Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Apr 1906, p. 4

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‘RICHMOND HILL.â€"ONT., Apr. 26, 1906 At a meeting of the Justices of the Peace for York County on Monday, Judge Winchester who presided drew the attention of the magistrates present to their duty in protecting the various kinds of birds in our gardens, lawns and parks. The law against shooting is strict, and it is hoped that Judge Winchestcr’s warn- ing will be heeded by those who handle either fire-arms or air-guns. By all means protect the birds. _â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" The princfiil topic of conversation during the past week has been the San Francisco catastrophe, with its hundreds of lives swept into eternity, and the appaling loss of wealth. A i ' i there is in a knife blade‘or conservative eStiniate places the loss at $350,000,030 and taken altogether the earthquake followed by confla- gi‘ation has pi‘obablygbcen the greatest disaster this continent has ever ex-' pericnce’d. The fire is nowapparantly under control, but it will be many years before the sufferers can even partially forget the awful experience through which they passed. . mm Prince Arthur of Coniiaught, who is spending the greater part of this week in Toronto, has received a warm welcome. He is on his return jour- ncy‘ from Japan where he delivered an important message to the Emperor of that Island, from his illustrious uncle, Edward, the Peacemaker. The Prince will be honored where- ever he lands in Canada, not only for his own manly qualities, but because his father, the Duke of Connaught, his uncle, the King; and his grand- mother, the late beloved Victoria the Good, hold a warm place in the hearts of the people of this county we soon ONES Only Two Square-Gear Machines Made MELOT'PE SEPARATOR Only“ ma- chine with self-balancing bowl. Freer action and few hall-hear- ings than any 0 t. h e r in it chine on the market. Me- lotte bowl is shallow and w i d e a. n (1 opens in the centre so that W every part of ’ it can be eas- ily cleaned. Over 125,000 in daily use. MAGNET SEPARATOR Easiest running. Simplest in con- struction for strength and dura- bility. Clt‘illlest skimmer. It is a , spur-gear machine mechanically per- fect, and not. a worm gear con- traption. It has- :1 low-down supply 0. a n. Machines placed on one Week's trial free. W. C. PETHICK. RICHMOND HILL. Also agent for Gramophones and New Williams’ Sewing Machines. Hamilton Incubators, 4 sizes of ma- chines. Good terms given. RICHMOND HILL: Ill‘JlSlfiii - Shim. The Next Sitting of Division Court for N0. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL __()N__ TUESDAY, JUNE. 9. 1906 Commencing (it 10 a. in. '1‘. F. MCMAHGN CLERK it‘d: ere Marta. but those rum write Siiiismi .t C0,. Portland. Mainemill recelvo free. full information about work which I“ low can do. and liven: ImmeJhatwill i-ny ihem from S“ In $15 per day. Some have gluin- l on: S «~in lilny Either sex. young or old Capital \ ‘ 'h'nc whns'on or unu- Tlic public is is piirc‘ CLUBENE C. A. SIN'CLAEQ, patent \Vhen you buy a. knife for instance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot necessarily the best. 3; BEAESON, - Thom JAMES WOOBRRD. ease ‘ is THE BEST IS THE CHE Now there is just as top STEE GATES The strong features of I-‘mst truce are c-iniliiiieil in the Gates. 