V. C. T. U., spray of lilies and tulips; Mrs. \V. D. and Donald Atkinson, anchor; crescent wreath with “\Vil‘e“; “Gates Ajar“ ; a sheaf of wheat with seven lilies; Mrs. Gilchrist, spray of lilies; Students of Collegiate, spray roses and cariiatioiis; Miss Kinghorn, spray roses: Std)le Thompson, carnations; Miss King, spray. HIGH SCHOOL REPORT FOR MARCH. FORM Iv BIRTHS CLUBiNEâ€"At Elgin Mills, on Sun- Clubine. a daughter. MARRIAG ES HENDRYâ€"MINTONâ€"â€"â€"At the Mn use, April, by the Rev. James A. Grant, R-ihert chdry, to Annie M. Minton, both of Newton Brook. ROWNTREE â€" HENDRY ~â€" At the Manse, Richmond Hill, on \Vednt-s- day, 11th April. by the Rev. James A. Grant, John Rowntree, VVood- bridge, to Christena, (laugliterof the late Alexander Hendry, York Town- ship. DEATHS JOHNSTONâ€"At 30 Lakeview Avenue, Toronto Junction, on Saturday, April 7, 1906, Mary Edith, Wife of F. J. Johnston, M. A., and (Ian liter of J. A. E. Switzer, Richmond l'lil . Service at her late residence. Tuesday, at 1.30 p.ni. Interment at Richmond Ilill Cemetery . at 4.15 p. in. To succeed hese days you must have plenty of grit, courâ€" . i age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, 55 pale, delicate? Do not forget i Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You ' know it makes the blood pure ‘ and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. ., The children cannot nsnihly have xoodhealth ‘E unless the bowals are in proper condition. Cor- ? not an consti ation by giving small laxative ‘- doseso Ayers llla.Alivegehbie,sugarâ€"conted. : Mode by J. O. Lyar 00., Lows“, Man. A no manufacturers or .- 9 HAIR VIGOR. . Aoue CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. -' We have no secrets! We publilb the formulas of all our medicines. Five Roses. a perfect flour made only from selected Mair itoba Hard Wheat, untouclr ed by hand in the milling and thoroughly puriï¬ed, gives delicious, flaky bread: Try a sack of this famous flour and be convinced. SINGLE FARE lViletropolitan Division i Single fare for tln- round ti ip will be given via the illetropolitan,good going April 13 to 16th, inclusive, and good to return up to and including April 17. A late car will leave Toronto on April 13. (Good Friday). at 11.30 p. ni., for vamarket and intermediate points: Also a late. car will leave. Ncwinai-k- ct for Toronto and intermediate points on Good Friday, April 13, at 9.45 p. in. W. ‘1'. | | 1 SCIIOMBERG & AI'iiORA RAIL- | Single fill'i' for the Hood trip will be given via the Schninbi-rg and Aurora i, Railway, good going April 12111 to l lt‘iii, inclusive, and good to return up i to and on April 17. l CIIAS. L. \VILSON, 1 rallic Manager. 1, i To Rent llalf of Hi. i‘iilrii, house llill. double Richmond 0!] iiiaiiuii apply to JAMES NlHY’l‘UN,“ 404.1". l'iligiii .‘viiils. , ("a . A Fe, 3 “'53 Fifi log Elm “i m has DRIZRSMA KING AND LADlli/b" TAILURING 'E‘Eiornhill. ()nt . TOTAL 7,; G. Brown . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 346 E7 A. Millie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3231 84 A. McConaghy . . . . . . . .333 83 E. Reaman . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 327 H! (J‘. Kinnie .........324 81 \V.F rlsby . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 311 78 H. Francis .... . . . . . . . . . . 287 72 Gr. Dickinson. . . . . . . . . . . . 247 62 L. I’m-kins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 54 H. Switzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 73 FORM In. I). Atkinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 73 C. Homing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560 70 Ii.Smith..,. ....5-10 (56 A. \V’inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 65 J. Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 65 L. Richardson. .' .. .. . .. 510 64 M. Byam . . , . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 74 A. Clubinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 61 F. Campbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 51 M. Boyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 57 M. Klinck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 55 ii. \Vclsh . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 337 48 M. Gibson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 I. Palmer . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 310 62 E. Boyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 52 F. Jackes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 42 \V. Lawson. . I . . . . . . . . . . 268 ‘6‘ E. Gibson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 43 C. Hopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-1 42 N. McMahon . . . . . . . . . . . 216 41 FORM Ii. \V. Carleton..............688 86 L. Soules , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613 77 R.Page.. ...559 70 A. Ball ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 69 \‘v'. Scott . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . 531 66 N. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509 64 S. Muiphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 63 F. Hickson . . . . . . . . , . . . .. 502 63 F. Page. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .493 62 D. Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49‘). 70 G. Logge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .473 59 .1. "upper. . .. . . . . . . . . . . 458 57 M. lclmkay . . . . . . , . . . . . 1.34 :27 J. Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . “449 .56 E. McNaughton . . . . . . .. .44. (54 F. James . . . . . .. .. . . . .406 58 I. Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 58 S. Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 57 ’ 0. James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 57 J. Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 66 I A. Palmer... . . . . . . . . . . . .326 47 H. Crosby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 46 M. Brydon.. . . . . . . . . ... .. 270 4.5 FORM I. E. Cox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843 34 II. lit-11y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832 83 E. \Vatson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822 5'2 II. Hyslop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 77 t I). Hagci man . . . . . . . . . . .7I'iil 7d Ii. Boynton . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 73 N. Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717 72 A. Calhoun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7115 7%) H. Naugliton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70'.) 7 M. Smith . .. . . . . . . . . . 71K} 7 l’. Silver ‘| , 3L WNW] J . . . . . , . . . . 051 i. ll. Boylo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (33.3 01 l..\I'|l.\‘ll... . . ........('>23 (5?. If. Gordon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ll!) (3'1. 0. hiiil‘EE-lii . . , . . . . . . . . . . . (312 (ll (I..\I:!('I)Lil1ili(l. . .. 5.53 55) AI. lllziin. . . . . . . .. 377 5% I‘i. (‘iisgi‘ifl'tk............ 573 (ii )la'Nair . . . . . . . . . . . . .572. .37 ll. Murphy... .....:'>o'l (1K I..Jolii‘.stoii “Still 5143 A. lioucoi-l; . . . . . . .. . . . . .319 35‘ Il. “Valkni' “.311 77 1’. Hook. . nib") Iii) El. \';iinlvrlnir;: . “.181 ii 0. Smith .. _ . . . . 117 .32 1’. (il'it’f? . , 11:41 4:7 I‘.liill . . ,. . ....,Zl‘i7 3:5 \\'. liedditt .. . .2411 5;! (‘. Hill . , . . , . . “28:4 474 F. Rumble. . . . . . . . .....27§) 47 ll. Bout-onion. . . . . . . . . . ‘17.": i" l’. Bl't':ik('\' . . . . . . . ....Z.".7 4i .\. \Viliiam; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 (is) timer Paper at the Liberal (ii-tiara} day, April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. D. \V. . Richmond Hill, on \Vednesday llih' Good Goods i Our goods will sell on their merits at the prices we ask. They need no praise from us; but we want the public to see them for them' selves. That’s why we advertise. We adver- tise to induce you to visit our store and see our stock. We rely on our goods and prices to make sales when they are brought to your notice. Both of Us Will proï¬t by your trading here. 'our inter- ests are mutual. You save money trading with us because we give better values for less (‘ciiirc , For iiii'or-' ‘ money than others, while your added patron- age swalls our business, so both of us proï¬t together. Here are quotations for qualities that conï¬rm the above:â€" Bcst imported Rangoon Rice, 5 lbs for 25c; Best select Raisins, Bibs for 250; cleaned Currants, 31b 25c; Quaker Tomatoes, 100 tin; Regal Salmon; 15c. tin; Prunes, 5lbs for 250; Prunes, 3lbs for 250.: Orange Meat 2 Packages for 25c; Shredded Wheat, 3 packages for 25c; Maple Syrup, 25c. quart; Coats best 200 yd spools, 45c. doz; Maple Leaf 200 yard spools, 35c. doz; Crum‘s best prints, 10c. yard; Best Canadian Prints, 10c. yard; Fine Scotch Tweed suit, made to your measure, in ï¬rst order $11.95. 1 Atkinson & SWitzcr Apr. 12, 1906. _ a "i Richmiid iiiil liailware Siiie a 5 it :5 s a. BIN I) EB TWINEâ€"Be- sides ‘givmg you a good, reliable twine, we have an interesting price. T0 BUILDERSâ€"Those <69 building will ï¬nd it to. their interest to get / our prices on nails and other hardware. Our stock is up-to-date and reliable. TINSJMITHING â€" Done " promptly, done well. ,5, Garden Tools; Wire and “’he Fence, Builders‘ Tools, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Peerless Machine Oil. Stamina gun at ï¬nancial ti/ (in connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce.) 13min transactml daily between 1‘! and 1. Saving. Bank D *pai tmcnt. Manny alliance/.1onsalo notes. ii is is ï¬iiï¬ .... m hummumbu...“ ........_....._;_..........W. a v Exam memmxmmm