Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Apr 1906, p. 1

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VETERINARY SURGEON, - Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 03.113 by day and night promptly at- tended to. VOL. XXVIII. J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL mam PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGHMONDHZJLfiNI‘. JOHN R. CAMPBELL THUR \Vill be b l) 1". ard Bzmk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Office Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m Office 11 {00m 1 Safe . Interest. at bigfififlj‘ififirrenb rate, paid twice a convenlent year makes zm elcgou 7Ergfltable. Bving withd; Athhuut, notice makes it convenient. Profitable Toronto Offi i‘ll Cur. Carlton and Yonge Sts., Toronto ill be in Richmond Hi” on U nesday of each week' Office, next door north of Stunr' l§ichanond Hill 'mcis D 1’». \V. E. DEAN SH 63. WW. Hams I)entism, per annum, in advance.] USINESS CARDS I8 PUDLISHEDEVERI 'RSDAY MORNING H. W. ANDERSON, Pfientist, :1. BAD E. J. ‘Voods DENTIST, Block, THORNHILL, Ont. ours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 :1. m nuoB L‘ 12L Victoria ssor to Dr wetgrimtry midisal e, 450 CHURCH S flental. AT THE PBoPaIEron MAHON north INCORPO PEN EVERY D ' EEK. CLIFFE, M KING CITY inier Jetwmson) of Shand- This Bank’s jglgmgrces ensure safety. Toronto 53. Savings Account GETARIO BARK \Ved Licena e Auctioneer for the County of Yor‘r , re- spa'rm’ully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attPuded on the sLortest notice and at reasonaberates. P. 0. address King A urge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept 8A: both places. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York Bales Lctmidedfio on ahortestnotic mud 8. tea. ouablerates Patronagesoh‘citeé Licensed Auctioneer for the Ca Goods sold on consignment Ge! stuc etc promptly attended to rates“ §esi_d_ence Unionviue above J T Suigeon, qule RICHMOND HILL 8: THORNHILL JAS. NEWTON ’ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, j EIJGIN EIIIJLS 11m OX & Mbfififi Money to loan onland andclmtcel mortgages at lowest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Removed to the old post oflic.’ one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket oflice~Three doors south nf Hm A G S Lindsey.K C G G F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth TORONTO OFFICE: . annnd St. W'esb.\‘v'(-sley (Methodist Book R0 mnto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple afternoon of each Undertakers & Embnlmm's, rivate and Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, \V. Corner King 8.: Yonge Streets ,ERBER'I MONEY TO LOAN AT 0% Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth, RECHMOND HILL, ONT, THURSDAY, APRIL 26 1906 COOK IN THE Guuldmg. Newfim Brook mean. J K IJcEwen Maple Weston Saigeon a: McEwen . WRIG lv sisters and Solicitors and Trust; Funds to loan lowest current rates. D. G. BLOUGII, LENNOX . ll. PI ounce, TORONTO. & JOHNSTON ‘Clark Aurora Iicitors. etc G S'rV MORGAN 7): No. 33 Rich sley Buildings, Room,) To- Milliken doors south of the BRO& ssentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libs County of York Senora] sales mo an reasonabh Phone Main 'on Thursday week. agent for the Newmarket 2984 The following officers have been’bank’ ‘V' 3' O‘Learyi FiSherVillei elected for the Thuriihill Epworth Abnerohm'ryf .Vvesm", W- J- B”u"ke Leuglle:__ and John Baillie (in the case of Mr. Hon. Pl.es_y Rev. G. McKinley Baillie 2i permit only was granted. pres” Mn 1). James. twhich Will be revoked at the end of 1% Vicwpres.’ MIX Jas- Pearsom three months ii the premises are not 2nd, Miss F. Bowes. placed in a. sanitary condition by the 3rd Vic‘bpres“ ML G. Lowery. landlord); Mrs Lellis, three months’ 4th Vice_P,.eS_, Mr. Cal-1J;llnes_ permit in which to plaice her building Secremly, MiSS L Bmves. in_pi-oper shepe. Inspector Mackenzie Treasurer, Mn R. 19am Will be at his office, 15 \Vest Diindas Organism. MIR Pearson, Miss E. street, Toronto Junction. at 10 u‘cluck, Cluhiue' Miss Mabel BOW-es and Mn on April 27,t0 issue the license to those H. Francis. entitled to receive them. The iepurts from the various ofiz‘icers sho“ ed progress during the past year. , The interest in league work and mis- S‘Xteen Ounces 0f SatiSfactil‘" ‘1“ sioiis has been shown by increased at- ‘ every Pound here- AWN-‘30“ 5‘ SW”- teiidance and contributions. zer. â€"-â€"oooâ€" Mr. A. Klinck paid Mr. Luxmu short visit on Sunday night. day. Mr. I. Goodmham of York spent, Sunday with his brother Mr. E. Good- erhum. V The young linemexpect to assembie in a body at. lot 24011 Tuesday evening. Every one is requested to have every preparation made beforehand and be on hand sharp 0n tinw. Mr. Graham of Uruigville paid us a. visit; on Saturday. The Misses Lunnu spent Easter at Sanford. M 1'. Fred Gmhn m who has been suffer- ing from a. severe attack of Mumps resumed his duties in N0. 