My. Edgar Rvdditt, Barrie, sp( OW‘P Sunday with his mother. Miss Edna Harm-y o Spent Sunday at the P: [Inns Atkins and MI name 11 h '1‘ pm a dzywviLh son. in (hoss: evenix‘ Mk3 B age Sum hill 1'01“ the inin Stunt pared E0 Come om pm will b mg. i Don’t I! the Epw \vhet‘ hicy( Mrs. “7m. Trvm bus of ‘he family Michael, nttcndod anniversary of I' Gaby. in 7T0: onto week. We will mnkt style that, bears :1 genuine' Soon the Quality thu and $30. Atkir (1k Mr. F. W to spend 2H “’0 211-0 pl him on his g1 adualed .' stun, in. a l \Villizuu MvDonnugh, son of the late James McDonnugh of Kleinlmrg, died at Michigan, North Dukutn. on Fri- day, 20th inst. Funeral from his brother’s residence, Kleinlmrg. on Fri- duy, of this week, at, 9 :1. m. Mr. D 111 Four 1:3 cunt thread (hude'n 5900: Boston Cu'rfm but not sheaf MI ll 711mm] loud yclé hun \Ve m‘ IJ()CAEJ§ Ve are sum-y to learn that Mr. R. E. v who left here last; fall to make home in Peuchland, British Colum- is not enjoying good health. Let- 3 to friends state that. his health is y 'uxuch impaired. hut haul), pl-ing seeding v in full swim rking ï¬ne. Fa Mason has -1 which he :19 has had runner. ( you are thinking of getting a bi- e this spring you cunn‘ot do better 1 got, 3 Cleveland. Call at THE ERAL Ofï¬ce and 100k at Sume of wheels. or write for catalogue giv- fu‘.l de:cx-i1)tiun. SECON TeSwi h lit ND HILL, ONT., Apr. 26, 1906 Louie Hurriso and spent on nts. xcellvnt Vt'd 1i! [111]) Bank hmom hoquality then the Switzcr. All Mls. Clzu'er )m t a werk 1 Hopper. :\ ifvl‘ 11'. a 1h E p \v It. thi Eï¬iiwrggi noncmg :. Cmne all! nuke to your measure in 3 ans the stamp of fashion. loutcll Tweed Suit. for $15. that, is usually sold at $19 tkinsou & Switzer. Dl’( . Harrison, B. A.. is home vw days with his parents. :ased to congratulate him taking his degree. having t. Quwn’s University, King- u-ee yvars’ course. of the Lu-mm‘ Lm ph D HAND ii the and llt tn {ht gnod hnmc ll) msm 111 and 11011 and all the mem- ily. and Mrs. \Vallace 0d the 50th wedding Mr. and Mrs. Jns. ) on Tuesday of last mun. y (:f Outariu. "SI ill} m )me' (hr 'nnditiu )1- 50.; 1 1h. uf \Vrmd ‘40<:.. :u'e luv price Atkinson & Switzer. g mud gun g, a nd th< all wheat m :pvnt guns} 200‘ U11 f (i ‘aven hurs u‘sonage. .lhluyé e Bensn (-luh h e d second-hand ‘11 cheap. The zu‘e,.'md is an seeit. (a) (:e Snider of ere with Mr. lied Sum! t’u 1'8! 3 week. .H( HEEL gnrdenin the 1:: m t never Inuk- af the year, ugn the win- 'an in In nhill number ht Silkine f( 19,111 Grow )_ of \Vrmd mrl Mrs tr thread for Lenf Brand fhe meeting nde \Vin- ‘.e Ramsden m spent Sander- I‘m‘ lunc u’blbck ‘1“ IN Jndu iOVE‘I My spvn ,h In- f the I visit with I uslices f York, l'l’O‘V {OH H Club 6V?!)- mm:- 74th cem- )lC ll] Lhr $19 Quarterly religious services will he held inrthe Methodist church next Sunday cmumenuing at 10.30 (warlock. Rev. J. J. Rvdditt, President of the 'l'm'ontn Cnnference, will preach both morning and evening. va. W. G- Smith will take Mr. Reddiu’s wqu in the City. During the past. xx mom than seventy I 1110 might in the vill no unclummnu ncc Sun-l up, the village be Rev. Mr. Czunpf'e'l has returned from Toronto \vhorv he was conducting the junta-2:1 service of an aid friend of oth- er years. Mrs. \V. Rnlston, who died on Monday, in her 83th year. A pecuâ€" liar event in the history of her family is that her mother ï¬rst received the Sacrament. from the hands of the Rev. Juhn \‘Vosloy. His many friends will bu. pleasnd to see our esteemed citizen, Mr. J. \V. Milhmn-ne home again. He had a ScVOI‘P attack of lock jaw, the