1‘; \p"Cial feature is the fizii A of continuous '. : . ’l‘llls is s . niger than a will} elbow cor- surl lhflllCIIITIC igs. The heavy xvii c filling insures 1.1.4!th s r-iiig ti i' I’K'O‘l \‘.’i": lcocc C0 '9 UV hill Lcskoy _ Q APEST Besides the extra. strength and superior \‘s-zt‘iy {in us :i s :iln - 3" ‘. we‘h .. workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip- ped in a special white palnbwhich on ofthe best ofgalvanizing, will lengthen much difi‘erence in the quality and strength the life of wire for years. And, also, this of steel in fence wire as razor. The Page Co. use a high carbon steel wire, which though it costs you but little more, is fifty per cent. (50%) stronger than wire in other fences. Thelightest PAGE fence is as strong as the heaviest of other makes. Notice the lock in PAGE “EMPIRE”FENCE. You may have noticed also that others are imitating it. That is a good recommend for it. “here we lead others follow. All PAGE wire is "COELED." not PAGE? But, l crimped. I5) THE LOCK IN PAGE "EMPIRE" FENCES. white coating makes wire much more sightly. Owing to the great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing, oneâ€" third less posts are re- quired, thus reducing the cost of the fencing. As you get in PAGE FENCES one-half more fence strength, greater protection against rust, better workmanship, better appearance, use less posts, can you afford to use other fences,even though you could buy them for one-half the price of the really ours cost you 408 little. if any more. Get prices before placing your order for Fence Gates or Lawn Fence. it? A. LOVE? « ‘5'! BY. Thornhill J. G. ROBIESOEE, Etiarkham ‘ E ' G: AEBREVJS. Iii epic g.‘ ‘ Standard Trotting and Registered Stallion HE DUKE is a. beautiful seal brown Stallion about 16;. hands high, and iii stud coiidiiiion wrighs about 1,300 pounds. and powerfully built in every way. gaited trotting horses in Aiiii-i-ica. 29.5 seconds, and u I 2.10. He has trotted .58 gait, and it is said, with good handli The Duke is highly finished He is not a priccr' but one of the finest it trial in 2.17, quarters in ig, he could trot in stone ocaamrss Any one who will inspect this horse before selecting a sire we will guaran- tee to make them it present of $1.00?) and not just as represented and one of the be it colt without charge, if The Duke is st lircd Trotting Stallions on the couâ€" tiueut and one of the greatest Stock Horses on earth. Routeâ€"12 \Veeks, commencing Monday, April 30th, ~ 1906 MONDAYâ€"He will go to Eglinton thence to Golden Lion Hotel, Yonge Street, for noon, Hotel, Thornhill, from3 to 4, thenCe up Yongc Street to Oosg Elgiu Mills, for night. Hotel, Eglinton, from 9 to 10, and and thence to Hugbes’ rove’s Hotel, TUESDAYâ€"He will go to Lemon’s Hotel, Aurora, for noon, and thence to Royal Hotel, Newriiarket, for night. WEDNESDAYâ€"He will go to Mr. Jose near Kettlebyl, for noon, and thence to Nobleton for night. DAYâ€"tie will go to Kleinhurg for noon, King ( THURS bridge House, \Voodbridge, for night. FRIDAYâ€"He will go to Thistletow Hotel, lsliiigtou. for night. pli Hill’s farm, lot :25, concession 6, and thence to \Vood- n for noon, and thence to Islington SATURDAYâ€"419. will go to Black Horse Hotel. Toronto, where he will re- main until evening, when he will go to his own stable, he will remain until Monday morning. $10 107 McGill Stroctnvhere r Insures a living colt, payable 10 days after