7 on Mon- Miss B. Sanderson of Toronto is spending a few duny with friends here. Mi. Rnlph Perkins is spending a few days with fxiends here, Mr. Rnlph Perkins is spending a. few days on the farm with Mr. J. Lunau. He intends to resume his study of music after a few weeks rest. Ralph, the twelve your old son of Mrs. Robson of purpleville and grand- son of Mr. “'11), \Vilson of this village, passed away in] \Ve-dnesdny of last» week after a day‘s illness. He was here on Monday visiting his grand- parents, and the noxtdny he was taken ill, breathing his last the following: music after a few weeks rest. (firm-99 1” Mr. Thoma? ‘ Frishy purchased a F” awful valuable dx-ix'era few days ago, Is qp‘lte The draws makers and sewing mach- '“imlh‘st ines in b‘lahtuwn and suburbs are kept “110311011 busy at, preSeub preparing fur the great event of next week. “7 r svmputhy of went. A branch of the Sterling Bank is to l):- npened hero, and Mr. Builey's brick stare has been rented for Lhth pur- lime. There is taik of as many as four grucery stmes being run here in the near future. A good business could be. dune by two, but there is not, enugh trade for more. Mr. E. H. Elliott, (‘f Toronto spent several days last week visiting friends - Mr. Lorne Perkins had the good luck to have a. team of ponies to take him to schoul during the early part, of this Week. Mr. Ross Klinck’s drill team made a brave attempt to leave the field with- out him one day last, week. Fun-tun- atL-ly Mr. \V. Buynton handed them at the gate- and the team were caught be- fore any duumge \VHS dune. Mr. and Mrs Redditt, and little son of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs C. Boyuton. Ml . Ed \vui'd Sanderson, who has been spending the winter in the West, returned home on Saturday. ill, breathing fut-91mm]. '1‘! Friday :1 nd w Mrs. Robson in the village. Rev. Mr. Madden of Victoria College took the wmk of Rev. W. Sibley on Sunday. A very pleasant, event on Monday evening was the lvctm-e of the Rev. C. 0. Johnston of Tmnntn. In the 11151) and ficntch." ["014 an hour and a half Mr. Johnston delighted the nudi- mlce with snllies of wit in de-sm-ihing the peculiarities of the difi'vronbnatinn- nlities. The congregation was nnly moderate. At the close he was heart/- ily thanked. The weather of last week was delightful. Every body is busy scat,- tering the seed and with a few davs fine wvuthm-sceding will he completed. Miss Lillie Dennis-spout sunduy with friends at Buttunvillo. Mr. Shockley was the guest of Mr. Cook on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Campbell preached :1 ser- mnn“The HomeDi-partmentofSunday School \Vm k " on Sunday afLemoou. The subject at will be taken by Buttmn‘ille. Mrs. W. H. Lundy spent last Week with her daughter Mrs. 11. \Vilsnn of Cushel. ()ux- wort} check the sm M 1-. spent pity?!) Methodist Chum Irish and Heutch worthy doctor has failed to the spread of the mumps. Cecil Klinck of Guelph 0. A. C. his Easter Vacation under the Lu] roof. V iotorla. Square THORNHILL E. L. T}le 111 in Mame League fur next Week Mr. Geo. Raymond of [11191 tv event on Monday Ivctm-e of the Rev. of Tomntn, In the h, on “The English, " For an hour and a n delighted the nudi- : of wit in describing fanfin their 5 had the good ponies to Luke (3 early part, of a-Llcndod have Mn 1 lwrem'u 0H rty ,- and Gmnmisioneré E. R. Rogers, James Ashmun and Reeves were prevent. The following licenses were granted :â€"\Voodh1idgo, (Thus. Coliton and George Stewart; Etubicuke. Mich- ael Soper; Thisllutuwn, George Hence; Isliugtnn. Ambrose O‘Brien; The \Veet York license commission- 91‘s met, for the. purpose of consider- ing the granting of licenses for the current year. Inspector MucKenzie and Cmmnisicners E. R. Rogers. The East, York license commission- ers graner the fullowing applications: Schrhom annshipâ€"VV. E. Appll'l)y, \Vgest Hill; Charles Crow, Halfway House: James Kennedy, Vanm-n; and John Meade, Scarbm-o Junction. York 'I‘ownshipâ€"David B. Birrell, York Mills: R. H, Crew, Ontario House; Thomas McGuir and C. F. Lavender, Norway: Herman C. Clendenning, 0r- Thnmas McG Norway; Hm chard Park. E. Mitchell f(' 0011'st was meeting. Th for the mono! held in abeynm of the board. Em pringham ; Eustlmux no Hot House ; Chm 195 Hotel; and M r: Joseph Hays, was destroyed by fire about noon on Friday. the 20th inst. Part uf the contents of the building was saved; The dwelling house nctzuâ€" piod by J. McLean, Esq, was un fix-e Several times, Caused by the falling Cinders. The wind was liluwing di- rectly over his buildings at the time of thp