result of a flesh wnund in the hand, and was tnkPn to Grace Hospital, Toronto. ï¬ve months agn. For the paetfew months he had been staying with relatives in Oahville, and returns feeling very we . Houseiwiders are busy those ï¬n" days cleaning “[3 their buck yards, lunesuand corners, and bonfile may be seen in all parts of the village. Now is the time for brightening up the outbuildings by n. cunt. of paint, your cellar by :1‘ much :in lime. and dozens of (th91' little johs around the premis- es. Du not. wait fur the inspector to come around and jng‘youi- memory. CLUB EN'I‘ERTAINED. The Victoria Square Rifle Club has closed a \‘m-y successful and enjoyable sensnu‘s practice. After the lust. shoot Mr. Harper 0f the Qnepn’s Hotel treat- ed the members of the club to an nys« tor supper which was thoroughly en- joyed. A mus‘cul programme follow- ed the supper, «and the evening was plvaszmily spent. by all present. jnypd. A mu ed the supper pkaszmily spa ‘of I‘hornhill, these will Continue to enter as before to the traveling public. In Unionville, where 2t wide district is served by the Queen’s Hotel, Rogers, the proprietor, states that the hotel 1 would he kept open for the accommo- dation of the travelling public as beâ€" fore. The Village of Richmond Hill adopted the measure on the distinct understanding that. in the event of its passage and the refusal of the local hotel-keepers to keepopen their houses, the promoters of the local option bill would furnish the neCessary accommo- dation. Inquiry of the committee in i chnrge of the matter shows that every ‘ preparation has been made. and in the event of the present hosteh-y being c105ed the temperance element will be prepared to furnish all the accommo- dation needed. The members decline to disclose their plans, but evidently have the matter well in hand. 0n Yonge-street from O’Hallorun‘s Hotel in Deer Park to Aurora. there is only one hotel. that of D. B. Birrell at York Mills. Un Yonge Street in the same distance it is said that at one time there were between 25 and 30 hotels. On May 1 the law will become oper. ‘,ntive in the Townships of Vaughan ‘ and Markham and the Village of Rich- , mend llill. mg (19, chiidren. yz-ars agr hundsmu rm am w c l()( ‘V U l were gold and ing daffodili. were smved z groom†was Ann Cookâ€"and her huslmnd are lmth enjoying good health, and both seem- ed many years youngo ‘ at, the happy reunion of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gaby left Richmond Hill 40 years ago, and we are sure their many friends here will join in wishing them many years of happiness. Ll . The following information appeared among the County news in the “Rudd of Monday: The passage of the local option by-law in the municipalities surrounding the city will not, he attend- ed by any radical change in the present accommodaiionforthemelingpuhlic. In the Township of Markham, where the measure was adopted by a good majority at, the municipal elections. there are at present seven hotels. With the poosil'ile exception of Hughes )ming the past winter and spring ‘19 than seventy trumps have spent ~night in the Villugv luck-up. It is unCummnu occurrence frlr Mr. lump, the village inspector, to be led out of he-d at 11 and 12 o’clock night, by some stranger asking to locked up for the night. at. 9m Caan Evans VV:LEY-â€"On Sunday morning. the 22nd April. at her 1-Psidence, 20‘.) Shaw street. Toronto, 'l‘amiun Isabella, wife of H. E. “'iley, Ml wife of H. E. “'ilvy, Funeral Tuesday at Pleasant“, [In \V n‘ bin itty HOTELS TO STAY OPEN. and Mrs. J x 50th anni