mare foals. If colt comes deformed 01 dies within that time, no charge will be made. E. R. REYNOLDS, Proprietor 107 MCGILL ST., TORONTO IV. J. LAING in charge Loans made to farmers at live pi-r cent. LWERYM COAL V \N 0O 3 Coal and \Vood Delivered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION.l Thieshers’ Goal on hand. Michael. Bras, Richnaond [iii] June 11, 1903 M iSS A R N E S DRESSMAKING AND LADIES‘ TAILO RING thornhill. ()nt . Apply to Mr. Ming. 5 l 2. O Galvanized Es Troughs Made to order at 49". per Foot. ’7â€" Grnin cho ed at all times. PP W. liaise? Proprietor Butter paper at the Liberal Office. . a. i‘ Elli Salli? Willi 2; a} . o 3 now open images into our 1* , ‘5‘ 4"}"1‘+++*I"Z"i'+++4*+%+++$++%++++ barn $300 T0 Inquire at once. R. Fai‘quharson, B A. Yonge 8; McGill Sts. Bldg. TGRGNTG .3 flu. i.) ‘9? an To rriil. by the year, small I.;i iii with house. Ailili-ivss l". \l'. llliliilii.l.. Ill l):i;iii _\\'".. ll‘iu'oiilo. ’- ' é: n1 0 :1 q For Mia‘flhbg Th.n undersigned, lait- 47. Isl (mo. Vaughan, lill'lllllr‘lid Hill. has for Sir- vicc it Yorkshire \Vliil o R. sTEi’ilmmoN. liii'l‘. : llllll FOR SALE tiioii 1'11 Eiehmond Bill loaf. I). O. Ni Lil-ll. The (chlliiig. lillitlil‘l‘ shop. driving shed and slzililcs. Doing 2i {:uoil l‘vlnil trnilc. \Vill be sold i-limip. Il' riot sold before the first of A p: 1!, will he; tor-Hot. Excellent CliuliPt‘ for a good ;!i:irl.r'fi1)- 1y p nox lid. ti Ricliiiinm‘, Hm })_ 0. "twig? .. oi . T1 ""{5‘ '3'- TAK - t.- uTsGts Have just arranged with the Voter- inai-y Specialty (Io. to sell iln- follow- ing remedies: Stock Tunic and Blot-(l Purifier, Indigestion anal Colic Curr. Spavin Cure, \Vorin Pti‘fi'flt‘l'i. (lunch Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Iloiiso Death Antisccptie Healing Oil, Sprain Eliiiiil~ sioii, Black Oil. ileuive Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aplioiilisiric :inil Anti-Hierâ€" ile Powders, Diarrhoea liure for L‘ulls and OiilVCS, Leaking Naval be Joiiii Disease. Vauzant & \Varing. Veterinary Sur- goons, twenty-five years of pinctital experience. A coupon iii every par-kmg‘e entitling: the holder to Free Veterinary Adi ice. For Sult‘ F. J. PE'I‘IlICK SON. Thc Live Cir-Tll‘i'zil Agents (if Richmond Hill. Satisfaction Guaranteed W. H EW i E. O N HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and. Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL ED. BIRCH HOUSE PAINTER GLAZIER, Glx’AINER and PAPEI" HAN GER RICSIDI‘IN m. MILL ROAD. SOUTH OF RICHMOND IIIIL. 41.6... Riciiiioxn mm. P. 0. ++++i+§et+++§$st+++$++e++ o a J v ‘. Straits Sass without any break for holidays. Students may (‘lll‘tlll at any time with equal advantage. Iii» spcction invited. that at “giantess Qj‘ggflgg Yonge & Ger-hurl Sis, Toronto. Firi- )Iost siicceszul :9 V’ Twenty regular teachers. est rquipiiiviit. graduates. V. ii. SHAW, Principal ++++++++++++e+++++++++++++ itinaiis Tabules: for sonr stomach. Rina ns Tabnles cure nausea. Ripans Tabules. Ripans ’l‘abulcs cure flatulence. toe-H»:»;-i-:«:»:o tux-+4“?+4.+4-4-i-++to+-i-4~+>M~z~+-i-+~:o+ NOT W" “m? 5 £35”. EL)“ 3' 3“ E!“ 54% i W DI. 'EEEJlTTY. ARY PUBLIC, doflMISSIOI‘IEPXH THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&:. Issuer of Marriage itenses. RICHMOND HILL- l’OST OFFIUE. l l++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lg‘ + Paints .1. 