fire. The Brodlmm Hntel at Omeme was destroyed by fire at a way early hour in the morning before- some of the occu- pants Were out of bed. ‘_ - Local option in this note-d temper- ance localit v has increased the drinking habits: so many empty whiskey; bottles are found in gardens li‘flgi‘» known to be found them ' ' ‘7. Mm-nl suasim: is the only successful I‘t‘lm‘dy tn stop the drinkng habits. The. Pastnr of the Presbyterian Church delivered a very practical dis~ course frmnthe words “Let the R9- deemod 0f the Lord say so.” He urged his hearers to Sth their sympathy to those in tmuhlv, not, to store it. up un- uncalled for. chased Jul-dun down a luneand caught him- with the web under his arm. He elected to be tried by 1!, jury, and was cmnmiLted for trial. The Dominion Parliament. without a dissenting \‘uicp, voted $100,000 for the sufferers of the San Francisco di- saster. thus showing the desire of hu- muuitytohelp their fellow man in time of distress. Crown Attorney J. \Valter Curry, who bruught about the startling reve- lations in, the Yox k County Loan Comâ€" pany invesfigatinn in the Police Court has forwarded his resignation to the Attornvy-General, asking to be re- lieved of his dutius on the first of May. Mr. Curry lesigned to accept the Imm- ngership in Cuha 0f the Canada Cuba Land & Fruit; Company. Jumps Jordan Police Court, N we!) of Math fl King Stl’f‘e't, 'I Mr. Fred Gales The dWFIIing huuse owned by Mrs. Isabella Fallis and (mcupied by Mr. Jnsvph Hays, was destroyed by fire in all things, Charity.y W EST YORK LI GENSES. EAST YORK LICENSES Mount Pleasant reminded some of the-m. as it cmnmun for individuals to grvat, sympathy when It 13 N ews N ones an was charged in the Monday. with stealing a. from \Villiamsnn’s, 113 Toronto, (m Saturday. 3s.cutter in thaj; shop, SIXTY January 29. lst Com, Vaughan (Thu for sale some good young sh Thoroughbred bull and Im service on the premises. THE LEBE The prnpl-ivtor of Pleasm Herd Holstein Cattle and B; hnprm‘gd Ch_e_ster_W'hirt,o Ht HE S SE VJER Rishmcfid Eill or Station Apply tdiv/C ’ 'w At the very best prices eithsr at PLEASANT VIEW FARE Is not a. secret or patent medicine, agains‘ which the most intelligent people are quite naturally averse because of the un- certainty as to their harmless character, but is a. medicinepEKNQWN chPoslerQN, a full list of all its ingredients bei g printed, in plain English, on every bott e wrap er. An examination of this list of ingre lents will disclose the fact that it is non-alcoholic in its composition. chem- ically pure glycerine taking the place of the commonly used alcohol, in its make- u . The "Favorite Prescription " of Dr. P erce is in fact the only medicine put up for the cure of woman‘s peculiar weak- nesses and ailments, sold through drug- gists, that does not contain alcohol and that too in Large mines. Furthermore. it is the only me icine for women’s special diseases, the ingredients of which have the unanimous endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice, and that too as remedies for the ailments for which "Favorite Prescription” is recom- mended. A little book of some of theso endorseâ€" ments will be sent to any address, post- pald, and absolutely free if you request same by postal card or letter, of Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Don’t forget that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, for woman’s weakneSSes and delicate ailments, is not a patent or secret medicine, bein the "Favorite Prescrip- tion “ of a, regn arly educated and gradu- ated ph 'sician, engaged in the practice of his c osen specialtyâ€"that of diseases of womenâ€"that its ingredients are printed in plain English on ever bottle-wrapper: that it is the only medic ne especially de- signed for the cure of woman‘s diseases that contains no alcohol, and the only one that has a professional endorsement worth more than all the so-called "testi- monials" ever published for other med- icines. Send for these endorsements as above. They are free for Vtheasking. If you sufier from periodical. heaclache. backache, dizziness, pain or dragging down sensation low down in the abdomen weak back, have disagreeable and weak- ing, catarrhal. pelvic drain, or .are in distress from being long on your feet, than £011 may be sure of benefit. from taking r. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Dr. Pieroe’s Pleasant Pellets the best lax- ative and regulator of the bowels. They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a. laxative; two or three a cathartic. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, [Single copies, 3 cts. CARRVILLE, ONT‘ Semem ). G. GOODER H 11M. l, 1907 N0. 43 iutur‘ l)h )t fut V iew 181- (if

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