their hmm won“), on Ilt GOLDEN W'EDDING. nd Mrs. Joseph Gubv c xsâ€"On the 10th of April, 1905, ) Durchester Street, Montreal, :1, the wife of Captain A. S. , Royal Engineers. :1 dnughLer. :"1‘Y-Tu Mr. and Mrs. Michael * of Concuvd. a. son. \V omlinns in the dining room and white. the fluwm-s b9- vdili. After refreshments ved a toast to “the bride and vas proposed by Mr. \Vyc. n which Mr. Qum-rio respond- bx-ideâ€"formerly Miss Mary (â€"and her husband are both good health, and both 599m- years younger at, the happy )f relatives and friends. Mr. ildm Tht prthin arran; Llinns in thec Id white. the tswnf chni sented, aw ‘ttv. C019 H'ES ls will bu. pleasml to citizen, Mr. J. \V. again. He had a "All jaw, the result of DEATHS BIRTHS e and gmon‘ recipients n 5. including ‘11. n. music-:1 1d fl-nm the ary of the Yurkville l7th inst. :u ll]( nicvst flowviv ml the Imus l9, thecatex-m Id “1% tam“ Iuding thoi‘ {ht grand 1‘00â€) of 51 the same one time 30 hotels. ome oper- Vaughan to Mount Imily. owm-s 111:! H V A n Tln 19 Ayer's Pills Increase iFevabtlvity of the Ilver, and thus ald recovery. Received mom: Hlï¬ï¬Eï¬T BUflï¬E {jimmy Lon-Jami on Farmors‘ $113k: Nate-5. Blank Hole Forms Magniï¬ed Fuse. For C011ng and Colds There is a remedy over sixty years oldâ€"Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Ask your doctor about it. ‘or other pa rt, Notice of withdraw sax-y. Alldeposi SPRENï¬ AND SUMMER RICH Capital Mv Stock of Woolens for H. H. LOOSEMORE ()t Canad a ICHMOND HILL l. J. HUME E, Tailor, Richmond Iii“ in Savings’ Bank and mteresb allowed 5k :3 9‘ $3. OPEN Ff withdrawal not neces- AH deposits payable on demand. .llurs can at the Bank $1,000,000 $1,000 000 HT RATES )M 10 AGENT. to par gimflm’i ifézmgs nï¬ @mmï¬a Business transacted daily between 10 and 4. Savings Bank Department. Money advanced on sale notes. Stare Mamas We Judge people by what they do and as a progressive store, we are willing to be weighed in the same balance. thrifty people. by serving the public most. or ask a question, we are at your service. about everything we sell. shines through every department. Price and Quaiéty are the motive powers of trade. for 25c. pail for $11. ï¬ishmgmi Eéii! ï¬aidware Siam Aï¬ï¬sagm & gwéimf sides givmg you a good, reliable twine, we have an interesting price. T0 BUIL'DERSâ€"Those building W111 ï¬nd it to their interest to get our prices on nails and other hardware. Our stock is up-to-date and reliable. ’J‘INSREI'I‘EIING â€" Done promptly, done well. Garden Tools; \Vire and ‘Vire Fvnce, Builders†Tools, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Peel-1953 Machine Oil. The best pure 12m]. 14c. 11).. in quantities 12:50 . 5c. 11).; best dates, 5c. 1b.; good canned peas ; good corn, 3 tins for 25c.: Quaker tomutue ; Fraser River salmon. 15c. tin; good red salt. The best pure 12m]. 14c. 11).. in quantities 12250. 1b.: bes‘3 5c. 11).; best dates, 5c. 1b.; gnod canned peas, 4 tins for ; good corn, 3 tins for 2513.: Quaker tomatoes, 100. tin; vaser River salmon. 15c. tin; good red salmon, 2 tins 25c.; good black tea, 5 lbs. fur $1; golden syxup, 3. 51b. for 250.; maple syrup. 1 quart tin for 250. A man's nobby, fine black serge suit, Regent Style, We are cautious buyers and cater to a CONCRETE HOUSE We are selï¬sh, serving ourselves best There’s a down-right-ï¬rst-classness Whether you wish to make a purchase The whole hth of business wisdom We quota-â€" BIN B ER TVVINEâ€"Be- )od corn ,LSel' Rive ; good bl; G. (In connection with Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce Apr. 1906. gig