4:, ' T) ' L "” l4, Mme i aim-s : r y *5 L l i Robertson 3 3 a- ' .2. Paints l '33: ‘ . Lg. Unequalled lor y'. s i I There is nothing as good nizd nothing could be lirtti-r. u h'l'd'd‘ *iuh‘l' +++Ԥ'°}"Z’++ "llnpl‘l'lnl measure at same ,‘i, prico as otiii'i‘s." .3. :- 0 Our stock of oils. llllllllq, Var- iiislir-s,\\'l;it iiiu. ziui- white. film-s. putty. 2“‘ili:iSllliSiillllfirllll' and In, -i~‘i"i'+-}'+'§'++‘P'l~++&~l‘+++:l'+ ri-‘iuifiiul‘éwl‘ r»r++~r+~r~l-i»2~++a ” e - r ,. . . s... r .4; '-’ g $33 :3 um“: is. '4: 5 ET- 5;. , .1. ,i. 1 3: Embraced Hill 2 i- .3. +++++r++re+vavtve+++++++++ Stallion Zeigistc“. Those golfing bills or cards at Tilt: LIBERAL Office will rr‘rwive a live notice during the season as followszw KNOCKALOE (‘iiinn â€" Ri“l<l<i9r, the propertyva \V. G. Iii :, Redford Park, will stair-l at lii:: own stable. Torin-1, Sit). T \Ui‘iNâ€"â€" Pure-bred Imp. Percheron. the pi {\pt'li'y of Harry Graham, (,hii'rvillc, will lie at King City. 'ri‘lnpt‘l‘itl‘d‘!‘\'lll“. Victor-ix. Square, Hii'hiimiiil iIill. Tt‘l'lllf“, $14. IIOVEltâ€"T'iioroâ€"I'i'ed, llio property of James \‘i‘alkcr. Tcslozi, will stand :it his own stable. Ts‘i-iiis. $li). Fumst Boyâ€"Trottingliqu stallion, the property of .I. Puliiisi‘ and T. load. Home strilxio. Victoria Squire. Piilriii'r Iluiiso, Rich- mond llill (-vcry \Vcdiiesdiiy. Tt‘r'iiis, it’ll). PRINCE DRUII)â€"Iliipml’t'tl Clydesdalu, thi- property ofJ. Palmer and T. Road, will stand of. the Palmer Hill. Terms, d HI‘HSI', Riehmou $15. .‘iIAnq-L'Is on flown. Iiiipoi-tvd Clydesdale. the property in“ l). (3. Steele, will go to Oak Ridges. \Vhitchurz-h, lliiigwooil. Victor-in Square. dome stable, Richmond Hill. Tor-iris. $14. LAIRD Il-IACQL‘EENâ€"Cl‘vilr‘Stiflll‘ sin!- “(‘11, the. property of \V. .I. \VL-lls, will go to Kettlc‘oy, Noble-ton, Vellore, King; City. etc. Home stable, ’I‘einperancevile. Terms, $10. CLAN MACQUEENâ€"Ciydeâ€"sdale stallion, the property of IV. .1. W'ells, will no 'toVictor-ia Square, Newton Brook, Lansing, Fairbnnk, Fisher- ville. Richmond Hill, Vaughaiif Home stable, 'Ieriiperanceville. Tei iris, $10. ‘ COLIN M.chiTEnxâ€"Clydesdale stal- lion, the property of W. J. Vi'ells, will travel through \Vhitchiircli, Balliiiilrae, East Gwillinibiiry, Aurora. Home stable, Temper- anceville. Torins,$l(l. LORD llAMIL'rmIâ€"Imported Clydes- dale, the property of Leggc and Blough, will go through Vaughan, Elgiu Mills, Victoria Square, Vari- (lorf, Aurora, Temperaucovillo, King,r City. Home stable, lot 1, con. 7, King. Teriiis, $1]. I ROYAL I’lA'lVI‘ONâ€"Illi pt )1 tail Clydesdale, the property of Blouin o: Ifi‘qgl'. will go to Strange, Kcitleliy. Nowâ€" inai-kot. Aurora, Oak 'tiilgos, Elgin Mills. Home stable, King lity. Teiiiis,$1l. Sale Register. MONDAY, April tillâ€"Auction sale. of horses. colts, frosh milk cows, spring- l'l'S and young cattle, at the Palmer Houso Yards. Sale at 2 o’clock. Terms fl‘l‘Sll iiiill‘ (‘()\\'a‘31ll().'.' l u uses l , \ , 3 , l I , win, to October 1._ Saigcou & Mc~ EWPH, auctioneers. For Sale ‘ 3'3 colonies of lives, a number of ,Iiivcs and super-s, one reversible ex~ :tractor. Also various articles useful lfoi' beekeeping. Apply to II. hill.- , LICK, Richmond Hill. iii-~13 i l l i l l Hull of double lioiim on (fiUllil't‘ ‘St. Just, llii'liiiiimil Hill. Foriiii'iir- iiiuiion apply to JAM I15 NIMVTON, i Elgiri Mills. 404.1". i w .. . .7 , ‘ PENNYRGYAL \_.\>, h i: l‘ "v‘ \‘vrx‘li‘ arts,

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